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Ex. 1 Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. Yesterday at 8 pm I __________________ (watch) the news.

2. The students __________________ (write) a test when I came in.
3. It __________________ (rain) all day yesterday.
4. My neighbour __________________ (play) loud music after 10 pm last night.
5. The children __________________ (make) a lot of noise while they
_________________ (play).

Ex. 2 Utwórz zdania przeczące w czasie Past Continuous

1. they / work / in the morning


2. the sun / shine / yesterday


3. I / clean the house / when you phoned me


4. My friends / cook / all evening


5. Betty and Jim / play tennis / yesterday at 5 pm


Ex. 3 Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

1. I was watching a horror movie yesterday.


2. It was snowing yesterday between 4 and 8 pm.


3. Our guests were sleeping in the living room.

4. Sally was helping John yesterday.


5. We were listening to the radio because we wanted to hear the news.


Ex. 4 Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Were you sleeping? Yes, ____________ .

2. Was he working yesterday? No, ____________ .
3. Were the people waiting outside? Yes, ____________ .
4. Was I disturbing you? No, ____________ .
5. Were the police chasing the criminal? Yes, ____________

Ex. 5 Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. When the boss came in I __________________ (not work).

2. What __________________ (you / do) all day?
3. Why __________________ (the baby / cry)?
4. Tom and Minnie __________________ (drive) on holidays when their car broke
5. A: __________________ (your teacher / mark) tests during the class? B: No,
__________________ .
6. The police officer stopped us when we __________________ (cross) the street.
7. My dog __________________ (not bark) at night!
8. At 3 pm on Monday our friends __________________ (sit) on a plane to Paris.
9. When we arrived the children __________________ (not do) their homework. They
__________________ (play) outside.
10. Who __________________ (laugh) so loud a moment ago?

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