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Andrew W.

Sokol 1

Design of the High Speed Rail System in California

Orange County to Los Angeles Segment

Andrew W. Sokol, P.E.

STV Incorporated

2009 AREMA Conference and Exposition

Chicago, Illinois

(total 4,189 words)

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Design of the High Speed Rail System in California

Orange County to Los Angeles Segment


The California High Speed Rail Authority was formed twelve years ago to develop a high speed

rail network designed to meet California’s future transportation challenges. Speeds up to 220

MPH using a steel-wheel-on-steel-rail system were envisioned to allow travel times between

select destinations competitive with air travel. All of the major metropolitan areas within

California are included in the planned routes. These include Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay

Area, the Central Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County, the Inland Empire, and San Diego.

Project Level EIR/EIS and Preliminary Engineering are now proceeding concurrently and are

due to be completed in late 2010. The 30-mile segment between Anaheim and Los Angeles

presents many significant engineering and construction challenges. Designing solutions to these

will help establish precedents that may be applied to design of the rest of the system, and other

future high speed rail systems in the U.S. Key issues of design significance include:

• Statewide and segment-specific design criteria for curve criteria, superelevation and


• Major new terminal stations are being planned in Los Angeles and Anaheim;

• Running in or adjacent to an existing rail corridor, Burlington Northern Santa Fe’s active

San Bernardino Subdivision and the challenges posed;

• Federal Railroad Administration Compliance Issues; and

• Running through a densely populated urban area, either at-grade or on aerial structure.

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The introduction of a high speed rail system in California, officially called the California High

Speed Train (HST) Project, will provide safe, reliable intercity train service,

Figure 1 – Statewide Map of the California High Speed Train Project

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with travel times comparable to air transportation. At full build out, over 700 miles of tracks

will connect all the major population centers of in California. A new, dedicated, fully grade

separated, steel-wheel-on-steel-rail guideway will allow trains to operate at speeds of up to 220

miles per hour (MPH). An express service trip between Los Angeles and San Francisco is

estimated to take just over 2 hours 30 minutes. High Speed trains will be electrically powered

via a 2x25kV Autotransformer Power Supply System and an Overhead Contact System (OCS),

which is a proven technology to provide safe, reliable traction power for electric rail systems.

The California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), formed in 1996, is a state agency that is

tasked with the planning, design and construction of the HST system. In January 2007, a

significant milestone was achieved, as one of the small but key segments, the Orange County to

Los Angeles (OC-LA) segment, advanced into the more detailed, preliminary engineering and

project-level Environmental Impact Study / Report (EIS/EIR) phase. Other segments followed

or will follow shortly thereafter. The selected routes and a brief summary of key design issues

will be presented for the OC-LA segment, which is one of the furthest advanced segments.

For the OC-LA segment, moving into Preliminary Engineering and EIS/EIR meant the design

team could begin tackling the many significant design challenges along the route. This paper

will present a brief summary of the status of design, decisions made and some of the key

engineering-related issues addressed or still to be addressed. The OC-LA segment is the furthest

advanced and the work performed on that segment will set precedent that may be applied to

design of the rest of the system, and likely other future high speed rail systems in the U.S.

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A broad-based program level environmental review process was completed in 2005, culminating

in a certified Statewide Final Program EIR/EIS. This process analyzed a host of issues related to

the basic feasibility of building a HST system and the process established some key features

about the system to move forward with. These included train vehicle technology and selection of

the basic routes. For vehicle technology, the Very High Speed steel-wheel-on-steel-rail mode

(speeds up to 220 MPH) was recommended over Maglev and Non-electrified alternatives. For

the OC-LA segment, the LOSSAN (Los Angeles to San Diego) corridor was recommended over

the Union Pacific Santa Ana Branch Line.

