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1. Parental conflict
o Impact of parental conflict on teens
o Type of parental conflict
o How to reduce parental conflict
o Improving quality time and reducing generation gap
o Parent training
o Can parental conflict be healthy
o Conflict resolution skills
2. Academic performance
o Reasons for poor / dip in school performance
o What to do if your child is no performing upto the standard?
o How to make learning fun?
o What role do parents play in academics?
o How to teach balance between friendship and studies
o How to increase efficiency?
3. Health issues
o Psychiatric health
o Physiological health
o Sexual health
4. Relationship issues
o Sings to look out for in unhealthy relationship patterns in teens
o Dating tip for parents
o Achieving balance between relationship and other areas of life
o Healthy relationship patterns
o What you should know before getting into relationships
o Consent and its importance in relationships
o How to reach out if you’re in a unhealthy relationship
o What you should say to your friends who are in unhealthy relationships
o Understanding attachment styles
o Breakups
o Opening up and being vulnerable with your partner
o Conflict resolution
5. Identity Issues
o Who am I? understanding yourself better
o Self-image and concept
o Inferiority and superiority complex
o Imposter syndrome
o What role do parents play in development of a healthy identity?
6. Physical Appearance
o Acceptance towards oneself
o What role physical appearance plays in contributing to low self esteem
o How parents should deal when their child feels unsatisfied with their physical
7. Sexuality
o Types of sexuality
o How to come out?
o What should parents say/do when their child comes out to them
o What should you say when your friend comes out to you
8. Self esteem
o How does low self-esteem impact performance and everyday life?
o Signs of low self esteem
o What role can parents play?
9. Healthy Coping
o Coping healthy and unhealthy and its impacts
o How to develop healthy coping habits
10. Building Resilience
o Understanding adversity and developing health resilient attitudes
o Vulnerability and resilience – going hand in hand
11. Suicide prevention and awareness
o Suicide risks in adolescents
o Suicidal ideation
o Understanding self harm
o Develop coping strategies
o What can parents do?
12. Screen time
o Reasons for increased screen time in adolsecnts
o Impact of screen time on performance in school, mood, real time friendships and
13. Substance use
o When does use become misuse?
o Reasons for substance use in teenagers
o Peer pressure
o What can parents do?

14. Peer pressure

o How peer pressure impacts teenagers
o What can be done to reduce peer pressure?
o Role of creating healthy self-esteem in teenagers to combat peer pressure
15. Bullying
o What can be done by parents?
o Types of bullying
o What to do if your child doesn’t report episodes of bullying
o How to help your child navigate bullying in school setting
16. Addiction – video games
o What makes video games so addicting
o How to support your child?
o Impact of video games in social – occupational / academic levels of functioning
o How to make real life challenging and stimulating for your adolescents
o How video games addiction correlates with increasing aggression
o Instant gratification and delayed consequences in gaming can lead the child to be more
aggressive in real life and can increase impatience?
17. Enhancing quality time with kids.
o Quantity matters or quality?
o Family time and its importance
o Getting to know your kid as a separate person rather than just your teenager
o Importance of physical, verbal, emotional affirmations between parent and child
o Modelling right behaviour
18. Fashion sense
o How to handle disagreements if there is a discrepancy between parents and child in
fashion choices
o What can teenagers do
o What can parents do
o How to reach to a middle ground
19. Trolling on social media
o Trolling on social media as a way to vent anger but instead becoming more
o Battle for power?
o Forms of trolling
o Why trolling happens?
o Consequences of trolling peers on social media
20. Aggression
o Understanding aggression, temper tantrums, acting out as a way of being depressed
o How aggression can help identify real feelings and how to navigate through that.
o Coping strategies and emotional regulation to help yourself when you feel very
o What can parents do?
o How to see anger as an important guide to exploring real feelings within and not
merely just as a negative emotion.

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