Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation On Human Beings

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1- -what is electromagnetic radiation

2- Electromagnetic spectrum(wavelength frequency delectric

3- Sources of electromagnetic radiation natural and man made
4- Ionizing and non ionizing radiation
5- Benefits of EMR in theraby.
6- Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with human body
7- Effect of electromagnetic radiation on human beings
8- Radiation effects.
9- Radiation risks.
10- Biological effects of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
11- Dielectric properties of biological tissues.
12- Thermal and non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields
on living organisms.
13- Physical and chemical mechanisms of interaction
between low frequency magnetic fields and living organisms.
14- Direct impact of EM fields and generation of induced
electric fields in the cell.
15- Radiofrequency standards, exposure, antennas of base
station and mobile phones on humans.

For most people, it is impossible to go even a day without coming
into contact with electronic devices such as laptops, tablets and cell
phones. People rely on these technological tools for work, communicating
with friends and family, school, and personal enjoyment.

What most people don’t seem to realize, however, is that all of these
electronic devices are known to emit waves of Electromagnetic Radiation
(EMF). Even people who are aware of this fact often ignore it, but once you
know all of the adverse effects this type of radiation can have on your
health, you start to pay more attention.

The more research that is done on the matter, the more solid
evidence we see that Electromagnetic Radiation emitted from laptop
computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices can be harmful to our

WHAT IS electromagnetic energy?

EMF is short for electromagnetic fields or sometimes known as
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or electromagnetic energy (EME).
Electromagnetic fields are present everywhere in our environment – the
earth, sun and ionosphere are all natural sources of EMF.

Power is the rate at which energy is consumed or produced. It is the product of

voltage and current, and is measured in watts (W). One watt is equal to one joule per
second (J/s). However, power density, also called the power fl ux density, is a distribution
of power over certain area. Power density is expressed in units of power per area,
such as watts per square meter (W/m2).

Radiation is defined as the propagation of energy through space in

the form of waves or particles. Electromagnetic "radiation" can best be
described as waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (i.e.,

radiating) through space as illustrated in Figure 1. These waves are
generated by the movement of electrical charges such as in a conductive
metal object or antenna. For example, the alternating movement of charge
(i.e., the "current") in an antenna used by a radio or television broadcast
station or in a cellular base station antenna generates electromagnetic
waves that radiate away from the "transmit" antenna and are then
intercepted by a "receive" antenna such as a rooftop TV antenna, car radio
antenna or an antenna integrated into a hand-held device such as a
cellular telephone. The term "electromagnetic field" is used to indicate the
presence of electromagnetic energy at a given location.
Like any wave-related phenomenon, electromagnetic energy can be
characterized by a wavelength and a frequency. The wavelength (λ) is the
distance covered by one complete electromagnetic wave cycle, as shown
in Figure 1. The frequency (f) is the number of electromagnetic waves
passing a given point in one second. For example, a typical radio wave
transmitted by an FM radio station has a wavelength of about three (3)
meters and a frequency of about 100 million cycles (waves) per second or
"100 MHz."

Figure 1. Electromagnetic Wave

Electromagnetic waves travel through space at the speed of light,
and the wavelength and frequency of an electromagnetic wave are
inversely related by a simple mathematical formula: frequency (f) times
wavelength (λ) = the speed of light (c), or f x λ = c.

Since the speed of light in a given medium or vacuum does not
change, high frequency electromagnetic waves have short wavelengths
and low-frequency waves have long wavelengths. The electromagnetic
"spectrum" Figure 2 includes all the various forms of electromagnetic
energy from extremely low frequency energy, with very long wavelengths,
to X-rays and gamma rays, which have very high frequencies and
correspondingly short wavelengths. In between these extremes are radio
waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, and ultraviolet
radiation, in that order

Figure 2. Electromagnetic spectrum

The Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum ranges from 0 to 1025 Hz.

Human sensory systems are able to consciously perceive energy
transductions within just a small fragment of this frequency spectrum (380–
750 nm; 400–790 × 1012 Hz [THz]). However, exposure to EM and sound
energy outside human-detectable ranges may have a variety of biological,
cognitive, emotional, motivational, behavioral, and sociological effects.

Sources of Electromagnetic Fields in Everyday Life
(Natural and Manmade Electromagnetic Energy)
Natural and man-made electromagnetic fields influence the mood
and behavior of healthy and sick people

Electromagnetic fields have always been present on the earth.

