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Accepted Manuscript

Alternative production of methanol from industrial CO2

Nicolas Meunier, Remi Chauvy, Seloua Mouhoubi, Diane Thomas, Guy DE. Weireld

PII: S0960-1481(19)31030-4
Reference: RENE 11922

To appear in: Renewable Energy

Received Date: 20 December 2018

Revised Date: 23 May 2019
Accepted Date: 1 July 2019

Please cite this article as: Meunier N, Chauvy R, Mouhoubi S, Thomas D, Weireld GD, Alternative
production of methanol from industrial CO2, Renewable Energy (2019), doi:

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1 Alternative Production of Methanol from Industrial CO2


3 Chemical Engineering and Materials Science department, School of engineering, University of Mons, 20 Place du
4 Parc, 7000 Mons, Belgium
5 * Corresponding author. Tel. : +32 65374208
6 E-mail address: (Guy De Weireld)

8 Highlights

9 • An integrated process is studied to produce methanol from industrial CO2.

10 • Techno-economic and environmental aspects are assessed.
11 • Economics of CO2-to-methanol is affected by high renewable H2 production costs.

12 Environmental benefits are highlighted compared to conventional production.
13 • CO2-to-methanol is a credible substitution alternative in climate change mitigation.

15 Abstract
16 Carbon dioxide valorization into value added products have become subject to much study to reduce industrial
17 CO2 emissions and fossil energy resource consumption. In this context, the purpose of this study is to evaluate
18 and highlight the interest of CO2 conversion into methanol through a complete techno-economic and

19 environmental assessment of the entire process chain. The integrated process, successfully implemented in
20 Aspen Plus , is designed to treat the CO2 coming from a conventional cement plant. A MEA-based CO2 capture
21 process is considered, and the captured CO2 is then directly sent to the conversion unit for its catalytic

22 conversion. Consequently, combining the two units leads to relevant integrations, especially regarding the reuse
23 of the heat provided by the exothermal methanol reactions for the regeneration of the CO2 capture solvent. An

24 economic assessment is proposed to estimate the operational and investment costs, as well as the net present
25 value, which demonstrates that the economic feasibility strongly depends on electricity and H2 production costs. A
26 Life Cycle Analysis method is finally performed to identify the main environmental hotspots. The underlying

27 process design offers a significant reduction in greenhouse gases (besides other categories) when compared to
28 the conventional fossil production from natural gas.

29 Keywords:

30 CO2 utilization; methanol production; heat integration; techno-economic evaluation; Life cycle assessment

1 1. Introduction

2 Nowadays, it is widely assessed that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are one of the most currently challenging
3 environmental issues and that carbon dioxide is the largest anthropogenic GHG sources. GHG emissions have
4 dramatically increased since the beginning of the industrial era: in 2018, the average concentration of CO2 was
5 407 ppm [1], which is about 40% higher than in the mid-1800s, with an average growth of 2 ppm/year in the last
6 ten years [2] and even 3 ppm/year since 2015 [3]. Among the human activities producing GHG, the combustion of
7 fuels for electricity and heat is the largest source of CO2 emissions representing more than 42% of the estimated
8 anthropogenic CO2 emissions, where 43% and 26% of these emissions are respectively dedicated to industrial

9 and residential needs [2]. Apart from the energy generation, direct CO2 emissions from the automotive
10 transportation (23%) and industrial processes (19%) are also main contributors of the anthropogenic CO2
11 emissions [2]. Furthermore, the global energy demand is expecting to increase throughout the years and even

12 double by 2050 [4]. Fossil fuels utilization will thus remain predominant in the energy sector in comparison to the
13 use of renewable energy even if its penetration in the market is also increasing through time [4].

14 In this framework, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is the most commonly cited technique to
15 reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilization

16 (CCU) techniques strongly differ from the absolute amount of CO2 they can handle and their respective purposes
17 need to be clarified. As presented in the IPCC mitigation scenarios, CCS applied to large CO2 emitters (such as
18 power, cement or steel plants) could jointly contribute to a CO2 emissions reduction of above 25% by the year
19 2100 [5]. CCS is thus to be considered as a mitigation instrument for climate change even if the low current CO2
20 tax restrain the creation of a business case for CCS technologies. On the other hand, CCU techniques propose to

21 efficiently substitute the carbon raw material used in chemical processes by CO2 in order to produce fuels or high-
22 added value chemicals [6]. However, CCU technologies are sometimes considered as technologies that do not
23 allow the reduction of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere [5],[7]. Indeed, they generally do not allow storage of

24 CO2, as the CO2-based product will emit back its incorporated CO2 into the atmosphere after a short period (e.g.
25 liquid fuels). Carbon mineralization is mostly the only CCU technique that can be considered for long-term CO2

26 sequestration having a direct impact on climate change mitigation. Consequently, CCU potentials in reducing CO2
27 emissions is rather low and even highly optimistic estimates currently assume that the total amount of CO2
28 possibly used for CCU would reach about 180 Mt for chemicals and eventually 2 Gt for fuels, compared to the 37

29 Gt of anthropogenic emitted CO2 [5]. As a result, CCU techniques will not contribute significantly to the mitigation
30 of climate change but have to be considered as a strong component in a larger mitigation strategy plan including
31 the reduction of the use of fossil fuels.

32 To this extent, innovative chemical processes are studied for years to propose efficient alternatives that are able

33 to absorb CO2 as carbon raw material sources and to convert/store it in chemically valuable compounds. Power-
34 to-Liquid (PtL) systems have been envisaged so far as one of the most promising technology to answer this
35 problematic by converting industrial CO2 into liquid fuels that are more convenient to envisage for transportation,
36 safety and infrastructure considerations [4]. As a result, one of the most promising fuel is methanol due to its
37 liquid state at ambient conditions and its wide range of applications in the chemical and energy sectors. Indeed,
38 methanol is also one of the most important building blocks of the chemical industry being used as feedstock for
39 the synthesis of acetic acid, MTBE, DME and formaldehyde, which are also used in products like adhesives,
40 foams, plywood subfloors, solvents and windshield washer fluid, etc. As also presented by Nobel Prize George A.
41 Olah [8], methanol can also substitute oil derivatives and be directly used as fuel for heat engines and fuel cells
42 due its high octane rating allowing higher compression ratio and more efficient combustions [4]. All these trends

1 considered, the global methanol market is projected to expand and reach more than 48 billion euro by 2021,
2 registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.4% between 2016 and 2021 [9].

