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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1999, 13(3), 230–235

q 1999 National Strength & Conditioning Association

The Relation Between Running Speed and

Measures of Strength and Power in Professional
Rugby League Players
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Brisbane Broncos Rugby League Club, Paddington, Queensland, Australia;
Australian Rugby Union, Queensland, Australia.

ABSTRACT bilities of field sport athletes, who it has been postu-

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation be- lated (18) complete their acceleration phases earlier
tween running speed and a number of common strength and than the 30–50 m required by elite sprinters (11). How-
power tests, in absolute terms and relative to body mass. ever, speed over longer distances of 40–60 m or more
Twenty professional rugby league players were assessed for is still of considerable importance to players in certain
10- and 40-m running speed, maximum strength in a 3 rep- positions in a number of sports. Therefore, speed may
etition maximum (RM) squat and 3RM power clean from the need to be analyzed over 2 disparate distances, such
hang, and leg power. Power was assessed by the Plyometric as 10–20 m and 40–50 m, for field sport athletes par-
Power System (PPS) during barbell jump squats with loads ticipating in sports such as rugby, soccer, field hockey,
of 40, 60, 80, and 100 kg. The results indicated that, while Australian football, and American football. Conceiva-
10- and 40-m sprint performances are highly related (r 5
bly these distances would indicate both the accelera-
0.72, p # 0.05), there still remains considerable variation in
the factors that contribute to performance over each sprint
tion and maximum speed capabilities of the athletes
distance. Although no absolute strength or power score was (5, 6, 17).
significantly related to either sprint performance, almost all Sprinting requires high force production (11–13).
the scores relative to body mass were significantly related to On the basis of this knowledge, strength and power
sprint performance. For the 10-m sprint, the significant re- training methods are almost universally advocated as
lations ranged from r 5 20.52 to r 5 20.61 (p # 0.05). For a form of training to improve running speed (6). Thus
the 40-m sprint, the significant relations ranged from r 5 the relation between strength and power and running
20.65 to r 5 20.76 (p # 0.05). On the basis of this research, speed are of considerable interest for researchers and
professional rugby players may need to be trained differ- coaches attempting to identify possible mechanisms of
ently to a certain extent for 10- and 40-m sprint capabilities, performance enhancement (6, 7, 17, 18).
as the longer distances appear more reliant on stretch-short-
Several researchers have investigated the relation
ening cycle performance.
between different measures of tests of muscular force
Key words: sprinting, squat, jump squat, concentric, and power and sprinting ability with differing results
stretch-shortening cycle (1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 17). These differing results could be
due to the differing level of the subjects, the methods
Reference Data: Baker, D., and S. Nance. The relation of strength assessment, and the sprint distances in-
between running speed and measures of strength and volved. In response to these findings, Young et al. (18)
power in professional rugby league players. J. Strength investigated the relation between 27 measures of
Cond. Res. 13(3):230–235. 1999. strength and power and sprint performance across
distances ranging from 2.5 to 50 m in young track and
field athletes. Young et al. (18) found that the initial
Introduction acceleration phase (2.5 m) is most highly correlated (r
5 20.86) to the force applied in a concentric-only

R unning speed over short distances would appear

fundamental to success in a number of field and
court sports. In sports such as rugby league, the av-
jump squat, relative to body mass. They postulated
that this could be due to the similarities in the knee
angle, time for force production, and the predomi-
erage sprint distance performed by players performing nantly concentric nature of both activities.
at the national league level may be 10–20 m (9). This However, the fastest 10-m interval (maximum
distance would be indicative of the acceleration capa- speed) was almost equally highly correlated (r 5

