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The Mirror of Internet Pornography:

The Socialization of Cultism

They don’t just watch porn, they become pornography. This is Identity Politics.

When many people think of cults they tend to think of discreet groups of people who have
purposely formed a type of coven/organization for one express purpose or other related to the
nature of the cult, how in reality this includes most activist and exclusive movements, all of
which take on the power and expression of a religion that is intolerant of any who disagree
with their top-down hierarchy of power and control. Cult expression most certainly includes
the MSM News giants, all of whom are owned by a handful of the most powerful in the above
scheme of things; in Canada a tiny globalist Elite.

Public awareness of cults and their activities developed concurrent with the
development and widespread use of technology, especially the Internet. This enabled cultists
to go “underground” so-to-speak; to quickly assemble and then “disappear”. The Russian
Mafia that had developed under the Soviet Regime flowed silently and unseen to come
together for a job, then scatter – almost impossible to track and catch. 1 This is how modern
cults operate in the age of the Internet – the unseen powers manipulating what we see on the
screen. But then they always have worked that way and the Internet is a major gift to those
who would harm others for their own benefit. It enabled cultists to stop having to meet in
physical groups for meetings/activities/ritual. The science of stealing energy.

“Satanic” as a weapon is sometimes a name used for something that perverts human
actions and thought - whats normal, natural - in a destructive/harmful or devolutionary way,
even in the literal sense of materialistic excess, reversal, attack. However, it is the Cult
mentality and the way it relates to the Collective Shadow of Humankind (CSH) we have to pay
attention to; how it wants to control everything. Sound familiar? What it controls it consumes –
awareness is key to prevention. Connections of mind/body and Soul.
A repressed, addicted personally not taught to think critically is basically controlled by a
primarily unconscious, emotionally driven psyche. It’s exactly those who do not take this kind
of thing seriously most at risk.
The term “cult” implies any strict, authoritarian group characterized by top-down
control, stripping other members/people of power, imperialistically by being able to connect
and meet through use of the Internet – the prime method of this theft is by the manipulation of
emotions: likes, dislikes, information in real life and on the web. It uses up energy
(emotionally) that could be used for healthier purposes, especially human interaction in a non-
lustful (expending energy) way. Who controls the information/facts and with the use of
AI/Internet power the situation becomes like in “The Wizard of Oz” literally the Matrix of
Virtual Reality.
This increases the power of control: addiction/AI necessity and emerging tricks of AI 2,
manipulation primarily from the dynamics of addiction, peer pressure.
Importantly, think in terms of the collective unconsciousness of humanity and realize
the level is very conscious of itself on that level– most human thought process take place far
below the conscious level of awareness. 3 Very few people today even consider the possibility
their intolerant views are part of a directed cult initiative to divided humanity at the most basic
level by destroying empathy. Lack of energy also make people intolerant because of lowered
levels of awareness and especially power. Strong, defended people are usually safe and
protective. Frightened weak people are usually dangerous and intolerant.
Repressed people literally think and see in reverse, those who through repression
and lack of developmental challenges languish at the lower levels of individual evolution.
Instead “A Participation Mystique”, rarely reaching mature levels pf psychological maturity. A
time during the civilizing of man when people were not conscious enough to differentiate
themselves from the masses of tribe, especially the head – they were “they”, “them” and “we”
They had no choice. Today we are using feelings/emotions, false history, child abuse and
hormone blockers to achieve this “Participation Mystique” Especially in respect
to emotions.
Many disturbed, repressed individuals (ideologically conditioned ) project their pathology, hate
(for example, “constant class antagonisms”) onto their victims, blaming the victim, Literally.
The nature of most cults involves major repression of people’s conscious perceptions and the
way we interpret/interact with our environment. In recent times Schools, drugs, ideology and
especially, “virtual reality”, technology 4has lowered peoples conscious levels dramatically,
staring with linguistics – eradicating speech - thus lowering intelligence levels and ability to
conceptualize. The Cult capstone is that the whole system is authoritarian – there is no longer
a democratic process. Everything is top down and the masses think they’re in control because
of membership in the social media cult. This is how a cult uses technology.
Activist teachers have not taught critical thinking because the socialists and Marxists
wouldn’t be able to trick their victims into agreeing with them. They need to make people
