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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE Primary Science CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE Primary Science GE ‘URIVERSTTY PRESS Uiersy Ping Hove, Carbrge C2 8, Unt Kno ‘oe tery Ps, 200 er Net Yk NY E0008, USA £77illonstown Road. 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Animals in different habitats 1.4 Rocks and the environment 1.5. Can we care for our environment? 2 Forces 24. Forces around us 2.2. Changing shape 23. Changing speed 2.4 Changing direction 3. Getting materials right 3.1 Natural and made materials 32. Properties of materials 33. Using the right material 3.4 Testing materials 3.5. Changing materials Contents 12 15 19 2 25 26 29 32 35 38 at Contents » iv 4 AL 42 43 44 45 5 BA 52 53 6 61 62 63 Humans and animals grow Comparing animals Growing Inheriting characteristics Keeping healthy Teeth Light Light sources Darkness ‘The Sun appears to move! Electricity Where do we use electricity? Keep safe with electricity Making circuits Acknowledgements 44 48 51 53 57 59 62 65 68 ma 75 a1 How te use this book How to use this book » This workbook provides ‘questions for you to practise ‘what you have learned in class. There is a topic to match each topic in your Learner's Book. Each topic [—? contains the following sections: Focus: these questions help you to master the basics —1 Practice: these questions help you to become more ‘confident in using what you have leaned > ? Challenge: these questions will make you think more deeply ee » 1 pote ihe water Rol ind la ware Nm me chatenge (Cad eee) a Geer) edt) Environments and habitats > 1.1 Habitats 1 Habitats Focus 1. Draw aliving thing from this environment in each of the boxes. 2,|\ ap \6 © = borg SO \ Tree use Budh | db Practice Look at these two habitats. One is a cool forest, the other a hot desert. ‘a A habitat is the natural home of an animal or b The desert habitat is hot and. J _. ¢ The forest habitat isCam | __. 1 Environments and habitats > d The desert habitat has fewer Liv There are many living things inthe Fovcot The forest animals have many plants to Challenge 3 Complete the table. ‘Say where the bird, tree and rabbit find what they need to live. Taran What each living ‘thing needs food ‘on the ground and around the tree bird water home light tree water soil underground food rabbit water home 12 Plants in different habitats > 1.2 Plants in different habitats Focus 1 This plant needs light, water, soil and air. Draw and label a good habitat around the plant. Make sure the plant has all it needs. Si a> We soil rock ‘se | a trowel water gardener] 5 > (een 1 Environments and habitats > Practice A glasshouse is a house made of glass for plants to grow in. 3. a Draw what you would put inside this glasshouse to make it a good place for plants. b Label the things you draw. 12 Plants in different habitats Challenge ‘Some habitats are good for plants. Here plants will grow. ‘Some habitats are not so good for plants. Here plants will not grow well. Some habitats are so bad for plants that they won't grow at all. Look at these three habitats. very cold | Marcus plants a seed in each habitat. 1 Environments and habitats 4 Complete these sentences to say how the seed will grow. Use these words: a Ee es Inthe hot desert the seed will____. b Inthe cold habitat the seed will ¢ Byariver the seed wil d. The seed by the river grows best because it has, 113 Animels in ferent habitats > 1.3 Animals in different habitats Focus 1 Look at these animals and these local habitats. Draw a line to show where each animal might live. bird field Each animal in the picture needs a habitat. 2. Complete the sentences using these words a b_ The habitat for the frog is in and by the —____——. ‘The habitat for the rabbits is around the trees and across the ‘The bees have a nest in the tree but fly all around looking for The eagle hunts around many fields, rivers and. “The animal with the largest habitat is the Challenge | 3 Complete the sentences with these word Lots of plants live by the ‘These plants have a good habitat so they can live and ___. b Rabbits and mice eat seeds and —______.. The snake and eagle eat small ¢ A living thing finds what it needs in the right ____. ‘Without the things it needs a plant or animal will . d_ Now draw arrows on this table to show what plants and cnimals need. light water soil plants need —_—°"____|_ animals need Og ‘ahome Ll ronments and habitats > 1.4 Rocks and the environment Focus 1. Draw a line from how we