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The idea about Golden Key Honor Society just has come to me over two years ago, when my

best friend told me that he was invited to a prestigious honor society – Golden Key. He and his family

were really proud of what he had achieved.

My friend is a hard working student, participates in almost all college’ activities and achieves a

high GPA. He became my model image to follow. At that time, I was just a freshman in my country;

the burning desire of achievement gave me a strong internal force. During my college years, as a

member of student body, besides studying, I coordinated with other members to held student actives:

shared time and distributed presents to poor children in rural area in special occasions; cultural event

nights for students to understand about difference between American culture and Vietnamese culture. I

also worked part time for my family business. Time is so precious to me. I always tried to utilize it as

much as I can. Applying to UB after my two years college is a big decision that I made for my life turn.

Most students in my college transfer to Oklahoma State University after their second year as OSU is

the university that coordinates with my college. Many people though that I made a silly decision, they

assumed that I would have low chance of university acceptance and a high chance of failing US visa.

Even though I had a scholarship in OSU, and it was the first time I apply for US Visa, I was confidence

with my choice, I went for it and I succeed. I am the first student in my college come to UB and now I

am helping many of my friends in my college to apply to UB. I am proud to tell them that I have an

excellent education in here and I made a wise choice. I always tried to maintain a good studying level

and participated in student’s activities for my first two semesters in order to adapt to new environment

in UB. This semester, I take 27 credits and work as a TA for Economics department. Lots of work to do

but I still arrange time to participate in other actives. I will have my interview will Big Brother & Big

Sister next week. I am excited to do some thing to contribute to the community.

The day I received my invitation to Golden Key Honor Society gave me a lot of surprise and

happiness. I run to tell with my friend and my family in eager. It a precious present for all my two hard

working semesters in UB and a strong motivation to keep me moving forward in my future.

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