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i —— ulsl! obj ey interchange FIFTH EDITION aa Intro Workbook Jack C. Richards Ares Taig Learning| interchange FIFTH EDITION Workbook Jack C. Richards St Sats US 9 Ey cgnlh ASUS GT Ft Gylda2 US ie] CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Contents a Credits iv 1 What's your name? 1 2. Whore ara my keys? 7 3. Where are you from? 13 4 Is this coat yours? 19 3 What time is it? 25 6 ride my bike to school. 31 7 Does it have a view? 37 B Where do you work? 43 9 | always eat breakfast. 49 10 What sports do you like? 55 11 I'm going to have a party. ot 12 How do you feel? 67 13 How do | get there? B 14 | had a good time. 79 415 Where were you born? 85 16 Can take a message? ” x Mirae) mL ag ‘Complete the conversations. Use the nai [ohsctn Ef wecorcia Ems. eater Nancy _Nanes A 4. At Hi. What's jour ___ name? 2. A: What's __ name? B ______ name is Lisa. And what's B: name is Michael, __name? A: And what's _ name? AL 2 name is James. Bo name is Susan. [ficoreiec tie omenatos a a A Pd 1. A: Hello, Me. Wilson B: morning, David. are you? A (OK, thank you, 2. A Hi How are Mrs. Turner? B: I'm just «thank you. How about ‘ Smith? A: Pretty , thanks. Beiicniin | 2. As Hows i Ken? “ B: Great. are you doing? A: Pretty good, nit x Choose the correct responses. 4. At Hi, Tony, 4, A: How do you spell your last name? Be Heli, a * Hello. ROGERS. It’s nice to meet you Its Rogers. 2. A: My name is Ellen Miller. 5. A: I'm Rich Martinez. B 2 * fe’s Williams. * Nice to meet you, too, + I'm Rob Williams 2 t's nice to meet you 3. At Hello, Carol. How’sit going? & '* Fine, thanks, * Nice to meet you, too. [Eq spett the numbers. . _ 1.2 two. ee = 2.3 6 sss 3.8 % 0 - BiB 10.9 5.7 W4 6.10 What's your nae? [[J Weite the telephone numbers and email addresses. 1. two-one-two, five-five-five, six-one-one-five 2. A-M-Y dash L-O-P-E-Z eight-two at C-U-P dot O-R-G amy-lopez®2@cuporg +3. six-oh-four, five-five-five, four-seven-three-one - 4. nine-four-nine, five-five-five, three-eight-oh-two 5. BRIAN dot JOHNSON zero-three-nine at C-UP dot ORG. 6. seven-seven-three, fivefve-five, one-seven-seven-nine a 7. MAR-LA- -¥ underscore seven at C-U-P dot O-R-G 8. TI-N-A dash F-O-X underscore nine-five-two at C-U-P dot O-R-G / Complete the conversations. Write ‘m, ‘re, or ‘s. 1. A: What's __ your name? 3. A: What his name? Bl Momoko Sato. it___ Chris Allen. A: It nice to meet you, Momoko. A: He in our English class. 2. A: Hello, | Josh Brown.|___in your B: You right! English class B: Yes, and you __ in my math class, too. 212-555-6115 eee ati) it * 7 Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. Daw Ebene BI Dyce Deo fle Ce le sare 1. Amy: Excuse me Aw Alex Walker? Carles: No, Amy: Oh, 2. Amy: Excuse me. you Alex Walker? Alex: Yes, | Amy: Hi, Alex. My name: Amy Clark Alex: Oh, ___ in my English class. Amy: That's right nice to meet you Alex: Nice to meet you, too. mplete the conversation. Use the questions in the box. i= [11 war's your name? [eee nee ee ore ieee Cl Athos vontpliyaniestnan et EE] Whats gou prope nenbert Ape aav eos hon EElFev eye eieu fsinener B: It’s What's your nano? Hello and good-bye! A Complete the conversations. Use the words in parentheses. 1. As Hi 3A (Hi, / Excuse mo.) How are you? (Excuse me. / Thank you.) Are you B: I'm fino, thanks. Misi Park? = B: Yes, | am, It's nice to meet you, (Hello, / Good-bye.) A _ a B: See you tomorrow. (Good evening, / Good night) B: Hello, B Match the pictures with the conversations in part A ite e-em ALCO EES 1) What are these things? — —— |. a backpack 1 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. % 8 2 What's in the picture? Write sentences. ‘This is a backpack 4 2 3 * 5 6 ts 8. Complete the chart with the words in the box. lees El cee lerersytes Ll umbrotias — E] hairbrushes — [] tablets Liaptors EE] hays [lites Ei Complete the questions with this or these. Then answer the questions. gs 4. A: What's thio? 2, At What's, 2B. A: What are 2 ®: It’s. cell phone. B B 4. A: What are 2.5. A: What are _? 6. A: What's _ 2 B: WJ Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Gy eee! | Blasi diss fas Mesee [ol wiseel = Col shay ie wile yaw Clara: Wow! What's this? Kevin: Its. a purse. larat Oh, cool. Thank «Kevin, Kevin: welcome. Eve: Now open box. Clara OK. What this? Eva: Iv’s tabler case. lara: Oh, thank you, Eva. And what are > Eva: ‘re sunglasses. Clara: Thanks! great! Laura: Open thie, too! Clara: Oh, its umbrella. Thanks, Laura! ES it 2 [Dy complete the conversations. Use the answers in the box. langues com Lves.iam 1] Yes. itis Cl ves theyare. = 1 it's Line. tmnot. Eq Ne it's not. [Z| No, thay not] theyre 41. As Are these your books? B: _No.theyre not, My books are in my bag. 2. At Excuse me. Is this the math class? B Ad your teacher. 3. At Is my purse on the chair? B les under the table. 4, A: Where's my laptop? B __ in your backpack. Where are your glassas? in ry purse 6. A: Hi, Are you in my math class? Bs And I'm in your English class, too! 7. A: Are these your keys? B: Thank you. 8. A: Excuse me. Are you Min-so0 Cho? B: My name is vin-ho Han. Min-soo isn't in this class. Where are my keys? 4. As Oh nol Where ig __ my tablet? Bis in your backpack? As No, it's B: Hmm ___ itunder your math book? Complete the conversations. A: Yes, itis! Thank you! 2 as ‘this my cell phone? B: No, not. It’s my call phone. A: Sorry is my cell phone? B: Is in your purse? A: Oh, yes, it Thanks, 3. A: Where B: Are At No, they're B: As Hmm. Yes, Unit 2 my keys? in your pocket? they on the table? are, Thanks, AA: my notebook in your backpack? Br No, not. Sorry, A: Hmm. is my notebook? B: ____ it behind your laptop? A: Let me see. Yes, it__ Thank you! (DT answer the questions. Use your own information. 1. Are you a teacher? astuident. 2. Is your name Akiko Nakayama? No.tim not 3. Is your workbook on your desk? 4. Is your phone number 806-555-0219" 5. Are you in a math class? Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions in the box. Lotohina Glin Dlintrontof Enestto Elon El under > 4. The notebook is in. 2. The umbrella is _ 3. The keys are ‘the backpack, the table, the wallet, 4, The penis 5. The laptop is 6, The wastebasket is the purse. the desk. the chair Where are my keys? Xi Rr ——— ‘))) Where are these things? A Look at the picture. Write questions and answers about the things in parentheses. 