use a rock to the right rock, 2» How we use the rock. Rock Chalk A very soft rock used to make sticks for writing Marble Avhard, strong rock used in floor tiles, wail tiles and to make statues. Coal A black rock which we can burn to keep us warm, Slate Can be blue, purple or grey. itis ‘smooth to touch and often used in floor and roof tiles. Granite Avery strong rock used to make bridges and buildings. It has bits init that are easy to see, t Practice We dig rocks from the Earth in different ways, 2. Use these words to complete the sentences. © Thisis a quarry. On the surface workers use diggers and explosives to break up the _. Limestone is a rock we dig up in quarries. b Thisis.a mine. Underground workers break the rock with explosives, tools and Coal is a rock we dig up in mines. This is a riverbed where workers dig out sand, rocks and Sand, rocks and stones are used for building, 114 Rocks and the environment 13 > 1 Environments ond habitats » Challenge “The machine is going to clear the land for a quarry. 3. Finish each sentence to say what will happen. Use these words: | wot | [esi] [ polluted die a. The habitat of plants and animals will be b The river will be ¢ Many animals may have to move to look for a new Very few animals and plants will be able to stay, many Animals and plants may never live here ——————. “> 115 Con we care for our environment? > 1.5 Can we care for our environment? Focus Some children looked at this environment and said these things. 1 Tick (/) the things which are right. LAI. J} \\y/ Cutting down the trees is bad for the environment. have been hurt by the people. 2 Were 2. Draw three things that you could do to make the environment better. | | Litter in the pond has killed the fish. | =a ree 1 Environments and habitats > Practice 3. Draw arrows to explain each symbol. & © recycle paper recycle cans recycle plastic cae 4. In Dan's class the children recycle paper each day. Day [Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday _ | Friday Lessons [English | Engish [English [English | English Maths Maths | Maths Maths | Maths ory | Science | PE Science | Swimming Technology Paper poges 70 80 40 70 30 recycled a On which day did they recycle most pages? b_ On which day did they recycle fewest pages? © Why did they recycle fewer pages on Wednesday and Friday? d_ How could the class use less paper? 16 > Pema eoeterh scolar Challenge ‘The being cut down to make paper. 5 Sia and Jaz are counting the animals that live in the forest. [Meni | Jorwory [rebrucey| Number of animals Pn 1 Environments and habitats > a Whatis happening to the number of animals in the forest? If they count the animals in July, what might be the number? ¢ Where have the animals gone? d Why have the animals gone? How could we protect the animals? 18 > , m= Forces |) 2.1 Forces around us Focus 1. Draw these things or write their names in the right boxes. i toy boat ‘comb wheelbarrow ball kite skateboard Things | push Things | pull = Practice 2. Finish these sentences. Use these words. The elephant is using a >] The ant can push a leaf with a Ss = can move scissors with a ‘The train needs a to make it move. 2 > 2A Forces around us Challenge 3. Finish these sentences. Use these words. @ Apushisaforcee b Apullis a force. ‘¢ Forces can make things ________. d Forces can make things 4 Write the correct word in each arrow. Use these words. | | a> EEE 2 Fores » > 2.2 Changing shape Focus 1 Find these words in the wordsearch arid, b Write each word when you find it. object shape change pattern height measure 22 Changing shape Practice Mina is using forces to change the shape of clay. She is pushing down and rolling the clay. She counts how many times she rolls the clay. 2. a Measure her piece of clay using paperclips. 10 times After rolling 40 times After rolling 30 times After rolling 20 times b Write your measurements in the table. Number of rolls Number of paperclips long 10 20 30 40 23 Challenge 3 Max also rolls and measures clay. Here are his results. Number of rolls Number of paperclips long 5 2 10 4 15 7 20 10 a How long was the clay after 15 rolls? b_ How long was the clay after 5 rolls? ¢ How much longer was the clay after 15 rolls than after 5 rolls? d_ Choose the right words to finish this sentence. co shngeriegee] The more you roll the clay, the € Max's clay got longer than Mina's clay. Why do you think they were different? 