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Flraty) = ate ph aay V tery ~o - y! a Je 4K 2. Aang Bren se seh Seperable Of By (S08) Exec Of © (Ez) Mtsis) dx + N Gy) dy =0 ON . ON ay On ZB Cr y!4 Oy zs ay yae'y> LoE Sia ,¥> 6) (yay 2 shh G'G)) nen Loe ‘ x gy-Ne 5 5 2 4s aD ™ dy xy ae 2 Ss 1 %2xQ) xb ag a», LOE a got g ar bX 3 Ve X44 = I Gray) dx “yay =O _ ronencct dif. a. = gy 2 Sinyyte* Loe Ly! =X shy 79/Pothe by ee cas xdx + (1- by 5) dy -0 Chopteh Ly: Sererable Frese Order DE g's PCtw) , Mix) NG) yD SOD * Gowral sel Ryo 42 The solurton +0 rhe Arse Ore spac ee © > Tale inten MG)dx+NG) dy= 0 Casing ease) LY 404 ~vl SModde +S Gldyec X Sint coe —TI y : SINT - cosTT 4-6-0400) Se losen 70 Typ XSi0% £COSX 4444-460) The solution 0 Typ Ge ex +2d)-0, 900 =0 en a + ady od MG) dx +N G)dy 20, 460) = 4) as ee an be obeained , a5, usval by Frsr 2 4 Y 0 G3) +0 golve the €q “a they Teer a Yeo dy <0 PY the inisial condor divecrly x0 | ° vex® GY vay® evalyare @ duzaxds dvedydy Alernarively the solrsion sorve ex 4 ea J9e0 con be cbimned from Zz lo 2 'o* x y 2 Jods JG) dy eO Clete Sa aig x So 2 202 27 z ‘E Cnet i2 Particula- sol the Inegral Ci.) showeven, moy ne determine she (1.9) vata +h sobsion of (1, tqvely Gods aydace 1k Ed Solve dy x2 oh le Bk 42, (S08) Ky-Datly 8 an) f 944642) de $ 4 2xre2 B.6DGey z Bas care) “1 is dx (9% d ate ot y Paced ey E)a Athy, Xt err tlfyoc aa 5) dk ES lalate] +O Jr2 s JRafoay =9-5ha [yx3l +e XS ha |atie| =9- Tp ly 3] + KF ha atte | 45 Uq yt 3| 29 HE (ot) x+la je |-v+c Redue+: on oe Homo genous Functions yeFlay) POxty) Fey) The homo gendug tf eq. 3 =PO4y9) G5) The resulying equation in veriobls X,V la solved 05 a SUE. The ragvired seluvion 40 (4.5) 8 obtains by making the subsrurion Alrernorively, the solurion +0 5) eon be obrahed by rre0sFarming (45) inte SOE as ae dy ~ Foy) So, the sobs purion will be XaYv, veuly) with 45 derivarive out yu De Flyeyy) Ex Bole y's 39 S0Ex 1 tnay Yox¥ , V2VG) woey FPR H leva! vewv's dit in ay ‘SA ve suet ve gt. heving rhe property thar nM an sdk, Eltxyry) ° Pox, 9) “eo be Tan Formed dv -[% (Soe) det way into a apertble. OF by meliny | |i J 5°54 8 ' vrgu's A The subst sion [Speqovcuse eae yexv, VeVix) A ot ' Eik bale c ts the (78° eg oe) Glong wirh t45 comespond| Solu ion one Sethe daft ys Vaxvl chat Forte We sole co Hoe is | Gack, iylee 4 dv FQ)-uldee GO) atl ne Coe SD oV+x =PGoxv dk xk ? ) Solve 4 sin(4 Jd Grasn(g)g0 Bd (yt (dx —xdy = = SOE x HOEY dy _ y.siac& 3) a % Moe ¥ & Ge x x a 34 Asin G) de yetV/ Nev) HK sy” ve v4) z 3 i W . Kx 4yy' Brus sine mT ve\t+(@) Te dx. gexsin(S) HY HG te et alt ayy sn (4) nd [1 (506) us guts Shy say Fu oe J. sine jim * vage= dessioy (snc) arcsiv= table yu'eAtvsiny Wf fsinody oft tlv+linel=t, bite (508) ae - “3 bld+ (oF bhi +e - sack [eerie | eps) cepa, bin xe du ~eox Al ylte Po a y shu Choprer S Exoct Firs Order OF 0 diFeg, z Ea Save Gye -2aydy =O Cay) da + NCos)ay <9 gx $t3 (+36), F(na)ec solvsion) la