The Route

The recommended route follows the same basic path between Los Angeles and Anaheim

Figure 2 – Map of the Orange County to Los Angeles HST Segment

Source: AE LLC, STV Incorporated

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used by existing Metrolink commuter rail and Amtrak intercity service. The 30-mile long route

parallels a busy rail corridor and contains three segments of different ownership. Starting from

the Los Angeles (north) end, the west bank line of the Los Angeles River is owned by Metro; the

San Bernardino Subdivision is owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF); and

the Orange Subdivision is owned by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). The

corridor is generally a two or three track high density line mainline carrying up to 160 trains per

day. The HST system is planned to be constructed mainly on the southwest side of the existing

R/W (though a short portion of the HST flies over and runs on the north east side of the existing


Running parallel to (and partially within) an existing rail corridor has the benefits of reducing

property or roadway impacts compared to non-rail corridor alternatives, but it does require

mitigating numerous freight spurs and connections branching off the main line. Approximately

50% of the land abutting the route is industrial, 8% residential, 4% commercial and 2% parks

and 2% institutional. Approximately 30% is occupied by transportation uses (both roadway and



Operations analysis for the OC-LA HST segment considered the entirety of train operations

along the LOSSAN Corridor (i.e. conventional passenger and freight in addition to HST). The

majority of the segment (BNSF’s San Bernardino Subdivision, from Redondo Junction to

Fullerton Junction – 20 miles) is two- or three-track mainline carrying both freight and

conventional passenger service, with the current and forecast volumes shown in table 1.

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Table 1 – Current and Forecast Train Volumes

Year 2030
Current Volume
Operator Type of Service Forecast Volume
(trains per day)
(trains per day)

BNSF Freight 90 (approx.) 133

Metrolink Commuter 28 91

Amtrak Regional / Intercity 24 34

Source: CHSRA- Concept Level Operational Feasibility Study

The basic findings were that for the forecasted volumes of the year 2030:

1) Two tracks dedicated to freight only would be insufficient for freight operations.

2) Two new dedicated HST tracks could support a limited amount of conventional

passenger train service.

3) Three tracks dedicated to freight and conventional passenger service, while sufficient for

the short term, may become insufficient when considering forecasted volumes.

Therefore, either a portion of conventional service could run on the HST tracks, or a

fourth conventional track would need to be added along parts of the corridor.

Therefore, the design approach is to provide a new two-track HST guideway that does not

preclude the potential of accommodating conventional passenger train equipment. This HST

guideway would be situated such that the third conventional main track can be readily

constructed (where it doesn’t already exist) without impact, and a fourth track could be added in

the future within the R/W (refer to Figure 1).

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Figure 3 – Basic Track Configuration between Redondo Jct. and Fullerton Jct.

Initial service is planned for 6 high speed trains per hour in each direction. The two HST main

tracks could support up to 20 high speed trains, or some combination of HST and Metrolink

trains, per hour in each direction, assuming a compatible signal system and comparable operating


The optimal maximum speed for HST for the OC-LA segment was found to be 125 MPH.

Whereas speeds up to 150 MPH could be achieved on some straight portions of the alignment,

the overall trip time saved would only be six seconds. Trip time between Anaheim and Los

Angeles is approximately 20 minutes.

High Speed trains will be electrically powered via a 2x25kV Autotransformer Power Supply

System and an Overhead Contact System (OCS), which is a proven technology to provide safe,

reliable traction power for electric rail systems.

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Preliminary engineering for the OC-LA segment began in January 2007 concurrently with

project level EIR/EIS. A 10% Design plan set was submitted in March 2009, and a 15% will be

completed in December 2009. Preliminary engineering (30% design level) will be completed in

December 2010. The CHSRA is currently contemplating tailoring the 30% design into

procurement documents for a Design Build contract.

Track Configuration

Figure 4 – Summary of HST Vertical Configuration

Source: AE LLC, STV Incorporated

The HST system is planned to be a dedicated double track with dedicated north- and south-

bound tracks and no reverse running permitted under normal circumstances (except at station

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approaches and off-hour non-revenue moves). The HST guideway will be fully isolated and

grade separated from all other railroads and roadways. Currently, approximately 50% of the

HST guideway is planned to be at-grade, 26% on and aerial viaduct, 2% in a trench, and 23% yet

to be determined. In the areas still to be determined, preliminary engineering is proceeding

equally on both, with the final selection to be determined prior to the end of the preliminary

engineering phase. Limited sharing of the HST tracks with conventional train service (Amtrak

and Metrolink) is being considered as it could bring nearer term benefits and long term

enhancements to conventional passenger train operations, but adds significant complexity,

particularly in the connections of existing conventional lines to the HST tracks. Also,

operational logistics, motive power and signaling systems will have to be made compatible, with

approval from the Federal Railroad Administration.

Grade Crossings

No at-grade crossings are permitted, so all existing road and rail grade crossing will have to be

grade separated or closed. A total of 87 crossings exist along the corridor (many already grade

separated). All of the roadway crossings are being evaluated for closure, lowering (generally,

the road will be lowered under the HST guideway), or modification of the existing grade

separated crossings. A handful of existing grade crossings are in various stages of design and

construction by others, and the HST design team is coordinating with those projects to help

ensure compatibility with HST construction.