24 > | | 23 Changing speed ) 2.3 Changing speed Focus 1 Will these things move fast or slow? Draw a ring round the correct answer in the table. Big push ‘Small push | Small push Big push fast slow fast slow fast slow fast slow Practice 2 Finish the sentences about apecde: this bicycle. brake: ‘the brakes to. the pedals to 2 > Challenge 3 > Sofia is playing on a roundabout. a How can Sofia go faster? bb How can Sofia slow down? $$ 2.4 Changing direction Focus 1 26 > Use these words to finish the sentences, ‘a. Abigger push will make an object move b Asmaller push will make an object move. ¢ Forces can make moving objects change d_ Pushes and pulls can make moving objects 24 Changing direction Practice 2. How can you get the ball in the net? Draw an arrow each time to show which way to kick the moving ball. == Challenge ‘You will need: a sheet of paper Will the paper fll fast or slowly? 3 4 5 6 28 > Predict what will happen each time the papers dropped. ‘Write your prediction in the table. Use these words. Drop the paper in different ways. Write what happened in the table. ‘Were your predictions correct or not? Write this in the table. What do you predict will happen? What happened? ‘Was your prediction correct? Finish these sentences. Aand B change C does not _________ until ithits the floor. Getting materials right > 3.1 Natural and made materials Focus 1. Are these objects made from natural materials? ‘Are they made from materials that have been made by people? Draw lines to show if the materials are natural or made. 6 plastic paper oil 3 Getting materials right > Practice 2. Match these made materials to the natural materials they are made from. Made materials Natural materials sand glass 3. Now finish the sentences. Plastic is made from —_____. b Paper is made from _____— © Glass is made from —____—- 30 > r ' 3.1 Natural and made materials Challenge Read this information about wool. ‘WOOL Wool grous on avimals called sheep, The wool is used to make long threads. Th can be made in different colours. The wool threads are made into warm clothes. Jumpers, gloves ond ‘carves are often made From wcel 4 @ Where does wool come from? —————_—____________ b Whatis wool used for?. ¢ Is wool a natural or a made material? at > 23 Getting materials right > > 3.2 Properties of materials Focus 1. Match the object to the material and the characteristics. 32 > Material. Characteristics _ plastic rough, strong metal smooth, flexible wood strong, shiny olass soft, flexible fae waterproof, smooth | | 32 Properties of materials Practice 2. Sort these materials using the Venn diagram. Write the name of the material in the right place on the Venn diagram. glass rock metal wood paper 33 3 Getting materials right » Challenge 3. Use the right words to finish the sentences. Example: Most metal is strong and rigid. Most plastic is Allglass is Most rock js —__ and __ Most fabric is — and 34> 33 Using the right materia! > 3.3 Using the right material Focus 1 Match each object to the best material and its useful property. __ Material “Useful property nee glass flexible Z IN | rubber transparent metal absorbent fabric soft paper rigid 35 3 Getting moterials right > Practice 2. Use the right words to finish the sentences. Example: ‘Awall can be made of rock because rocks strong. , A chair can be made of wood because wood is | ‘Awindow can be made of glass because glass is. < ee ransparent | | waterproof bottle con be made of plastic because plastic is __. d A T-shirt can be made of fabric because fabric is 36 > 3.3 Using the right material Challenge 3 Why are these mate is used to make a car? oy a The windows are glass because glass is b The seats are fabric because fabric is ______. ¢ The body is metal because metol is —_______. di The tyres are rubber because rubber is 37 > 3 Getting materials right » > 3.4 Testing materials Focus Ben is testing different rulers. Ben uses bricks to measure how much each ruler bends. 38) 34 Testing materials ‘These are his results. | Wooden ruler | Thin plasticruler | Thick plastic ruler | Metal ruler Bricks 2 7 5 a 1 Draw a block graph of Ben's results. 7 | 6 ) $8 | 24 | 3 | §3 z Ae | z | 1 | Wooden ruler | Thin plastic | Thick plastic | Metal ruler | ruler ruler Practice 2. Look at Ben's results in the Focus exercise. a Which ruler was the most flexible? b Which ruler was the most rigid? ¢ Which ruler was the least rigid? ________ Ben says ‘The metal ruler is the least flexible” d_ Is Ben correct? —_____ fe Why? $$$ 3 > ae 3 Getting materials right » Challenge 3. Look at Ben's results in the Focus exercise. a How many more bricks did Ben need for the thin plastic ruler ‘than for the wooden ruler? OO b How many more bricks did Ben need for the thin plastic ruler than for the thick plastic ruler? nS ¢ Two of the rulers were plastic. ‘Why did they not bend by the same amount? eee ee d_ Name a material that would be a silly material to use to make a ruler. e What properties make this material silly for a ruler? 