4. A: Whore is the backpack? (backpack) (pens) 1 Is next to the table. (books) {purse} it {cell phone) (cunglesses) B White two more questions and answors about the picture. at 2A: 8: B: ME uni: 2 Where are you from? Elan elite Diceenee = Econ Disstan [ii cancdion J south korean Licotembion El seen Ll cavotion 1 sponien Llevoish Ey rurish Lriech EE] ore Ele speers Brazil | Brazilian Colombia South Korea Canada Turkey Acgentina Japan Egypt 7 Where are these cities? Complete the sentences with the countries in part A. 4. Istanbul and Ankara _are in Turkey. — 2. Bogota : 3. Tokyo 4, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro 5, Seoul and Dagjson 6 Buonos Aires, 7. Vancouver and Ottawa 8, Cairo [J complete the conversati the conversations with am, ‘m, are, ‘re, is, or ’s. WA BA: B: A B: A B Unit 3 ___ Are you and your family from Now Zealand? No, we not. __ from Australia. Australian. this your wallet? Yes. it Thanks And _ these your sunglasses? Yes, they Well, they __ very nice sunglasses, Thank you! A Brazil in Central America? B: No, it not. It in South America, A: Ob. we from Brazil, Ded? We B: Yes, we from Brazil originally, but we here in the U.S. now. A your Englich toscher from the US.? B: No, she not She from Canada. Montreal, Canada. AD English her first language? B: No, it not, Hor frst language __ French, I Answer the questions. 1. At Are they from Colombia? 2. As Is she from India? B: _No, they're not, Theyre from Brazil B: 5. Az Is he in Bangkok? 6. At Are they in Egypt? B: B: Where are you from? pe Spell the numbers. wa fourteen 6. 102 2. 40 =e. mW 3. 60 8. 30 4.13 9.18 5.27 10. 80 [Ex complete the conversations with the correct responses. 4. At Where are they from? B: She's fromthe WK..and he's fromthe US. + She's Emily Blunt, and he's John Krasinski. * She's from the U.K, and he's from the U.S. 2. A: Is your first language English? B + No, it’s Japan. + No, it’s Japanese. 3. A: What are they like? B: * They're very serious, * They're in Hong Kong. 4, As Who's that? B: * He's the new math teacher. + It’s my new tablet. 5S. A: Where are Rahul and his family? B * They're in the U.S. now. * They're from Mumbai. How old is he now? * It’s twenty-eight. * He's twenty-eight. 7. As What's Marrakech like? * It's in Morocco, “It’s very interesting, ET Unit 3 Descriptions A Write sentences about the people in the pictures. Use the words in the box. [tinny Ch serous E] totetive Lore Efsior = Eat Di tina Dt 2. Mark and Carlos are 3. Brian is and Owen is 5. Mariko is 6. Ginny is 7. Dr. Lopez is and Ben is B Answer the questions. 4. Is Ben tall?_Yes, hei, ___ 8. Are Mark and Carlos male? 2, |s Ginny serious? 6. ls Dr. Lopez old? = 3. Is Owen thin? 7. Are you kind? 4. Is Julia young? _ 8. Areyoushy? Where are you from? Complete the conversations. Use the words in the boxes. Peles eetalier Feet Fal orate 1. A Annette, what's your best friend like? B: very nice, name is Valentina. | call her Tina, a is she from? she from Spain? B: No, she’s She's from Italy. Bleed) Elie tele Lier Eve Cl ona 2. A: Toshi, are you and Naomi from Japan? B: Yes, _ ___ are. from Osaka A: your first language? B: first language is Japanese, but Naomi’s first language is English. __ parents from New York originally irLanguage se 8 | ‘Answer the questions. Use your own information. 1. Where are you from? 2. What's your first language? 3. How are you today? 4. Where is your toachor from? 5. What is your teacher like? 6. What are you EE Unit 3 Is this coat yours? ft ieee ane oO Oo [2] What clothes don’t belong? Check (7) the things. =a Pe Se EE Dain Crate Tees Disa shorts D1 shorts DD scart OO thie Dee Davi | store Dboais Liber Dlevn lowe Lhasa sii Gein Elwsaw Drone Di thos DD psjamae CO aloves Eb vrener Di isctee Clee Oreshire Chex Ei What things in your classroom are these colors? Write sentences. beige brown gray light blue pink rad yallow black dark blue green orange purple white 1. _Mydesk is brown. = (brown) 2. _Celia's bag is purple, —— (purple) % (aray) ale a) Bette) 6. _ ____{green) 2 ae lacy 8. — % 10. Max Maya isa A. Complete the conversations io? 2 A:Whose ss? 7 B: 7 5. A: Whose 2 6. A: Whose 2 B: B: B Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses. 4. At__Whoce (Whose / His) shi is? Is it Ayuri's? B: No, it'snot__(her / hers). It's (my / mine’. 2. A: Are these (your / yours) jeans? B: No, they aren't (my / mine) jeans, Let's ask Mohammed, | think they're _______ this / he’s. 3. Az Are these Steohanie’s and Jennifer's socks? B: No, they aren't (their / theirs). They're _{your f yours) A: | don't think so. These socks are white, and ___(my// mine) are blua. |s this coat yours? EZ What season is it? How is the weather? Write two sentences about each picture. 4. Ie fall 2 It’s very windy. EF it «+ ga Waiting for the bus A Write sentences. Use the words in parentheses. 1. Pablois wearingatie. __ tt 2. Steven and Carolina are wearing bocts, = (boots) ;___ (shirt) 4 Bl 6 (sneakers) a _ ___(eearf 8. a hats) B Correct the false sentences. 41. Sung-min is wearing jeans. No, he isnt. / No, he's not, He's wearing shorts. 2. Liz and Pablo are wearing raincoats. 3. Carolina is wearing 2 skirt. 4. Allison is wearing pajamas. 5. Carolina and Liz are wearing Tshirts. 6, Steven and Pablo are wearing shorts, iis coat yours? eA complete the sentences. a 1. My name's Jamie. Im wearing 2. It's winter, so Maria a Fshirt and shorts. | _ high heels — she sneakers, too. It boots. She a scarf, raining, but | but she a hat. 2 raincoat. 3. It’s very sunny today, so Richard and Meg 4. Ed a suit ___ sunglasses. It's He _____ascarf, hot, so Richard but he atie. shorts and Meg He shoes and light pants. They socks, It's very windy. sweaters ‘Complete these sentences with and, but, or so. 1, He's wearing jeans and sneakers, __and__he’s wearing a T-shirt. 2. It's very cold outside, I'm not wearing a coat. 3. Her skirtis blue, __ her blouse is blue, too. 4. Its raining, Inced an umbrella 5. He's wearing an exoensive suit, he's wearing sneakers. 