Natural electromagnetic fields occur mainly as thermal radiation (infrared),
visible light or ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Fire and lightning are also
sources of electromagnetic fields. Additionally, we have the geomagnetic
field and the electric field between the ground and upper layers of the

Electromagnetic fields exist everywhere in the environment including

our home, school and work place. Electromagnetic fields are generated
either by natural or human-made sources.

Natural sources of electric and magnetic fields include

 The Earth’s Magnetic Field (this makes a compass point north)

 Lightning (lightning generates EMF)
 Visible light (we can see using optical radiation)

Human-made sources of electromagnetic fields include

 Electrical Appliances
- vacuum cleaners
- hair-dryers
- refrigerators

 Radio Communications Devices
- television and radio broadcast stations
- emergency service radio (police, fire, ambulance)
- Power lines
- air traffic control
- cordless phones
- remote controls
- mobile phones
- Wi-Fi modems

Ionizing and Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation

EM waves can be classified as either ionizing radiation (IR) or nonionizing
radiation (NIR) according to the frequency.

IRs are extremely high-frequency EM waves carry such large

quantities of energy that they can ionize particles of matter and
consequently break down the chemical bonds between molecules (gamma
rays [10-12 m] and X-rays [10-12 to 10-8 m]). Gamma (emitted by
radioactive materials) and cosmic radiation) rays and X-rays (used for both
diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (radiotherapy),) transmit high levels of
photon energy that can ionize, or break, atomic bonds that hold together
molecules in cells. Ionizing radiation contains so much energy in its
individual quanta of energy (e.g., 12 eV and above) that it is able to expel
electrons from their orbits in the atom shells. This creates free radicals in
living matter, increasing the risk of chromosomal damage and fatal
abnormalities, which may lead to cancer.

NIRs consist of the range of EM spectra having lower photon

energies too weak to break atomic bonds but still has a strong effect,
which is heating. Many artificial sources of electromagnetic fields, by which
we are surrounded daily (including radio signals), are non-ionizing. They

include ultraviolet (10-8 to 10-7 m), infrared (10-6 to 10-3 m), microwave
(10-3 to 10-1 m), and radio waves (>10-1 m).

Interaction between radiation and the human body

Ultraviolet light

UVA light and UVB light are the most energy-rich forms of non-
ionizing radiation. UVC is even richer in energy but belongs to ionizing
radiation, which we leave out of consideration here. Ultraviolet light easily
causes photochemical reactions, even in our body. That is why it was once
called "chemical radiation" at the time of its discovery. These
photochemical reactions can be favorable (creation of vitamin D) but will
cause damage if the dose is too high (cataract, eye inflammations,
sunburn and even skin cancer).
Visible light

Light-sensitive cells in the retina absorb the energy of the light and
convert it to nerve impulses, which makes it possible for us to see. We
obviously need light but light that is too intense can be hazardous. Laser
light for example can cause irreparable damage to the eyes because the
light-sensitive cells in the eyes are burned. Blue light, which releases the
maximum energy of all visible light, can cause harmful photochemical
reactions in the retina without being very intense. In the long run, this can
cause bad eyesight. Sources of blue light include sunrays and to a lesser
extent LED lamps.
Infrared light and radio waves

Energy from infrared light and radio waves is converted to heat in

the body. We can feel the heat of infrared light because its energy is
absorbed mostly by the skin. On the other hand, we cannot feel radio

waves because these emit their energy deeper in the body, under the
heat-sensitive cells of the skin.
In principle, the conversion of infrared light and radio waves to heat does
not pose any problems for our body. The human body is capable of
producing or emitting heat by itself to maintain the body temperature. To a
certain extent. Infrared radiation or radio waves that are too intense
introduce so much heat in the body that it cannot remove that heat. It will
put our body under pressure and that has to be avoided.
Our body itself also emits infrared radiation (and even some radio waves)
because it is warm.

Electromagnetic fields with (extremely) low frequency

While infrared light and radio waves are converted to heat,

electromagnetic fields with (extremely) low frequency produce an electric
current in the body. That is why scientists use the term induced current.
Very small electric currents are present naturally in our body. Nerves are
able to send signals by means of electrical impulses. But strong currents
that are caused by external sources can also stimulate nerves and
muscles or cause flashes of light in the field of vision.

