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Course1 Description Database Design

A good database design is crucial for a high-performance application. Just like you wouldn't start
building a house without the benefit of a blueprint, you need to think about how your data will be
stored beforehand. Taking the time to design a database saves time and frustration later on, and a
well-designed database ensures ease of access and retrieval of information. While choosing a design,
a lot of considerations have to be accounted for. In this course, you'll learn how to process, store, and
organize data in an efficient way. You'll see how to structure data through normalization and present
your data with views. Finally, you'll learn how to manage your database and all of this will be done on
a variety of datasets from book sales, car rentals, to music reviews.
1. OLTP and OLAP..................................................................................................................................6
2. How should we organize and manage data?..................................................................................6
3. How should we organize and manage data?..................................................................................6
4. Approaches to processing data......................................................................................................6
5. Some concrete examples...............................................................................................................6
6. OLAP vs. OLTP................................................................................................................................6
7. Working together...........................................................................................................................7
8. Takeaways......................................................................................................................................7
9. Let's practice!.................................................................................................................................7
1. Storing data.......................................................................................................................................8
2. Structuring data.............................................................................................................................8
3. Structuring data.............................................................................................................................8
4. Storing data beyond traditional databases....................................................................................8
5. Data warehouses...........................................................................................................................8
6. Data lakes......................................................................................................................................8
7. Extract, Transform, Load or Extract, Load, Transform....................................................................9
8. Let's practice!.................................................................................................................................9
1. Database design...............................................................................................................................11
2. What is database design?............................................................................................................11
3. Data modeling.............................................................................................................................11
4. An example..................................................................................................................................11
5. Other database design options....................................................................................................12
6. Beyond the relational model.......................................................................................................12
7. Elements of dimensional modeling..............................................................................................12
8. Let's practice!...............................................................................................................................13
Deciding fact and dimension tables.............................................................................................13
Querying the dimensional model................................................................................................14
1. Star and snowflake schema.............................................................................................................16
2. Star schema.................................................................................................................................16
3. Star schema example...................................................................................................................16
4. Snowflake schema (an extension)................................................................................................16
5. Same fact table, different dimensions.........................................................................................17
6. What is normalization?................................................................................................................17
7. What is normalization?................................................................................................................17
8. Book dimension of the star schema.............................................................................................17
9. Book dimension of the snowflake schema...................................................................................17
10. Store dimension of the star schema..........................................................................................17
11. Store dimension of the snowflake schema................................................................................18
12. Time dimension.........................................................................................................................18
13. Snowflake schema.....................................................................................................................18
14. Let's practice!.............................................................................................................................18
Running from star to snowflake...................................................................................................18
Adding foreign keys......................................................................................................................19
Extending the book dimension....................................................................................................20
Instructions 1/2........................................................................................................................20
Instructions 2/2........................................................................................................................20
1. Normalized and denormalized databases........................................................................................21
2. Back to our book store example..................................................................................................21
3. Denormalized query....................................................................................................................21
4. Normalized query........................................................................................................................21
5. Normalized query (continued).....................................................................................................21
6. Normalization saves space...........................................................................................................21
7. Normalization saves space...........................................................................................................21
8. Normalization ensures better data integrity................................................................................22
9. Database normalization...............................................................................................................22
10. Remember OLTP and OLAP?......................................................................................................22
11. Let's practice!.............................................................................................................................22
Instructions 1/2........................................................................................................................24
1. Normal forms...................................................................................................................................26
2. Normalization..............................................................................................................................26
3. Normal forms (NF).......................................................................................................................26
4. 1NF rules......................................................................................................................................26
5. In 1NF form..................................................................................................................................26
6. 2NF..............................................................................................................................................26
7. In 2NF form..................................................................................................................................26
8. 3NF..............................................................................................................................................27
9. In 3NF..........................................................................................................................................27
10. Data anomalies..........................................................................................................................27
11. Update anomaly........................................................................................................................27
12. Insertion anomaly......................................................................................................................27
13. Deletion anomaly.......................................................................................................................27
14. Data anomalies..........................................................................................................................27
1. Database views................................................................................................................................29
2. Database views............................................................................................................................29
3. Creating a view (syntax)...............................................................................................................29
4. Creating a view (example)............................................................................................................29
5. Creating a view (example)............................................................................................................30
6. Querying a view (example)..........................................................................................................30
7. Behind the scenes........................................................................................................................30
8. Viewing views..............................................................................................................................30
9. Benefits of views..........................................................................................................................31
10. Exercises....................................................................................................................................31
11. Let's practice!.............................................................................................................................31
Viewing views..............................................................................................................................31
Instructions 1/3........................................................................................................................32
Instructions 1/2........................................................................................................................32
Instructions 2/2........................................................................................................................32
1. Managing views...............................................................................................................................33
2. Creating more complex views......................................................................................................33
3. Granting and revoking access to a view.......................................................................................33
4. Granting and revoking example...................................................................................................34
5. Updating a view...........................................................................................................................34
6. Inserting into a view....................................................................................................................35
7. Inserting into a view....................................................................................................................35
8. Dropping a view...........................................................................................................................35
9. Redefining a view.........................................................................................................................36
10. Altering a view...........................................................................................................................36
11. Let's practice!.............................................................................................................................36
Instructions 1/2........................................................................................................................37
Instructions 2/2........................................................................................................................37
Instructions 1/2........................................................................................................................39
Instructions 2/2........................................................................................................................39
1. Materialized views...........................................................................................................................40
2. Two types of views.......................................................................................................................40
3. Two types of views.......................................................................................................................40
4. Materialized views.......................................................................................................................40
5. When to use materialized views..................................................................................................40
6. Implementing materialized views................................................................................................40
7. Managing dependencies..............................................................................................................41
8. Dependency example..................................................................................................................41
9. Managing dependencies..............................................................................................................41
10. Tools for managing dependencies.............................................................................................41
11. Let's practice!.............................................................................................................................41
Managing materialized views......................................................................................................43
1. OLTP and OLAP
00:00 - 00:11