3 The methanol formation is an exothermal reaction with a reduction of reaction mole number and is thus favored
4 by temperature decrease and pressure increase. Methanol can be produced on a large scale process based on
5 the following reactions: methanol synthesis from CO (1), Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) (2) and methanol
6 synthesis from CO2 (3) [10]:

+2 ↔

+ ↔ + (2)
+3 ↔ + (3)

7 Investigating the hydrogenation possibilities of CO/CO2, first studies of the CO/CO2-based methanol synthesis
8 were carried out as early as the mid-90s and described the catalytic and reaction system in terms of

9 thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, catalysts development and scale up [11],[12],[13]. More recently, the potential
10 of use of crude CO2, as an alternative feedstock replacing CO in the methanol production, has received attention
11 as an effective way of CO2 utilization [14]. Even if the reactions and mechanisms occurring in the methanol

12 production from CO2 mixtures have been studied through the last decades, it is still difficult to make a reliable
13 choice between various chemical equilibrium and kinetic constants as literature data are numerous
14 [15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20] and generally conflicting. Graaf et al. [15],[16],[17],[21] presented a rather complete
15 study of the reactional mechanisms in terms of equilibrium and kinetics on a commercial CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst.
16 The kinetics were also confirmed by An et al. [22], Lim et al. [23] and Kiss et al. [24] and will be thus considered in

17 this work.

18 Since the 1920s, the main way to produce methanol uses syngas made from the steam reforming of natural gas

19 in one-step, two-step or autothermal reforming processes [25]. Due to the high amount of fossil resources
20 required for its synthesis, the typical CO2 emissions for the methanol synthesis from syngas is 0.5 ton CO2-eq/ton

21 methanol but much higher values can be found when envisaging its synthesis from partial oxidation of residual oil,
22 where the emissions are estimated to 1.4 ton CO2-eq/ton methanol [26]. The average CO2 emissions of European
23 methanol plants is averaged to 0.76 ton CO2-eq/ton methanol due to the use of both these technologies

24 [4],[26],[27]. The direct CO2 hydrogenation to methanol has been investigated in several Life Cycle Analysis
25 (LCA) studies as reported by Artz et al. [27] to evaluate its impacts on different environmental metrics including
26 Global Warming, Fossil Depletion and Human Toxicity. They indicate that these impacts can be lowered in

27 comparison to the conventional production of methanol from syngas. However, this consideration is strongly
28 depending on the energy sources (heat and electricity) considered in the study as it largely influences the

29 environmental evaluation of the process. A comparative environmental assessment between the proposed
30 alternative to the conventional approach is thus mandatory to ensure its sustainability and its positive contribution
31 to the climate change mitigation.

32 As a direct consequence of the industrial interest regarding alternative production of methanol, the study of the
33 methanol synthesis from purified industrial CO2 is thus a trendy topic. Various studies have already been
34 performed regarding this conversion showing the theoretical feasibility of the process [4],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30].
35 They are often combined with an economic assessment pointing out that variable operating costs are mostly
36 dedicated to the production of the hydrogen [26] required for the hydrogenation of CO2. Some studies are also
37 focusing on the optimization of the conversion process itself presenting various heat integrations inside the

1 methanol conversion unit [4],[26],[31]. In particular, Van-Dal et al. [32] considers the possible heat integration
2 between the CO2 capture and conversion units. Finally, the economic balance of the process is directly linked to
3 its operative costs and especially the cost of electricity. As a result, the possible profitability of the overall
4 installation is very sensitive because the cost of electricity can vary from 30 €/MWh [4] to 70 €/MWh [33]
5 according to the economic scenario considered in the various studies. Moreover, care should be taken to consider
6 the price of electricity related to renewable energy, mandatory to keep a positive LCA index regarding the overall
7 process.

8 Consequently, this work aims to provide an original integrated process to capture CO2 from industrial flue gases
9 and to convert it into methanol reducing both the CO2 emissions and the consumption of fossil resources
10 dedicated to the methanol synthesis. In the studied process, methanol is produced from purified carbon dioxide

11 coming from cement plants, widely recognized as the largest industrial CO2 emitter, especially due to the
12 decarbonation reaction (two thirds of the released CO2 emissions), specific to the clinker production process
13 [34],[35]. The CO2 capture process considered in this work is the amine-based absorption-regeneration process

14 using a 30wt% monoethanolamine (MEA), developed at industrial scale and widely considered as the benchmark
15 for the purification of large industrial CO2 emitters [36].

16 The original aspect of this work is to consider the entire CO2 conversion chain from its capture to its conversion
17 into methanol and to present the economic and environmental benefits of the integrations between the CO2
18 capture and conversion units. These integrations comprise (i) the reuse of the heat provided by the exothermal
19 methanol conversion reactions for the distillation of the methanol-water product and for the regeneration of the
20 CO2 capture solvent; and (ii) the use of a fraction of the water produced during the methanol synthesis to the

21 water makeup of the CO2 capture unit. To demonstrate the benefits from these integrations, economic
22 assessments are provided to estimate the operational (OPEX) and investment (CAPEX) costs of both processes.
23 A LCA is also presented to highlight the environmental benefits of the integrated process in comparison to (i) the

24 non-integrated process, and (ii) to the conventional methanol conversion process from syngas produced by steam
25 methane reforming (currently representing 90% of the methanol production).

26 2. Methods

27 The alternative production of methanol from industrial CO2 was evaluated through the following 3E performance
28 indicators (Engineering-Economic-Environmental). They were divided into several metrics to assess the different
29 aspects of the CO2 capture unit and the CO2 conversion unit.

30 2.1. Engineering performance


31 The technological indicators were direct results from the process modeling using the engineering software Aspen
32 Plus v10.