6. It's summer and it's very sunny, _ it's hot, EZ Unit 4 cf 2 exuouee _ Write each sentence a different way. Is midnight. _It's twelve olockat night, Hes 7:00 a — Its 2:45 raw = Ws 9:20 am. =. Ws 6:15 paw It's 19:00 pom. Its 3:30 aw. - es Its 12:00 ow. 6. Montavideo Ferme et reer) AM AM PM PM “PM What is it? Use the sentences in the box. eae as tay etter vee hel ee mine sitirael [icra a Dive tourshire Le ierercie otdoce [EY complete the sentences. Write each time a different way. |. It's six in the moming. Its six___ AM. . It's 10:00 p.m. It's ten at . Its 5:5. It's five. J. It’s 7:00 p.x. I's seven in the W's 4:30. It's four W’s 8:00 4. It's eight in the t's twelve 2m, I's It’s 2:00 pat. It’s two in the eoRPyewewne t's twelve am t's 10. It's 6:45. I's a to seven, 4A, It's 11:15. fe’s a quarter __ eleven. MET Unit 5 “J What are these people doing? Write sentences. Use the words in the box. Lea tien make coffes [] take a walk Dawe [ride abine Ey watch » movie LD have breakfast [7] shoo D1 work What time is it? ‘Answer these questions. 1. |s Salma sleeping? 2. Are Richard and Laura playing tennis? No. she's not. She's studying, No. they'renot. They're dancing, 5. Are Mary and Jennifer checking their messages? 6. 1s Caro! listening to music? 7. Is Kevin driving? 8. Are the friends watching a movie? RE it 5 Write questions about these people. Use the words in parentheses. Then answer the questions. 4. A: lo Min wearing jeans? (Min / wear jeans) B: No.she's not, She's wearing a dress. 2 Ar ee 7 — (Bob / drink soda) (aniel / talk to Adriane) ee B: BA 2A (Jason and Beth / watch a movie) (Bob / wear shorts} B: B: a AA: BA: (Adriana / wear jeans) (Min talking on the phone} B: a B ‘What time is it? Write questions and answers. Use What + doing and the words in parentheses. 4. A: What is Linda doing? (Linda) cking her messages. (check her messages) ‘She's cl 2. A: What are you and Akira doing? ___ (you and Akira) B: We're eating lunch (eat lunch) (om and Donna) (wisit friends) (Sandra) (get up) (you and Isabella) (ride bikes) (Diego and Patricia) (work) (Tim) (listen to music) (you) (study English) (Sonya and Annie} B: (have dinner) 10. A: “y B: (finish this exercise) ‘What are you doing? What are your friends doing? Write sentences. 1 ES Unit 5 6 E [Family | ride my bike to school. ‘A Angela is talking about her fomily. Complote the sentencas with the words in the box. [dere Blt homers Blue DD ctitéron Ll testond Ef isrer = daughters $= EJ mother © son 41. Alice and Larry are my parents Alice is my and Larry is my 2. Nickis my __ Km his 3. Ethan, Avery, and Bella are our ‘Avery and Bella are our and Ethan is our Avery is Bella's and Ethan is her Write four sentences about your family. 2 | Complete the conversation with the correct words in parentheses. Christine: So, do you live downtown, Sarah? Sarah: Yes,|___live___with my brother. (live / lives) He __an apartment naar here. (have / has) Christine: Oh, so you to work, (walk / walks) Sarah: Actuelly, | walk to work in (don’t / doesn’t) the morning. | the bus to work, (take /tekes) andthen|___home at night. (walk / walks) What about you? Christine: Well, my husband and | a house (have / has) in the suburbs now, so! to work. (drive / drives) My husband doesn't downtown. (work / works) He in the suburbs near our house, (work / works) sohe to work by bus, (g0/ goes) [EV third-person singular —s endings A Write the third-person singular forms of these verbs. 1. dance __dances 5. live 9 take 2. do__i 6. ride 10. use 3. go 7. sleep 44. walk 4. have _ B. study 412. watch B Practice the words in part &. Then add them to the chart MET unit 6 [true or false? : A Are these sentences true for you? Check (/) True or False. 41. [tide the bus to school. 2. Ihave 2 car. 3, [live in the suburbs, 4, \ have brothors / a brother. 5. do my homework at the library. 6. Ido my homework alone. 7. Nive in a house. 8. Ihave sisters / a sister. 2 live with my parents. Oooo0oo0o0o0o000 oooooo0oo0o0o00 10. | work in an office. B Correct the false statements in part A. | don't: ride the bus tho 6¢ .chool.| ride my bike to school I ride my bike to school edule. Use the words in parentheses. : a Top playbastetall —gotodass eatdinner nithmy go toclace watch amore Family 1. She gets upat: 7:00 every day, 7:00) 2. _ 6:00) 3. —————E— EEE (11:00) 4 (2:00) 5 500) Ml 6 - (6:00 / Mondays) Tip (6:00 / Tuesdays and Thursdays) OR —————_—_— (6:00 / Frideys) 6 | Write something you do and something you don't do on each day. “= Use the phrases in the box or your own information. mentiten check emeil exercise have dinner late sleep late driveacer get upearly play video games talk on the phone eat breakfast. go toschool_ see my friends watch amovie ‘Langusge== 4. Monday _I getup arly.on Mondays | don't sleep late.on Mondays _—— 2, Tuesday = 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday = = 6 Saturday _ 7. Sunday EL Unit 6 [Pll Complete those conversations with at, in, or on, (If you don't need a preposition, write 0.) 4. At Doyougotobed _@ _late__on 3. the weekends? morning weekdays? B: Yes, Ido. | go to bed _ midnight B: I get up 6:00 every day. ButI goto bed ____early______4, A: Do you have English class _the weekdays. enornth? 2. Az Do you study the afternoon? B: No, I heve English 3:30___ B: No, | study the morning the afternoon Tuesdays and weekends, and I study __the evening Thursdays. Mondays, Wednesdays, ___ Mondays and Wednesdays. and Fridays, our class is __$:00. questions to complete the conversations. [awe 4. A: Do youlive alone? AD fe with my mom B: Yes, my mom works in the city. She's a B: No, | don't live alone, and dad. restaurant manager. 2A __ ee B: Yes, my family and I watch television in the B: No, she doesn't use public transportation, afternoon, She drives to work BA _ A es B: Yes, l get up early on Fridays. B: Yes, we have a big lunch on Sundays. SS A —_ | get up at 5:30. B: We have lunch at 1:00, B: No, my sister doesn’t drive to work. No, she doesn’t take the bus, She takes the train. B: No, my dad doesn’t work on weekends. A B: He works on weekdays I ride my bike to school. ge | Write each sentence a different way. Use the sentences [elpesee es eruteree se Else corn soatapat sister: Tel cerasiespter tron hare LD We don't ive in te suburbs Inbal Darts wif, Tl We sete the the wai or she cuba 4. Dan is Kimberly's husband. Kimberly is Dan's wife: 2, We have an apartment in the city, 3. We use public transportation. ‘4, He goes to work in the morning 5. My office is near here. 6. She sleeps late on Sundays. {[iJanswer the questions about your schedule. 4. What do you de on weekdays? 2. What do you do on weekends? 3. What do you do on Friday nights? 