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Notice of Intention to sue

Our ref; …. /…….. /2023

Dear Sir,


I, NANONO ROSE claim that:

On 15th August 2023 you entered my home at Kanika Village, Kikukumbi Ward, Kalungu Town
Council in Kalungu District and chased me out of it alleging that I was not a beneficiary of the
Estate of and a daughter to the late Kasule Vincensio yet he was my father.

I am aggrieved by the fact that up to this date, you have refused me to come back to my home
despite the orders made by the area Chairperson and the District Community Liaison Officer to
stop your inconveniences and therefore these acts amount to liability under the Succession laws
of Uganda and a breach on your part.

I demand that you immediately remove yourself from my home and allow me without any
conditions or threats to come back to my home and I take care of my children.

I also remind you that you don’t have any written or oral authority whatsoever that permits you
to deprive me of staying in my late parents’ home.

TAKE NOTICE that I have given you a period of 14 days from today to act upon the claims
and upon such failure; I shall proceed to file the matter in the Courts of Law without further

Yours sincerely,
Nanono Rose.

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