unhappy enough they will accept solutions offered to alleviate the pain – always offered by
those who cause the pain in the first place.
With high Internet demand the activities can be greatly exaggerated, to extremes and
develop obscene obsession & variance of expression with a focus on sex and violence (for
ex. Pornography). This is the pathology of virtual reality.
Cults in fact have proliferated and become huge in both scope and the number of
people affected, to most unknowingly thanks to our various governments “Public/Private
Partnerships”: another name for fascism and censorship and thought control – another name
for marketing and much, much more.
Factors associated with modern technology and the increasing prevalence of parasitical
psychiatry has desensitized world society on a scale and to an extent that the demand and
growth for what used to be limited to discreet cult activities (sex and violence) and ritual has
deluged world society to such an extent that many people consider these “expressions”
acceptable, and even “normal”.
We tend to overlook something very important that occurred precisely during the same
time people began speaking out about satanic cults: the development and widespread use of
the internet.
Some people think everyone performing obvious rituals, wearing the right clothing,
doing the type of things we see in movies or read about makes them Satanic. The cult aspect
might be true but in “Hollywood cults”, these actors aren't usually in touch with the actual
powers they pretend to have. This is happening throughout mainstream society now,
especially in the schools. The ones that gain are the Elites and people, in every situation
throughout society they have more “Power” than the “other”.
Having your culture cancelled is like a death blow to people’s group and individual
power, literally. It’s a matter of Soul. In today's’ politically divided and dis-harmonic society this
is very easy to accomplish now. Our society is becoming completely two-tiered: those who
follow their individual conscience and live with integrity and those whose lusts are gratified by
becoming jail guards and enforcers for the sate.
There seems to be a bit of a transformation in this regard happening in our society –
because of almost complete saturation in a cult mentality and activity activity: an example is a
socialist mentality and agenda. It’s always authoritarian, one of the main characteristics of a
cult. Our schools are using the two additional classic aspects of cult indoctrination:
torture/violence and sex: the people who have taken over the schools and society in general
are examples. At every level enforcers of the system in al its aspects (the WOKE) are
sadistically taking power from any person who masochistically allows this to happen. The
reason the Convoy in Ottawa was so targeted and attacked by the system is because they
represent the most stable, healthy and therefore self-sufficient forces in society. Mostly rural
folks and farmers – people who will not easily give up their land, health and freedom.
Unlike past dictatorships, today’s plan involves mass shame and self-destruction,
disrespecting dignity, integrity (sexual) and individual volition, sovereignty. It especially
involves the huge loss of energy among our school children. Introducing children to the
“pleasures of sex” and encouraging sexual activity dramatically deprives children and young
people of needed developmental energy, especially psychological at a time when they are far
too immature to understand the octopus-like concerns and factors that erupt once one
becomes sexually active. In addition, the confusion is enormous because of the activist, per-
meditated actions of primarily school, media/corporations and government. 5
Propaganda. How many children today reject the bodies they were born with? The
theft of this energy makes it so much easier to literally control the children and youth. Cults
have always used sex to control their victims. Religions did as well eventually, once the
original practical reasons for celibacy (saving energy to increase psychic/spiritual strength)
were forgotten.
As such, like any sadist in any S&M relationship the people who control and enforce
cults do derive energy from the people they control. In our schools this includes sexual
indoctrination; these days, not in the past when merit not ideological loyalty determined
people’s positions in life.
No one lives authentic lives if they buy into the trans humanist agenda – an agenda
specifically designed to destroy an ability to walk on the waters of the collective unconscious
consciously in freedom – humans are naturally telepathic: in touch with each other spiritually.
Unconsciously everyone’s aware of this on the non-ego level of the human collective
unconscious. In today’s world, and Canada’s one of the best examples of the pathology I’m
referring to: on the conscious level it translates into fear, anger and violence, chaos. AI turns it
into a prison. Like any fundamentalist orthodoxy; like any hypocritical venture this literalism,
this materialism in fact prevents the practitioners from attaining any kind of power or influence
beyond the narrow confines of the group itself and the technology they use. It prevents the
inflow of new energy (individual volition) and steals or corrupts what energy is left.