Running Speed, Strength, and Power in Professional Rugby Players 231

20.77–0.79) to concentric, stretch-shortening cycle with the testing procedures and exercises, which they
(SSC), and isometric measures of force or power. Fur- had been performing as part of their training routine.
thermore, some measures of force, relative to body The 3 repetition maximum (RM) tests and loaded
mass, measured during barbell jump squats (both con- jump squat tests were separated by a 3-day period,
centric only and SSC) were highly related to maximum with the 3RM tests performed on the first day. Sprint-
speed performance. In apparent opposition to this ing speed tests were carried out on the same day as
finding, absolute isometric strength, irrespective of the jump squat tests. Because of minor injuries, 3 ath-
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body mass, was also correlated to performance. Iso- letes had to perform their sprint tests at a later date,
metric strength relative to body mass was not signifi- which did not allow for the measurement of the 10-m
cantly related to maximum speed performance. Thus sprint data.
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a discrepancy existed as to whether relative or abso- Sprint Speed Testing. The testing of sprinting speed
lute measures of strength and power were better pre- entailed measuring speed over 10 m and 40 m. These
dictors of maximum speed sprinting performance. 2 distances are thought to be indicative of the inital
These results pose a number of questions for the acceleration and maximum sprinting speed capabili-
researcher and strength and conditioning coach alike tes, respectively, of the athlete (5, 6, 15, 18). After their
with regard to sprint start and maximum speed ca- usual warm-up routine, the athletes performed 2 trials
pabilities. Although sprint start ability over a very of maximum effort, sprinting over 40 m upon their
short distance of 2.5 m appears strongly related to usual turf training surface. Light gates integrated to
concentric muscle force parameters (relative to body the timing system (DDHE, Bungendore, Australia)
mass), does the relation between SSC measures in- were placed at the 0, 10, and 40-m marks. This pro-
crease when the distances increase to the 10–20 m typ- vided data pertaining to the time for the 10-m and 40-
ical of needs of field sport athletes? Does loading be- m sprint times. The trial with the best 40-m sprint time
yond the 9- and 19-kg barbell loads used for jump was chosen for analysis of both the 10-m and 40-m
squats by Young et al. (18) increase the relation be- sprint times. The intratrial reliability of the above pro-
tween strength and power measures and running cedures has been established at r 5 0.86 and r 5 0.98
speed? Is the relation between strength and power for the 10-m and 40-m sprint, respectively.
measures different between 10–20 m and 40–50 m? Is 3RM Testing. A 3RM measure of maximal strength
there a significant relation between various simple was assessed in the full squat and power clean from
measures of strength and power and sprinting ability? the hang exercises. A 3RM was used in this instance,
Do field sport athletes, such as rugby players, who as this was the standard test for the subjects at this
may use a different running technique from track ath- stage of their athletic program (14).
letes, exhibit different relations between strength and For all 3RM tests, the following procedures were
power measures and running speed? observed. Warm-up consisted of stretching and then
The purpose of this paper is to report on the re- the performance of 4–5 submaximal sets of 5–1 repe-
lation between various simple measures of strength titions with progressively larger loads, finishing 10–15
and power (in absolute terms and relative to body kg less than the individually prescribed goal 3RM. The
mass) and sprinting ability over 10 and 40 m in elite athletes then attempted a 3RM load that had been pre-
field sport athletes. It is thought that this information determined by their strength coach, based upon recent
will be of importance to strength and conditioning training history and previous maximum test results. If
coaches in analyzing and planning the sprint and re- the athletes were successful with this load, they were
sistance training of field sport athletes. allowed to attempt another load(s) until both the ath-
lete and the strength coach were confident that a 3RM
Methods had been attained, usually within 1 extra attempt.
Subjects For the full squat, the athlete descended until the
top of the thigh was below parallel with the floor. This
Twenty professional rugby league players gave in-
depth was visually assessed by the strength coach, a
formed consent and were tested as part of their athletic
national level powerlifting coach. During the squat lift,
training program at the completion of their preseason
a powerlifting belt was worn, but no knee wraps or
training program. Their mean body mass, height, and
other supportive garments were allowed.
age (6SD) were 93.4 6 11.7 kg, 181.9 6 7.0 cm, and
For the 3RM power clean from the hang, the athlete
24.2 6 3.8 years, respectively. All the subjects had
stood straight with the barbell, then lowered the bar-
been involved in intensive resistance and sprint train-
bell to the hang position, approximating knee level.
ing for a minimum of 4 years and were considered to
From this hang position, the athletes immediately
be in peak condition at the time of testing.
thrust upwards, finishing with the barbell in the catch
Testing position for the power clean. The athletes were al-
Testing was carried out over 1 week, at the completion lowed to wear a lifting belt and wrist straps if so de-
of preseason training. All the subjects were familiar sired.
232 Baker and Nance