4. What do you do on Sunday mornings? METS unit 6 v Does it have a view? "Label the parts of the house. bedroom _ Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. [Wo tdon' tive with my sisters, [E] Yor, ithas threo bedrooms Io, lv in an apartment. [5] Yes, has 2 oreat view ofthe city Do you live in a house, Fernanda? Fernanda: No, live in an apartine dehy Well, is it very big? Fornanda: Ji-hye: Does it have a view? Fernanda: - Jkhye: Oh, that’s great! And do you live alone? Fernanda: arentheses. Ei Complete the conversation with the correct words in p Al: Do you near here, Brandon? (Do / Does) live / lives) Brandon: Yes,|___— My wife and | __ on Main Street. {do / does) (live / lives) oa racers tlive / lives) Brandon: No, we _. We _ a house. {don't / doesn’t) (have / has) A Ob, great! yon, children? (Do / Does) {have / has) Branden: No, we (don't / doesn’t) But my mother with us, (live / tives) Ak: Really? Does she do a lot of work at home? = i ft rocdons Yes; she (do Foes) infedtstha dinner over ight | (cook / cooks) at You're lucky! | alone, (live / lives) and | my own dinner. (cook / cooks) ‘Answer these questions with your information. Use short answers. 4. Do you live in @ house? Yes.1do./ No. | don't, 2. Do you have 2 garege? 3. Do you live with your Family? 4, Does your city or town have @ park? 5. Does your teacher have a car? 6. Do you and your classmates speak English? 7. Do you and your classmates study together? 8. Does your classroom have # view? 9. Does your schoo! have a lobby? 10. Does your city or town have a subway? MEE Unit 7 E i What furniture do they have? A, Answer the questions about the pictures. 1. At Do thoy have 3 rug? Yes, they do. _ Do they need a table? Do they have chairs? De they need a dresser? Do they have 2 mirror? Do they have curtains? 7. At Does he have a bookcase? 8. A: Does he need curtains? 9. A: Does he need a sofa? B: 40. A: Does he have a chair? Does he have a lamp? Does he need pictures? B Wht furniture do you have? What furnitura do you need? Write four sentences. 1 2 Does it have a view? ————— | Complete the description with ‘s, are, or aren't. yen In Martin’s apartment, there's abig living room. There two bedrooms and two bathrooms. There no elevator, but there stairs, He has a lot of books, 30 there bookcases in the living room and bedrooms. There any chaits in the kitchen, but there 2 big table with chairs in the dining room. There ____ne coffee maker in the kitchen, but there a microwave oven, There ‘wo televisions in Martin's apartment —there__one television in the living room, and there one television in the bedroom | Answer these questions with information about your home. "Use the phrases in the box. there arene... thereisn'ta... there aresome... there's a there aren't any... there's no 4. Does your kitchen have a microweve? Yes.there's a microwave in my kitchen No, there ish't.a microwave, / No, there's no microwave. 2, Does your kitchen have a stove? 3. Do you have a sofa in your living room? 4, Do you have bookcases in your living room? 5. Does your bathroom have a clock? 6. Do you have pictures in your bedroom? . Does your bedroom have a closet? ED Unit 7 E ‘J What's wrong with this hou A Write sentences about the house. Use there and the words in parentheses, armchairs / bethroom) bed / kitchen) ___ (bookcases / living room) 4. There is no stove in the kitchen / There isn'ta stove inthe kitchen, __ [stove / kitchen) 2 (chairs / dining room) 3. [stove / living room) — _ (cefrigerator / bedroom} 5 (bed / bedroom} 6 7 8. B Write four mere sentences about the house. Does it have a view? gO Choose the correct responses. 4. At My apartment has a view of the park. 3. A: | really need a new desk. Br Youre lucky, _ = * Guess what! + So let’s go shopping this weekend. * You're lucky. ‘That's great! 2. A: Do you need living room furniture? 4, A: Do you have chairs in your kitchen? 1 Yes, Ido. | need a sofa and a coffee table, , do. | need six chairs. No, | don’t. I need a sofa and a coffee table. # Yes, Ido. | have six chairs. [[t) braw a picture of your home. Then write a description. Use the questions in the box for ideas. Do you live in # house oF an apartment? What ooms does your home have? What furniture do you have? Who lives with you? ee eh eres Where do you work? Match these jobs with the correct pictures. 1. lewyer_¢ a 2, photogrepher 3. bellhop 4, police officer 10, front desk clerk E q What do these people do? Write three sentences about each person. Use the phrases in the box and your own ideas. . handle food help people wear a uniform work inside handle money sit/stand all day work hard ‘work outside 4, She'sa doctor _ 2 She helps people. —_— _She works ina hospital —__ Unit 8 Complete the questions in these conversations. What 2 Victoria and Jon are nurses. And they work 1. A: Where does your sister work _? B: My sister? She works in a restauront. ‘A: What does she do 2 together, too. B: She works in the kitchen. She's a chef. Where At Springfield Hospital. 3. A: Where B: My daughter works in an office. Jon and I? We're software engineers. A: What __ 2 A: How 7 We like it a lot! B: She's an accountant. Where do you work? Complete the conversations. 4. Aro _you_have __ajob? B: Yes, | ‘A: Oh, what____—_you — BI a graphic designer. ‘A: Where __ you 2 BI at home. ‘A: Oh, wow! How you _ your job? B: Ireally it Is @ great job! ‘A: What time you start work? BI work at 8:00 4M, and | at 3:00 Pw. 2. A: My brother a new job. B: Really? Where he 7 A: He at the Town Canter Mall B: What he there? A:He a security guard. B: How he his job? As Oh, I guess he it. B: What time ___he work? A: He work at 10:00 ax, and he. ME nits at 6:00 9.0 Exelting or boring? A Match the adjectives 1. _d_ exciting a not stressful 2. easy b. not cificult 3. relaxing €. not dangerous 4 safe d. not boring B Write each sentence two different ways. 41. An actor's job is exciting Anactor has an exciting job An actor dove! havea boring jab 2. A security guard has a boring job, 3. Paul's job is dangerous. 4. A front desk clerk's job is stressful. 5. Amanda has a small apartment 1a's house is big, 7. Brenda has a talkative brother. is easy. ‘Where do you work? Write sentences with your opinion about each job. scientist |. An athlete he SPR eee | | Imagine you have a dream job. Write a description. Use the questions in the Lux for ideus. What's the job? What de you do, exactly? Where do you work? What's the job like? (ls it dangerous, relaxing, or... 2) MEE Unit 8 Write the names of the foods. Fruit 9 | always eat breakfast. ‘ee, | 1. blueberries 2 Fats and oils Complete the sentences with the articles a or an. If you don’t need an article, write D. 1. Thisis _a__tomato. 