Real occult groups operate on the unconscious levels of the collective human psyche –
beyond the usual ego level of consciousness. Ai makes this very, very easy especially when
governments and corporations are forcing everyone to have mobile devices. 6 by by
dramatically lowering people-pleasings’’s levels of awareness and perception, anything
beyond bodily emotions – everything is body. Little mind or spirit,

They’re also teaching AI to read and manipulate minds of people: 7

The dynamics associated with cults are to be found in virtually
every aspect and area of society. We look for discreet examples of cults in society but we
cannot see them because we fail to see ourselves within the larger picture. We have literally
become desensitized to the fact we are saturated with and express cult-like behaviours
constantly. This has been a very gradual process.
For example, thanks to the proliferation of “gender ideologies” (another name for sex) being
ubiquitously indoctrinated in the schools/companies/media I learned almost all people who
are addicted to porn today thanks to virtual reality they’ve become pornography...along with
an accompanying public psychological assault on the rest of society. It’s no coincidence
universities are now teaching/offering courses on how to run a prostitution business. 8

These dynamics have invaded our daily lives in the same gradual way our civil
liberties are being eroded in the name of National security (for whom?). This has been
happening on such a massive scale we haven’t noticed it happening. We have become one
big – international – economic (Elite) cult and
I am referring to this in a religious sense, in fact, a few religions have become part of this
cultic expression.
Today, we have one of the greatest tools humankind has ever had in helping us gain an
accurate overall snapshot of worldwide human society: the Internet. It also has the counter
capability of controlling and preventing communication of any kind of real value and enables
of one-way communication and control. Combined with the highly addictive marriage between
pornography and the Internet we’ve created a pandemic of mass Dissociation Identity
Disorder – people actually thinking of themselves as “WE, They and Them”. Classic

The Internet is one of the most addictive technologies to ever exist.

“Repetition compulsion” is a classic psychoanalytical concept. This

compulsion is well known to be a symptom expressed by people who have experienced
abusive situations, and I would imagine psychologically speaking this would also apply to
people who have been propagandized, given a false picture of reality (political) and therefore
in fact clinically can be said to be experiencing psychosis because their thought processes
are not based on (especially historical) and current reality. How many times daily are we
bombarded by propaganda/marketing & adverting/activism, especially as we are being forced
to always be linked with our mobile deices. This is how AI and it’s control becomes Satanic
because we are not expressing our volition but rather accepting centralized control from



someone else, those in charge. When people are cancelled they lose Soul, they lose energy.
AI and the Internet can greatly exacerbate this on a massive social scale. Speaking from my
own experiences, I know that these experiences cannot be overcome without a conscious re-
experiencing – self-reflectively and empathically with the environment - of the dynamics
involved to the point you recognize what’s taking place as it happens.

However, if the marketing, the “love-bombing effects of the, for example current “Woke” Cult
are not re-experienced in a conscious and knowledgeable way, they become more
entrenched and masochistically compulsive. They become indoctrinated. It’s masochistic
because it usually has nothing to do with a person’s inner genuine self (not as an individual)
but is rather expressing an artificially, created identity by technologically coercive methods of
indoctrination: student activists protesting for issues they know nothing about and in fact will
be harmed if their protest succeeds is a typical example: L.G.B.T.I.A. supporting Hamas
terrorists is a good example also – a cult that would kill them in the lands they come from.

In schools, sex education should never include anything more than a description and
explanation of the biological function of the reproductive organs. Any adult that speaks about
pleasure, positions, styles of sex etc. Is committing sexual abuse.
Look at the dynamics that people who have obviously been sexually or otherwise physically
or psychologically- emotionally abused adopt. They’re usually self-harmful and highly
addicted to ever increasing extremes of sexual obsession. They also counsel others to do the
same. People who are addiction usually do as much as they can to rationalize and not deal
with it: absolutely no different than alcoholism. Cleaning up the act is difficult.
I’ll suggest that addictions especially, can be understood by looking at the psychoanalytic
literature of the “Oedipal-complex”, a classic psychoanalytical term that is well known. It
usually represents a developmental stage a person must pass through on the journey to
maturity. Today, it represents a major obstacle achieving psychological maturity because of a
sabotaged emotional development that an abused and conditioned people
experience. This can only be maintained when people are kept locked into the
lower levels of the psyche, lowest on the scales used for most measurement of human
evolution. An obsession with sex, one of the least important pursuits on a regular, daily level
for survival takes precedence over all other considerations. In sexual obsession these
dynamics are lacking: masculine consciousness-producing libidinal or mental strength, energy
is wasted by on sex and emotions. The resulting loss of energy in the victim leaves him/her
on edge, intolerant and divisive and completely open to control, usually by those responsible
for harming the individual in the first place: expressions of sexually abused people.