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At-Grade Guideway

The default design is to have the HST system run at grade. At the current level of design, it is

critical to establish the total width of the guideway and offset from existing tracks. This will be

used to determine Figure 5 – Basic At-grade Typical Section

property and

environmental impacts

(a process that is


concurrently). Figure

5 shows the basic

dimensions that have been established to design the track alignments and determine the footprint

that will be required to build the system.

Aerial Guideway
Figure 6 – Basic Aerial Viaduct Typical Section
Where it is exceedingly difficult or

cost-prohibitive to keep the HST

guideway at grade, it will rise up and

fly over the conflicting facility on and

aerial viaduct (typical section shown

in Figure 6). Similar to the at grade

portions, at this early stage of design,

it is crucial to select a basic typical

section that provides enough room for

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the track running clearances, OCS system, system duct banks, and emergency and maintenance

walkways. Offset of the structure from existing tracks is also an important factor that can

greatly affect cost and impact to adjacent properties, as well as constructability of the system. As

such, sizing of the structure based on design loading cases and geotechnical conditions must be

considered. Because these include factors that are not fully established at this time, the sizing

and location of the aerial viaduct portions must be carefully considered and selected

conservatively enough to accommodate anticipated future design refinement.

Trench and Tunnel

The majority of the HST system will run either at-grade or aerial, but there are short sections of

shallow trench to lower the HST under two potential conflicts: The Fullerton Municipal Airport

flight path, and an existing crossing of Alondra Blvd., where the HST guideway would follow

the profile of the BNSF tracks and run in a retained cut. A two and a half mile long tunnel is

being considered as an alternative for a particularly constrained portion of the LOSSAN in the

Anaheim area. More specifics will be provided later in this paper.

Track Alignment

Alignment design for HST operation is generally based upon European and Japanese standards,

though also incorporates applicable common American practices and AREMA


The basic CHSRA mandate is to design all unrestricted portions of the route to a 220 MPH

design speed, and where not cost-prohibitive, without precluding the future possible increase up

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to 250 MPH operation. Where the HST runs adjacent to existing railroad tracks, and where other

constraints exist, design speeds will be lower as a practical necessity.

The OC-LA segment runs between Anaheim and downtown Los Angeles, and generally parallels

the existing LOSSAN railroad corridor, which includes a number of track curves that will

constrain design speed. Because of the dense urbanized nature of this segment, the maximum

design speed has been established at 125 MPH. This is the same case for the San Jose to San

Francisco segment, which parallels the Caltrain Corridor. To summarize the segment, there is

one sharp curve at Fullerton Junction that limits speed to 60 MPH. The remainder of the curves

along the corridor is designed for 100 to 125 MPH operation, with the exception of the station


Curve radius, superelevation, spiral transition, and vertical curve parameters are very similar to

those for conventional passenger lines. All criteria are based upon maintaining high passenger

ride comfort levels, generally meeting or exceeding current HST systems around the world.

Superelevation is calculated using the formula:

Total Superelevation (Ea + Eu) = 4.0V2 / R

Where: Ea = Actual Superelevation

Eu = Unbalanced Superelevation

V = Design Velocity

R = Curve Radius in Feet

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Minimum spiral transition length is determined by the greatest length determined based upon the

factors indicated in table x. Generally, desirable parameters are used, except where geometric

constraints require use Minimum or Exceptional values to maintain desired speeds.

Table 2 – Minimum Spiral Transition Length

Spiral Minimum Length Based Upon Desirable Minimum Exceptional

Actual Superelevation 1.63EaV 1.30EaV 1.09EaV

Unbalanced Superelevation 2.10EuV 1.57EuV 1.26EuV

Twist Rate 140Ea 118Ea 98Ea

Minimum Segment 2.64V 2.20V 1.47V

Source: CHSRA Alignment Standards for HST Operations

Passenger Stations

Major HST Stations are planned at Los Angeles and Anaheim. An intermediate station may also

be included, and would be located adjacent to the Metrolink / Amtrak stations at Fullerton or

Norwalk / Santa Fe Springs. Cities will be active partners in developing plans for the station in

their respective City.