Benefits of EMR in thereby.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) provide a non-invasive, safe, and

easy method to treat pain with respect to musculoskeletal diseases.
Musculoskeletal diseases comprise several conditions that are
characterized by pain and limitations in mobility. The most common and
disabling musculoskeletal diseases are osteoarthritis, back and neck pain,

tendinopathy, fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. Electromagnetic fields
provides a non-invasive, safe, and easy method to directly treat the site of
injury, the source of pain and inflammation, and other types of disease.
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve

cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness. Pulsed PEMF therapy
sends magnetic energy into the body. These energy waves work with your
body’s natural magnetic field to improve healing. The magnetic fields help
you to increase electrolytes and ions. This naturally influences electrical
changes on a cellular level and influences cellular metabolism. It works
with your body’s own recovery processes to help relieve chronic pain. Best
of all, it’s entirely safe.

Ultimately, the human body requires electricity to sign signals

throughout the body and to your brain. PEMF therapy effectively can
realign the electricity in your cells. When a cell is stimulated, it allows
positive charges to enter a cell in an open ION channel. The inside of this
cell becomes positively charged, which will trigger other electrical currents,
turning into pulses. This can positively influence movement, healing, and
sending of signals. Any disruption in electrical currents can lead to
dysfunction or illness. Pulsed PEMF therapy helps restore this disruption in
electrical current to the normal state, which promotes overall wellness.

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy was recommend to patients

with pain or dysfunction in their:
 Ankles
 Back
 Elbows
 Hips
 Knees

 Shoulder
 recommend this pulsed therapy to patients suffering from:
 Chronic inflammation in joints or the soft tissues
 Chronic fatigue symptoms or chronic fatigue syndrome
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Osteopenia or osteoporosis
 Poor wound healing

Benefits of PEMF therapy

Some of the most common benefits of this therapy include:

1. Enhances the body’s natural recovery process
2. Corrects cellular dysfunction throughout the body
3. Stimulates and exercises cells to recharge cells
4. Gives patients more energy naturally
5. Improves athletic performance
6. Reduces inflammation and pain
7. Helps you recover from an injury faster

Health Risks of EMFs

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine
(AAEM) believes we need to do a better job at understanding the negative
health effects from EMF exposure. They have documented significant
harmful effects occur from EMF exposure such as genetic damage,
reproductive defects, cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous
system dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, and many others. EMF
studies repeatedly have shown gene mutations and DNA fragmentation,
which can cause cell mutation and cancer.

Children are particularly at risk from EMF exposure, because a
child’s body absorbs more EMF than an adult’s, according to The Stewart
Report. In fact, in reviewing these reports, we find that children absorb up
to 60 percent more energy per pound of body weight than adults do.
Today’s standard for the maximum signal strength of cell phones is known
to penetrate an adult head up to one inch. This same cell phone signal
can pass completely through a child’s head!

Male and female reproductive systems are also at risk from

EMF exposure. In one study, Dr. Conrado Avendano and his colleagues
of Nascentis Medicina Reproductiva in Cordoba found that “the use of a
laptop computer wirelessly connected to the Internet and positioned near
the male reproductive organs may decrease human sperm quality.” Their
study found that after a four-hour exposure, 25 percent of the sperm was
no longer active compared to 14 percent from sperm samples stored at the
same temperature over the same time period and away from the computer.
They also noted that 9 percent of the sperm showed DNA damage, three
times the damage found in the comparison samples.

Today’s technologies also produce heat. The heat from a laptop

warms the upper legs and can cause Toasted Skin Syndrome, a
brownish skin discoloration.

Many studies have revealed a link between the use of these types of
technological devices and various forms of illness, due to a breakdown at
the cellular level. Dr. Martin Pall’s research on EMF radiation reveals 8
ways EMF radiation impacts our bodies:

1. Nervous system and brain: widespread
neurological/neuropsychiatric effects like sleep
disturbance/insomnia; fatigue/tiredness; headache;
depression/depressive symptoms; lack of concentration /attention/
cognitive dysfunction; dizziness/vertigo; memory changes;
restlessness /tension/anxiety/stress/agitation; irritability.
2. Endocrine/hormonal systems: The steroid hormone levels drop with
EMF exposure, whereas other hormone levels increase with initial
exposure. The neuroendocrine hormones and insulin levels often
drop with prolonged EMF exposure.
3. Oxidative stress and free radical damage: central roles in essentially
all chronic diseases, as well as other body effects.
4. Cellular DNA attacks: These are related to cancer causation and
produce the most important mutational changes in humans and
diverse animals, as well as in future generations.
5. Apoptosis (programmed cell death): This can cause both
neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
6. Fertility Problems: This can lead to lower sex hormones, lower libido
and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already
stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.
7. Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive
calcium signaling.
8. Cancer: 15 different mechanisms of EMF radiation’s effect on the
cell can cause cancer. Brain cancer, salivary cancer, acoustic
neuromas and two other types of cancer go up with cell phone use.
People living near cell phone towers have increased cancer rates.

