The Last Stand

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Chapter 1


As he played in the field with his friends, he noticed something unusual about the car that
drove into the parking lot.It weren't the usual old banger that parked here everyday it was a
black, shiny range rover that was being accompanied by a black BMW parking behind the
range rover."Hey guys! Don't you think that the range rover is a bit suspicious?"
"Come on Mat, you know we are just trying to have some fun herehere!"His friend Tyler
shouted back, But he had other ideas.

Slowly but surely he saw a figure wearing a black cloak approach the group."Hello there,
would you like to come and have an interview for us?".The mysterious man said.Now,
Matthew heard plenty of stories from his Mom about how he shoyld never talk to a stranger,
but this man, whoever he is, seemed so sincere about it.But as he was thinking about what
he would do next, he looked down and saw the man slowly pulling out a knife, and that's
when he about,"RUN!"

When he shouted run, his friends saw the threat and ran as fast as they could, hopping over
obstacle after obstacle running away from the group of criminals."I'm starting to get tired you
know!"Shouted Elizabeth, panting as she continued to struggle slowing her down."Come on!
We need to find a safe place to hide to be able to take a break." Matthew said, but deep down
he knew that a break would seem impossible right now.

As he was frantically looking for a place to hide, He heard a shout from behind."OW!"It was
Harry who had cut his leg on a low wall. He looked behind to see his friends leg dripping
blood all over the ground, but luckily, he found a alleyway which he ushered his friends into
to take a breather.

"oww" Harry complained as he tried to stand up after he had his leg bandaged " It hurts so
bad!" "Well Duh! ,you cut your leg what do you think will happen when you tried to stand"
replied Elizabeth.

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