35 Chonging materials > 3.5 Changing materials Focus | 1 Draw around the five materials that are changing in this picture. Practice a> 35 Changing materials Challenge 3. Add the missing words to these sentences. A bar of chocolate is a____. Ifyou make a bar of chocolate hot it will ______. This makes the chocolate into a___. If you let the chocolate get cold again it will turn back into a —__. 4 Add the missing words to these sentences. Butter, sugar and eggs are used to make | | | | | | | a cake, These three __ materials are made into a They ore then ___in an oven to make the cake. 2 Humans and animals grow > 4.1 Comparing animals Focus What animals can I see in the park? Zara has a question about animals. She has done an investigation to find the answer. Here are her results shown as a tally chart. bird spider | cat cant a | 4 fe Tally tH 1 | 1 ar 4.1 Comparing animals 1 Fillin the block graph. Numbers of animals 4, Humans end animals grow » Practice Look at these animals. 2. Fill in this tolly chart. Olegs 2legs Alegs Glegs Blegs 3 Fillin this block graph, 3 5 3S g 3 E 5 2 Olegs | Zlegs | 4legs | Slegs | Slegs 46 > 4.1 Comparing animals Challenge ‘Arun makes a block graph about the colour of animals he found in the park. Numbers of animals ‘animals conimals conimais | Black Brown Grey 4a How many black animals did he find? b How many brown animals did he find? ¢ How many animals did he find altogether? 4. How many more brown animals did he find than grey animals? 47 > 4 Humans and animals grow » > 4.2 Growing Focus 1 How will this baby monkey change as it grows? Puta tick [7] or across [X] for each sentence. The baby monkey will grow taller. b The baby monkey will grow more arms. ‘The baby monkey will grow longer fur. d_ The baby monkey will grow feathers. The baby monkey will grow a onger tail. [7] 42 Growing Practice ontiers \Write these words in the correct places. Toa tesame 2. Do these things change or stay the same as the baby deer grows? | } | a Has antlers o Number of legs ¢ Height | d Has tail Pattern on fur 49> Challenge Sam has a pet cat. He used bricks to measure how the cat grows. You can see the results in the block graph. 4 Humans and animals grow » Numbers of bricks tall 2months | months | 6 months | 8 months [10 months | 12 months 3a Howmany bricks tall was the cat after 4 months? b_ How many bricks tall was the cat after 8 months? ¢ Sam forgot to measure the cat at 6 months. Look at the pattern in the results, How many bricks tall do you think the cat was at 6 months? d_ Why does the cat stop growing bigger after 10 months? 43 Inheriting characteristics > 4.3 Inheriting characteristics Focus 1. Finish writing each word. eo jE b ji ees ¢ f___ dc Practice 2. Chen has inherited her round face from her Dad. Finish these sentences. Use these words. a. Chen has inherited her hair from her b Chen has inherited her nose from her ___. Chen has inherited her ears from her —_. Bl > 4 Humans and animais grow » d_ Wei has inherited his hair from his e Weihas inherited his nose from his ¥ Weihas inherited his ears from his Challenge ‘These are the three types of fingerprints. 2. Look at the fingerprints of these children. ‘Write their names in the correct place in the table. Sofia Arun Zara Marcus Loop Whorl Names 52 > 44 Keeping heaithy This food triangle shows how much or how little of each type of food we should eat. Focus > 4.4 Keeping healthy | 4 Humans and animals grow > 1 Draw and label these foods in the right group in the table, ‘The first one has been done for you. bread milk, carrot noodles a a> a we cheese meat pineapple chocolate Eatsome | _—_Eat alittle : 44 Keeping heaithy Practice 2. Use the food triangle in the Focus exercise to plan a healthy meal. Draw and label your healthy meal here. O 55 > oe b © a e f 56 > 4 Humans and animals grow » Challenge 3. Write the answers in this crossword, Do this with water and soap to keep healthy. Your skin does this when it gets hot. These are things that can make you sick. Do this every day to keep your heart and other muscles healthy, | you have one of these, you could fee! sick. This word means the food a person eats, > 4.5 Teeth Focus 45 Teeth 1. Draw lines to match each tooth to its picture and what it does. Incisor Canine Molar Practi 2. Finish these sentences, Use these words. ice For biting food. For chewing and grinding food. For gripping and tearing food, [etresste ea ‘sugar | [eee | fiueride How to look after your teeth a b Only eat a little food that has lots of Make your teeth strong by eating food that has __. Brush your teeth twice a day with Use toothpaste with Go to the 7 4 Humans and animals grow » Challenge ‘An X-ray is a special photograph that can show our bones and teeth. 