33 The mass balance metrics assess the mass demand of individual inputs and outputs, including the total mass of
34 CO2 and H2 converted (see Eq.(4) and Eq.(5), respectively).

= (4)

= (5)

1 The energy balance metrics evaluate the utilities demand, including heat and electricity duties, and assess the
2 possibility of energy integration. Systematic process-to-process heat recovery through data evaluation, pinch
3 analysis, and optimized heat exchanger network is performed on the systems to reach high energy efficiency and
4 minimize utility costs.

5 2.2. Economic performance

6 The economics of the process are based on both the capital investment (compressors, heat exchangers, reactors,
7 flash tank, distillation column, etc.) and the operative expenses (compressor works, reboiler duty, catalyst change,

8 etc.).
10 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX). Aspen Plus Economics software was used to calculate the CAPEX of the

11 installation. The calculation is based on costs for a variety of pieces of equipment and utilities, and equations for
12 their correction factors.

13 The equipment costs usually comprise two different contributions, the purchased equipment cost, only considering
14 the purchase costs of the equipment; and the installed equipment cost, considering the purchase and installation
15 costs of the equipment. A quite extensive set of correlations is available in Guthrie [37], Douglas [38] or Peters and

16 Timmerhaus [39] for the calculations of purchased equipment costs, which can be estimated using Eq.(6).
ℎ!"#$ " = %!"# " & $#' (

19 Where ( corresponds to a correction factor (e.g. for materials, pressure, etc.). The index evaluates the cost

20 increase of equipment with time, the Marshall and Swift (M&S) index of August 2018 is used in this work; this
21 index is monthly updated in the Chemical Engineering Journal [38].
22 Regarding the installed equipment costs, they are related to the purchased equipment costs by the addition of an

23 installation factor &( (see Eq.(7)):


& " !))#$ " = %!"# " & $#' ( + &( (7)

26 This installation factor is also tabulated according to the equipment considered in Guthrie [37], and other sources.

27 Operative Expenditure (OPEX). For the calculation of the OPEX, the following values are considered: electricity
28 costs of 70 €/MWh [33], catalysts costs of 10 €/kg [40], MEA costs of 1.03 €/kg [41], steam costs of 30 €/MWh,

29 oxygen selling price of 54 €/ton O2 [42] and CO2 credit tax of 20 €/ton CO2 (CO2 European Allowances in August

30 2018) [43] and methanol selling price of 450 €/ton CH3OH (Methanex non-discounted reference price for 2018)
31 [44]. The lifetime of the catalyst has also been estimated to 3 years for CAPEX estimations [45] and end-life
32 treatments can be neglected from an economical point of view as only metal recovery could be applied to this
33 catalyst due to the different deactivation processes occurring during the methanol synthesis reactions [46]. The
34 costs related to the dismantling of the infrastructure are not considered in this work.

35 Profitability. The calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) is a conventional financial criterion to assess the
36 profitability of the CO2 capture and conversion process. This criterion is calculated as following (Eq.(8)):
* + , * = ∑3
456 012 /

2 Where is the time of the cash flow, the discount rate (i.e. 8%) [42], * the number of periods and 74 the net cash
3 flow.

4 2.3. Environmental performance

5 LCA is achieved to evaluate the environmental performance of both processes to identify the environmental
6 hotspots (i.e. processes or flows responsible for a significant share of the overall impact) and compare their
7 respective impacts. Processes are therefore assessed using the results of process modeling from Aspen Plus

8 and LCA formulation from SimaPro v8.3 modeling software coupled with the EcoInvent v3 database [47] to
9 model the process and quantify the materials and energy supplies, choosing economic value as allocation criteria.

10 The Aspen Plus software is therefore used for the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data for the conversion processes
11 that result from process modeling while the EcoInvent database is used to provide background process LCI data.

12 The LCA applied is a gate-to-gate analysis. The system boundary comprises CO2 capture and conversion
13 processes as well as the hydrogen production process. The suggested design, involving integrations between
14 both CO2 capture and CO2 conversion units, especially regarding the reuse of the heat provided by the

15 exothermal methanol reactions for the regeneration of the CO2 capture solvent, and the reuse of water as
16 coproduct of the methanol synthesis for the water makeup of the CO2 capture unit, constrains the distance
17 between both units. As the result, all processes are considered on-site thus neglecting the environmental impacts
18 and energy requirements of transports and storage. The production of one ton of methanol is considered as
19 functional unit. For both CO2 capture and conversion processes, the European energetic mix ENTSO-E is chosen

20 for the electricity supply and considers the electrical mix from 2016: 42.2% fossil fuels, 33% renewable, 22.5%
21 nuclear and 2.3% others net generation [48]. Steam requirement is taken from EcoInvent database, assuming
22 76% natural gas and 24% oil as feedstock. Regarding the CO2 conversion process, the catalyst is modelled using

23 the information available for the manufacturing of chemicals from EcoInvent database [49]. The spent catalyst, its
24 recovery and further reuse are not included in the system boundary. As a result, no emission or credit was

25 accounted for the spent catalyst. Regarding the hydrogen supply, various studies [26],[50],[51] highlight that
26 hydrogen must be produced from renewable energy, even though about 95% of hydrogen is currently produced
27 from fossil fuels. The wind-based water electrolysis is selected for this environmental study as it demonstrates the

28 lowest impact on climate change [51],[52]. Finally, the infrastructure of the CO2 capture and conversion processes
29 as well as the hydrogen production process are considered in this study.

30 In a detailed review concerning the LCA of Carbon Capture and Utilization, von der Assen et al. [51] highlight that
31 two impact indicators should always be included in the analysis: climate change (CC) and fossil resource

32 depletion (FD). The direct CO2 emissions, resulting from the process, and indirect CO2 emissions due to utilities
33 consumption are considered. In this study, five additional environmental impact indicators are also considered
34 applying the standard practice ReciPe (H) midpoint approach [51],[53]: terrestrial acidification (TA), fresh water
35 eutrophication (FE), human toxicity (HT), water depletion (WD) and metal/mineral depletion (MD), in order to
36 enhance the results and avoid misleading conclusions. More information about these impact indicators are
37 presented in the Supplementary Information file (see SI.2.1).

