3ème - Anglais - S1 - Janvier 2019 - Controle

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Ayhied yl y Halal UleLLayeall = Ecole Supérieure de Comptabilité et de Finances de Constantine Département du Second Cycle Matiére: Anglais Niveau :3 année Date :13/01/2019 Enseignant: Roubeche ‘Bunge 101n30 ‘The return of the Wall Street vulture Welcome to the great Americai fire sale, Wall Street's vultures are buying companies and thelr assets at bargain prices on an unprecedented scale. Never before have so many troubled companies been on sale for so little. Nor have so many scavengers swooped in t0 take control of companies by snapping up bad loans and beaten-down bonds. Unlike analysts and venture who became media stars in the 1990's boom, Wall street's vultures dislike publicity. Typically, they hate discussing their investments for fear a rival ‘might dive in and screw up a deal. They are so shy because they know vultures are little loved. By reputation, they take advantage of corporate misery and wind up firing workers. ‘This view is often Justified. Some have shut businesses and liquidated entire companies just to collect the cash in the coffers. But the vultures also have a crucial role in helping corporate America recovering from the excesses of the past decade. By providing shareholders and creditors with an exit from bad investment, they can set stage for a new phase of economic growth. ‘Adapted from BusinessWeek, September 10”, 2001. Questions 1. Reading comprehension: Answer the following questions a. How do Wall Street vultures operate or work? (1pt) b. yz | | | Angas Ayla y pall! elt Rayna Ecole Supérieure de Comptabilits et de Finances de Constantine b. Are vultures necessary for the health and well being of the American economy? Justify by citing from the text. (2pts) 1, Find in the text words that have the same meaning as the following words - resources= (1/2pt) Barter= (1/2pt) ~ Extent, amplitude= (1/2pt) Document, writs (1/2pt) - Broker= (1/2pt) asset= (1/2pt) 2. Define the following term: Computerized stockmarkets (in no more than 5 lines). (2pts) Bull investors.(2pts} Market crash (2pts) 3. Make the necessary changes to the adjectives between brackets so that your sentences express the comparative or the superlative ~ Vultures are probably among (creepy) creatures of Wall Street, ~ Vultures are (notorious) traders. ~ When the situation is (bad) at Wall Street, vultures intervene to revive the economy, 4. Welting skis: . Topic one: {in less the seven lines summarize the text, Topic two: Did you know about Wall Street vultures? After reading the text write a paragraph of maximum ten (10} lines to argument your thoughts or say how you feel about their job or what they do for a living. 22

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