These effects can create many symptoms in our bodies, some which
can be felt, and some which we might not know about. Below are just

some of the harmful symptoms of Short-Term and Long-Term
Electromagnetic Radiation exposure.

Short-Term EMF Health Effects

 Headaches
 Tingling or burning sensations
 Aches and pains
 Decreased sperm motility
 Hands hurt
 Trouble sleeping

Long-Term EMF Health Effects

 Brain tumors
 Mental illness
 Cognitive and Behavioral disorders
 Immune disorders
 Cancers – blood, breast and more
 Mutated cells
 Fragmented DNA
 Toasted Skin Syndrome

Electrical Sensitivity
 Headaches
 Concentration or memory loss
 Cognitive impairment
 Tingling or burning sensations
 Sleeping problems
 Aches and pains
 Hand pain

Man-Made EMR is Polarized, while Natural EMR is not
A field/wave is called linearly polarized when it oscillates on a certain
plane which is called the “polarization plane”. A combination of linearly
polarized fields/waves can give circularly or elliptically polarized

Natural EMR/EMFs (cosmic microwaves, infrared, visible light,

ultraviolet, gamma rays) and several forms of artificially triggered
electromagnetic emissions (such as from light bulbs with thermal filaments,
gas discharge lamps, x-rays, lasers, etc.) are not polarized. They are
produced by large numbers of molecular, atomic, or nuclear transitions of
random orientation and random phase difference between them (except for
the lasers which are coherent). These are de-excitations of molecules,
atoms, or atomic nuclei17. Each photon they consist of oscillates on a
distinct random plane and therefore it has a different polarization.
Moreover the different photons are not produced simultaneously but they
have random phase differences among them.

In contrast, man-made electromagnetic waves are produced by

electromagnetic oscillation circuits (“Thomson” circuits), forcing free
electrons to oscillate back and forth along a metal wire (electric circuit).
Thus, they are not produced by excitations/de-excitations of molecules,
atoms, or nuclei and because the electronic oscillations take place in
specific directions/orientations they are polarized (most usually linearly
polarized). The plane of polarization is determined by the geometry of the
circuit. [Lasers are coherent light emissions, not necessarily polarized and
condensed within a narrow beam with high intensity, but they may also be

Superposition of two fields of identical frequency and linear
polarizations, equal amplitudes and a phase difference 90° between them,
or superposition of three such fields with a phase difference 120° between
each two of them and with specific geometrical arrangement, results in a
circularly polarized field of the same frequency. The above combinations
with unequal amplitudes results in elliptically polarized field of the same
frequency. Circularly and elliptically polarized 50–60 Hz electric and
magnetic fields are formed around 3-phase electric power transmission
lines. These fields are accused for an association with cancer.

Oscillating polarized EMFs/EMR (in contrast to unpolarized) have

the ability to induce coherent forced-oscillations on charged/polar
molecules within a medium. In case that the medium is biological tissue,
the result is that all charged molecules will be forced to oscillate in phase
with the field and on planes parallel to its polarization. Several oscillating
electromagnetic fields of the same polarization - such as the fields from
different antennas vertically oriented - may also produce constructive
interference effects and thus, amplify at certain locations the local field
intensity and the amplitude of oscillation of any charged particle within the
medium (and within living tissue). At such locations, living tissue becomes
more susceptible to the initiation of biological effects.

The Role of Polarization in the Biological Activity of

Electromagnetic Fields

A large and increasing number of studies during the past few decades
have indicated a variety of adverse biological effects to be triggered by
exposure to man-made EMFs, especially of radio frequency
(RF)/microwaves and extremely low frequency (ELF). The intensities of
radiation and durations of exposure in all these studies were significantly

smaller than those of corresponding exposures from natural EMFs in the
terrestrial environment. Moreover, the field intensities applied in the studies
were several orders of magnitude smaller than physiological fields in cell
membranes, or fields generated by nerve and muscle excitations.