Power Testing. Maximal power was assessed during Table 1. Measures of strength and power in absolute
a loaded barbell jump squat. Jump squats with loaded terms.
barbells have been extensively used to assess lower-
body power (2, 17, 18). The jump squat power tests 3RM tests (kg)
were performed using the Plyometric Power System 3RM full squat 157.9 6 18.8
(PPS), which has been described elsewhere (2, 16). 3RM power clean (hang) 102.2 6 13.4
Briefly, the PPS is a device whereby the displacement Jump squat power output (W)
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of the barbell is limited to the vertical plane, as in a Maximal power 1,894 6 226
Smith weight-training machine. The linear bearings Power 40 kg 1,626 6 238
that are attached to each end of the barbell allow the Power 60 kg 1,739 6 209
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barbell to slide about 2 hardened steel shafts with a Power 80 kg 1,842 6 221
minimum of friction. A rotary encoder attached to the Power 100 kg 1,856 6 252
machine produces pulses indicating the displacement
of the barbell. The number of pulses (denoting barbell
displacement) and the time of the barbell movement Table 2. The relationship between various measures of
were measured by a counter timer board installed in strength and power and 10-m sprint performance.
the computer. From this data, the PPS software cal-
culated the power output during the jump squats. Relationship to
10-m sprint
For the jump squat power test, the athlete per-
formed 3 consecutive SSC movements against absolute Strength/power measure R R2
loads of 40, 60, 80, and 100 kg (2). The average me-
chanical power output for the concentric flight phase Absolute scores
of each jump squat for each load was determined by 3RM squat 20.06 0.0036 NS*
the software of the PPS, and the highest score for each 3RM power clean (hang) 20.36 0.13 NS
load was recorded. Maximal power 20.07 0.0049 NS
Power 40 kg 20.02 0.0003 NS
Training State Power 60 kg 20.03 0.0009 NS
Power 80 kg 20.07 0.005 NS
Before testing, the athletes performed their prescribed Power 100 kg 20.08 0.006 NS
preseason training program. This entailed resistance
Relative to bodymass
training 4 times per week (2 3 upper and lower body)
and sprint training twice per week. Conditioning ses- 3RM squat/kg 20.39 0.16 NS
3RM power clean (hang)/
sions were also carried out a minimum of twice per
kg 20.56 0.31 p , 0.05
week. Consequently all the athletes were in their peak Maximal power/kg 20.56 0.31 p , 0.05
condition at the time of testing. Power 40 kg/kg 20.52 0.27 p , 0.05
Power 60 kg/kg 20.57 0.32 p , 0.05
Statistical Analysis
Power 80 kg/kg 20.53 0.28 p , 0.05
The relation between the sprinting speed and the var- Power 100 kg/kg 20.61 0.37 p , 0.05
ious tests of strength and power was determined using
a Pearson’s product moment correlation. The coeffi- * NS 5 nonsignificant.
cient of determination, used for interpreting the mean-
ingfulness of the relation, was developed by squaring
the correlation, multiplying by 100, and expressing as Discussion
a percentage. Statistical significance was set at p # 0.05 The sprint times exhibited by the current subject
for all measured variables. group were faster than those previously reported for
professional rugby league players (14). The pooled
Results data, reanalyzed from O’Connor (14), indicated mean
times of 1.87 and 5.45 seconds, respectively, for the 10-
The results for 10- and 40-m sprint times were 1.71 6 and 40-m sprint. The differences of 9.3 and 2.4% for
0.09 and 5.32 6 0.26 seconds, respectively. The relation the 10- and 40-m sprint, respectively, exhibited by the
between these 2 measures of sprint performance was current group (as opposed to the subjects from the
significant (r 5 0.72). The results for the various mea- O’Connor [14] study) may be due to differences in the
sures of strength and power are outlined in Table 1. quality of the athletes involved or differences in the
The relation between the 10-m sprint start and the var- training methodologies or philosophies between rugby
ious measures of absolute and relative strength and league teams.
power are outlined in Table 2. The relation between The results of this investigation reveal that sprint
the 40-m sprint and the various measures of absolute ability over 10 m, indicating start and acceleration ca-
and relative strength and power are outlined in Table 3. pabilities, and 40 m, indicating maximum speed ca-
Running Speed, Strength, and Power in Professional Rugby Players 233

Table 3. The relationship between various measures of For the 10-m sprint, no absolute measure of
strength and power and 40-m sprint performance. strength or power was significantly correlated to per-
formance. However, all measures of power (assessed
Relationship to during SSC barbell jump squats) and the power clean
40-m sprint from the hang, relative to body mass, were signifi-
Strength/power measure R R2 cantly related to sprint start performance. This is not
unexpected, as sprinting involves high force produc-
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Absolute scores tion during support of the body mass. In support of