This dynamic applies to both men and women. It can be put or kept in place
because of an absence of healthy female and male role models being available
to teach young females or males balanced masculine and feminine dynamics.
We should keep in mind that in the early stages of life, children and young people
are very visual and literal. They identify with feminine and masculine energies by
applying them to the physical representational analogies/expressions of these energies. The
parents or other role models in their lives represent what in fact are psychological dynamics
and energies. An Aboriginal woman who worked with children told me that Native Aboriginal
parents are aware of this psychological truism. This may be prevented or distorted because of
childhood trauma, dysfunctional parental relationships and life-long societal conditioning.

While In this state they have not matured past the emotional need to be connected to some
form of emotional placebo, a placebo that relieves them of the pain caused by an alienation
from self. This extends outward to exclude others. They have not, in these instances,
released themselves by moving beyond the womb-like emotional satiation that is obtained
from the early and lower levels of the psyche. They become entrapped in an artificially
created and maintained uroboric state. 9 Can people imagine what hormone-blockers are
doing to children? They can’t know for sure it’s the right thing if they don’t reach puberty
because as children develop they go through various psychological states, sometimes
favouring feminine, sometimes masculine during the constant movement of personalities of
the psyche (everyone debates with themselves, everyone) but usually developing into
maturity according to their biology; unless something diverts this. Many, especially young
people can fall victim to the cult’s “Love bombing” tactics that play on emotions to manipulate
and seduce.

This is a state characterized by an unconscious participation-mystique (“They/Them/We”

identities, dissociated) in which there is a constant, unbalanced pull of opposites – their true
unconditioned self and the image that has been conditioned into them. Both men and women
remain caught in a double bind, a type of mental prison. This is the cause for mental anguish,
anger, etc. as we see throughout all of WOKE society - while nature pulls from the other
direction in an evolutionary sense.

Psychologically, it’s illustrated by a cyclically malfunctioned and frustrated

attempt to emerge out of a double bind, one that is produced by the opposing
forces of opposites. A very good analogy is a real world example: throughout all of history but
especially the last couple hundred years there have been powerful manipulators – usually
bankers – who constantly keep most of the world people’s and nations at each others
throats, at war, both civic and international. The instigators win because they play both sides
to induce conflict while draining both sides to the instigators advantage gaining materially,
financially and in a spiritual sense – even if it is a spirituality associated with what is usually
referred to as evil. Psychologically there’s is a pull to maturity and a push back into the womb.
Intertwined in all of this is a narcissistic alienation from self and others. These dynamics exist
in varying degrees of strength on a continuum.
People end up being continuously pulled and pushed from one extreme to
another without being able to achieve some sort of dynamic balance. The resulting anger is

Under natural conditions “push-pull situations like this are usually related to developmental
challenges that have to be overcome. This is used by nature to frustrate the ego. Within
natural conditions, this would induce the ego to let go of its immature hold on the psyche to
become more resilient and inclusive of the stimuli and factors and integrate them, generating
a self image and perceptions. When this condition is artificially forced on individuals and
maintained, like a rat on a treadmill, in many cases it creates an inner violence directed in-
wards toward the self in a masochistic way and out-wards towards other people in
expressions of sadism and violence. It can also explain, in addition to the proliferation of
addictions throughout society, the epidemic-like outbreaks of violence and anarchy occurring
throughout society and the world.

This unnaturally and artificially forced or induced lack of awareness 10is one of the primary
dynamics responsible for the creation of and maintenance of an addictive and violent
personality. It also provides a perfect atmosphere to manipulate people in the subtle ways
utilized by the superego and its instruments of power and control, expressed today most
thoroughly through social media and public schools system. In some ways most people are
kept at the emotional level of needy children and equally malleable –whoever is reading these
words, the way you respond to these words might speak volumes – anger usually indicates
accuracy. This unnaturally repressed psyche is one of the primary causes of psychotic
behaviour when it is long term, when these dynamics are not identified and integrated. I
assert that the people who indeed are aware of these dynamics throughout history have been
targeted to prevent them from speaking up.

