Coral Reef Fisheries of Malalison 2002-8B522893

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UPV J. Nat. Sci.

7 (1 &2): 120-132 (2002)

The Coral Reef Fisheries of Malalison Island, West Central

Philippines Two Years After Fish Sanctuary Protection

Aquaculture DepartmenlSoutheastAsianFisheries Developmen1Cen1er, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines


Fish landings in Malalison Island, west central Philippines were

monitored from June 1995 to January 1997 to determine species composition of
catch, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and yield from the different fishing areas. A
total of 596 fishing operations were recorded from the five fishing areas namely
Nablag, Balabago and Salangan patch reefs and North and South fringing reefs.
CPUE (kg fisher·' hr- 1) was 0.71 for hook/and line, 1.16 for speargun, 2.80 for
hookah (speargun with compressor), 1.29 for set gill net, 1.30 for drive-in gill net
and 2.23 for drift gill net. Total fish yield was estimated to be 26.4 t km·2 yr·'.
Reef and reef-associated fish species comprised about 85% of the total yield and
was dominated by caesionids (33%) and acanthurids (28%) caught by hookah
and set gill net. Hookah contributed highest yield from Nablag patch reef. Reef
and reef-associated fish yield was estimated to be 22.44 t km· 2 yr·'. This is
almost four times the 1992 estimate of 5.8 t km· 2 yr·' when community-based
management efforts were initiated by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department to
sustain the coral reef fisheries in Malalison Island.
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The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture

Department (SEAFDEC AQD) launched the Community-based Fisheries
Resource Management (CFRM) Project in Malalison Island, west central
Philippines in 1991. It implemented community-based fisheries research
integrating biological , economic, and sociological studies towards community-
based resource management (Agbayani 1994; Agbayani et al. 2000)). Estimated
catch per unit effort (CPUE) and total fishery yield (1991-1992 fish landing
data) indicated overfishing and emphasized the need for community-based
resource management in Malalison Island (Amar et a!. 1996). Relative fishing
power of the small-scale fishing gears, species composition of catch, CPUE by
fishing gear and yield by fishing area in Malalison Island are reported here. This
will describe the coral reef fisheries after about two years since a portion of
the fishing areas was declared a fish sanctuary where artificial reefs were also
deployed .



Malalison Island (11 °25'N latitude and 122°1'E longitude) is located 4 km

off the northwest coast of Panay Island in the central Philippines (Fig. 1) . It
has a land area of 0 .65 km 2 and a total reef area of 2.33 km 2 (based on
bathymetric survey) to the 30 m isobath (Amar et al. 1996). It represents one
barangay with a total population of 512 from about 94 households in 1995
(Baticados and Agbayani 2000). It had an annual population growth rate of 4% ,
a figure nearly twice the national rate of 2.32%. Its coral reefs consist of
fringing reefs around the island (divided into North and South for purposes of
this study) and main patch reefs in Nablag, Balabago and Salangan . Guiob 1-cef
\vith an area of about 0.28 km 2 was declared a fish sanctuary on July I CJl)) by
the i\1alalison Barangay Council and Culasi Municipal Council (June 1996) after
artificial reefs were deployed in April and May 1995.

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Hodlot D

fringing~ 4

0 1 2Km

.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 122D 1" ___;1...--------- 122°3"

Fig. 1. Bathymetric map showing fishing areas in Malalison Island, west central
Philippines (depth in fathoms).

Fish landings were monitored for 20 months from June 1995 to January
1997 around Malalison Island. Sampling was conducted for two consecutive
days during the first or last quarter moon phase every month to record all fish
landed by all types of fishing gear during this time following the sampling
scheme of Amar et al. (1996). A total of 40 sampling days were conducted. All
catch landed within this period were monitored. Taxonomic identifications were
based on Allen and Swainston (1988), Randall et al. (1990), Myers (1991) and
Kuiter ( 1992). Categories of reef, reef-associated and non-reef fish species
were based on Choat and Bellwood ( 1991 ). Secondary data on fishing gear
(mesh size and net dimensions), area fished (patch or fringing reef), duration of
fishing operation (number of hours), and number of fishers per fishing operation
were recorded. Data collected were grouped according to type of fishing gear
(hook and line, speargun, hookah, set gill net, drive-in gill net, and drift gill net)
and fishing area (Nablag, Balabago Salangan, North fringing reef and South
fringing reef).
Catch (kg) and effort (number of fishers and hours fishing) were
recorded for each fishing operation monitored. CPUE for each fishing gear is
expressed as kg fisher 1 hr- 1 (Amar et al. 1996). Yield (Y) in t kin- 2 yr 1 was
estimated by . fishing area using the formula Y = {observed catch (kg)/ number
of sampling days (40 days)} x number of fishing days in a year (250 days)
(Luchavez et al. 1984) and dividing this by the reef area open to fishing, i.e.
2.05 krfF (2.33 km 2 total reef area used by Amar et al. 1996 less 0.28 km 2
area of Guiob fish sanctuary). Data was analysed to determine significant
differences between fishing gears and fishing areas using the General Linear
Model (SAS Inst. Inc. 1988).
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A total of 596 fishing operations using hook and line, speargun, hookah,
set gill net, drive-in gill net and drift gill net were recorded. These small-scale
fishing gears were described in detail by Umali (1950), Munprasit et al. (1995),
and specific to Malalison Island by Amar et al. (1996). Hook and line (35%)
and speargun (27%) were the most commonly used gears (Table 1). Hookah
accounted for about 39% of the total catch and set gill net about 21%.