3RM squat 20.19 0.036 NS* this finding, Young et al. (18) reported that measures
3RM power clean (hang) 20.24 0.06 NS of force or power relative to body mass were most
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Maximal power 20.1 0.01 NS likely to correlate to sprint performance, irrespective

Power 40 kg 20.02 0.0004 NS of the distance.
Power 60 kg 20.07 0.003 NS
For the 10-m sprint, maximum strength, as as-
Power 80 kg 20.17 0.03 NS
Power 100 kg 20.09 0.008 NS
sessed by the full squat, was not significantly related
to performance either in absolute terms or relative to
Relative to body mass body mass. It was thought that maximum strength
3RM squat/kg 20.66 0.43 p , 0.05 would correlate highly to 10-m sprint performance be-
3RM power clean (hang)/ cause of the inverse of Newton’s second law (i.e., ac-
kg 20.72 0.52 p , 0.05
celeration 5 force/mass). Thus athletes who are strong
Maximal power/kg 20.76 0.58 p , 0.05
Power 40 kg/kg 20.52 0.27 p , 0.05
per kilogram of body mass should theoretically per-
Power 60 kg/kg 20.68 0.46 p , 0.05 form well in a 10-m sprint. However, the force capa-
Power 80 kg/kg 20.75 0.57 p , 0.05 bilities should most probably be measured by concen-
Power 100 kg/kg 20.65 0.42 p , 0.05 tric-only methods (18), not during SSC maximal
strength exercises such as the full squat, as the sprint
* NS 5 nonsignificant. start is heavily reliant on concentric force production.
Future research may focus on the relation between
concentric-only maximal full squat performance (for
pabilities, share only 52% of variance, as determined example, performed in a Smith machine) and a 10-m
by the coefficient of determination. Although the re- sprint start to more fully determine the effect that a
lation is significant, it also suggests that many of the simple test of strength has upon sprint start capabili-
factors that contribute to performance over these 2 dis- ties.
tances may be quite different. Thus training to im- The fact that the 3RM power clean from the hang,
prove speed over both distances may involve different relative to body mass, was significantly related to the
training methods to some extent (5, 6, 18). 10-m sprint may be due to the fact that this resistance
It should be noted that the nature of the testing exercise is typically performed as a predominantly
could conceivably have influenced this result. As the concentric activity with a similar knee angle to that of
best 40-m sprint was to be chosen for analysis, it is the sprint start. Thus the high force and power outputs
possible that the athletes adopted a sprinting strategy typically associated with this type of lift (4) and its
or initial body positioning that could have favored 40- highly concentric nature indicate that it is a better pre-
m times to the detriment of the 10-m sprint times. No dictor of 10-m sprint performance than the full squat.
data has been found that compares 10-m sprint times However, based upon the extent of the coeffecient of
performed specifically over that distance with the ini- determination, only 31% of the sprint performance
tial 10-m sprint times recorded during a 40-m sprint. could be predicted by the power clean from the hang.
However, Delecluse et al. (5, 6) have established 3 dis- All the measures of jump squat power, relative to
tinct phases for the sprint, which includes the 10-m body mass, exhibited a similar relation to 10-m sprint
and 40-m phases, as being separate components or performance (r 5 20.52–0.61). Young et al. (17) also
skills. These differences between the 10-m and 40-m reported correlations of similar magnitude between
phases were identified even when athletes sprint over 20-m sprint performance, a countermovement jump
100 m. Thus it should not be unexpected that the pres- with no extra load (r 5 20.66), and an SSC jump squat
ent study found a significant, though not necessarily with a barbell load of 50% of bodymass (r 5 20.47)
high, relation between sprint times over the 2 distanc- in young Australian Rules football players. In the pres-
es. Nonetheless, future research may care to investi- ent investigation, the highest correlation was exhibited
gate if athletes adopt different strategies for sprinting between a jump squat with 100 kg and the 10-m sprint
10 m as a separate entity or as part of a longer sprint start. It is unclear why heavier loading, such as the
(40–50 m). If this were the case, then appropriate sprint 100 kg used by the current subject group, may exhibit
as well as resistance training strategies may need to a stronger relation as compared with the lighter load
be developed. of 50% body mass exhibited by the subjects in Young
234 Baker and Nance