Hello! My name is Lis, I'm a Curriculum Manager here at DataCamp. In this course, we'll be talking
about database design. So, what does that entail exactly?

2. How should we organize and manage data?

00:11 - 00:41

To put it simply, in this course we're asking the question: How should we organize and manage data?
To answer this, we have to consider the different schemas, management options, and objects that
make up a database. Some examples are listed here, and they are covered throughout the course.
These topics all affect the way data is stored and accessed. Some enable faster query speeds. Some
take up less memory than others. And notably, some cost more money than others.

3. How should we organize and manage data?

00:41 - 00:50

And as we will soon find out in this course, there is no one right answer to this motivating question.
It will come down to how the data will be used.

4. Approaches to processing data

00:50 - 01:25

Okay, let's dive in. OLTP and OLAP are approaches to processing data, and they will be referenced
throughout this course. They help define the way data is going to flow, be structured, and stored. If
you figure out which fits your business case, designing your database will be much easier. OLTP
stands for Online Transaction Processing. OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing. As the names
hint, the OLTP approach is oriented around transactions, while the other is oriented around analytics.

5. Some concrete examples

01:25 - 02:21

Before going into formal definitions, let's look at some use cases of each. Say you are in charge of
data management at a bookstore. You would use an OLTP approach to keep track of the prices of
books, while to analyze the most profitable books, an OLAP approach would be more appropriate. To
keep track of all customer transactions, you would use an OLTP approach to insert sales as customers
finish paying. However, if you wanted to do sophisticated analysis on sales, like most loyal customers
- you would use OLAP. An OLTP database would be used to track when employees have worked,
while to run an analysis on who deserves employee of the month, you would need to switch over to
OLAP. Are you starting to see their differences? OLTP focus on supporting day-to-day operations,
while OLAP tasks are vaguer and focus on business decision making.

6. OLAP vs. OLTP

02:21 - 03:28

This is a nice summary of OLAP and OLTP. The OLTP systems are application-oriented, like for
bookkeeping for example. OLAP systems are oriented around a certain subject that's under analysis,
like last quarter's book sales. The data in OLTP systems can be seen as a current snapshot of
transactions that are archived often. The data in OLAP systems tend to be data from over a large
period of time that has been consolidated for long-term analysis. This means OLAP tends to have
more data than OLTP. As we saw in the bookstore example, the commonly executed OLTP queries are
simpler and require a quick query or update. On the other hand, OLAP systems used for analysis
require more complex queries. In terms of how these approaches are being used, OLTP systems are
used by more people throughout a company and even a company's customers, while OLAP systems
are typically used by only analysts and data scientists at a company.