Table 1. Number of operations sampled, relative fishing power and CPUE of different
fishing gears in Malalison Island, west central Philippines.

Number of CPUE (kg fisher- 1 hr- 1)

Fishing Gear
Operations 1995-1996 1991-1992*
Hook and line 211 0.71 0.67
Speargun 163 1.16 1.10
Hookah 82 2.80 1.43
Set gill net 82 1.29 0.43
Drive-in gill net 38 1.3 2.37
Drift gill net 20 2.23 1.15
from Amar et aL 1996

About 300 fish species from 45 families were caught during a total of
40 days of fish landing census covering the period from June 1995 to January
1997 in Malalison Island. About 284 species from 3 7 families were reef and
reef-associated fish spec ies while 16 species from eight families were non-reef
fish .
Cephalopods comprised 0.19 t (39%) of catch by hook and line and 0.24
t (34%) by speargun in addition to 0.17 t (25%) caesionids (Table 2) .
Acanthurids dominated the catch by hookah at 1.88 t (47%) together with
caesionids with 1.36 t (34%). About 1.28 t (64%) caesionids and 0.22 t (11 %)
holocentrids were caught by set gill net; 0.35 t (35%) belonids, 0.22 t (22%)
acanthurids and 0.14 t (14%) exocoetids by drive-in gill net; and 0.21 t (35%)
clupeids and 0.15 t (25%) exocoetids by drift gill net.

Table 2. Species composition of catch by fishing gear from June 1995 to January 1997
(40 days) in Malalison Island, west central Philippines.

Taxon Hook and line Speargun Hookah Set gill net Drive-in gill net Drift gill net
Acanthuridae 9.33 47 .04 8.65 21.54 11. 61
Balistidae 7.20 2.91
Caesionidae 25.03 34.20 63.73 10.84
Carangidae 11.08 1.66 1.42
Cephalopoda 38.98 34.44 1.00
Holocentridae 10.65
Labridae 1.21
Lethrinidae 5.77 2.18
Lu~janidae 4.55 109
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Mullidae 1.45 1.4 1 138

Scaridae 1.08 2 07 7.42 2.31 1.93
Serranidae 9.34 2.95 2.88
Belonidae 35.44 9.63
Clupeidae 2.40 2.23 34.94
Exocoetidae 14.25 24.92
Hemiramphidae 7.91 11.43
Scombridae 9.72 8.85
Sphyraenidae 5.94
Others 5.14 10.78 4.96 10.89 4.21 6.05

The CPUE for hookah fishery was significantly the highest among the
rest of the fisheries (p<0.05) and was twice that in 1991-1992 . CPUE of drift
gill net also doubled wh il e that of set gill net increased more than threefold
(Amar et al. 1996) (see Table 1).
Total fish yield of the coral reefs of Malalison Island was estimated at
26.4 t km· 2 yr- 1 (June 1995 to January 1997 data) (Table 3). Of this total, yield
by reef and reef-associated fish species were estimated at 22.44 t km- 2 yr-1 and
non-reef fish species at about 3.97 t km- 2 yr- 1 . Caesionids (33%) and
acanthur ids (28%) contributed the highest to total yield.

