1-Introduction To Research

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Introduction to

Understanding Chapter One

Research and Its


What is research?
 Process of collecting/ gathering data and information by a
scientific or logical procedure that aims to solve a
particular scientific problem.
 From a French word “CERCHIER” meaning “to seek or to
 An attempt to solve or gain a solution to a problem.
 A systematic, controlled, empirical and critical
investigation of hypothetical propositions about the
presumed relations among natural phenomenon
(Kerlinger, 1976)
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What is research?
 Isan honest, scientific investigation undertaken for the
purpose of discovering new facts or establishing new
relationships among facts already known which will
contribute to the present body of knowledge and can
lead to an effective solution of existing problems.

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 The role and salient characteristics of marketing research may be
described by the acronym Research.
 R - Recognition of information needs
 E - Effective decision marking
 S - Systematic and objective
 E - Exude/disseminate information
 A - Analysis of information
 R - Recommendations for action
 C - Collection of information
 H -Helpful to manager
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Research Process

 Step 1: Problem Definition

 Step 2: Developing an Approach to the Problem
 Step 3: Research Design Formulation
 Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
 Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis
 Step 6: Report Presentation and Presentation
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Objectives writing up the research study

 Learning
 Thisis one of the most important objectives of the
school. We want student to
Expand knowledge about a problem/situation
Gain experience in how to do research
Sometimes, you need to please yourself.
Choose one if you are interested in the project
within your capabilities.
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Objectives writing up the research study

 Contributing
 Results of the research report will generate knowledge
that anyone would want to know includes:
 Some new data that everybody have never known
 Some new finding
 Some new ways of doing things
 If the project does not tell us anything, and we don’t
know about it
 (Do not do it) SRU/Ly Ratana/Research Methodology

Objectives writing up the research study

 Graduating: (academic requirement)
 To get good result of doing research, you need to please,
especially your chairperson, or committees. They would
want to know your:
 Understanding the situation
 Knowledge to do research report
 Ability to solve the practical problems
You have fixed-short time, small budget. Therefore you must Limit
scope of the problem worry about access to data
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Who need research?

 Research is for the:
 Undergraduate students doing term papers.
 Graduate students defending material thesis/doctoral dissertation
 Doctors/nurses
 Legislators needing information to formulate the right kinds of laws.
 Technical staff of government officials providing the bassline reports.
 Supervisors, managers, top executives in both public and private
sectors engaged in planning, decision – making evaluation and
even in dealing with human behaviors.
 Consultants.
 NGOs
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What is the purpose of research?

 Corrects perceptions
 Develops and evaluations concepts, practices and
 Gathering information on a certain phenomenon that are
lacking in knowledge
 Obtains knowledge for practical purposes
 Provided hare facts that serves as a basis for planning,
decision-making, project implementation, monitoring and
SRU/Ly Ratana/Research Methodology

What is the purpose of research?

 Finding answers to questions or solutions to problems.
 Discovering and interpreting new facts.
 Testing theories to revise accepted theories or law in the
light of new facts.
 Formulating new theories.

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Characteristics of Research
 Involves the gathering of new data from new sources or 1st
hand information.
 Directed towards the solution of a problem.
 Characterized by carefully designed procedures applying
rigorous analysis.
 Emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles,
hypothesis and theories that may be helpful in predicting
future occurrences.
 Requires expertise
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Characteristics of Research
 Demands accurate observation and description of what is
being studied.
 Strives to be logical, applying every possible test to
validation the procedures being employed.
 Characterized by patient and unhurried activities.
 Requires innovative approaches and determination to
 Carefully and accurately recorded and reported.

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Limitations of Research
 Resultof faulty planning and implementation of the project.
 The individual researcher
 The scope of knowledge or information available abut the
topic and the problem under study also must be
 The tools of measurement may be inadequate or entirely

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Types of Research
 Basic Research / Pure Research
 A scientific investigation that involves the pursuit of
“Knowledge for knowledge’s sake”
 Purpose:
 To generate and refine theory and build constructs thus,
the findings may not be directly useful in practice.

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Types of Research
 Applied Research / Practical Research
 Knowledge is not the sake but seeking new applications
of scientific knowledge to the situation of a problem.
 Purpose:
 To solve a problem
 To make a decision
 To develop a new program, product, method or
 To evaluate a program, product or procedure
SRU/Ly Ratana/Research Methodology

Types of Research
 Operational Research
 Aims to discuss and study a recurring problem in an
organization which may involve a study of concretization
of the organization’s mission, vision, philosophy and goals.

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Types of Research
 ActionResearch
 Undertaken to address a recurring problem in an
organization immediately, usually a part of a major
problem is addressed in this type of research.

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Types of Research
 Types of Research according to time element.
 Historical research means “what was”
 Descriptive research refers to “what is”
 Experimental research describes as “what will” when
certain variables are carefully controlled and

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What is the characteristics of a good

 Prudence
 Healthy criticism
 Intellectual honesty

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What do you think are the qualities

of a good researcher?
 Qualities of a good researcher are:
R - Research oriented R - Resourceful
E - Efficient C - Creative
S - Scientific H - Honest
E - Effective E -Economical
A - Active R -Religious

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Research in Business
 What is a good research?
 Following the standards of the scientific method
 Purpose clearly defined
 Research process detailed
 Research design thoroughly planned
 High ethical standards applied
 Limitations frankly revealed
 Following the standards of the scientific method
 Adequate analysis for decision-maker’s needs
 Findings presented unambiguously
 Conclusions justified
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 Researcher’s experience reflected

Research in Business
Why study research?
Research provides you with the
knowledge and skills needs for the
fast-paced decision-making

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Research in Business
Why managers need a better information?
 To gather more information before selecting a
course of action
 To do a high-level research study
 To understand research design
 To evaluate and resolve a current management
 To establish a career as a research specialist

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Ethics in Research
A permit to conduct the study must be properly
sought from authority. Willingness of the
prospective respondents must also be
 The researcher must assure the respondents of
confidentiality of the data that will be gathered
and used in the study.

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Ethics in Research
 The researcher must be willing share the findings
of the study with the institution where the
respondents belong.
 The researcher must maintain integrity in the
publication of the findings and results of the

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Ethics in Research
 The researcher must not inflict harm to the
respondents especially during an experimental
 The researcher must consider the potential
benefits that the respondents may get from the
 The researcher must observe intellectual honesty
in undertaking such research.
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SRU/Ly Ratana/Research Methodology

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