3. Label the three teeth with arrows in this x-ray. gob 4. The X-ray shows part of the tooth that usually cannot be seen, Whats this part called? 58 > a ED Light > 5.1 Light sources Focus 1 Look at the picture. Draw ‘around the light sources. jo 2. Label the light sources using these words. | | | | | 3. Draw another light source from the picture here. Practice 4 Look at the pictures below. Use a ¥ or X to say which is a light source and which is not. 60 > Bal Light sources Challenge The Moon is bright —it must be The Sun is a a light source. light source: The Moon is not a light source — its reflects light ffom the Sun. 5 The children can see that the Sun has nearly gone and the Moon is inthe sky. a Which two children are right?. bb Which child is wrong? 6 Now use these words to complete these sentences. Sofia is right because she knows that the Sun: b Arun is wrong because the Moon 61 > 5.2 Darkness Focus (w looks dark in there, Ashrif makes a tent in his classroom. He has some objects in the tent. Some are dark in colour. They may be hard to find, 1 Which objects will be easy or hard to find inthe dark? Use av or x. e2 > 5.2 Darkness Practice Jan is doing science. She is looking in the box with no light, litte ight and lots of light, 2. Choose the right sentence for each picture. - ftislight, she can see W ‘There is some light, but itis hard to see. 5 Light » Challenge Jalil works at night. head lamp reflective jacket ‘computer 3. Answer these questions, a 64 > Why does Jalil wear a head lamp? Why does she wear a jacket that reflects light? es Why is the computer easy to read at night? —————————————————————— The car driver can see her. Why? What could she carry to make her even safer? | 53 The Sun appears to move! > 5.3 The Sun appears to move! Focus Look at the picture below. 1. Draw in the Sun at midday. 5 Light > Practice Look at the picture below. 2. Draw the Sun's position at three times during the day. 10am, noon, 4pm 53 The Sun appears to move! Challenge Look at the picture below. 3. Draw an arrow to show the path of the Sun from early morning to late at night. D> =lectricity > 6.1 Where do we use electricity? Focus Electricity is very useful. Electricity makes lots of things work. 1. Look at the pictures. Do these things use electricity? Fill in the table below with a ¥ or x. i 9 t Slay = = se WY , mobile 4, ; hair dryer television laptop plant Fhone Tadio flashlight Does it use electricity? che ene hair dryer _y | 2 Draw two more things that use electricity. ————<— eee eee 68 > 6.1 Where do we use electricity? Practi Some electrical appliances use mains electricity, some use cells. Some can work on cells or mains 3 a Dothese electrical appliances use cells or mains? Baile kettle toycar fan mobile phone laptop flashlight b_ Draw and write the name of each appliance in the Venn diagram. Uses cells Uses mains ish these sentences. ‘0 A flashlight uses cells because b Ahoir dryer uses mains electricity because 69 > 6 Electricity > 70 Challenge We use electric lights in our schools and homes. The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, Edison tried 1600 different materials inside the electric light bulb to make it work. Some materials were bright and others were not, ‘Some materials lasted longer than others. We now use metal inside a light bulb because it lasts a long time, 5 Look at the table and answer the questions. Material == |_~— Bright? ~— |: Howlongdidit last? Cotton yes 8 seconds Wool no O seconds Hair yes 2 seconds Coconut string yes 12 seconds ‘Wood yes 8 seconds [Paper yes 6 seconds a b ‘Which material was not bright? ‘Which materials lasted the same time? —__________ Which bright material lasted the shortest time? What was the best material? Why are ele lights so good to use? 62 Keep safe with electricity > 6.2 Keep safe with electricity Focus 1 Draw aGircl around all the dangerous things you can see in the picture. 2. Complete these sentences using these words. a. Keep water away from b Donot touch damaged c Never play with electricity, it can kill ______. 