38 Finally, the LCA EcoInvent database [47] is used to provide the impacts of the conventional process. In order to
39 compare the impacts of the conventional production of methanol with the alternative proposed in this paper, the
40 data have been harmonized remodeling the inventory.

1 2.4. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

2 Qualitative and quantitative uncertainties are identified performing pedigree analysis and sensitivity analysis,
3 respectively. The uncertainty analysis allows to analyze the uncertainty associated with the model output, while
4 the sensitivity analysis helps to quantify how sensitive the output results are to variation of one or more variables.
5 All the results are presented in the Supplementary Information file (see SI.3).

6 3. Description and modeling of the CO2 capture and conversion processes

7 3.1. Simulation tools and process modeling

8 All the processes investigated in this paper were simulated in Aspen Plus v10 software with the Redlich-Kwong
9 equation of state [54] and Henry’s law for the calculation of gaseous properties. For the calculation of liquid

10 properties, the Electrolyte NRTL model [55],[56],[57] was used for the simulation of the CO2 capture unit and the
11 modified (Dortmund) UNIFAC model [58] for the simulation of the water-methanol distillation (CO2 conversion

12 unit). Graaf model [18] based on a dual-site Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson mechanism [59] was
13 considered to model reactions catalyst in the catalytic reactor (see SI.1.1 for details). The kinetic parameters of
14 the model for a CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 industrial catalyst (45776 – Copper based methanol synthesis catalyst from Alfa

15 Aesar ) were determined from previous experimental data [60]. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson
16 model and its parameters are detailed in the Supplementary Information file (see SI.1.2).
17 3.2. Water electrolysis unit

18 Water electrolysis can be characterized in two different ways: the solution used as electrolyte (i.e. alkaline (AE),

19 proton exchange membrane (PEME) or solid oxide (SOEC) electrolysers) and the name of the source of electricity
20 (i.e. high temperature steam, solar or wind electrolysis). As a result, the costs related to the production of

21 hydrogen is highly related to the selected technique.

22 In the present work, alkaline water electrolysis was chosen as the most commercialized technique producing

23 hydrogen (at 30 bar and 25°C) [32] with a purity level of 99% with 80% hydrogen conversion efficiency [61]. The
24 specific electrical power of these electrolysers is estimated to 53.8 MWh per ton H2 [32] and the investment costs
25 to 638 €/kW e [42] with an operation lifetime of 30 years. Oxygen is produced in high purity in the meantime and its

26 selling was also considered as mentioned in part 2.2. Environmental considerations regarding this process are
27 detailed in Supplementary Information file (see SI.2.2).

28 3.3. CO2 capture unit


29 The CO2 capture unit considered in this work was a CO2 chemical absorption-regeneration process using amines

30 as scrubbing solvent. The amine solution used for this absorption was an aqueous solution of monoethanolamine
31 (MEA) in a mass concentration of 30 wt%, widely studied and considered as a benchmark for industrial CO2
32 capture applications [32],[36],[62],[63],[64]. The flue gas to be treated comes from a conventional cement plant
33 equipped with the Best Available Techniques (BAT) [65] and producing 3,000 tons of clinker per day, which
34 corresponds to a total flow rate of 250,000 m³/h flue gas (at 40°C and 1.2 bar), with a CO2 content of 20.4 mol%
35 corresponding to a CO2 flow of 2,475 tons per day. De-dust, desulfurization and denitrification steps are already
36 performed. The composition of actual flue gas from Norcem’s cement plant in Brevik (Norway) was considered in
37 this study [66] (see Table 1). The design of the CO2 capture unit was based on the design of the
38 CASTOR/CESAR pilot unit [67] that was scaled up to treat the flow rate coming from the BAT cement described
39 before.

1 Table 1 – Molar composition of the gas to treat (G = 250,000 m³/h, 40°C, 1.2 bar) [66]

Component Concentration
N2 0.647
CO2 0.204
O2 0.086
H2O 0.062
CO 1,330 ppm
NO 474 ppm
SO2 111 ppm

2 Figure 1 shows a simplified process flow sheet of the CO2 capture unit.


2 bar

98 % CO2
2 % H2O CO2 To


4 Figure 1 – Process flow sheet of the CO2 capture unit

5 Prior to the CO2 capture unit, the gas is preconditioned and its pressure is increased to 1.2 bar in order to

6 compensate the pressure drop occurring in the absorber column. The CO2 capture rate considered in the
7 absorber column has been set to 90% and the CO2 purity required at the top of the stripper unit to 98 mol%. The
8 gas to treat (FLUEGAS) is then fed to the bottom of the absorber column (ABS). The chemical absorption process

9 between CO2 and MEA occurs in this absorption column, where the lean chemical solvent (LEANSOL), flowing
10 from top to bottom, meets the flue gas flowing counter-currently. The rich amine solution (RICHSOL) is then

11 pumped (PUMP-1) at 2 bar to the top of the stripper column (STRIP) through a lean/rich internal heat exchanger
12 (HX) in which the rich solvent is heated to a temperature close to the stripper operating temperature. The stripper
13 column includes a condenser and a reboiler made of a thermosiphon steam-driven system that supplies the heat
14 required for the desorption and the regeneration of the amine solution. Finally, the CO2 is released at the top of
15 the stripper while the regenerated amine is recycled back into the absorber after being cooled through the internal
16 heat exchanger (HX). A flash column (FLASH) is also added to condense the vaporized fraction of MEA and
17 water present in the treated gas coming out from the absorber. Moreover, water (WATER) and MEA (MEA)
18 makeups are considered to compensate the loss of water through the system and the degradation of the amine
19 solution respectively. The MEA makeup has been considered to 1 kg MEA per ton captured CO2 to compensate

1 the losses due to the thermal degradation of the amine only [32],[68] as the evaporation of the amine in the
2 absorber is prevented by the flash tank. The molar composition of the released treated gas is given in Table 2.

