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SERVICE MANUAL FOR handic Mioman ‘ SL ab k 3 ELECTRIC FuncTion TRANSMITTING SECTION The handic micman use TX X-tal operating directly on transmit frequency. The change hetween the two available channels, A and B, is made by means of diode switches. Then the channel switch is in position A the diode 0119 is off and DI@6 is on cormecting the "A" Xtal to oscillator transistor via D196,C114 and C11g. Simultaneously the X-tal "BY is disconnected due to D165 is of and O1e7 is on and makes shortcircuit of X-tal B to ground thru the channel switch, Above is reversed then channel switch is in B position. The serial coils L1G6 and LiGS is used for adjustment of TX frequency of channel A respective B. T1Q2 is tuned for TX frequency. FET Q116 is buffer amplifier and G1G2 together with T161 is the driver stage feeding the 0101 power amlifier. The antenna switch comprise of D1G2 in on~ and D1G1 in off-state during transmit. The thereafter following lowpass filter reject unwanted harmonic radiation and transforms the impedance to 5G Ohm. Lig? together with Ci@4 makes a notchfilter and is tuned to supress the second harmonic. Modulation from the buildt in electret microphone or a external electret microphone is amplified and audio response is shaped in the first half of IC1@1i, The second part of I1C1G1 together with transistor Q111 and FET Q112 is a AGC circuit. This limits the maximum deviation. The level can be set by VRIG1. RECEIVING SECTION The receiver is a crystal controlled single conversion type with a IF frequency of 455 kHz. In receiving the signal is passing via the lowpass filter and the diodes D1G1 and 018@ and throug the impidance matching network Ti@3 to RF amplifier 113, The local oscillator connects to correct H-tal by means of diode switches D127 for channel A and 012% for channel B. The two ials, RF and oscillator, is mixed inside IC182. IC1G2 performs as well IF-amplification, Fi~detection and squeich. IF bandpass is made upp of 186, ceramic filter CFIG1 and Tier. The signal is after deemphasies and additional audio shaping feed to the VOLUME control. From here the signal is feed to the audio amplifier IC1@3 and then to speaker or earphone. The switching betmeen TX and RX is performed of G116 switched or transmit and Q117 switched on in receive mode. SELECTIVE CALL SECTION Tx MODE The selective call circuit acts as two oscillators on the frequency determined by the tuningforks installed. The oscillators transistors is QUGS and D1G6 with feedback signal thru D122 end O114 then selcall switch is in CALL position. The signals from this oscillators mixes by R128 and R129. The mixed signal is feed to the modulator via C1a9. Simultaneous the call switch force the unit inte Tx-made by means off inverter transistor O115. Rx MODE The signal from the FM-detector is amplified by G1iG4 and passed thru the two tuningforks. If correct signals is passed thru the tuningforks the two signals is rectified and added together. This in turn switch off DIG? and Q189. The voltage at Q1G9 is then going hi switching 168 on and consequently keeping hase of Q189 low as long as +B is on. This circuit is a memory which ky use of Q11@ keep the ALARM lame on and release the audio muting. TRE BMITTER ALIGNMENT CHART TRANSMITTING SECTION ALIGNMENT Connect