Los Angeles Station

The Los Angeles station is projected to be the busiest station in the system. A number of

different configurations were analyzed for this station, including underground below the existing

red line subway station under Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS). Another alternative

considered was a partially underground station along the west bank of the Los Angeles River

approximately 1,500 feet east of LAUS. The configuration being carried forward in Preliminary

Engineering is an aerial HST station located directly above the existing at-grade Metrolink,

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Amtrak and Metro Orange Line LRT tracks, on a second level. The HST station will include

three 1,380-foot long platforms served by six tracks.

Anaheim Station (key station)

The City of Anaheim and OCTA are jointly developing a large, multi-modal transportation

center in the City of Anaheim. Located near State Route 57, at the site of the existing train

station, and adjacent to two major sports facilities (Angel Stadium and the Honda Center), the

planned ARTIC will serve as a major transportation hub in the area with a number of potential

future modes being accommodated. The HST system will terminate at this station with what is

currently planned as a two platform, four track HST station. Grade separated connections to

Metrolink, Amtrak and bus service will be provided.

Norwalk / Santa Fe Springs Station (optional station)

This station is near the geographic midpoint between Los Angeles and Anaheim. The planned

HST station is a grade, located approximately a half mile north of the existing Metrolink /

Amtrak station, which would remain in place. Bypass tracks will be provided to permit express

train service to run through the station without stopping.

Fullerton Station (optional station)

Fullerton Station is a substantial passenger station and is therefore being considered for a HST

station. It is at Fullerton Junction, where Metrolink train service splits off toward either San

Bernardino or Anaheim. This station is located approximately five miles north of the planned

Anaheim station. Due to significant geometric constraints including nearby new and existing

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residential housing, the HST station at Fullerton would be an aerial station, located above the

existing Metrolink / Amtrak station. As with the Norwalk / Santa Fe Springs Station, bypass

tracks will be provided.

Significant Constraints and Design Issues

The OC-LA segment has approximately ten project areas where significant physical obstacles

will require complex and carefully considered design solutions. The following is a sample of a

few of these issues.

Los Angeles Station South Approach / Los Angeles River Bank

The area just south of Los Angeles Union Station involves a number of important design

considerations. There is no existing railroad right-of-way (R/W) in the area immediately south

of the station, so an all new R/W will need to be acquired. The area is mixed industrial and

commercial, but as the HST alignment approaches the Los Angeles River, there is also some

existing and planned residential development.

To minimize impacts, the HST guideway is on an aerial structure coming south out of the station,

and remains aerial, flying over the historic 1st Street bridge, before descending under the historic

4th Street bridge once entering existing railroad R/W. A fairly sharp S-curve is used to direct the

HST alignment from the station to the Los Angeles River, where the existing Metro-owned West

Bank Line exists, while avoiding a large property development project and other key properties.

Speed on the south approach the station is limited to 35 MPH as a result.

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Amtrak has plans for a set of run-through tracks coming out of the south end of Los Angeles

Union Station that would allow through movement into and out of the station for Amtrak and

select Metrolink trains. Currently, the station is stub ended. These run through tracks are being

accommodated in the design of the HST tracks.

BNSF Hobart Yard / I-710 Freeway

BNSF’s Hobart Yard, a very large intermodal rail yard located only a few miles from the north

end of the Alameda Corridor, principally receives and handles shipping containers coming from

the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. This is built-out, fixed facility which the HST

alignments must avoid without impact.

Due to this fact, and the busy nature of the roadway (26th Street) which is heavily utilized by

truck traffic related to the intermodal yard and other uses, and the industrial land uses to the

south, the HST line will traverse this area on an aerial viaduct. The total length of this viaduct,

which begins at the Los Angeles River, crosses over the north end of Hobart Yard and ends at

the I-5, is approximately 5.3 miles.

DT Junction / Slauson Avenue Bridge

The DT Junction / Slauson Avenue Bridge area poses a design challenge, with a couple of

potential design solutions still being considered. The Union Pacific (UP) Patata Line, which runs

along the east bank of the San Gabriel River, crosses the BNSF main tracks in this area right

under the Slauson Avenue bridge. The presence of a high tension power line in the vicinity also

adds to the complexity of the area.

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The first alternative being considered is to have the HST guideway run at-grade on the south side

of the existing tracks, under the bridge (shown in Figure x). This would necessitate the lowering

of the UP Patata Line into a trench, relocation of the high tension power line, and heavy

modification, or possibly complete reconstruction of the Slauson Avenue bridge.