3 Table 2 – Molar composition of the treated gas (201,460 m3/h, 44°C, 1.2 bar)

Component Concentration
N2 0.811
CO2 0.003
O2 0.107

H2O 0.076
CO 1,665 ppm
NO 648 ppm
SO2 117 ppm

MEA 0.457 ppm

4 The main characteristics of the absorption and regeneration columns are given in Table 3.

5 Table 3 – Dimensions and operative conditions of the absorption and regeneration columns

Specification Absorber Stripper Unit

Diameter 8.7 m
Packing Height 17 10 m
Packing Type 50mm – IMTP metal (Norton ) /
Temperature (Feed) 40 107 °C
Pressure (Bottom) 1.2 2.0 bar

6 Due to the excess heat available from the exothermal reactions occurring in the CO2 conversion unit, heat
7 integration is provided between the methanol conversion unit and the CO2 capture unit. Moreover, water being
8 produced as co-product of the methanol synthesis, water recycling is also proposed between the CO2 capture and

9 conversion units to reduce the water make-up for the regeneration of the solvent.

10 3.4. CO2 conversion unit

11 The methanol conversion process proposed in this paper is based on the works performed by Van-Dal et al. [32]

12 and Pérez-Fortes et al. [26] regarding the design of the installation and scaled-up to convert the flow exiting the
13 CO2 capture unit and to produce pure methanol and pure water. The operative pressure has been set to 80 bar
14 according to Fournel et al. [69] and the temperature at the inlet of the reactor to 250°C to maximize the one-pass

15 production of methanol. Figure 2 shows the process flow sheet of the CO2 conversion unit.



CO2 From

99.10 wt%

99.99 wt%

U Water
1 recycling

2 Figure 2 – Process flow sheet of the CO2 conversion unit

3 CO2 coming from the CO2 separation unit is fed at 2 bar with hydrogen coming at 30 bar, both at 25°C. The

4 hydrogen required for the conversion of CO2 into methanol has been calculated considering a stoichiometric inlet
5 H2:CO2 feed ratio of 3. Hydrogen is compressed to 80 bar in a single stage (COMP-1), where CO2 is compressed

6 to the same pressure in a series of four compressors (COMP-2) intercooled to 128°C so that the recovered heat
7 is provided to the reboiler of the stripper column from the CO2 capture unit for heat integration. CO2 and hydrogen

8 are then mixed with the recycle stream derived from flash and preheated to 250°C (HX-1) before feeding the
9 adiabatic reactor (REA) where the methanol reactions occur. This adiabatic reactor is filled with 156 tons of a
10 commercial CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst. The product stream leaves the reactor at 314°C and is then thermally

11 integrated by passing through a first heat exchanger (HX-1) to preheat the inlet gases of the reactor and reducing
12 its temperature to 141°C. A heat exchanger (REB-CAP) cooled then the stream to 112°C and the heat recovered
13 is provided to the reboiler of the CO2 capture unit. The stream is further cooled in another heat exchanger (REB)

14 to fully provide the heat required by the distillation column for the water-methanol separation. The product stream
15 is then further cooled in two heat exchangers to respectively preheat the liquid stream inlet of the distillation

16 column (HX-2) and the unreacted gases recycled to the adiabatic reactor (HX-3). At this point, the temperature of
17 the product stream is 63°C and a cooler (COOL) is required to cool it down to 40°C to be fed to a flash tank
18 (FLASH) for the separation of the gaseous and liquid phase of the stream. The pressure of the flash tank has
19 been set to 75 bar to consider the pressure drop occurring along the line. The unreacted gases are then recycled
20 to the inlet of the adiabatic reactor but a fraction of them are purged (PURGE) to prevent the accumulation of inert
21 gases and by-products in the reaction loop.

22 The water-methanol liquid mixture leaving the flash tank is then expanded to 1 bar and preheated (HX-2) to 90°C
23 before being sent to the distillation column. The features of the distillation column depend on the desired
24 purity/grade. Thus, to reach the design specifications of methanol and water purities, pure liquid methanol (99.1

1 wt%) is produced at 1 bar and 20°C at the head of the distillation column, where pure water (99.99 wt%) is
2 recovered at 1 bar and 100°C at its bottom.

3 Considering the CO2 capture and conversion units as an overall process, an external heat integration was
4 investigated. As the result, the external heat exchanger (REB-CAP) set between HX-1 and the reboiler of the
5 distillation unit lead to a 3.8 MW that can be brought to the reboiler of the CO2 capture unit. Moreover, the heat
6 recovered at 128°C from the compression of the inlet CO2 through COMP-2 can also be recycled to the reboiler of
7 the CO2 capture unit, accounting for a 8.6 MW.

8 Table 4 presents data of the CO2 conversion unit configured to convert 2,227 tons CO2 per day into 1,546 tons
9 methanol per day.

10 Table 4 – Main process data equipment for the CO2 conversion unit

Reactor Unit
Inlet temperature 250 °C
Pressure 80 bar
Reactor volume 120 m³

Catalyst type CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 /
Mass of catalyst 156 ton
Apparent density 1,300 kg/m³
Distillation column Unit
Diameter 5.1 m
Tray spacing 0.61 m

Tray type Bubble-cap /

Number of plates 28 (+2) /
Feed-stage location 19 /
Temperature (feed) 90 °C

Pressure (top) 1 bar


11 3.5. Valorization of inert and purge gases

12 To fully optimize the CO2 conversion process, it is mandatory to consider the possible reuse of undesired flows
13 such as the inert stream from the head of the reboiler column and the one exiting from the purge, especially when

14 these streams contain significative amount of hydrogen. Indeed, as these streams are quite rich in hydrogen, CO
15 and methanol, their combustion to produce reusable steam seems to be an attractive solution. Considering the
16 combustion of these exhaust gases, the combustion reactions considered are the following (see Eq. (9),(10), and

17 (11)) and the Lower Heating Values (LHV) are summarized in Table 5.

+ → (9)

+ → (10)

2 +3 →2 +4 (11)

18 Table 5 – Lower Heating Values (LHV) of combustible gases from exhaust streams [32]

Component LHV Unit

H2 121.0
CO 10.1 MJ/kg
CH3OH 19.9
1 The partial mass flow rates of the inert and purge gases recovered from the CO2 conversion process are
2 presented in Table 6.