7 > 6 Electricity > Practice We all need to take care around electricity and electrical appliances. 3. Look at these pictures and explain the danger. ‘The danger is n> 6.2 Keep safe with electricity 4, Write two rules about electricity. These words may help. Rule 1: Rule 2: Challenge Electricity is safe if you follow the rules. ‘These children are talking about electrical appliances. ‘These children are wrong. Water is not. : always dangerous This radio stilt near mains works, i must ~oo~ ‘appliances. be safe. (den cn ‘touch mains \ wall sockets. Zara 6 Electricity » 5. Read what they say and then answer the questions. a Why should children never touch a mains wall socket? b_ Why should you never use a broken mains appliance?’ © Zara knows how to be safe with electricity. Write in her empty bubble to say what she has to say about electrical safety. 6 Finish the safety poster. These sentences will help. 74 > > 6.3 Making circuits Focus 63 Making circuits 1. Look at these electrical things. They are all used in electrical circuits. Say what each thing is called and what it does. Name = Object ‘What does it do? 75 > 6 Electricity > 2. Draw a complete circuit using the objects shown in the first part of the Focus exercise and two wires. 76 > 6.3 Moking circuits Practice 3. Look at the pictures. Under each picture write a sentence to say what will happen. You can use these words. a) a Circuit 1 Circuit 2 What happens? What happens? Circuit 4 | What happens? | 7 > 6 Electricity > 4 Draw another circuit that will not work. Write what is wrong, 78 > 63 Moking circuits Challenge We can make many different circuits with lamps, cells and wires. Ht we use small cells, the circuits will be safe. 5 Look at these circuits and then answer the questions, ‘The cells and lamps are all the same. Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C 6 Electricity » a Draw arrows on each circuit to show the flow of electricity ‘around the circuit. b Which circuit will have the brightest lamp?, Why is this lamp brightest? d_ How could we stop circuit C working? Draw this. If we make a circuit with four cells what will happen to the famp? ‘Acknowledgements Acknowledgements “The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright ‘material and are grateful for the permissions granted, While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material sed, orto trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, ‘we will be hoppy to inclide the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting, Cover by Pablo Gallego (Beehive ilustration) “Thanks to Getty Images for permission to reproduce images: Inside Unit 1 Jomes O'NeWVG! (x2); Andresr/Gl: magnetcreative/Gl; Germén Vogel/ Gl: Vm/Gt, Andrest/Gl; Deepspace/Gl; Mangiwau/Gi; Unit 2 Creative Crop/Gi; Unit 4 Markus Schneider, Herbert Kratky/Gl; FotoFeeling/GI; Tara ReifenheiseriGh, ‘Yagi Studio/GI; Unit 6 SSPLIGI Gi= Getty Images Cambridge Primary Science ‘These workbooks ar filled with exerces tht help your students practise what ‘thay have leet and encourage ther to think and work scenic Foes, Practice and Challange execites provide clear progression through each topic helping learners see what theyve achieved. The drawing and wing acts gi learners more expaconce with scenic voabulry wich helps them to develop theirlanguage sil, These diferent types of exerss and actives make the ‘book idea fo usin the classroom or as homework “+ Active learning opportunities help students apply tl: knowledge tonnew contexts + Three-tiered exercises in every topic help leamers sou and track their ‘own learning + Vatied exercise types keep learners interested + Writesin for ease of use ‘+ Answers ta all activities can be found in the accompanying teacher's resource For more information on how to access and use your digital resource, please tee inside front cover ES conan cabtn Y Poss kore sppotepatcte st ea reese ere Cbtndge Hine Sere | Aetna teen Curicuum amewer’ (0087 orn 2020 |i te predeih-auaiy sndoed ietoook enn cce cine en ddl reroures tha support Cambrige wacers serous nature process Tofino vt bg Tenodgeero! |y Hes passed Cambridge Iterations {id encoutage Catia lamers worn 1 Developed by subject experts + For Carbide schools wordwide fjtered Cambridge tena! Schoo banat fam high ail programme, ecsments ond awe range of wpport shat esha cn facta daber erie Par. sit wow cambridgeintrnatona orlpinary to fd aut mare san 978-121 4275-7 CR) BE Qumaree WM UNIVERSITY PRESS 9 110897 427!

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