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Addis Ababa Science & Technology University

Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Group Project (15%)

Make a group of no more than five & choose one of the titles from the list (1-9)
1. Displacement/Level Measurement ................................ Group I
2. Acceleration/Vibration Sensors Measurement............... Group II
3. Force Measurement ....................................................... Group III
4. Optical/Obstacle Measurement...................................... Group IV
5. Proximity Measurement ................................................ Group V
6. Temperature Measurement ........................................... Group VI
7. Speed Measurement .......................................................Group VII
8. Moisture Measurement ................................................. Group IX
9. Flow Measurement ....................................................... Group IIX

 Practical Implementation and Simulation work (including Sensing, Signal

conditioning, Signal processing and Output presentation elements)
 Prepare short Article and Power Point for Presentation

The Project must include

o Detail explanation and working principles each component

o List in details the application area
o Conclusion
The article contains minimum of 6-page and maximum 12-page
Summit both hard copy and soft copy!
Important dates
o Date of Submission: - January 31/2023
o Presentation Date: - February 02/2023

 Practical and Simulation Work (7 marks)
 Presentation (2.5 marks)
 Documentation (2.5 marks)
 Question & Answers (3 marks)

Electrical and Computer Engineering

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