2. This is yogut. 3. Thisis potato x C7 5. This is orion. 6. Thisis, rice What foods do you like? What foods don’t you like? Write sentences. 4. fruit Like bananas, oranges, and apples. | dott like lemone. 2. drinks 3. vegetables 4, meat and other proteins 5. dairy 6. grains Unit 9 4. A: What do you eat for lunch? B: Well, usually have some noodles in broth. As That sounds good. Da you have vegetables? No, don’t eat vegetables for lunch. As Really? Do you have anything else? B: Well, | usually have fruit grapes or strawberries, but | don't eat _ dessert. ‘A: Do you drink anything with your lunch? B: | always have weter and coffee. | don’t put _ mille in my coffee, but like sugar in it x = What do you want for dinner? B: Let's make _ chicken soup. ‘A: Good idea. Do we have chicken? B: Yes, we have chicken, but we don’t have __ vegetables, Let's get celery and onions : OK. Doweneed pasta for the soup? B: Yes lot's get___——__pasta. Oh, and garlic, too, As Great. We have salt and pepper, so we don't need spices. feah, but let's get bread And____crackers, too. | always eat breakfast. EI [yl wret do you need to make these foods? What don’t you need? Write sentences. |. meatloaf Youneed some beef. crackers. ego. -and onions, You don't need -any oranges, a 2. a vegetable salad » spaghetti > a fish sandwich s } 6, your favorite food Unit 9 G@ Food habits A Put the adverbs in the correct places. 4. In Japan, people have fish for breakfast. (sometimes) _tn Japan, people sometimes have fish for breakfast, 2. In Canada, people have salad for breekfest. hardly ever) 3. Some people in South Korea eat pickled vegetables for breakfast. (always) 4, Americans put cream in their coffee. (often) 5. Brazilians make drinks with fruit. (often) 6. In England, people put milk in their tea. (usually) 7. Some people in Mexico eat pasta. (never) 8, In China, people put sugar in their tes. (hardly ever) B Rewrite the sentences in part A. Use your own information. 1. In Japan, people sometimes have fish for breakfast. \ hardly ever have fish for breakfast. / _Lsometimes have cerzal for breakfast, — | always eat breakfast. How often do you have these things for lunch? Write sentences. Use the adverbs in the box. slways harcly ever never often sametimes usually 4. cheese _|hardlyeverhave cheese for lun 2. pasta —_ 3. coffee - 4. egos 5. beef = at 6 rice — 7. beans _— 8 - salad « What's your fevorite restaurant? What do you usually have for dinner? x ¥ Lo you ever cook? What's your favorite kind of food? > s What's your favorite snack? ceo What sports do you like? A Match these sports with the correct pictures. 4. hockey 2, basketball » bike riding = ‘ewimming baseball _ ice-skating _ hiking J. soccer _ 2 = tennis 1 5 football B Which eports in part A follow go? Which sports follow play? Complete the chart hockey. 2 te the conversation. Use the questions in the bo: [11 bees your husband ge snowboarding, 0? Saer er What de you do on the waskends? [1 what do you ike to do in the summer? LE] Who ao you sractice wth? LE wnat sports do you ike? Katie: _Wnat-do you do on the weekends? Isabela: | lke to play sports. Katie: Really? ae Isabela: Well, | love to go snowboarding Kati No, he doesn’t like cold weathor. He likes to play basketball like to play tennis when the weather is warm, | practice with my sister. She loves tennis, too. [EJ] Unscramble the questions. Then answer with your own informat 1, you do like volleyball Doyoulike volleyiall? : Yes, | do./No,| dont 2, sports what do watch you 3. you play sports what do 4, swimming do you how often go 5. do with who sports you play Unit 10 "Write questions and answers about these people. 1. Can Maddie run a marathon? = & Yes, she can. What sports do you like? Write sentences about these people. Use can, can’t, and but. |. Hecan tall azod jokes. 2 but he can't play golf 1. A: Do you like to play soccer? 3. At Who can play the piano? B: No.l don't. _ B —— Yes, can, * Marco can. # No, don't. * Yes, he can, 2. A: Who do you go bike riding with? 4, A: Where do you go hiking? B: a a Ido. + In summer. * My friends from school. + In the mountains, REE Unit 10 Can or can't? A Can you do these things? Check |¥) can or can’t. 1. sing 2. ico-skate 3. build a website 4, drive a car 5. play tennis 6. take good photos 7. speak Japanese & swim 9 tell good jokes 10. play baseball oooooo0o0o0o0o obooooooooo0 B Write sentences about the things in part A. 4. Loan sing really well _ 2 skate atall._ 10. What sports do you ike? [oJ] waite each sentence a different way. Use the sentences in the box. [le canpeyecora wat Cicer [Dy ke cant dance at all 1 she has meny talents. hardly ever go hiking. 1 She tells good jokes. 41. | don't go hiking very often. _Lhatdly ever go bikin, 2. He's a great athlete. 3. She has a lot of abilities. 4. L really like it. 5. He's ¢ terrible dancer. 6. She's very funny. [weer aor 11. Can you fix a computer? 2. Can you speak Spanish? _ 3. Can you act? 4, Are you good at sports? 5. Are you @ good student? 6. Do you like your English class? 7. Can you play a musical instrument’ 8. Do you ever go swimming? nm 9. Do you ever play soccer? _ _ 10. Can you draw very well? es o_o | What can your friends and family do? What can't they do? Write sentenc Unit 10 11 I'm going to have a party. Months and dates A Putthe months in the box in time order. Capra January LE] Moy Lavo Esuy Ee] november [fbecnse Dl tae Cl ccna Lrovitery” “Tltierh’ El sersenber 1. January 5. 9. a 6 10. : 3. 2. " = 4. 8 12. B When are the seasons in your country? Write the months for each season, Sane rated CC Write each date a different way. 4. January 11th January eleventh 5. July 24th 2. March 15th 6. May 10th 3. November 1st 7, February 2nd 4, August 16th 8. December 27th 2 | It’s January first. How old are these people going to be on their next birthdays? Write sentences. Age now | 1 32 68 sirthday | Ao 186 re 1. Lucas is going to be ceventeen on April uwelfth, 7 _ 2 3 —— - 4 = = 1) Read Tom’s calendar. Write sentences about his plans. Use the words ~ in parentheses. oo Calendar August Sinday | __Monday Wednesday | Thurdy Fray ‘Suey TF 3 z = = 7 ~ ve br with yt ator ai wa 3 ® 0 7 @ w a sive to he beach 9 stooping ater work te ‘reat Melson for ‘wm as [son Sener \ 6 rr oF e ie co Ey a0 to museum tuyKenios | goto Kenta sie Li ‘iar resent | Bercy pars == 8 B ize 3 Eg see amovle wih ions = we 3r ] | - 4 On August fourth, he's acing to have lunch with Bil, (August 4th) 2 (August 6th) 3 pe August 8th) 4 (August 10th] 5. August 12th) 6 august 13h) 7 (August 15th) fe (August 19th} cuenta % oo taugust 202h) wo August 28th) itLangvoge ws Unit 14 Complete these sentences. Use the correct form of be going te and the verbs in parentheses. 