Table 3. Annual yield by fish group from June 1995 to January 1997 (40 sampling
days) in Malalison Island, west central Philippines.
Reef and -associated s~ecies Catch {kg} Non-reef s~ecies Catch {kg}
Acanthuridae 2,384 Belonidae 428
Balistadae 69 Clupeidae 273
Caesionidae 2,866 Exocoetidae 294
Carangidae 97 Hemiramphidae 149
Cephalopoda 465 Scombridae 116
Chaetodontidae 6 Sphyraenidae 39
Holocentridae 208 Others 2
Labridae 53
Lethrinidae 96 Total reef and -associated catch 7,362
Lutjanidae 90 Total non-reef catch 1,301
Mullidae 99 Total fishery catch 8,663
Nemeptiradae 7
Scaridae 380 Extrapolated annual yield t km-2 yr- 1
Serranidae 184 Reef and -associated yield 22.44
Others 358 Non-reef yield 3.97
Total fish yield 26.41

Hookah produced the highest yield, which is significantly higher than that
of hook and line, speargun, and set gill net in Nablag patch reef (p < 0.05)
(Fig. 2). Yield of hookah in Balabago reef did not differ significantly from
speargun and set gill net in Balabago and from hook and line, speargun and set
gill net in Nablag reef (p < 0.05) (Fig. 3). Drive-in and drift gill nets were not
included in the statistical analyses because these were highly seasonal. No
significant differences in the yield of various fisheries were found in Salangan,
North and South fringing reefs.
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Fishing gears

Fig. 2. Mean CPUE of fishing gears during the NE-northeast monsoon (December-March) and INTI- first
interim period (November) in Malalison Island, west central Philippines (bars with the same
letter are not significantly different, a=O.OS).




>- 10


Fishing gears
Fig. 3. Fish yield among fishing gears in Nablag and Balabago reefs in
Malalison Island, west central Philippines (bars with the same letter
are not significantly different, a=O.OS).


Destructive fishing practices such as "duldog" (local name of "muro-

ami"), cyanide and dynamite fishing used to be rampant in Malalison Island in
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the 1980s (Agbayani 1994). This resulted to the degradation of the marine
resources and the coral reefs around the island. Destructive fishing was
gradually eradicated with the training and education efforts implemented by the
CFRM Project (SEAFDEC AQD) and especially when the initiator and supplier
of dynamite died in 1991.
In 1991-1992, the Culasi Sangguniang Bayan (Municipal Council) passed
Municipal Ordinance No. 5-90 designating 1 km 2 as a territorial use rights in
fisheries (TURF) area of Malalison fishers (Siar et al. 1992; Agbayani 1994) .
The Local Government Code of 1991 delegated the local government units and
people's organizations to manage their own resources. In July 1995, the
Malalison Barangay Council declared Guiob reef a marine sanctuary and
approved by the Culasi Municipal Council in June 1996. Artificial reefs were
also deployed in Guiob reef in April-May 1995 (Tenedero 1995).
Generally, target food fishes caught by small-scale fishing gears in
Malalison Island are composed of fish species dependent and associated with
the coral reef. Reef fish species comprised about 85% of the total yield and
was dominated by caesionids and acanthurids . This may indicate a strong
dependence of the Malalison fishery on coral reef fish stocks. The gears
targeting these food fish, hookah and set gill net, contributed majority of the
total fishery catch and were operated almost throughout the year. Amar et al.
(1996) also had similar findings . The set gill net is operated in all the fishing

areas around the island and targets caesionids. Malalison fishers refer to the set
. gill net as "panulig" or for catching "solig". Caesionids are also referred to as
"soLid" in Visaya. This contrasts the trap fishery in Apo and Sumilon Islands that
also target caesionids although largely catching a smaller species, Pterocaesio
pisang (Alcala and Luchavez 1981 , Alcala and Russ 1990). Strong currents
probably limit fishing gears to traps and render the use of nets in Apo and
Sumilon waters impractical (Cabanban 1984) . Malalison fishers have not used
traps because the raw material required, i.e. bamboo, is not locally available.
The importance of small pelagic and migratory fish species in the
catches is not so much reflected in the total fish yield. However, the high
CPUE of drift gill nets that target these non-reef fish species may provide a
respite for reef and reef-associated fish species. Fishers use drift gill net as an
alternate to hookah when non-reef and migratory species are abundant in
Malalison waters because of lower operating cost. It is only during certain
months of the year when drive-in and drift gill nets are operated when their
targeted species migrate to Malalison waters beginning November and extending
until May. These are the epipelagic clupeids, belonids, sphyraenids, hemiramphids
and exocoetids. '
The doubled CPUE of hookah from 1991-1992 (Amar et al. 1996) to
1995-1997 (this study) should be carefully evaluated since this gear tended to
catch larger fish sizes, representing spawning stock biomass. Of the fishing
gears operated by Malalison fishers, hookah was the most efficient in terms of
CPUE and fish yield. This increase in efficiency may have resulted from longer
time spent in increasingly deeper waters. It should also be noted that while
there were four operators of hookah in 1991-1992, this number doubled to eight
during this study. In December 1999, the Malalison Barangay (village) Council
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enacted an ordinance prohibiting the use of hookah in Malalison waters