3 Table 6 – Partial mass flow rates of the inert and purge gases from the CO2 conversion process
Component Unit
Purge Inert
CO2 1,020.2 1,809.6
H2 481.3 36.0
CO 474.5 59.3

CH3OH 30.6 290.6
N2 8.6 0.8
H2O 3.9 0.3

6 Considering a 85% efficiency in the boiler used for the combustion of these gases, the heat recovery from this
7 stream generation was calculated to reach 17.6 MW, that could be recycled to the reboiler of the CO2 capture unit

8 to reduce its dedicated heat demand. This heat integration is of importance as it exceeds alone the global heat
9 integration from COMP-2 and REB-CAP.

10 As a result, the overall heat integration between the CO2 capture and conversion units can reach up to 32.7% (i.e.

11 30.4 MW) by considering the heat integrations from COMP-2, REB-CAP and the combustion of exhaust gases
12 from the CO2 conversion process (see Table 7).

13 4. Results and discussion


14 4.1. Technological assessment

15 The technological indicators of the CO2 capture and conversion processes are presented in Table 7 and Table 8.

16 Table 7 – Key technological indicators for the CO2 capture process


Mass indicators Unit

CO2 inlet flow 2,475 ton/day
CO2 production flow 2,227 ton/day

L/G ratio (absorber) 0.0059 m³/m³

Recycled water make-up 21.5 ton/day
MEA make-up 2.23 ton/day
Energy indicators Unit

Cumulative power of pumps 0.43 MW

93.2 MW

Reboiler duty (before integration)

3.7 GJ/tCO2
62.8 MW
Reboiler duty (after integration)
2.7 GJ/tCO2
Energy savings 32.7 %

1 Table 8 – Key technological indicators for the CO2 conversion process

Mass indicators Unit

CO2 inlet flow 2,227 ton/day
Hydrogen needs 306 ton/day
Oxygen co-production 2,449 ton/day
Methanol production 1,546 ton/day
Water production (recycle incl.) 895 ton/day
Recycled water flow 21.5 (2.5% of produced water) ton/day
Purge split ratio 0.5 %

H2:CO2 ratio (feed/reactor inlet) 3 / 5.3 /
CO2 conversion per pass 20.1 %
Methanol conversion yield 93.4 %
Reflux ratio (distillation) 1.52 /

Energy indicators Unit
Cumulative power of compressors 21.3 MW
Condenser (distillation) temp. 20 °C

Condenser (distillation) duty - 57.8 MW
Reboiler heat duty 0 MW
Cooler heat temp. 40 °C
Cooler heat duty - 22.4 MW

The presented process is able to treat 2,475 tons of CO2 per day and convert 90% of them into 1,546 tons of
3 methanol. The CO2 absorption rate of the CO2 capture unit is 90% and the external heat duty to provide to
4 reboiler for the regeneration of the solvent can be reduced from 3.7 GJ/ton captured CO2, which is within the
5 range of a conventional 3.6 to 3.9 GJ/ton captured CO2 [70], to 2.7 GJ/ton captured CO2, considering the heat

6 recovered from the conversion unit. This reduction of the stripper reboiler duty corresponds to a direct 32.7% of
7 the total energy requirements for the regeneration of the amine solution. The use of the flash allowed the
8 recirculation of the vaporized MEA fraction and the reduction of the water makeup. As a result, the water from the

9 coproduct of the methanol synthesis completely fulfils the water make-up from the CO2 capture unit and
10 represents only 2.5% of the water produced by the CO2 conversion unit. The COx conversion per pass in the

11 reactor is 20.1% and the overall conversion of the process is 93.4%. The reduction of this conversion yield by
12 6.6% is directly related to the purge ratio of the process set to 0.5% to prevent the accumulation of inert gases like
13 nitrogen and being thus responsible for a direct 1.9%-loss of the inlet CO2 flow rate. Other losses of CO/CO2

14 compounds, which are not converted in the reactor, come from their respective solubility and volatility in the
15 methanol (1.8%) and head (2.9%) streams of the distillation column. The proposed process shows important
16 integrations, allowing to reduce the reboiler duty of the distillation column by 100% through internal heat

17 exchangers.

18 Figure 3 presents the integrations between the CO2 capture and conversion units and summarizes the
19 technological assessment of the CO2 capture and conversion units normalized to the production of one-ton
20 methanol to be comparable to the conventional production from syngas.



2 Figure 3 – Technological metrics of the CO2 capture and conversion units normalized to the production of one-ton
3 methanol

4 4.2. Economic assessment
5 The global CAPEX of the CO2 capture and conversion processes is estimated to 47.3 M€ (without considering the
6 CAPEX of the electrolysers). The repartition of this global CAPEX is presented in Figure 4. The CAPEX related to
7 the equipment of the CO2 capture and conversion processes is estimated to 18.4 M€ with about 37% and 63%

8 respectively dedicated to the CO2 capture and conversion units. Other major contributions comprise contingencies
9 and piping that account for 15% and 10% respectively.

Total Costs (M€)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Purchased Equipment





CO₂ Capture unit CO₂ Conversion unit

11 Figure 4 – Total capital investment costs of the CO2 capture and conversion units

12 The repartition of the CAPEX dedicated the purchase of the equipment is presented in Figure 5. The most
13 expensive equipment is the compressors, which contribute for 41% of the overall equipment CAPEX of the
14 process. Heat exchangers, reactor and columns contribute respectively for 29%, 4% and 23% of the above-
15 mentioned CAPEX. The costs of flash tanks are marginal with only 3% contribution to the equipment CAPEX.


Total Costs (M€)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12





Flash tanks

CO₂ Capture unit CO₂ Conversion unit

2 Figure 5 – Total installed equipment costs of the CO2 capture and conversion units

3 Considering the assumptions exposed in the economic indicators, the OPEX of the CO2 capture and conversion

4 unit (including the production of H2) is presented in Figure 6. The globalized OPEX dedicated to the CO2 capture
5 and conversion are calculated to reach 31 € and 23 € per ton methanol respectively. Calculated per ton of
6 captured CO2, the OPEX of the CO2 capture and conversion units are estimated to 22 € and 17 € respectively.