7. Working together
03:28 - 04:01

OLAP and OLTP systems work together; in fact, they need each other. OLTP data is usually stored in
an operational database that is pulled and cleaned to create an OLAP data warehouse. We'll get
more into data warehouses and other storage solutions in the next video. Without transactional
data, no analyses can be done in the first place. Analyses from OLAP systems are used to inform
business practices and day-to-day activity, thereby influencing the OLTP databases.

8. Takeaways
04:01 - 04:41

To wrap up, here's what you should take away from this video: Before implementing anything, figure
out your business requirements because there are many design decisions you'll have to make. The
way you set up your database now will affect how it can be effectively used in the future. Start by
figuring out if you need an OLAP or OLTP approach, or perhaps both! You should now be comfortable
with the differences between both. These are the two most common approaches. However, they are
not exhaustive, but they are an excellent start to get you on the right path to designing your
database. In later videos, we'll learn more about the technical differences between both approaches.

9. Let's practice!
04:41 - 04:46

Ok, let's do some exercises!

1. Storing data
00:00 - 00:03

Let's discuss the different ways you can store data.

2. Structuring data
00:03 - 00:55

Data can be stored in three different levels. The first is structured data, which is usually defined by
schemas. Data types and tables are not only defined, but relationships between tables are also
defined, using concepts like foreign keys. The second is unstructured data, which is schemaless and
data in its rawest form, meaning it's not clean. Most data in the world is unstructured. Examples
include media files and raw text. The third is semi-structured data, which does not follow a larger
schema, rather it has an ad-hoc self-describing structure. Therefore, it has some structure. This is an
inherently vague definition as there can be a lot of variation between structured and unstructured
data. Examples include NoSQL, XML, and JSON, which is shown here on the right.

3. Structuring data
00:55 - 01:11

Because its clean and organized, structured data is easier to analyze. However, it's not as flexible
because it needs to follow a schema, which makes it less scalable. These are trade-offs to consider as
you move between structured and unstructured data.

1 Flower by Sam Oth and Database Diagram by Nick Jenkins via Wikimedia Commons

4. Storing data beyond traditional databases

01:11 - 01:50

You should already be familiar with traditional databases. They generally follow relational schemas.
Operational databases, which are used for OLTP, are an example of traditional databases. Decades
ago, traditional databases used to be enough for data storage. Then as data analytics took off, data
warehouses were popularized for OLAP approaches. And, now in the age of big data, we need to
analyze and store even more data, which is where the data lake comes in. I use the term "traditional
databases" because many people consider data warehouses and lakes to be a type of database.

5. Data warehouses
01:50 - 02:30

Data warehouses are optimized for read-only analytics. They combine data from multiple sources
and use massively parallel processing for faster queries. In their database design, they typically use
dimensional modeling and a denormalized schema. We will walk through both of these terms later in
the course. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft all offer data warehouse solutions, known as Redshift,
Big Query, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse, respectively. A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse
dedicated to a specific topic. Data marts allow departments to have easier access to the data that
matters to them.

6. Data lakes
02:30 - 03:45
Technically, traditional databases and warehouses can store unstructured data, but not cost-
effectively. Data Lake storage is cheaper because it uses object storage as opposed to the traditional
block or file storage. This allows massive amounts of data to be stored effectively of all types, from
streaming data to operational databases. Lakes are massive because they store all the data that
might be used. Data lakes are often petabytes in size - that's 1,000 terabytes! Unstructured data is
the most scalable, which permits this size. Lakes are schema-on-read, meaning the schema is created
as data is read. Warehouses and traditional databases are classified as schema-on-write because the
schema is predefined. Data lakes have to be organized and cataloged well; otherwise, it becomes an
aptly named "data swamp." Data lakes aren't only limited to storage. It's becoming popular to run
analytics on data lakes. This is especially true for tasks like deep learning and data discovery, which
needs a lot of data that doesn't need to be that "clean." Again, the big three cloud providers all offer
a data lake solution.

