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Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

Energy Balance

Student’s Name: Makenzie Griffin

Write your specific plan to help your client manage body weight:
● Client will participate in 3-5 days of cardiovascular exercise involving exercises like
treadmill walk or jog, stationary bike, stair climber, etc.
● Client will have a heart rate of at least 120-160 bpm and an RPE of 12-16

Energy Out:
# of kcal used during exercise bout 123 kcal x # of days per week 2 days = 246 kcal/wk

VO2= (0.1 x S) + (1.8 x S x G) + 3.5 *26.8 x 2.0 mph= 53.6 m/min

VO2= (0.1 x 53.6 m/min) + (1.8 x 53.6 m/min x 0%) + 3.5
VO2= 8.86 ml/kg/min

L/min= VO2 x BW(kg)/1000 ml/L

L/min= (8.86 ml/kg/min x 138.35 kg)/ 1000ml/L
L/min= 1.23 L/min

kcal/min= L/min x 5 kcal

kcal/min= 1.23 L/min x 5 kcal
kcal/min= 6.15 kcal/min

# of kcal used during exercise= kcal/min x time (minutes)

# of kcal used during exercise= 6.15 kcal/min x 20 minutes
# of kcal used during exercise= 123 kcal

Energy In: eats at least 2 buckeyes 3 days a week

# of kcal reduced per day = 302 kcal x # of days per week 3 = 906 kcal/wk

Must state specifically how this will occur:

● Client will decrease the number of kcals consumed from buckeyes by cutting them out of
her diet and replacing them with something more nutritional.

1 serving = 151 kcal x 2 = 302 kcal a day x 3 days a week = 906 kcal
906 kcal/week + 246 kcal/week = 1152 kcal/week
(1152 kcal/week)/(3500 lbs fat) = 0.329 lbs x 8 weeks= 2.632 lbs
(Energy out 246 kcal/wk) + (reduced/increased Energy in 906 kcal/wk) = 1152 kcal energy
(1152 kcal energy imbalance)/3500 = 0.329 lbs reduced/increased per week

0.329 lbs reduced/increased per week x 8 weeks = 2.632 lbs changed by the end of the semester

Calculate body weight in terms of fat and fat free weight.

Formula: weight x %fat = lbs fat wt weight - fat wt = lbs fat free wt

305 lbs x 50.9 % fat = 155.2 lbs fat weight

305 lbs - 155.2 lbs fat weight = 149.8 lbs fat free weight

If modifying body composition, set a realistic goal target weight for the next 8 weeks (from pre
to post) based on target %fat for your client.

Target %fat = 50%

Target weight = fat free weight/ [1 – (target %fat/100)]

299.6 lbs = 149.8 fat free weight/ [1 – (50% target fat/100)]

Current Weight – Target Weight = Amount of weight loss/gain for this semester

305 lbs - 299.6 lbs = 5.4 lbs (This should match your calculations above).

