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Sticker: Brainstorm

● I Can brainstorm by creating a list of possible ideas for design challenges.

● I Can evaluate my work using defined assignment criteria.

● Brainstorming is how we come up with ideas and is a good way to practice creativity.
Creativity is something you either practice, or don't practice. Just like with everything-
the more you practice it, the better you are at it. In this assignment you will be
brainstorming ideas for possible solutions to the design challenge.

● Self-evaluation is a critical part of the creative process. You need to be able to

HONESTLY assess your work which will help you improve.
● You have more than 15 brainstorm ideas written down in your notebook.

● You have written down how your best brainstorm idea communicates your intent.

● You have uploaded the picture(s) of your work to canvas.

*These are the criteria that your grade for this assignment will be based on. Each is worth 1 (one)

● Brainstorm graphic organizer

● Glue stick
● Notebook
● Pencil
● For this assignment, please make sure that you carefully read and follow ALL of the
instructions below.

● You will be using the following graphic organizer as you work on this assignment (glue it into
your notebook):

English Graphic Organizer

Organizador gráfico español
Begin this assignment by creating a list in your notebook. This is called "brainstorming". You will
need to have more than 15 ideas in this list (the more, the better!!). This list will be possible ideas
that you can use for the design challenge, which is:

Creating a Sticker in Procreate

While you are making this list, keep the following things in mind:


● Have a thought, write it down!
○ The idea doesn't have to make sense.
○ Don't worry about how the idea will work (this will happen later).
● Allow yourself to have ideas- let the ideas happen!
○ Don't close down the process.
○ One idea often leads to the next (your best idea MIGHT BE 2 ideas later.....).

Ask yourself the following questions as you read over your brainstorm list:

● Which ideas are you most excited about?

○ Don't choose something you aren't excited about.......!
● Which ideas have the most possibilities?
○ Choose ideas that you can work with and develop further.

As you begin to narrow down your list, put stars next to the TOP 5 ideas that meet the above

AFTER you have your list narrowed down to the top 5 ideas, ask yourself the same questions above
for the 5 starred ideas. Using these questions, narrow your top 5 ideas down to the top idea and
circle it.

Congratulations! You have chosen your top idea for the next step in the design process!

Here are some examples of stickers that have met ALL of the criteria. Mrs. Luchs made these when
she was about your age! This first one is called "Meringutan"- my intent with this sticker was to
make it for my friend who loved monkeys (which is why I drew an orangutan) and she also loved
baking (which is why I added some meringue on his head!).
Here's another example of a sticker that I made at your age! It is called "Darth Maul baby." My intent
for this sticker was to combine things I loved- Star Wars and babies, and to make them into a

For this step, you are going to write a statement about your intent for this design challenge.
Before you start to create your statement, we need to remember what "intent" means. You need to
have a purpose in your art! That purpose can be very different depending on the design challenge
and even depending on the artist. Sometimes your intent could be to say something about yourself,
it could be to tell a story, or maybe you just want to say how cool you think something is. Either way,
determining your intent early on in a design challenge helps shape and focus your solution to the
design challenge. In this case, your intent is how you are going to solve the design challenge!

Now, you need to figure out what your intent for this design challenge will be. Think back on the
design challenge- how will your top brainstorm idea help you communicate a solution to the design
challenge? In your notebook, write a statement where you discuss how you will do this. Be as
specific as you can- you will return to this statement throughout the creative process to make sure
you are clearly communicating your intent.

Take a GOOD picture of ALL of the pages of your brainstorm ideas, as well as a picture of your
written statement and upload the pictures below. Also, don't forget to answer the Yes/No questions
to determine how many points you earned on this assignment.

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