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Unit 2

Using the PDF document included in schoology, answer the following questions/vocabulary.
Remember to keep the copy of the PDF open in another tab. When finished, download a copy to your
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VOCABULARY – define each of the terms using your reading!

Paleolithic Era





Cave Painting



Reading Check: (Pg 31) Why do you think people in the Old Stone Age used stone for tools?

Map Skills: (Pg 32)

1. Was Border Cave located near any large rivers?

2. Which cave is closer to an ocean?

Reading Check: (Pg 33) How did the Border Cave people use their environment to survive?
Review and Assess: (Pg 35)
1. What kinds of tools did the people of the Old Stone Age have?

Reading Check: (Pg 39) How did flaking improve Stone Age tools?

Chart Skills: (Pg 40)

1. On which continent were metal tools not used?

2. On which continent were simple stone tools used the longest?

Reading Check: (Pg 41) What advances in technology did people in the Stone Age make over time?

Review and Assess:

1. Explain why flaking was an important improvement in Stone Age technology. Give 2

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