the instruments az shown in figure 1. ISTEP CONTROL SETTING wo TH VOLUME OM CH-A ‘50 DUMMY LOAD. unit s UNDER TEST POWER METER Dc POWER. SUPPLY TEST TEST EQUIPM. EQUIPMENT SET POWER SUPPLY | SET TO 6.7 RF-POWER METER 5@ OHM DUMMY CRYSTAL SPECIFICATION Type Drive level Tolerance Effective impedance Capacitance Fo ROJUST SCREW DOWN Lia2 SLUG 2 TURN FROM FULLY DISENGAGED POSITION ADI. T1a2 POWER ADI.TI@1 FOR MAX POWER ADI.L181 183,164 FOR MAX POWER TURN SLUG T1g2 CCH TO STOP OSCILLATION BNO THEN CH 1/4 TURN BEVOND POWER POINT THE POWER SHOULD Nol EXCEED .4 WATT TX FREQUENCY MODULATION ADJUSTMENT FREQUENCY Connect the instruments as shown in figure 2. elon! 602 DUMMY AUDIO UNIT POWER GENERATOR UNDER TEST NETER DEVIATION METER, = ate OSCILLOSCOPE C SUPPLY TX FREQUENCY MODULATION CHART CONTROL, ETTING TEST EQUIPMENT SET POWER SUPPLY CHANNEL B POWER METER DUMHY LORE 2 VOLUME ON PRESS PTT FREQUENCY SOUNTER DEVIATION METER. AUDIO GENERATOR 1Omie AUDIO GENERATOR Hemi TEST EQUIPM. SET TO 6.7 ADJUST CONNECT A SHORT WIRE BETWEEN x-TAL IN CH B POSITION AND SHIELDPLATE 2 AOJUST Lies FOR SIGNALFRE®. +-200H= REMOVE TEMPORARY THE B-TAL CONFIRMING NO OUTPUT POWER CONNECT X=TAL BACK AND POWER SHOULO BE MORE THAN G24 W apsustT 1.5 KHZ DEVIATION L vRigt FOR ; DEV. SHOULD BE <1.8 Ww KHZ WITH 52% THEI RECEIVING SECTION ALIGNMMENT Connect the instruments as shown in figure 3. i UNIT ssc UNDER TEST ee SPKR JACK OSCILLOSCOPE peroeen DISTORTION SUPPLY METER RECEIVER ALIGNMENT CHART jeTEP CONTROL, TEST TEST EQUIPM. ADJUST REFER SETTING EQUIPMENT SET FIGURE] POWER SUPPLY | SET TO 6.7¥ SIGNALGEN. FM 1 KHZ R¥ FREQUENCY Loy Lige FOR MAX VOLUME NORMAL | SSG. SQ TO NORMAL T106,T1e7 FOR MIN. DISTORTION THD SHOULD NOW BE <é6% OR ADS. Lies AGAIN 1.8 uv ADJUST T1ea,T1e4 FOR MAX SINAD SINAD SHOULD BE 412 OB ISQUELCH MAX SQ. SHOULD OPEN AT ¢ 2@ 08 SINAD L Rx CRYSTAL SPECIFICATION Type He 25/U Drive level 1 mbt Tolerance 28 ppm Effective impedance 4G Ohm masse Capacitance 27 MHz 4.8 pt 23 MHz 4.5 pt Fo +15 pom = & Dmante type'o tne spinetic MAIN SPARE PARTS [orones: isse5 1a 0130 sS277B -0162,0131,0182 Fe-52 Gas O2B23.9 Died BAZ43S D105,D1e6,.Nia?7,D110 181585 0168,1e9,0111,0112 O113,D114,0115,0116 B117,D118,0119,0120 D121 Di22,0123,0124 b125,0126 D127 0128 n129,0135 TLRIBZ 133,0134 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: LMS58H IC1@1 MCa3S7P IC1a2 LMga6-1 C183 TRANSISTORS 2802314cF> a1e1 BSC2668C0) 9102,M113,a114 esc2qnacy) g183 2SC2458CGR? O184,0108,a109,a110 O111,0115,0119 RSKIS2ACY) G1BS,a1ae,c11e asALISeCO) Gia7,aiie BSKIGICY) Q1I2 esce7iaco> lie VARIABLE RESISTORS Sak vRiaL Sekco> RA SOKA v2 CERAMIC FILTER LF-HesD. CFI MISSELANEOUS: ¢ Battery case Cap channel SH Cap STBY-N-CALL Connector ANTENNNA Jack CHG c Jack EAR/MIC Knob talk Knob YOL/SO Microphone Socket tuningforic Socket crystal Speaker Switch Channet Switch PTT Switch SELCALL Switch VOX Battery terminal Front case Speaker ho Ider Beltc lie Panel side & Panel side C QO Panel side 0 Rear case Battery cover COILS AND TRANSFORMERS 4LNCIS 1 Ligt 4LNCI8s L162,L163 SLNCI3B. Lied GR-N611. Lies,Lie6 GR-E?4, Lids, Tide 1187 LF4-101K —-LA1G,L1i1,L113,Litd LFa-1aaK L112 16246 T181,T163,T104 GR-N222: T162,T165 electronic ab ¥ Box 1063, 5.436 00 Askin/Gorhenbur ‘Tolophone: 031/28 97 80 Sweden "lew: 21420

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