et al. (17). It may be due to the current subjects most both exercises (4) and the similarity in the external
likely possessing increased maximal strength; there- resistance.
fore a load of 100 kg for this group may have provided With regard to 40-m sprint performance, it would
less relative resistance in comparison with the 50% of appear that there is a trend for increased resistances
body mass used by the subjects from Young et al. (17). involved in the strength and power tests to increase
However, although these relations were significant, the strength of the relation. However, when the resis-
they also indicate that only 27–37% of the 10-m sprint tances become too great (perhaps over 90–100 kg for
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performance could be predicted by such jump squat the current group), the relation starts to decrease
tests. The highly concentric nature of the sprint start slightly, conceivably due to the decrease in lifting ve-
precludes many of the current popular tests of locity associated with the increased loads. Thus faster,
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strength and power from being acceptable predictors lighter loading and heavier, slower loading, while both
of 10-m sprint performance. Consequently these tests being significantly related to performance in the 40-m
would not appear sensitive enough to predict either sprint, are not as suitable as the maximal or optimal
10-m sprint performance or, more importantly, train- power load (10). This finding tends to partially sup-
ing-induced changes in performance. A concentric- port the notion that there may be optimal power train-
only jump squat test with high loading (e.g., 80–100 ing loads for different stages of the periodized training
kg) or a maximum concentric squat may prove to be cycle. In this study, jump squats with 80 kg were the
a better predictor of start speed. best single predictor of sprint performance over either
For the 40-m sprint, no absolute measure of distance, followed by 60-kg and 100-kg jump squats,
strength or power was significantly correlated to per- which exhibited relations of similar magnitude. These
formance. However, all measures of strength and pow- loads would be in the range of 35–60% of the 1RM
er relative to body mass were significantly related to squat for the current subject group.
sprint performance and exhibited much stronger re- It should be noted that athletes in different stages
lations compared with the 10-m sprint. This may in of their training cycle or those who would be unfa-
part be due to the increased use of the SSC during the miliar with some of the resistance exercises (e.g., pow-
40-m sprint, and, as a result, tests that involve high- er clean from hang) may not exhibit relations of sim-
force SSC movements could be expected to exhibit a ilar magnitude. Thus the results of this study would
appear limited in application to elite athletes who reg-
strong relation (13, 18).
ularly perform the above resistance training exercises
The fact that the 3RM full squat, relative to body
as well as sprint training.
mass, correlated more highly with the 40-m sprint
rather than the 10-m sprint, was initially surprising.
Given that foot contact time for elite sprinters is in the Practical Applications
order of 0.1 seconds (10), compared with 1–2 seconds
The results of this study indicate that while there is a
for heavy squatting (8), this would indicate that a large
strong and significant relation between 10-m and 40-
portion of low-velocity strength is accessible for high- m sprint, there is also a considerable variation within
velocity sprinting. This finding would indicate that the factors that contribute to performance over the 2
maximum SSC strength/kilogram is of importance to distances. This may indicate that, to a certain extent,
athletes who need to sprint over longer distances (40– there may need to be separate training strategies im-
50 m). plemented to improve running speed over these 2 dis-
Given that strength is therefore related to 40-m tances.
sprint performance and that strength performance un- No absolute measure of strength or power is sig-
derlies power performance to a large extent (2), it was nificantly related to sprint performance over 10 or 40
not surprising to find increasingly strong relations as m. However, as almost all the measures, relative to
jump squat loads increased. The relative power pro- body mass, were related to sprint performance, it is
duced against a 40-kg load exhibited the lowest cor- recommended when attempting to increase running
relation, whereas the maximal power, which could oc- speed that special attention be paid to the strength and
cur at different loads for different athletes, exhibited power per kilogram of body mass of the athlete.
the highest correlation to 40-m sprint performance. On the basis of the current and previous research,
The power produced with 80 kg also exhibited a the first 10 m of a sprint appear to be more dependent
strong relation to 40-m sprint, as this load is similar on predominantly concentric force and power produc-
to both the maximal power load and the body mass tion. Resistance exercises that are typified by a highly
of the subjects. Furthermore, the power clean from the concentric nature or have a pause between repetitions
hang, with a mean load of 102.25 kg, and a jump squat (such as power cleans and pulls from the floor, hang,
with 100 kg also exhibited a similar relation to 40-m or boxes, paused squats, and paused jump squats) may
sprint performance. This could be ascribed to the sim- be beneficial in training the athlete to accelerate from
ilar biomechanics involved in the thrust portion of the stationary position.
Running Speed, Strength, and Power in Professional Rugby Players 235

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