Types of Family-Nurse Contact

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Types of Family-Nurse Contact Industrial or Job Visit

❖ It is done when the nurse and

Types of Contact family need to make an accurate
1. Home visit assessment of health risks or
2. Clinic visit hazards and work with the
3. Telephone Conference employer or supervisor on what
4. Written Communication can be done to improve
5. School Visit/Conference provisions for health and safety
6. Industrial or Workplace Visit of workers.

Telephone Conference Home Visit

➢ May be effective, efficient, and ● Expensive in terms of time,
appropriate if the objectives and effort and logistics for the nurse,
outcomes require immediate it is an effective and appropriate
access to data, given the type of family nurse contact if
problems on distance or travel accurate appraisal of family
time. relationship, home and
➢ Such data include monitoring of environment and family
health status or progress during competencies.
the acute phase of an illness
state, change in schedule of visit Clinic or Office Conference
or family decision, and updates - Less expensive for the nurse and
on outcomes or responses to provides the opportunity to use
care and treatment equipment that can’t be taken
to the home.
Written Communication
★ Another less time consuming Criteria for selecting the type of
option for the nurse in instances nurse family contact.
when there are a large number 1. Effectivity
of families needing follow-up on 2. Efficiency
top of problems of distance or 3. Appropriateness
travel time.
Home Visits
School Visit or Conference ● The home visit is a family-nurse
➔ It is done to work with family contact which allows the health
and school authorities on how worker to assess the home and
to appraise the degree of family situations in order to
vulnerability of and worked out provide the necessary nursing
interventions to help children care and health related activities
and adolescence on specific (NLPGN, 2007).
health risks, hazards or
adjustment problems.
● Review of Technical Content
- It is an important
preparatory step in a
home visit as it ensures
the adequacy of the care
the nurse is going to
provide to the client

➢ Definition of Objectives
● To ensure the effective
and efficient conduct of
home visit
★ Specific
★ Measurable
★ Attainable
★ Realistic
Planning and Preparation Phase ★ Time-bounded

● Review of Records and Reports Ex. At the end of two-hour home visit,
- The nurse must the client will be
thoroughly review, able to:
organize, synthesize 1. Demonstrate the different
available information so breastfeeding position correctly.
she can create an initial 2. Shows how to care the cord
database about their aseptically.
client. 3. Enumerate the post-partum
- The IDB will serve as complications signs and symptoms
purpose of the home visit, such as bleeding, fever, pain in the calf,
a tentative diagnosis of etc.
client’s nursing needs/ 4. Agree to visit the health center
problems and family together with her baby for post-natal
nursing care plans and well-baby check-ups.

● Determine the tasks and

➔ Physical assessment
➔ Assess family situation
➔ Assess home ● If the initial visit was
environment conducted unannounced,
➔ Assess current care subsequent visits should be
practices, harmful decided, agreed to and
practices and gaps of scheduled jointly with the
knowledge family.
➔ Give health teachings
➔ Encourage verbalization
of feelings Actual Conduct of Home Visit
➔ Encourage to ask ● Establish Rapport with the
questions and family
clarifications ❖ In a home visit the nurse
➔ Allow client to perform is a guest and must
care procedures behave accordingly
➔ Together with the family,
determine the need for Assessment of home and family
further care and schedule situation in relation to the plan of visit
of visits and validation of the home visit plan or
● Identification, preparation and its modification
compilation of needed tools
and materials (based on The nurse validates and confirms the
planned activities) adequacy and accuracy of the initial
➔ Physical assessment data she has gathered about the
instruments client/ family and asks herself if her
➔ Health education plan visit is appropriate based on the
materials actual situation she has found.
➔ Public health bag
● Scheduling the visit ● After the assessment the
➔ Determine day and time nurse may discover some
of visit problems or needs that is not
➔ Consider the health revealed in her initial data
agency policies base
➔ Convenience and other ❖ So the nurse must decide
activities of the nurse on the spot which
➔ Availability of the problem or need warrants
client/family immediate attention,
● For best results the family intervention or measures
should be informed and and which one can be
unannounced visits should be deferred for future
avoided as it may be attention.
inconvenient for the family.
● Implementation of planned ● Evaluation outcome
activities ★ Refers to the result of the
❖ In giving health home visit in terms of the
teachings, avoid “canned changes in the condition,
instructions” situation, capabilities, and
❖ It is incorrect to assume behavior of the client.
that the family has zero ● The results of the home visit
knowledge about the may not be immediately
given health problem discernible at the end of the visit
❖ The nurse must ascertain as it takes time for the condition
what the family knows of a client to change,
and their current comprehend and reflect the
practices and beliefs content of the discussion,
❖ The family should be demonstration and other
encouraged to ask activities done by the nurse.
questions and feel free to
express views without Recording
fear of being judged. ● Prescribed record system
❖ Encourage family ● Must be written as soon as
initiative and maximum possible or immediately after
utilization of available the nurse arrives at the health
family and community center
resources. ● Significant and salient points,
● Summarization what is prescribed by the health
❖ Major and salient points agency, services or care
of home visit provided, observations,
assessments, progress made by
Evaluation the client and next
● Evaluation of inputs appointments or referrals
➢ Resources spent or ● How to record
consumed by the visit ➢ Avoid irrelevant,
➢ Appropriateness, insignificant,
adequacy, effectiveness, disorganized, and illegible
efficiency entries
● Evaluation Process ➢ Brief, concise, accurate,
➢ Refers to the actual organized, systematic,
conduct of the home visit and legible
or its implementation.
➢ Approach, strategies,
techniques, activities,
procedures, and
Evaluation and Documentation 6. Record all important data,
1. Record all relevant findings observation and care rendered
about the client and members 7. Make an appointment for a
2. Take note of environmental return visit.
factors which affects the
clients/family health Three Phases of Home Visitation
3. Include quality nurse-patient 1. Preparatory Phase
relationship ➔ Review existing records or
4. Assess effectiveness of nursing referral data before doing
care provided. the home visit.
➔ Notify the family of your
Principles intention to do a home
1. A home visit should have a visit.
purpose or objective 2. Home visit phase
2. Planning for a home visit should ➔ Actual visit to the patient.
make use of all available ➔ Conduct assessment,
information about the patient planning, and health
and their family through family teaching.
health records. ➔ Perform nursing
3. In planning for a visit, we should interventions for
consider and give priority to the conditions which will
essential needs of the individual require your nursing skills.
and his family 3. Post visit phase
4. Planning and delivery of care ➔ Record the data in the
should involve the individual chart, plan for your next
and family visit with the family.
5. The plan should be flexible. ➔ Referral to other health
professionals must be
Steps in Conducting home visit done if warranted by the
1. Greet the patient and introduce
2. State the purpose of the visit
3. Observe the patient and
determine the health needs
4. Put the bag in the convenient
place then proceed to perform
the bag technique
5. Perform the nursing care
needed and give health

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