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Subject/Grade: ELA, Health Grade 8 Lesson Title: Family Crest Teacher: Miss Rogers
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Health- Outcome 8.2 Analyze how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about
family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Describe a variety of family structures (e.g., nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single
parent, extended).
ELA- Outcome 8.1 Create various visual, oral, written, and multimedia (including digital) texts that explore
identity (e.g., Telling One's Life Story), social responsibility (e.g., Examining the Influence of Popular Culture),
and efficiency (e.g., Creating Turning Points).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create a variety of texts (i.e., oral presentations, written and other compositions) that represent
experiences, ideas, and information about identity, social responsibility, and efficacy with clarity,
correctness, and variety.

Key Understandings: (‘I Essential or Key Questions:

Can’ statements) Can you identify different types of families, and what makes them unique?
I can explain how my
family has shaped my What are some specific aspects that make your family special and shape your identity?
identity and values.
How has your family influenced your values, traditions, and beliefs?
I can create various
visual, oral, written, In what ways does your family's cultural and ethnic identity impact who you are as an individual?
and multimedia texts
that explore identity.

I can express what the

word "family" means to

I can articulate the key

elements and symbols
in my family's cultural
collage and explain why
I chose them.
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Prerequisite Learning:
Instructional Strategies:
Direct instruction
Hands on activities

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Exit ticket is filled out.
Rubric for the collage

Stage 3: Build Learning Plan

Set (Engagement): 10 min. Computers, PowerPoint link -
-Write the word "family" on the board. Ask
students row by row to come up to the board utm_content=DAFy-
and write down what this word means to 4gjwU0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Provide examples to guide them, such as Possible Adaptations/

different types of families, how family makes Differentiation:
them feel, or what it means to be a family.
Talk about their answers as a class. Peer Support: Pair students with classmates who can assist with completing the exit sheet
Show examples of different family structures or provide support in articulating their thoughts during the discussion and on the exit
through a PowerPoint presentation. Ask sheet.
students if they can explain these types of
families. Reveal answers after they've had a Extended Time: If a student needs more time to complete the exit sheet, provide
chance to discuss.
flexibility in terms of deadlines or offer the option to finish it as homework.
Discussion Points: 5 min
Visual Support: Use images, symbols, and visuals alongside the written word to cater to
In what ways can family dynamics/structures, different learning styles. Provide pictures or visual aids representing various family types
impact how a person perceives themselves
and their identity? For me, growing up with a for those who may have difficulty understanding when just having a discussion.
single parent meant taking on more
responsibilities at an earlier age, fostering
independence and self-reliance, which has
shaped who I am.
Management Strategies:
How might exposure to various family types -3,2,1 everyone quiet -This will give students those few seconds to stop look and listen
and experiences lead to a more open and while being quiet and focusing on me.
accepting society? (Answer: It allows people
to understand that not everyone thinks the
same due to their different family -Wait for silence.

Content: 10 min

-Talk about how families shape our identity. Safety Considerations.

-Families shape our identity, influencing our
morals, such as our beliefs on what's right and Creating a Safe Space: Emphasize the importance of respect, empathy, and open-
wrong, our food preferences, and the music
mindedness within the classroom. Talking about families can be a difficult topic for some
we enjoy. Family members serve as role
models, shaping our behaviors and attitudes. people, so I want to ensure it's a safe and welcoming place where no one feels
We learn how to communicate, solve uncomfortable. If kids feel uncomfortable, they can take a break or go for a walk and
problems, and express emotions from our come back to talk to me when done.
family environment.
-Through our family, we discover our roots,
traditions, and history, which play a vital role
in defining who we are. Our family is like our
Template - Lesson Plan – Backwards by Design

first teacher, showing us how to be the best

version of ourselves.
-Just as teachers teach you how to write an
essay and its various components, our family
teaches us the components of life. Family not
only influences what things you celebrate or
food you like but also shapes your personality
by influencing how you speak to others, treat
others, and how you act in general. This
influence changes depending on your family
structure and experiences.