4, This _is going tobe (be) » very busy weekend. 2. On Friday, my friend Joe and | (eee) a movie. After the movie, we dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. 3. On Saturday morning, my parents (visit They __ (Give) into the city, and we _ (G0) to the art museum. | think my mother —_ (love) it, but my father = (ot like) i Later, wo (watch) @ baseball game on TV. My parents __ ____ {go} home after dinner. 4, On Sunday, | early. Then |__ - a well, On Sunday afternoon, (get up] (take) 1 do) yoga. In the evening, my friend Eve and \ - (study) together. ¥'m going to have 2 party. e these conversations. Write questions with be going to. | Com 4. Eric: What are you going this wackend? Alex: This weekend? I'm going to go to the city with my son. Erie: That's nice. ‘Alex: We're going to stay at my sister’s apartment. She lives there. Erie: Really? Alox: | think we're going to go to a museum. Erie: ‘Alex: No, my sicter isn't going to go with us. Sho's going to go bike riding 2. Seott: I'm going to have a birthday party or Ben next Saturday. Can you come? Emily: Sure Scott: It’s going to be at my house. Do you have the address? Emily: Yeo, 1 do. And Scott: It's going to start at seven o'clack. Scott: No, Bob isn't going to be there. Emily: That's too bad. Scott: No, I'm not going to bake a cake. | can't bake! I'm going to buy one. OK. Sounds good. See you on Saturday ET Unit 11 a Next weekend ‘A. What are these people going to do next weekend? Write sentences, i'm going to have a parry. ESI ‘Are you going to do anything special on these holidays or special occasions? Write ~ sentences. Use the phrases in the box or your own information. dance ge to 2 porade sing songe eat special food go toarestaurant stay home: give gifts have a party stay out late go on a picnic ploy games watch fireworks go cut with friends play music ‘wear special clothes 4. Your next birthday 2. Your best friend's birthday [im.not-going to have a party. lm going 20.90 toa restaurant with my friends, but oi. aD were not-going to stay out late 3. New Year's Eve 4. New Year's Day A & SS 5. Valentine's Day 6. The last day of class ME Unit 11 12 How do you feel? [J Label the parts of the body. Use the words in the box. ee etelis Glens Client Plea luca ae ele Eltnore los nee Gls Claret Dhar Beet fEltaed Clee 4. _Hehasa toothache. 2 Unit 12 [EJ complete the conversations. Use the questi ns and sentences in the box. (1 Great. see you later. [El How do you feel toxay? 1'm fina, thanks. How about you? [1 em atad to hear that. Tuesday morning 1. i, Camila. How are you? Camila: _|'m fine, thanks. How about you? Jake: Not so good. Actually, | feel really awlul. Jake: | think | have the fu. Camila: Jake: No, I'm gaing to go home now. Camila: dake: OK. Thanks. Tuesday morning Lok. cet some rest El scareyai nde same meted [El that's too bats. Are vou doing to see a doctor? Ei wat wrong? ‘Thursday morning 2. Camila: Joke: | feel much better. Camila: Jake: Thanks. Camila: Jake: Yes, | am. Camila: Thursday morning How do you fee!? q Complet: sentences with the correct medications. 1. His nose is very congested. He needs some nasal spray 2. | have 2 horrible cold, s0 I'm going to buy Your eyes look red and tired. Get some. 4. Alan has a stomachache, so he's going to get 5. | have a terrible headache. | need some 6. Mandy's cough sounds awful. I'm going to give her some = (Ty Write each sentence a different way. Use the sentences in the box. 1 My head feels terrible. [1 thave a stomachache. [7] t'm sorry to hear that. [what's wrong? Liem very tre [timated to hear that. [J] Ihave a zore throst. 4. Heel sad. Imnot happy. What's the matter? 3. I'm exhausted. That's too bad. That's good. 6. Iheve a headache. 7. My stomach hurts, My throat is sore. ETD writ 12 ive these people advice. Use the phrases in the box. [Dl dink some water [have a hot arink Leb be tom ani Litt heavy things ee ontehe Elecroace Ellcots de proces ste Eb work to herd eee Reem nee How do you feel? iw Write two pieces of advice for each problem. Ihave a sore throat. Don't: goa work today. Drink some chamomile tea. Ihave a toothache. Ihave a cough. = Ihave a cold. [have a stomachache. Ihave a headache. Ihave the ‘lu. Ihave a fever. &@ Health survey A How healthy and happy are you? Complete the survey. Sxowson se How often do you.. Sometimes Hardly ever geta headache get an earache geta cold get the flu get a stomachache stay up late feel sleepy oooooooo#F get e fever B Write four sentences about your health, Use the information from the survey in part A. Examples: Leometimes stay up late, but | hardly ever feel sleepy. lhardlyevergetacoldortnety pepe ME vit 12 13 | Places How do | get there? ‘one letter on each line. A Complete these sentences with the correct places. Wr lwotkata_p 0 9 k 6 t 0 Fr _€ Ilovebooks, soit's great job. 2. I'm going to go te the ___- Ineed 2 new debit card 3. My car is almost out of gasoline. Is there a _ near here? 4, Are you going Ineed some stamps. 5. On Sundays, | buy food for my family at the 6. We're going to have an espresso at the before class, 7. Anita is going to get some medicine atthe 8. My son is going to school next week. We're going to the downtown to buy him a backpack Match the pictures to the places in part A. J] Look at the map. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. Glee Clee kl Bleep dete eleiecoe = <0) Se I ie Sn ew a ENGLISH SCHOOL, Cale 1. The department store is __an Brown Street. 2, The hospital is the bank, 3. The bookstore is 4, The Chinese restaurant is on West Street, supermarket Fox Street and Second Avenue. the coffee shop and the 5. The shoe store is the drugstore, 6. The Mexican restaurant is __ the park. Unit 13 EE Where is ie? A Look at the map in Exercise 2 again. Where is each place? Write two sentences. 1. post office —_The post-office is on the corner of Brown Street __ 2. supermarket 3. English school ‘A, gas station 5. coffee shop, 6. hotel 7. drugstore 8. bank B Where is your schoo!? Draw a map. Then write two sentences. eae fi How dol get there? EE wry ~~ _.