exact if 4 ve vey fehl ee > aN ) vr 3 Mens) 2 x19 yle VV "2G 4 4 = Inlg] edn lle oreau, “ox ‘At BRIN Ltalyv lalalal te on ~v ee 210. Daf (cai Cy Deri aad Yaevt (soe)] Shr #6) poe Fe Oa) eBay 402) OM OMe Dy + +2) ex x Raft |= Eola] +c 3x Kort Pn | y-3"| 2 cy OM . Myc 2x 40% | ae Lit A Ee ydx + +xdy 20 15 09 exter 4: Mag Myo4 Noe yet 2a 5 Ga Cat sia) dy eeavy? Pr Py = 0+ cosy ae Q,>0 Method of soltion +0 Solve M (xydatNlxy)dy =2 (5.1) gGud)=c 9x % +3y dy=0 ox22+Je” Sy 2 -2yrxe” [edx = aye Ade +h ga2x + fye%dx +Fly) xyev ge2x+fe'dv+ Fly) gedardy g= 2a +e +FG) Sy= «ye oe nay nes F'(y)=2y FQ=-9 Pee. assuming thal is an CXxacr, First solve | gnaese ye 10n$, the equar Ee Dererming whether the AFL eq og. ™, 24 vG&y ox = Ga) oy ) For glx) glxgac dg-9 Wy dy =? I Ix 949 20 The solwion of bs,4) ts the giver Imphicity by Slaps c whl cis an orbirory Constant ge Solve yl 2+ ye SOE x Zy-ner7 noe x ty 2A 2y- eo (Coase = Wyre }4-9 Myre? 4 y xe? 3a oN, Ny = Oy aye?) ie an EOE ode + (29441) dy Os excer salve she OF w Js dt = yt de +6) 9794 + FY) (2 gy= 2yr+P'(y)a2yt44 E'()er FG) yt sel ution geyittytesO pict J+ Ht +t Gydys 0 yrdt + (ayt41)dy-0 Ne Ex Determine wherker the of eq a7 Cath 2x9) dr “tb sbates eed M or MIM p64) a Ferotion only S , ig Ckact depends on %, then the. lntegraning Footer sox Mx kxr-bx* L@- oo dk hoe v Ny = -O%* 4hext = E0eVv () gp = 22x 2x3 2) 9x= et bn + 2x4? wf arereJ (2x%4—-2x3) dr + Fx) ge x2a2xta + FO) 2K bP KP abbr pd e'Gj= kaap FO) xt 40 Bex 4-2 xp 4 xb -Cecy ———— 2. Holm Inte gree ng Factors May) dx N Cyyddy = 0 My tM ig nob On @xooy OE Moltiply both sides, by Lay) which #5 an Integrating Focrory then we have @) 9x Tx) M Cay) tT Gea) Moc) ely 20 Tn order to moke rhe abowy eq. era thereFot i+ has jo sarisPy the condition Gm)j=ay 6.8) The integratiog Factor at ob tatncel (6.8). Our There we gM two of them Ty DIF My-my =P), =m Finer only depends 09 y then the inregraring Factor My-Me Lly)= é ae The imegraring Factors makes (5.1) exact and searle solveen to (5,3) 1s also the solvrlon +0 (5.2) we Dererming whether 4 *S an wens Cow fe the olf 4 ox Asi My24 Nerd Lw- at Not exocr aydx 5 Cue) <0 yy ze dx that Ny _ the condition holds so the IntegMailag Facer 4 nog Originl 0g, eer o Ga: Sele the non -OE yds -xdy =0 Myst Nye-4 My -Na=2 W) Ay-Me 2 Ci) Mate te A N x ny Les oe Seu af dda me ce thon sete Ld is an tm, Footer Far ds ~xdy20 4 tbe xdy=d A coe Sn-kdyo EOE 23 O 34° 3 By yet wJs, de eS-L dy sA Gy 8 (behg be edyeg Cee%t hx Sy) yz0 tom Agung Seles, Ny =hx 5 Nae (aes bcs Saydy -f-x hay +6.) g2-x'y +f) 908 x 8g EG) = xe% Gy Fra fe . FJ Re & G8) Nex 0 Nex BCLS, 52-2 +F(x) Be (aryted +2ay tye a syhed—x2y® 35) oy SOEX — Mya AallePer-ry} o%nbe get HOE x N. coe cee Rayhes MyNe2 LF.I 4 Banyd oh Myce. (2d stash Ne yi x Oy ebay 3) 2xy*3 . My—N; oo. ry in 2ey2e F275 “oy Cased 209" 41) TH f54, YF 4 Qnerres + Bde (ster 92h, 0 ge Pe + 2 ~ By H)4.0 &0E = xtgy_ x2 _3« @ Ip re a Sy eS & @ lesan +h) de 40) abet at Je# On tS FG ae tle Be & cf ; a F'(p20 & FG)ec sc 92% 54 2 Ko, JI Ff Chapter b: Linear Fist On, 0 gteWdych) (6.4) 1S the general Form of ix. We vse an ingegeating Foctay d(x): seid to Integra the DE el) dx rm ooeee eb) 1 iJ) +c dye Tr ‘DT! T af) - ¢. Sede re Sra fe , ad dence hO* Es Solve S+hyext KS thy 2AT y "4h tye xs yeh SE xy! whe xe xk L ere xt JGt aft XM ye InP dx ee ye = cart Ex: Solve she Lv yitye sign gC) redtheer xy) Sie 2? fe*smn Cy: Serchadsic 96 Set sinx d = 70x AX tc eX Jena ~e% 08k -e*shx ~feXshx dk ek cosy. eBS-5ine 2 Setshx dre e* Cshx-cosx) Jesiredee& Gam eo) 2 C*( (stax —cosx) +ce7* Sinn _ CO8* 4 og-* werone *e Js Sal 68 T 4d 7 cre 2 2 Sng case @™* sedi se Reduction of. beraoul Abter Finding she soltion 0 LOE, we woe tte Substitution ro rad He sobstion 1 Ex: Sele 3 ny =yt ot xy 2 xyt y! e +X ex ve4 tayt vity?y! y JS uyla4xvex (LOE) Vinxve-x relate fe »)' fact at ee vz, fence dete x z vide” dure EX Salve xy! b= ay" By aah yt eCx)y = 4G) 9" Tons og? yg! reeds 90) veg er 3 YE (-a). yy! ov. fon, y ~Ps = 44) U Feat POV I) i. ~2¥ ox" Cog) v's Ctea) pl) ve Ct-a) gle) LOE vie Sel2du+c eX ac Reduction to Ricart’ OL. Ey. ye Plady =94(x)y% +(x) the gereral Form of rhe ROE For tS Solution, we need a parricvlar solsion Given 34251) 05 0 porsievlar colvaton The ROE «ronsforms into (A) LOE by rhe subsp Je 4 +540) and 45 derivative Fe ¥ 4941) C4) BOE by she subse surion govt s(x) ond 15 dorvanive y'eu'-+ 94x) Bx Solve Przayegt with given qrien 2 sul <2 Da (442%) +(4+22) 7 abet it tt 244, (106) yladav-4 vit 2av =-4 (Loe) ee Solve yay 744 with givey Partievlay sol. y42 4% whee a is a real aumber okys 44 (ROE) Iy> 8% go fee cr eo p 44 a-xaxe ~a2x*+4 Cota) x* 44-4 = 0x* 40.4 07-020 } a: a-120 The subs yaa Vont yt g's ates mh atx 49) 2 Ub o8) of 2 3+ aD oS cE dn tee” 1g the solerion 49 RDE win +7 Ex Solve yls-Bay*thnlaaet) y with gen 942% P42) The subs titution ye Lax get Ge + (lores) Ge) he Ba 48k yt) te as git g 4 = BOs, x v mY da %& yet -8x uz = vi e+ Chypter F _ Applications of Rise Order DE 1) Growrh and Decoy Preblens N( 4): amounr oF populerion at ony time + IN, the care of choage. grou dt aA: arth > a=kb ProperHenality COM tet the rote of change 9 Proportional TO +he amouny of Population ar any time + dN dx ON ~k NC) Csoe) dr jet 2 Jkar JilWle kt +4, ¢ a N(4) according +0 Na fete enero Properties initial valve NCo)2¢ 2) Temperarure Problems Newson Low oF Casling, which 2qvally applicable +0 heapiyey , stores thar the time rote of el nge OF temperature of body is proportion to the temperature berween she, body and the temperture of Surrounding mediven T(t): the temperature of ae body ar ony Tine + aT. the rate oF chonge dt Try the +emperature oh rhe Surrounding medidon at a (T-1) dv +kT -1 @) Soke the Rubbing ' 1 Se Heat The sdvin Slay sb) 1-4 in Phe orthagera! Yer trajectartes oF rhe Family Ye Of cures of Play)

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