The second alternative is to have the HST guideway fly over the Slauson Avenue bridge on an

aerial structure that would also then fly over the I-610 and the UP La Habra Subdivision track; a

total length of just over two miles. A decision on which alternative to use will be made prior to

completion of preliminary engineering.

La Mirada Corridor

A three mile long portion of the LOSSAN is highlighted by extensive industrial freight tracks on

the south side, and an important roadway (Stage Road) on the north. The track alignment has

been refined in this area with a series of gentle reversing curves to minimize the impacts to

existing rail and roadway facilities, generally running at-grade. Typical geometry used in the

reversing curves is shown below. Note the large radius selected to maintain minimum curve

length with very slight deflection angles:

Design Velocity: 125 MPH

Curve Radius: 30,000-feet

Actual Superelevation: 1.0 inches

Unbalanced Superelevation: 1.08 inches

Spiral Length: 330-feet (based on 2.64V)

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There are also a number of existing and proposed roadway grade separations in place that the

design team is accommodating and proposing modifications to where necessary. Fairly

extensive modifications to Stage Road and the freight tracks on the south will be required.

Narrow Right-of-Way in Anaheim

An approximate 2-mile long portion of the corridor located in the City of Anaheim (between

Vermont and La Palma Avenue) is only 50’ wide and contains two existing tracks. There are

also densely spaced at-grade crossings (total of six) in this area. The R/W in this area is owned

by OCTA and primarily supports Metrolink and Amtrak operation, though also some local

freight traffic (5 to 10 freight trains per day).

Due to the narrow width of the R/W; the number of grade separations that would be required;

and impacts to the nearby residential neighborhoods, a bored tunnel alternative is being studied

in this area. The bored tunnel would have to be deep enough to pass under the existing roadway

Lincoln Avenue, Carbon Creek and would require temporary shooflies that would require

significant property acquisitions. A cut and cover tunnel option was considered but was found to

be infeasible from a constructability perspective.

The other alternative is to acquire an entire new strip of R/W west of the existing R/W to

accommodate the full width of the HST guideway at grade. The at-grade alternative would

necessitate the grade separation of all the existing grade crossings.

In either alternative, extensive impacts and land acquisition will be required.

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Trains and Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicles have not yet been selected, therefore the tracks, stations and infrastructure are being

designed to allow large latitude in the selection of vehicles, so to not preclude any potential

vehicle designs, either existing or new.

The primary vehicle maintenance facility, to be used for major repair and overhaul, is planned to

be located in the Central Valley, near the geographic center of the system. A large layover and

light-maintenance facility will also be required at Los Angeles, and/or Anaheim. Sites in both

cities within 3-miles of the stations are being studied. The facility needs to be sized to provide

daily cleaning and storage of 60 trains a day, as well as perform periodic inspection and running

repairs. Sites of 80 acres to 140 acres are being studied.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Compliance Issues

If the HST tracks share operation with limited Metrolink service, which is under consideration, a

waiver allowing FRA-compliant vehicles to run on the same tracks as non-compliant HST trains

would need to be granted by the FRA.

The CHSRA will also seek formal input and guidance from the FRA on requirements for

physical separation distance, intrusion detection systems, and barrier walls that will be needed

between conventional tracks and the HST guideway.

To this point in design, the FRA has provided general input and review comments on design

submittals, including conceptual plans and environmental documents completed to date.

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The California High Speed Train Project, with the OC-LA segment at the forefront of the

process, is establishing new design standards and criteria that can be used in other U.S. high

speed rail systems developed in the future. The design process is still at an early stage, as

preliminary engineering is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2010, however, many

important design standards and criteria are presently being established. Final track alignments

and full environmental clearance will be completed at the end of the preliminary engineering

phase. The OC-LA segment may also provide valuable guidance in designing such systems in

densely urbanized environments, and along busy existing railroad corridors.

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List of Figures and Tables – Page Number

Figure 1 – Statewide Map of the California High Speed Train Project

Figure 2 – Map of the Orange County to Los Angeles HST Segment

Figure 3 – Basic Track Configuration between Redondo Jct. and Fullerton Jct.

Figure 4 – Summary of HST Vertical Configuration

Figure 5 – Basic At-grade Typical Section

Figure 6 – Basic Aerial Viaduct Typical Section

Table 1 – Current and Forecast Train Volumes

Table 2 – Minimum Spiral Transition Length

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