Based on these values, the economic benefits of the CO2 capture unit is uncontroversial compared to the OPEX
8 of 33 € per ton CO2 captured [71] with a benchmark MEA-scrubbing process. The 33.3% reduction in the OPEX
9 can be directly linked to the 32.7% energy savings dedicated to the thermal integration between the CO2 capture
10 and conversion unit. The amortization of the CAPEX is also estimated to 8 € per ton methanol.

Operational Expenses (€ per ton methanol)


-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600

CH₃OH selling

O₂ selling
CO₂ credit tax
H₂ production

CO₂ capture
CO₂ conversion
Amort. CAPEX

Net Cash Flow


12 Figure 6 – Operational costs of the CO2 capture and conversion units

13 The selling of methanol remains the main economic benefit of the process with a selling price of 450 € per ton
14 methanol. The selling of oxygen co-produced with the electrolysis of water and the current value of CO2 credit tax
15 also improves the economic balance of the overall process. Their contribution represents together 20% of the
16 global revenue of the installation. In the current situation, the integrated CO2 capture and conversion process is
17 still not economically viable because the main cost-effective unit of the process remains the production of
18 hydrogen, directly related to the electricity price of 70 €/MWh [33]. The total costs of production (i.e. 808 € per ton
19 methanol) are 1.5 times the expected revenue from methanol, oxygen and carbon credits selling (i.e. 556 € per
20 ton methanol).

1 However, to be completely rigorous regarding the financial analysis of the CO2 capture and conversion process,
2 the CAPEX related to the electrolysers of the hydrogen production has to be considered. This relative CAPEX is
3 quite expensive as it can be approximated to 638 €/kW [42]. Considering that the power of the electrolysers
4 required to produce the hydrogen used in the CO2 conversion process (i.e. 306 tons H2 per day) is close to 687
5 MW, the CAPEX could be thus approximated to 438 M€. This huge CAPEX value dedicated to the hydrogen
6 production, representing more than nine times the CAPEX of the combined CO2 capture and conversion
7 processes, has also been confirmed by Pérez-Fortes et al. [42] and has a dramatic influence on the evaluation of
8 the NPV of the overall process. As a result, based the above-mentioned assumptions, the NPV’s of the CO2

9 capture and conversion process have been estimated to -920 M€ and -1,358 M€ with and without considering the
10 CAPEX of the electrolysers respectively. These high negative values clearly demonstrate that the described
11 process is currently economically unprofitable on a 10-year horizon. However, it is important to qualify this

12 statement as the calculation of NPV is based on many fluctuating values and especially the costs of electricity and
13 the price of methanol considered as assumptions. To evaluate the potential profitability of the process, a bivariate
14 analysis was performed to quantify the influence of methanol selling prices and electricity cost on the NPV of the

15 process.

16 Bivariate sensitivity analyses – Bivariate (or multivariate) analyses are generally considered to give more

17 realistic value of the breakeven prices (to reach NPV equal to zero). In this perspective, the bivariate sensitivity of
18 the electricity price versus the methanol selling price has been studied as both these values had the most
19 important contributions on the NPV. The results of this analysis are presented in Figure 7, which presents trade-
20 off values to consider to have NPV equal to zero for the overall process. As a result, in place of requiring an
21 electricity price lower than 46 or 34 €/MWh (considering or not the H2 CAPEX) or a methanol selling price higher

22 than 716 or 843 €/ton, other couples of breakeven prices can be considered. A realistic example of these couples
23 could be an electricity price of 50 €/MWh related to a methanol selling price of 496 €/ton (without the H2 CAPEX).

without H₂ CAPEX with H₂ CAPEX

Methanol selling Price (€/ton)




20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Electricity Price (€/MWh)

25 Figure 7 – Bivariate analysis of the electricity and methanol price (NPV = 0)

26 4.3. Environmental assessment

27 The life cycle assessment is conducted on seven relevant impacts indicators. Figure 8 presents the contribution
28 analysis of the CO2 capture unit. As it can be observed in Figure 8-a, the heat demand for the regeneration of the
29 MEA solvent contributes to 76% and 97% of the CC and FD, respectively. As a result, it appears to be the most
30 impacting demand in comparison to the use of electricity, water consumption and MEA production. The
31 contribution of MEA use related to the MEA makeup appears to be negligible except for WD (where it represents
32 16% of the impact factor). However, the use of this solvent still presents high-energy penalty for its regeneration
1 and could also degrade the equipment due to corrosion issues. As a result, the use of alternative configurations or
2 solvents [72] could be an opportunity to lower these impacts but their current TRL are currently too low for
3 industrial applications. Finally, even if the major part of CO2 has been captured through the process, the
4 remaining treated gas from the head of the absorber still has an environmental impact and contributes to 52% of
5 TA. Figure 8-b presents the effect of the integration of the CO2 capture and conversion processes on the impacts
6 of the CO2 capture unit alone. Major reductions can be observed for WD (26%), FD (32%) and CC (25%) thus
7 demonstrating the environmental benefits of the integration.

(a) CO2 capture unit before integration (b) CO2 conversion unit after integration

100% 100% Without


80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%

0% 0%

Treated gas MEA Electricity Heat (Steam) Water Infrastructure Treated gas MEA Electricity Heat (Steam) Water Infrastructure

8 Figure 8 – Contribution analysis of the CO2 capture unit alone
9 Figure 9 summarizes the environmental assessment of the CO2 conversion process. In this process, hydrogen
10 supply (Feed H2) is one of the main contributors to most impact categories and represents 59% of CC, 41% of FD
11 and almost 70% of WD. The high impacts on MD are explained by the use of various mineral resource for the

12 infrastructure construction of the electrolyzer. As the wind-based water electrolysis was selected for the hydrogen
13 supply, it is difficult to further reduce the environmental impacts related to the source of electricity for the
14 electrolysis. Indeed, it has no meaning to produce methanol from CO2 if hydrogen is supplied by steam-methane-

15 reforming (as it is currently the case). The catalyst contribution is usually negligible, its major impacts contributing
16 for 8% and 6% of HT and MD respectively. The compression of H2 and CO2 inlets to reach the working pressure

17 of 80 bar also contributes to FE (90%), HT (84%), FD (60%) and CC (40%). Finally, the impacts of the inert and
18 purge gases being largely outweighed by the impacts of the other contributing categories, they are considered as
19 negligible.