This is diametrically opposite from before WWII when most all reputable psychiatrists
encouraged completely the challenge of expanding awareness and themselves took part in
what many consider superstitious methods of expanding the mind. The prime source of this
knowledge were the various ancient sources of folk wisdom, myth and history. In the past they
psychologically aware people (able to access the miracle of the human collective) were
possessed by the devil. Today they call them mentally ill. In both cases the people doing the
“prescribing” have always controlled are the same families and powers of this worlds that
have always “ruled” the world. Look at the WEF. It always has to do with power.

It was in the Nazi concentration camps where psychotropic medications were first developed
forced on inmates to to experiment with manipulation and control. 11 This is precisely where
the initial pharmaceutical industry experimented and developed these anti-human
medications. More than anything else they destroy a person’s ability to navigate the
unconscious psyche – that is, to actually bring to the level of awareness – Catharsis –
dynamics usually unconscious. Increasing levels of consciousness results in increased
individual strength and personal power. This is achieved usually through various forms of
of note, My current version of MS Office doesn’t even recognize the word “meditate:
increasing individual awareness of what is.” I’ve notice in recent years any words relating to
psychological wholeness (as an individual) and there health, ability and psychological
intelligence are being actually extirpated from the dictionary (Bill Gates Empire).

Intelligence depends on psychological wholeness – specialization of any kind usually destroys

that wholeness because specialization by it’s very nature is extremist. Especially important for
both the ability to conceptualize and communicate is the human language. By disallowing
certain words people’s intelligences are being lowered dramatically. Combine that with a
school curriculum that is deleting more of the scholastic courses that teach people how to
think and replacing them with emotional activities that use up energies which should be used
for developmental purposes. 12
It’s important at this point to speak about mental illness. I’m certainly saying this in relation to
the conversation above about virtual reality on the Internet. This problem today has

10 Example:

completely exploded. Remember years ago when people learned that addiction to gambling
machines was worse than heroin sometimes and had to go into rehab to quit? They were
gaming machines in a bar but today all people including small children are being forced to
always have a mobile device with them – social media is the new virtual reality – that is far
more additive: its a complete dependence. It’s a virtual and materially real form of addiction.
How much of this culture is divorced from material reality to fit the above definition?

In Canada, they’ve recently introduced the ability for people to select Medially Assisted
Suicide including the for mentally ill. They’ve developed a society that in fact is the epitome of
the virtual reality described above. What can only be described as mentally ill.
Modern medicine, supported by an atheist, Marxist mentality pathologizes any kind of
spirituality, actual spiritual connection/communication – freedom/independence - between
people, most consciously expressed through intuition, various forms of telepathy but
especially through ordinary connection ad empathy with other people in the human family.
Every time you encounter people you each mutually communicate hundreds possibly
thousands of non-verbal cues. With mobile texting you only get the printed text. No human
interaction or communication. The every best way for two people to communicate their
character to each others with a handshake – that’s why in a business deal when two people
shake hands you can literally feel, intuit the sincerity of the other person. Texting doesn't cut
the cake. A wet, nervous handshake speaks volumes as does a firm, dry and warm but gentle
grip. Since the pandemic almost no one shakes hands any longer, almost no one
communicates on that level any longer. It enables people to be actors. In other words it cuts
out people's ability to protect themselves by awareness of others. All of this is more and more
being maintained by people working in governmental, corporate and personal cyberspaces.

Stamping out humanities natural communication on this level - 1 st Nation’s people used to live
on this level en mass and many spiritual traditions have produced people capable of living like
this. Most all mammals and animals, birds, etc, communicate as a group. Humankind is no
different under natural circumstances. Tyrannies don’t like the ability of humans to connect
and communicate like this and is a carry over from the Catholic Inquisition during the middle
Ages when they said psychically sensitive people were witches, in league with the devil and
tortured/burned at the stake. They do the same thing today with current mental health using
drugs, electric shock, misinformation and censorship/peer pressure.: literally pathologizing
what people have always called the living spirit and what at one time was the natural state of

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