Solar EMR intensity incident upon a human body ranges normally

between 8 and 24 mW/cm2 (depending on season, atmospheric conditions,
geographical location, etc) while corresponding intensity from a digital
mobile phone handset upon a human head during “talk” emission is
normally less than 0.2 mW/cm2 .

Similarly, terrestrial electric and magnetic fields, or infrared radiation

from every human body at normal temperature, have significantly larger
incident intensities and exposure durations on any human than most
artificial EMF sources.

We shall attempt to explain theoretically that the increased adverse

biological action of man-made EMFs is due to the fact that they are
polarized in contrast to the natural ones.

All types of man-made EMFs/EMR - in contrast to natural EMFs/EMR

are polarized.
Polarized EMFs/EMR can have increased biological activity, due to:
1) Ability to produce constructive interference effects and amplify their
intensities at many locations.

2) Ability to force all charged/polar molecules and especially free ions

within and around all living cells to oscillate on parallel planes and in phase
with the applied polarized field. Such ionic forced-oscillations exert additive
electrostatic forces on the sensors of cell membrane electro-sensitive ion

channels, resulting in their irregular gating and consequent disruption of
the cell’s electrochemical balance.

These features render man-made EMFs/EMR more bioactive than

natural non-ionizing EMFs/EMR. This explains the increasing number of
biological effects discovered during the past few decades to be induced by
man-made EMFs, in contrast to natural EMFs in the terrestrial environment
which have always been present throughout evolution, although human
exposure to the latter ones is normally of significantly higher
intensities/energy and longer durations. Thus, polarization seems to be a
trigger that significantly increases the probability for the initiation of
biological/health effects.

Induction of Forced-Oscillations in living tissue by Polarized


All critical biomolecules are either electrically charged or polar. While

natural unpolarised EMF/EMR at any intensity cannot induce any
specific/coherent oscillation on these molecules, polarized man-made
EMFs/EMR will induce a coherent forced-oscillation on every
charged/polar molecule within biological tissue. This is fundamental to our
understanding of the biological phenomena. This oscillation will be most
evident on the free (mobile) ions which carry a net electric charge and exist
in large concentrations in all types of cells or extracellular tissue
determining practically all cellular/biological functions.

Although all molecules oscillate randomly with much higher

velocities due to thermal motion, this has no biological effect other than
increase in tissue temperature. But a coherent polarized oscillation of even
millions of times smaller energy than average thermal molecular energy
can initiate biological effects.

We do not distinguish between externally applied EMFs and
internally induced ones within living tissue, especially in the case of ELF
for the following reasons:

1. Living tissue is not metal to shield from electric fields and

certainly is not ferromagnetic metal (Fe, Co, Ni) to shield from magnetic
fields. Moreover, it is known that especially ELF fields cannot be easily
shielded even by Faraday cages and in order to significantly minimize
them it is recommended to totally enclose them in closed metal boxes.
Thus, ELF electric fields penetrate living tissue with certain degree of
attenuation and magnetic fields penetrate with zero attenuation.

2. Even in case that the ELF fields are significantly attenuated in the
inner tissues of a living body, the eyes, the brain, the skin cells, or the
myriads of nerve fiber terminals that end up on the outer epidermis, are
directly exposed to the field intensities measured externally on the surface
of the living tissue.

Except for direct electric field exposure by an external field, there

can be an electric field within tissues induced by an externally applied
oscillating magnetic one, which as explained penetrates living tissue with
zero attenuation. Tuor et al.measured ELF magnetic fields from cell
phones on the order of 1 G (=10−4 T) at 217 Hz. This can induce electric
fields on the order of ~0.1 V/m within the human body,

Any location at equal distances from identical sources (antennas), in

other words any location along the midperpendicular to the
distance d between the two sources, is a location of constructive
interference and increased field and wave intensities. As the number of
sources (e.g. antennas) increases, the amplification of the resultant field
intensities (E, B) at certain locations increases too and for a large number

of sources field intensities may become very sharp. The result of field
superposition at those locations are standing waves (i.e. they do not
change with time) when the two or more sources of the same polarization
are in addition coherent (i.e. same frequency, same phase difference).
Within biological tissue, at those locations of constructive interference we
can have increased biological activity due to the polarized EMFs.

Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the

antioxidant defense system
EMF-related oxidative stress and effects on tissue

Exposure to EMFs can damage biological tissues by inducing

changes, which can be explained in terms of thermal or non-thermal
mechanisms. Thermal effects can occur with the conversion and
absorption of heat by the body’s electromagnetic energy. Increased body
temperature is stabilized and alleviated by blood circulation. Although non-
thermal effects do not raise the body temperature sufficiently to impair the
structure of tissues, their effects can still be seen as an increase in oxygen
free radical production in tissues.

Tissue Free radicals are reactive molecules produced during the

con-version of foods into energy through oxygen. The formation of free
radicals is an oxidation reaction that occurs on an oxygen basis. Since
oxygen is essential for survival, the formation of free radicals cannot be
avoided. However, factors including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
alter the transcription and translation of genes such as JUN, HSP 70 and
MYC, via the epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR-ras, leading to the
generation of ROS and resulting in the overproduction of ROS in tissues.

Although some researchers have reported that ROS perform

beneficial function, a high degree of ROS production may cause cellular

damage, resulting in a range of diseases. The initial stage of the ROS
production in the presence of RF is controlled by the NADPH oxidase
enzyme located in the plasma membrane. Consequently, ROS activate
matrix metalloproteases, thereby initiating intracellular signaling cascades
to warn the nucleus of the presence of external stimulation. These
changes in transcription and protein expression are observed after RF
exposure. Excessive elevation in ROS levels is an important cause of
oxidative damage in lipids and proteins and nucleic acids. It therefore
causes changes in enzyme activity and gene expression, eventually
leading to various diseases, including sleep disorder, arthrosclerosis, and
loss of appetite, diabetes, dizziness, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular
disease, nausea and stroke.

In addition, degradation of the pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance due

to an uncontrolled increase in ROS may also result in lipid peroxidation.
Lipid peroxidation is the process in which cell membranes are rapidly
destroyed due to the oxidation of components of phospholipids containing
unsaturated fatty acids. By continuing this reaction, lipid peroxides (-C0, H)
accumulate in the membrane, and transform polyunsaturated fatty acids
into biologically active substances. Consequently, lipid peroxidation leads
to significant damage in the cells, such as disturbances in membrane
transport, structural changes, cell membrane fluidity, damage to protein
receptors in membrane structures, and changes in the activity of cell
membrane enzymes.

Oxidative stress plays an important role in DNA damage process,

general and specific gene expression and cell apoptosis. The brain has a
high metabolic rate, making it more prone to damage by ROS and
oxidative damage compared to other organs. Excessive amounts of ROS
in tissues may lead to necrosis, the death of neurons and neuronal

damage in brain tissue, as well as to neurological disorders such as
Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy.

When applied antioxidant supplemented with EMF exposure,

improved the hydrophilic, lipophilic and enzymatic antioxidant blood
capacity and partially compensated for these changes. Vitamin E is one of
the most important such antioxidants. Vitamin E is stored in the liver and
has many functions. Its main antioxidant function is to prevent lipid

EMF exposure triggers oxidative stress in various tissues, but also that
it causes significant changes in levels of blood antioxidant markers.

Chapter 2

Electromagnetic Interactions
Biological Systems


The two most important health-related characteristics of EM fields

are field strength and frequency. Extremely low frequency (ELF) fields can
cause the generation of electric currents in the human body, while radio
frequency radiation (RFR) can lead to heating up of the body. The higher
the frequency, the less deep the penetration of energy into the body, and
the more superficial the heating effect is.
A biological effect occurs when exposure to EM fields causes some
noticeable or detectable physiological change in a living system. It occurs
when the biological effect is outside the normal range for the body to
compensate, and therefore leads to some detrimental health condition.
Health effects are often the result of biological effects that accumulate over
time and depend on exposure dose. Therefore, detailed knowledge of the
biological effects is important to understanding the generated health risks.
Let us consider the example of exposure to sunlight as one of the
most familiar forms of nonionizing radiation. The sun delivers light and
heat, which may lead to sunburn when the amount of exposure exceeds
what can be protected against by the skin’s melanin (a pigment, which
gives skin and hair its color and provides protection against UV and visible
light). It may even lead to positive health effects where sunlight exposure
assists the human body to produce vitamin D, which helps the body absorb
calcium for stronger bones. However, extensive exposure to sunlight might
lead to severe health effects, such as sunburn or even skin cancer.

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