(Primavera 2002) because of its efficiency, selectivity for large fish sizes and
accompanying safety and health hazards (McManus et al. 1992)
Among the five fishing areas around the island, Nablag reef had the
highest fish yield. Fish catch from the patch reefs Nablag, Balabago and
Salangan comprised the bulk of the total fish yield in Malalison Island. Fringing
reefs contributed about one-tenth of the catch compared to patch reefs. Visual
census of reef fishes show comparable characteristics of patch (Nablag reef)
and fringing reefs for the same period 1995-1997 (Fig.4). Mean sizes of
commercially important fishes (acanthurids, caesionids, lutjanids, scarids,
serranids-Epinephelinae) were significantly higher in Nablag patch reef than in
the fringing reefs (p < 0.05). Moreover, Guiob reef demonstrated a significant
increase in mean size and density of commercially important fish after two
years protection in 1997.

· ~
c d


E: 2


Fishing area and year

Fig. 4. Mean size and density of commercially important fishes (acanthurids,
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caesionids, lutjanids, scarids, serranids-Epinephelinae) in different

fishing areas during different years in Malalison Island, west central
Philippines (computed from Garcia and Amar, unpublished data)
(bars in a panel with the same letter are not significantly different, a=O.OS).

The low yield recorded for Salangan reef may reflect a sampling
artifact. Few of the landings recorded were caught from Sa Iangan reef ( 13
fishing operations recorded from a total of 596) . Perhaps , there was weakness
in the _sampling scheme that the fishing areas were not treated equally, or it
may not have allowed for conditions (e .g. weather) that permit fishing in
Salangan reef.
Of the total yield estimated at 26.4 t km· 2 yr- 1, that contributed by reef
and reef-associated fish species increased from 5.8 t km- 2 yr-1 in 1991-1992
(Amar et a!. 1996) to 22.44 t km- 2 yr- 1 in 1995-1997 (this study) or from 63% to
85% of the total catch . The increase in reef yield may have been brought about
by the increase in CPUE of hookah and set gill net that increased I 00% and
300% respectively from 1991 - 1992 to 1995-1997 . These two fishing gears target
reef fish species, particularly caesionids and acanthurids. In 1991-1992,
caesionids and acanthurids comprised about 16% and 19% of the total catch
respectively (Amar et al. 1996). In 1995-1997, caesionids constituted about 33%
of the total catch while acanthurids about 28% .

Yield from non-reef fish species increased slightly from 3.42 t km· 2 yr- 1
(Amar et a!. 1996) to 3.97 t km·2 yr· 1 (this study) although its contribution to
total fish yield was significantly reduced from 37% to 15%. Although this may
be attributed to th e corresponding decrease in the CPUE of drive-in gill net by
half from 1991-1992 to 1995 -1 997, the closure of Guiob reef to fishing may
have also contributed to the reduced non-reef fish in the total fish yie ld . This
further shows that the increase in the CPUE of drift gill net to almost double
was not enough to increase yield of non-reef fish as a percentage of total fish
On the whole, yield per fisher has increased from 1991 -1 992 to 1995 -
1997 . A mar et al. ( 1996) reported fish producti on of about 9.22 t km· 2 yr· 1 for
about 34 fishers km· 2 . This study estimated about 26.4 t km ·2 yr· 1 production for
the same number of fishers. Malalison fishers used the same mesh sizes of set,
drive-in and drift gill nets from 1991-1992 to 1995- 1997.
The nearly threefold increase in the total fish yield of the small -scale
fisheries may have been brought about by the interaction of many factors. One
factor may be the increase in CPUE of hookah, set and drift gill nets. The
compounded effects of the artificial reefs deployed and the fish sanctuary
(Pitcher et al. 2000), although protected only two years at the time this study
was conducted, may have been another factor to effect the increase in total
fish yield not necessarily as spillover of adult biomass which takes a long time
to be demonstrated (Russ and Alcala 1996), but as source of recruitment
(Roberts and PoluniN 1991, Jennings 2001). Moreover, the small size of the fish
sanctuary (0.28 km 2 equivalent to 12% of total reef area) may have increased
the park (fish sanctuary) edg.e to area ratio and provided the opportunity for
increased total fish catches (McClanahan and Kaunda-Arara 1996). Guenette
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and Pitcher (1999) showed in a dynamic pool model that where exploitation rate
is larger than that which gives the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) as
demonstrated for two caesionid species (Caesio caerulaurea and Pterocaesio
tesse/lata) of the Malalison coral reef fishery (Primavera 1998), the biomass of
spawners aad recruitment success was mainta.ined at a higher level hence
preventing yield collapse . The implementation of the TURFs and stopping of
destructive fishing methods in 1991 may have also contributed to the increase in
total fish yield . Strict control and constant surveillance by the organized
fisherfolk in Malalison will ensure the protection and conservation of their coral
reef fish stocks.
The importance of the marine sanctuary in Guiob reef cannot be
overemphasized as this may prove to be the key to sustain the Malalison
fisheries (Russ 1996, Birkeland 1997, Allison eta!. 1998). This was the
experience in Apo and Sumiton Islands (Alcala and Russ 1990). Coral reef
reserves ensure spawning potential (Roberts and Polunin 1991, Birkeland 1997)
and genetic quality of offspring (Roberts and Polunin 1991, Bohnsack 1993,
Birkeland 1997, Trexler and Travis 2000), increase abundance of fishes inside
and outside the reserve (Alcala and Russ 1990, Polunin and Roberts 1993),
provide undisturbed spawning grounds, protect against recruitment and growth
&v{rfishing (Birkeland 1997) and maintain fishery yields (Maypa et a!. 2002) .
Moreover, it is noteworthy that total fi~h yield and aggregate CPUE of all

