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S2 FEED 2: The green lanterns of planet earth

1- .Look at the two photos (photo 1 and photo 2)

a. Analyse the photo. Pick out clues and identify the person and the context.

b. What information can you find from the photo on the right? What is it

2- Read the environmental report.

a. Focus on the people: how are they linked? What is their common goal? (Pick

b. Pick out the specific places mentioned and the positive aspects of the event.

c. State the proposed strategy and explain its impact on people and the

d. Who helped and who will continue to help the speakers?

3- Conclude. Explain why the methods used in the documents are

Try to use the vocabulary and expressions below to improve your answers.

A key element un élément clé

Explicitly explicitement

Meaningful significatif(ve)

Deliberately volontairement

Renowned renommé(e), célèbre

To aim at doing sth viser, avoir pour but de faire qqch

To attend sth assister à qqch

To be of utmost importance être de la plus haute importance

To convey sth communiquer, transmettre qqch

To embody sth incarner qqch

To gather se réunir

To present sb with sth présenter qqch à qqn

To provide sth fournir qqch

To ruin sth gâcher, détruire qqch

To staunch sth arrêter qqch

To tackle an issue s’attaquer à un problème

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