Feed H₂ Catalyst use Electricity Infrastructure

21 Figure 9 – Environmental assessment of the CO2 conversion process

22 Figure 10 demonstrates the environmental benefits of the water and heat integration between the CO2 capture
23 and conversion processes. These integrations are positive on all the environmental impacts, which show a global
24 reduction of 2% to 24% according to the considered criterion. Particularly, the environmental impacts on CC and
25 FD are reduced by 17% and 23% respectively.

100% Without





Treated gas MEA Electricity Heat (Steam)

Feed H₂ Catalyst use Water Infrastructure
2 Figure 10 – Environmental assessment of the integrated CO2 capture and conversion process

3 Non-CO2 emissions (CO, NOx, SOx, VOC, and NH3) are also evaluated to compare the conventional production

4 of methanol (data available in the EcoInvent [47] v3 database, see SI.2.3) from syngas [73],[74] and the CO2-
5 based alternative presented in this work. Results are compared per ton methanol and then normalized to the

6 largest emission value (see Figure 11). The CO and VOC emissions are similar, while the NOx and SOx
7 emissions are lower for the CO2-based production of methanol compared to the conventional production.
8 However, higher NH3 emissions are observed for the alternative methanol production, mainly due to the use of

9 MEA-solvent to capture the CO2. AN







Conventional production CO₂-based methanol

11 Figure 11 – Comparison between non-CO2 emissions of the integrated CO2 conversion process with the conventional

12 production of methanol (from syngas)

13 Finally, Figure 12 presents the comparison between the environmental impacts of the conventional production of
14 methanol and the CO2-based alternative.


Total impact (per ton methanol)





FD MD x 0.1 WD x 0.01 HT FE x 10E-3 TA x 0.01

(kg oil eq) (kg Fe eq) (m³) (kg 1.4-DB eq) (kg P eq) (kg SO₂ eq)

Conventional production CO₂-based methanol

2 Figure 12 – Comparison between the environmental impact factors of the integrated CO2 conversion process with the

3 conventional production of methanol (from syngas)

4 The environmental impacts of the CO2-based process are generally lower than the conventional methanol

5 production especially analyzing the FD that is reduced by 77% in comparison to the conventional process.
6 Exceptions remain for MD and WD, which can be explained by the production of hydrogen from water electrolysis.
7 Regarding CC, it demonstrates a reduction (see Figure 13): 1,300 kgCO2-eq per ton methanol for the integrated
8 CO2-based process in comparison to 2,800 kgCO2-eq per ton methanol for the reference system based on the

9 CO2 emissions from cement plant without CO2 capture and from the conventional process for the production of
10 methanol from steam reforming of natural gas. The CO2 emissions of the CO2-based process are thus reduced by
11 over 50% reduction in comparison to the reference system.

Reference system Integrated CO2- based alternative



CC (kgCO2-eq/ton methanol)

Clinker production

CO2 conversion
H2 production
CO2 capture unit

CO2 inlet



14 Figure 13 – Comparison between the Climate Change impact (CC) of the integrated CO2 conversion process with the
15 conventional production of methanol (from syngas)

16 5. Conclusions

17 In this work, the entire CO2 conversion chain from its capture to its conversion into methanol was investigated. In
18 this perspective, the CO2 conversion process has been optimized with regards to the operative conditions and
19 considering the internal and external possible integrations. The valorization of the residual exhaust gases of the
20 process has also been proposed.

21 The integrated and optimized process is able to treat 2,475 tons per day CO2 and convert 90% of them into 1,546
22 tons methanol per day. The heat integration inside the conversion unit reduces the reboiler duty required for the

1 distillation of the water-methanol mixture by 100%. The heat integration between the CO2 capture and conversion
2 units also reduces the reboiler duty required for the regeneration of the solvent by 32.7% in comparison to
3 conventional MEA absorption processes. The water recycled from the coproduct of the methanol synthesis
4 completely fulfils the water demand of the CO2 capture unit for water make-up. The global CAPEX of the
5 installation has been estimated to 47.3 M€ with 18.4 M€ dedicated to the installed equipment costs without
6 considering the CAPEX related to the hydrogen production. Considering a current price of electricity of 70 €/MWh,
7 the process is still not economically viable with the total cost of production being almost 1.5 times the expected
8 revenue. However, its economic breakthrough occurs for an electricity price of 46 €/MWh or 34 €/MWh

9 (considering or not the H2 CAPEX), which is already considered as realistic in other studies or available in some
10 countries like Iceland.

11 The environmental assessment of the CO2-to-methanol value chain highlights that hydrogen supply is the main
12 contributor in most impacts’ categories, even if hydrogen is produced from renewable energy. Although the
13 contribution of the production of MEA solvent appears to be negligible, the energy penalty due to its regeneration

14 is significant to most impacts. In addition, the released treated gas still contributes to the terrestrial and climate
15 change impacts. The comparison with the conventional production of methanol from steam methane reforming
16 highlights the potential of this alternative route regarding mainly fossil depletion. Its contribution to climate change

17 is drastically lower than the conventional production as the CC of the integrated process is reduced by over 50%
18 in comparison to the emissions related to the conventional production of methanol from natural gas. As a result,
19 the proposed CO2-based conversion process can be considered as a credible substitution alternative for methanol
20 production and an interesting opportunity in the global picture of climate change mitigation, which is close to a real
21 project situation as long as transportation is avoided.

22 Acknowledgements

23 The authors acknowledge the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) and the European
24 Cement Research Academy (ECRA) for their technical and financial supports.


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• An integrated process is studied to produce methanol from industrial CO2.

• Techno-economic and environmental aspects are assessed.
• Economics of CO2-to-methanol is affected by high renewable H2 production costs.
• Environmental benefits are highlighted compared to conventional production.
• CO2-to-methanol is a credible substitution alternative in climate change mitigation.


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