|, Complete the conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box. Excuro me. Con youhelpme? _ [[] thanks alot. [1 tstherea restroom around hete? [J Where on West Strest? LE Next to the Chinese restaurant? Tom: Excuse me, Can youhelp me? Woman: Sure Tom: Woman: Yes, there is. It’s in the supermarket on West Street, Tom: Woman: It's on the corner of West Street and Third Avenue. Tom: Woman: Yes, that's right. It's right next to the Chinese restaurant. Tom: Woman: You're welcome Beaten Completa the sentences with the opposites. 4. The post office isn't on the right. It’s on the left 2. The Empire State Building is far fram here, but Central Park is here. You can walk there. 3. Don’t walk down Columbus Avenue. Walk ‘Columbus Avenue. 4. The New London Hotel isn’t in front of the bank. It's it 5. Don't turn left on Sixteenth Street, Turn Unit 13 TT Look at the map. Give these people directions. ~" Use the phrases and sentences in the box. I's on the left/right. Walk down/Go down . .. Str Turn left on... Street/Avenue. Walk to... . Street/Avenue Tum right on... Street/Avenue. Wolk up/Go up . .. Streot/Avenue. t/ Avenue, Sy As He: larer) ENGLISH SCHOOL 4. Dan is looking for the department store Walk down Fifth Ai Walk to Second we. [ur right on Brown Street. enh 2. Malia is looking for the Chinese restaurant. 3. Ben is locking for the Mexican restaurant. 4, Ann is looking for the bookstore, How do I get there? Imagine you're going to have a party. Complete the invitatic and write directions to arty from your school. MAP TO THE PARTY DIRECTIONS TO THE PARTY Start atthe school Then Unit 13 Ue eee ead 14 | had a good time. Last Saturday ‘A. What did these peopla do last Saturday? Write sentences clean the house do laundry study 1. They visited relatives. - 5. i 6 3. — a 4. a B What did you do last Saturday? Write three sentences 1 2 3. 2] Kim and Alisha are sending text messages. Complete the sentence: Use the simple past form of the verbs in parenthes Messages Hater sencwertan {eas really busy.1__worked (work) on Friday, then | (invite) friends over after work, | (cook) dinner for them We Alsten) to music end talk about work, but they (rot stay) very late > What did you de on Saturday and Sunday? \ [get up) early on Saturday because | (play) basketball with Angela. Then | _____Wisit elatives. We (valk) downtown and {eat} dinner. Oh, and we (see) 2 movie. On Sunday, | (study) for my math test with my frlerds (do) launcity on Sunday afternoon, too, Wow That Was a busy Weaendl) (not do} much this weekend. | (answer) email on Friday right and (watch) TV, tao. On Saturday, | (not get up) eerly.| (ear) the house and | (ge) grocery shopping. | (n0t do} anything on Sunday! Unit 14 (EV Claudia and Hiro did different things last weekend. Write sentences about them. Claudia watch TV Claudia watched TV. Hiro didn’t. watch TV. go to a museum ride a bicycle cook study shop play tennis = sep Ree \had a good time. EX E q Complete tl ext ought x had | a send _ - fide felt sow met a plete the conversation. Use the simple past forms of the verbs in parentheses. ean Aaror Beth: Aaron: Both: Aaron: Beth: Aaron: Beth: Unit 14 So, Beth,__did_you have ___ (have) a good summer? Well, | thave) an interesting summer. My sister and her family __ (come) to visit for two weeks. That's nice, Yes and no. Mysister______(not feet ‘well, so she (sit) on the sofa and ___ (watch) TV. She hardly ever (get up) Oh, well. her husband and kids _____thave) a good time? I think so. They (play) volleyball and 3 every day. you (0 out) to any restaurants? No.b ___{cook) breakfest, lunch, and dinner every day. They (€at) a lot of food, but they (not wash) any dishes. 3 That's too bad. you (relax) at al last summer? Yes. My sister and her family finally __ (go) home, and then 7 (olax). just (reed) some books and isten) to music. een Cbler irLanguagesn Unscramble the questions about last summer. Then answer with your own information. Last summer, ...? 4. did any books you read good ‘At Didyou read any goodbooks? B: Yes, | di. Iread three great books. / No, | dicin't. | read one boring book, 2. go interesting anywhere you did A B: 3. any take did you pictures 4, buy you did anything interesting ie B: 5. did eat you foods any new A B: 6 games did you any play eee 7. you did sports play any A B: 8. you did interesting meet any people A B 9. any see you did movies good A Jhad 2 good time. EE kd Summer activities A The Johnson family dic! many fun activities last summer. Write sentences about them Write sentences about your activities last summer. 45 2. z, 4 Unit 14 Where were you born? [1 tanas sitean [1 No. it wasn’t | toved i No |wasi't. I wes born in Europe, [1] No, 'm from Belgiur [il We came here for my father'sjob. [J We moved here in 2008. iver ruses Ted Yes ter ee wa were alt boretere Jason: Were you born here in the U.S., Marie? Marie: _No. wasn't. | was bom in Europe. Jason: Oh, wore you bom in France? m Jason: Really? What city were you born in? Marie: Jason: Were your parents born in Brussels, too? Marie: Jason: And why did you come to the US.? Marie: - Jason: So when did you move here? Jasor Really? How old were you then? Jason: Was it scary? 2 | Complete these conversations with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t. 1. Sandra: _Were _you born in the U.S., ivan? Ivan: Yes, | ~My brother and I born hete in Miami ‘Sandra: | __barn here, too. What about your parents? _ they born here? Ivan: Well, my father He bor in Cuba, but my mother bom in the US. - in Detroit, Sandra: Detroit? Really? My parents bom in Detroit, too! 2. Kristin: | called you on Saturday, but you home, Jennifer: No,| at the beach all weekend. # That's nice. How the ‘weather there? ____ beautiful your parents there? vwith my sister It greet! 3. Mindy: you in college last year, Alan? Alan: No, | «I graduated from college two years ago. Mindy: So where you last year? Alan: | ____ in Japan, ‘Mindy: Oh) you in Tokyo? Alan: No, | ll in Osaka. | had a job there. Mindy: What the job? Alan: | _____ an English teacher. ETS rit 15 [J Weite four sentences about each person. Marie Curie, scientist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Maya Angelou, author (1867-1934) author (1927-2014) (1928-2074) + bom in Poland * born in Colombia © born inthe US, * won Nobel Prizes in 1903 ff * wrote One Hundred Years ff * wrote { Know Why the and 1911 of Solitude, 1767 Caged Bird Sings, 1969 Pat Morita, actor Grace Kolly, actress Salvador Dali, artist (1932-2005) (1929-1982) (1904-1989) * borin the US. # borin the US. © born in Spain + was in the movie © matried Prince Rainier lll of [J * painted The Persistence of The Karate Kid, 1984 Monaco, 1956 ‘Memory, 1931 urle She was born in 1867 in Poland, ‘She won Nobel Prizes in 1903 and 1911. She died in 1934. Where were you born? = |" Complete these ques Drow fF] Hew oid What [] wren [[] where [] who [7] why 1a What was your fevorite subject in high school? B: It was art. 2A - ‘was your favorite teacher? B: My art teacher, Mrs. Heintz 3 ___ did you graduate from high school? In 2006, 4 did you go to college? went to Duke University did you study physics? 