1. Goal Setting – List your client’s intended outcomes for the semester. Beside each
intended outcome, briefly explain how this prescription will help her achieve these
outcomes and how will you measure the progress towards the outcomes.
a. Strength train 2-4 days a week
i. Strength training 2-4 days a week is beneficial for weight loss and muscle
gain. When you strength train, you challenge your muscles, which leads to
an increase in muscle mass. More muscle mass means a higher
metabolism, as muscles burn more calories than fat. This can help you
burn more calories throughout the day, even at rest.
ii. To measure progress, you can track changes in body composition, such as
decreases in body fat percentage and increases in lean muscle mass. You
can also monitor strength gains by tracking the amount of weight you can
lift or the number of repetitions you can perform. These indications can
provide a tangible measure of your progress towards your goals.
b. Complete cardiorespiratory exercises 2-4 days a week
i. Completing cardiorespiratory exercises 2-4 days a week can aid in weight
loss and muscle development. Cardio exercises, like running or cycling,
increase heart rate and calorie burn, helping to shed excess weight.
Additionally, these exercises engage multiple muscle groups, contributing
to muscle toning and development.
ii. To measure progress, you can track changes in body composition, such as
decreases in body fat percentage and increases in lean muscle mass. You
can also monitor improvements in cardiovascular fitness by measuring
factors like heart rate recovery time or the ability to sustain higher
intensity workouts.
c. Stretch for 10 minutes a day.
i. Stretching for 10 minutes a day can greatly improve flexibility. It helps
improve flexibility by lengthening and loosening muscles and tendons. It
increases the range of motion in joints, allowing for better movement and
reducing the risk of injury. Regular stretching also helps improve posture,
balance, and overall athletic performance. By stretching consistently, you
can gradually increase your flexibility and achieve greater mobility in your
daily activities and workouts.
ii. To measure progress, you can track improvements in flexibility by
assessing how far you can reach or how deep you can stretch in various
exercises. Gradually increasing your range of motion over time indicates
progress towards improved flexibility.
d. Perform flexibility exercises 2-4 days a week.
i. Performing flexibility exercises 2-4 days a week can greatly improve
flexibility. These exercises, such as static stretching or yoga poses, help
lengthen and stretch muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This increases the
range of motion in joints, allowing for better movement and reducing the
risk of injury.
ii. You can assess your development in flexibility by analyzing how far you
can reach or how deeply you can stretch in various exercises. Gradually
extending your range of motion over time suggests that you are making
progress toward greater flexibility.
e. Work on balance for 10 minutes a day
i. Completing balance exercises for 10 minutes a day can greatly improve
balance. These exercises, such as standing on one leg or practicing yoga
poses, challenge and strengthen the muscles responsible for balance. By
consistently working on your balance, you can improve stability,
coordination, and proprioception.
ii. To measure progress, you can track improvements in balance by assessing
your ability to maintain balance for longer periods, perform more
challenging exercises, or maintain stability in different positions.
Gradually increasing your balances and control over time indicates
progress towards improved balance.
f. Perform step exercises once a week.
i. Completing step exercises once a week can improve balance by
challenging your coordination and stability. Step exercises, such as step-
ups or step aerobics, require you to maintain balance while performing
movements, which strengthens the muscles involved in balance.
ii. To measure progress, you can track improvements in balance by assessing
your ability to perform step exercises with better control and stability.
Gradually increasing the difficulty of the step exercises or adding
variations can also indicate progress towards improved balance.

2. Health, Fitness, Wellness Educational Topic:

Choose a topic of interest to your client. Research the topic using credible sources.
Provide a script of how you will present this to your client (written to your client). Your
first sentence or two should explain why you have chosen this topic for your client. Then
provide a thorough explanation including how this relates to your client. Cite the
source(s) using APA format. This should be typed and 1-2 paragraphs.

The most significant component of this entire process for my client is that she wants
to lose weight and learn how to keep it off through exercise. She also wants to learn how to
strength train. Strength training is important for the body because it offers a wide range of
benefits. First, strength training helps build and maintain muscle mass, which is crucial for
overall strength and functionality. It can also increase bone density, reducing the risk of
osteoporosis (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2023). Additionally, strength training improves
metabolism, helping to burn more calories even at rest. It can also enhance body
composition by decreasing body fat percentage and increasing muscle tone. Strength
training is not just about physical changes, it also has mental benefits. Regular strength
training can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve overall mental wellbeing (Mayo Clinic
Staff, 2023).
Strength training relates to my client because it is a concept, she wants to be more
educated on so she can perform exercises on her own. I have also started including core
strength exercises into our weekly workouts to help teach her while also assisting her in
losing weight. My client has stated before that gaining strength is important to her because
it can help her achieve her fitness goals, improve her overall physical performance, and
enhance her daily activities. Her biggest struggle with her activities of daily living is not
being able to lift objects without assistance. By increasing her strength, she can improve on
her ability to lift, carry, and perform tasks with ease.

Works Cited
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2023, April 29). Strength training: Get stronger, leaner, healthier.
Mayo Clinic.

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