Development: 25 min to work on assignment

plus extra time

Students will then be asked to create a family

crest that represents their family's cultural
and ethnic identity. They can use images,
symbols, and words to illustrate their family's
heritage and how it contributes to their own
-Crest must include at least four words that
describe their family
-A symbol or picture of a celebration they
-A flag representing their family's origin,
- And their last name somewhere on their

Learning Closure: 10min

Students will be asked to complete an exit

sheet with these questions and hand in their
crest and responses for assessment:

What were some of the key elements or

symbols you chose to include in your family's
cultural collage, and why did you select them
to represent your heritage?

How does your family's heritage, as

represented in your collage, influence your
own identity and the way you perceive the
world around you?

Do you have significant aspirations or dreams

for the future? Do you think your family has
anything to do with what you want to

By completing these assignments, students

should come to the realization of how their
family influences their personality on a
deeper level than just their food preferences
or likes and dislikes.
Stage 4: Reflection
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Family Crest Grade 8 Name

1 2 3 4
Neatness/Creativity Minimal effort is Basic effort is made, Satisfactory effort is Exemplary effort is
and effort evident in the but there's room for put into the family dedicated to the family
execution of the improvement in crest assignment. crest assignment,
4 points crest The execution. The The presentation is exceeding
presentation lacks presentation generally neat and expectations.
organization and demonstrates some well-organized, The presentation is
neatness, appearing organization and showcasing an exceptionally neat,
cluttered and neatness, though it adequate level of
well-organized, and
disorganized. may still be care. Creativity is
reflects a high level of
Creativity is scarcely somewhat evident with the
present, and the disordered. inclusion of creative attention to detail.
work shows little Creativity is elements that Creativity is
originality or apparent, with enhance the work, exceptional, with a
imagination. elements of and there's a degree consistent, innovative,
uniqueness, but of originality present. and expertly executed
overall originality is Coloring is neat and display of unique
moderate. visually satisfying. elements that
significantly enhance
the work. The crest
shows a high level of
originality and
coloring is neat and
visually satisfying.
Related symbols to The student The student has a The student exhibits a The student
identity/family demonstrates a basic understanding of proficient demonstrates an
minimal grasp of how how these symbols understanding of how advanced and
4 points the symbols they can relate to identity. their symbols are insightful
chose relate to The explanation is related to identity. understanding of how
identity. The somewhat clear but The explanation is their symbols are
explanation is vague may lack depth. clear and intricately linked to
and lacks clarity, Examples provided are demonstrates a identity.
showing a relevant but might not coherent connection provides a deep, and
misalignment between fully illustrate the between family and comprehensive
symbols and identity. connection between identity. perspective on the
The student provides these symbols and connection between
insufficient or their identity/ family their symbols and
irrelevant examples to identity. identity.
support their
Instructions Instructions were not The instructions were The crest includes at The family crest
followed incorporates a minimum of
followed. The crest partially adhered to. least three words that
four vividly descriptive
does not include at The crest incorporates describe their family. A words that effectively
4 points least four words 1-2 terms to describe symbol or picture of a encapsulate the family's
describing their family. the family yet lacks celebration they identity.
The representation of a
No symbol or picture elements such as and celebrate is included
celebratory occasion within
of a celebration is or a family- and is relevant to the the crest is creatively and
present. representative flag, a family. A flag skillfully executed.
No flag representing celebratory symbol or representing the A flag, denoting the family's
Template - Lesson Plan – Backwards by Design

the family's origin is image, and the family's origin is clearly place of origin, is
prominently and clearly
included. inclusion of the included and relevant.
The last name is not family's last name. The last name is The family's last name is
featured anywhere on featured on the flag seamlessly integrated into
the flag. and is somewhat the overall crest design.
integrated into the
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Template - Lesson Plan – Backwards by Design

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