5. Because | wanted to become an astronaut! were your professors in college? B: They were great. were you when you graduated? 1. Students usually go to middle schoo! before elementary school False, Students usually go-tomiddle echcol after elementary 2chaal Students usually goto clementary echool before middle school, 2. Students often study in the library 3. Students never eat lunch in the cafeteria, 4, Physical education classes are almost always in an auditorium. 5. Students usually study history and science in high school, METS Unit 15 = = [PlT Unscramble the questions about your elementary school days. Then answer with your own information. 4. was your of school how first day ‘A: _How was your first day of achool? B: 2. your was teacher iho favorite A B: 3. favorite was your what class AD 4, your who best were friends A: B: 5. spend did your where you free time A B: 6 leave did when you elementary school Where were you born? & Childhood memories a A Complete the questions with did, was, or were. Then answer the questions. Use short answers. 4. Ai:___Were you bom here? ons Yes. Lwas. /No. | wasn @ __:you growupinn big cy? Language, you play sports? _ your home near your school? you ride a bus to school? you a good student? __ your teachers nice? youhave a lot of friends? a your grandparents live near you? game both your parents work? B Write sentences about your childhood. 6 ET Unit 15 Can | take a message? |_| Make a phone conversation. Use the sentences and questions in the box. Receptionist [iliperse bn! Br Give adn vevectinat Ei 09) 555-0662. 111 give her your message [seo aie ae eo ace [lice etree? Good morning. Oceanside Medical 1 You're welcome. Good-bye. Receptionist: Mr. Jones: Receptionist: Mr. Jones: Receptionist: Mr. Jones: Receptionist: Mr. Jones: Recoptionis Mr. Jones: 10d morning. Oceanside Me: 10d, morning. is Dr. Silva there? ease [el tec yor vey mick Good morning: I Br. Siva tere? [Er done think so. t's (604) 555-0662. Lon Li cood.bye, [Bd ves.thsis ion Jone! Plone sk ert cll ne. ey Kate called her friends yesterday. Where were they? Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. FU bed [7 hospital [7] library mall [7] vacation [7] work Hello? Kate: Hello, Sally? It's Kate. Hey, Jay. It's — Oh, hi, Kate. Listen. | can’t talk Jay: Kate. Sorry, can you call me in the right now. I'm _at-the mall és morning? I'm Call me later? 3. Marcela: Hello? 4. Bob: Hello? Kate: Hi, Marcela. It's Kate. Do you want Kate: Hi, Bob. It's Kate. You know, you to see 2 movie tonight? sound terrible, Are you OK? Marcela: I'd love to, but | can't. 'm Bob: Not really. 'm with I broke my leg! my parents. 5. Angie: Hallo? 6 Pedro: Hello? Kate: Hello, Angie? it's Kate. Why are you Kate: Hey, Pedro. Do you have a minute? whispering? Where are you? Pedro: Not realy. 'm ‘Angie: Oh, 'm Call me tonight. Unit 16 Ei Unscramble the sentences. 4. with night | him studied last studied with him last night. a 2. you help I cen ? her the gave they book . 4. remember you me do ? 5. his | call missed yesterday 6. weekend last we them visited is checking her voice-mail messages. Complete the messages with the correct pronouns. ‘Ann’s message Hello, Mise Anderson. This is Ann Lopez. __| work at First City Bank, left your wallet here this morning. Please call 2t (808) 555-1247. I'd like to give it back to —s before we close today. Jim’s message Hey, Heidi. I's Jim. I'm sorry missed your call yesterdey. Listen, my friends and | are going to go out for coffee tomorrow morning, ‘re meating at my house at 9:00. Would you like to join _? Give acalll Sarah’s message Hi, Heidi. t's Sarah. Did you see Merco todey? ‘shaving a birthday party on Friday. Do you want to go with 21m going to buy a present later. Call Thanks! Can | take a message? ‘Answer the questions. Write sentences with like to, want to, and need to. 4. Where are two places you want to visit? “sit Seoul, South Korea. Lwant to visit Rio de Janeiro. Brazil 2. What are two things you like to do often? nit 3. What are two things you need to de this week? 4, Who are two famous people you want to meet? Unit 16 5. What are two foods you like to eat? 6, What are two things you want to do this year? 7. Whot ore two things you like to do after clase? 8, Where are two places you like to go on weekends? K 7 Complete each sentence with like to, love to, or want to. 1 2. 5. as indicated. Use the phrases |. At Do you want to play soccer with us this afternoon? jagine your friends invite you to do these things. Accept or refuse thei id sentences in the box. invitations ‘Accepting Refusing and making excuses Fdloveto, __'msorry, but lcan't. Ihave to/ need to/ went to... Valike to. id like to, but Ihave to/ need to / want to... B: (refuse) _I1like vo, but [have to work = ‘A Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow? . A: Do you want to study at my house after class? B: (accept) A: Do you want to go swimming with me on Saturday morning? Bs (accept) A: Do you want to go hiking with me this weekend? B: (refuse) ‘A: Would you __ like to__go to Bil’s party on Thursday night? Bid ___ go, but | have to study. | have a test on Friday. A:Doyou___ play tennis after work? Bid «but | have to work late A: Would you have dinner at our house? B: Yes, I'd ! As Do you _ visit the science museum tomorrow? Bid _____ g0, but | already have plans. A: Would you _ {go to the movies tonight? B: Yes, but | don’t s8@ Horror House 3.1 don't like scary movies . A: Do you leave a message? B: Yes, please tell Dr. O'Brien that I'd speak with her about our meeting, Can | take « message? ey a area interchange The world's favorite English course. What makes interchange special? _Digital solutions Put Cee ee ey

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