fishing gears did not decline even with the closure of Guiob reef to fishing,
comparable to other coral reefs in the Philippines with and without marine
reserves (Table 4). This indicates that Malalison fishers at the very least did not
need to lose catch to implement a management strategy and even improved
their total fish yield after protecting a portion of their coral reefs.

Table 4. Fish yields of different coral reefs in the Philippines.

Area Depth Yield Coral
Location Management I<cference
(km 2) (m) (t km' 2 yr -I) cover(%)
Hulao-hulao Island 0.50 1. 5 5.20 27 Open access Luchavez et al. 1984
Selinog Island 1.26 30 6.00 29 Open access Luchavez et al. 1984
Pamilacan Island 1.8 20 10.70 17 Open access Savina & White 1986
Cape Bolinao 24.00 14.50 Open access Campos et al. 1994
Malalison Island 2.33 30 5.8' 35 Open access A mar et al. 1994
Malalison Island 2 05 30 22.44b 38 Marine reserve This study
Sumiton Island 0.50 40 36.9' >50 Marine reserve Alcala and Russ 1990
Sumiton Island 0.50 40 19 .9d >50 Open access Alcala and Russ 1990
Apo Island 1.06 60 24 .9' Marine reserve Bellwood 1988
Apo Island 1.06 60 19 .9-23 .08[ Marine reserve Maypa et al. 2002
bl995- 1997
'1983 -1 984
~'1997 -200 I

Gofii (1998) suggested that areas closed to fishing may be a way for
evaluating impacts of fishing on benthic and resident pelagic species, as well as
the reversibility of fishing effects (Jennings and Kaiser 1998). Investigations to
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answer questions of connectivity, larval source or sink (Crowder et al. 2000;

Warner et al. 2000), and other ecosystem functions need to be undertaken in
Guiob reef fish sanctuary. The compounding effects of artificial reefs need to
be studied as well (Pitcher et al. 2000). Results of these would ascertain the
effectiveness and role of the fish sanctuary in the management of the small-
scale fisheries of Malalison Island and even that of neighboring fishing areas.
Moreover, continuing monitoring of the fish yield for the long-term will be useful
to make more robust conclusions as to the sustainability of the small-scale
fisheries in Malalison Island vis -a-vis the fish sanctuary, artificial reefs and
prohibition of hookah fishing.
The findings of this study may be useful to community leaders in
Malalison Island, as well as other small-scale island fisheries, in formulating
better management schemes and strategies, both short-term and long-term.
Ensuring sustainability rests on the continuing coastal resource management
program of the M~lalison fisherfolk, particularly the good government and strong
political will of the stakeholders of the community (Agardy 2000, Milon 2000).


The author would like to thank SEAFDEC AQD for funding this study
under the CFRM Project; C.L. Marte and L.M.B. Garcia for technical help;
R.F. Agbayani, D. Baticados and E.C . Amar for support; and V. Balinas and D .
Miciano for help with the statistics. Three anonymous reviewers provided helpful
comments to improve the manuscript. This paper is part of the author's Master's
thesis completed at the Institute of Marine Fisheries and Ocean Sciences,
College of Fisheries, University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo,


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