7. Extract, Transform, Load or Extract, Load, Transform

03:45 - 04:33

When we think about where to store data, we have to think about how data will get there and in
what form. Extract Transform Load and Extract Load Transform are two different approaches for
describing data flows. They get into the intricacies of building data pipelines, which we will not get
into. ETL is the more traditional approach for warehousing and smaller-scale analytics. But, ELT has
become common with big data projects. In ETL, data is transformed before loading into storage -
usually to follow the storage's schema, as is the case with warehouses. In ELT, the data is stored in its
native form in a storage solution like a data lake. Portions of data are transformed for different
purposes, from building a data warehouse to doing deep learning.

8. Let's practice!
04:33 - 04:37

Let's practice!
1. Database design
00:00 - 00:04

Now, let's learn more about what database design means.

2. What is database design?

00:04 - 01:06

Database design determines how data is logically stored. This is crucial because it affects how the
database will be queried, whether for reading data or updating data. There are two important
concepts to know when it comes to database design: Database models and schemas. Database
models are high-level specifications for database structure. The relational model, which is the most
popular, is the model used to make relational databases. It defines rows as records and columns as
attributes. It calls for rules such as each row having unique keys. There are other models that exist
that do not enforce the same rules. A schema is a database's blueprint. In other words, the
implementation of the database model. It takes the logical structure more granularly by defining the
specific tables, fields, relationships, indexes, and views a database will have. Schemas must be
respected when inserting structured data into a relational database.

3. Data modeling
01:06 - 01:44

The first step to database design is data modeling. This is the abstract design phase, where we define
a data model for the data to be stored. There are three levels to a data model: A conceptual data
model describes what the database contains, such as its entities, relationships, and attributes. A
logical data model decides how these entities and relationships map to tables. A physical data model
looks at how data will be physically stored at the lowest level of abstraction. These three levels of a
data model ensure consistency and provide a plan for implementation and use.


4. An example
01:44 - 02:18

Here is a simplified example of where we want to store songs. In this case, the entities are songs,
albums, and artists with various pink attributes. Their relationships are denoted by blue rhombuses.
Here we have a conceptual idea of the data we want to store. Here is a corresponding schema using
the relational model. The fastest way to create a schema is to translate the entities into tables. But
just because it's the easiest, doesn't mean it's the best. Let's look at some other ways this ER diagram
could be converted.
5. Other database design options
02:18 - 02:47

For example, you could opt to have one table because you don't want to have to run so many joins to
get song information. Or, you could add tables for genre and label. Many songs share these
attributes, and having one place for them helps with data integrity. The biggest difference here is
how the tables are determined. There are different pros and cons to these three examples I've
shown. The next chapter on normalization and denormalization will expand on this.

6. Beyond the relational model

02:47 - 03:19

From the prerequisites, you should be familiar with the relational model. Dimensional modeling is an
adaptation of the relational model specifically for data warehouses. It's optimized for OLAP type of
queries that aim to analyze rather than update. To do this, it uses the star schema. In the next
chapter, we'll delve into that more. As we will see in the next slide, the schema of a dimensional
model tends to be easy to interpret and extend. This is a big plus for analysts working on the

7. Elements of dimensional modeling

03:19 - 04:27

Dimensional models are made up of two types of tables: fact and dimension tables. What the fact
table holds is decided by the business use-case. It contains records of a key metric, and this metric
changes often. Fact tables also hold foreign keys to dimension tables. Dimension tables hold
descriptions of specific attributes and these do not change as often. So what does that mean? Let's
bring back our example, where we're analyzing songs. The turquoise table is a fact table called songs.
It contains foreign keys to purple dimension tables. These dimension tables expand on the attributes
of a fact table, such as the album it is in and the artist who made it. The records in fact tables often
change as new songs get inserted. Albums, labels, artists, and genres will be shared by more than
one song - hence records in dimension tables won't change as much. Summing it up, to decide the
fact table in a dimensional model, consider what is being analyzed and how often entities change.

8. Let's practice!
04:27 - 04:30

Let's do some exercises!

Deciding fact and dimension tables

Imagine that you love running and data. It's only natural that you begin collecting data on your
weekly running routine. You're most concerned with tracking how long you are running each week.
You also record the route and the distances of your runs. You gather this data and put it into one
table called Runs with the following schema:


duration_mins - float

week - int

month - varchar(160)

year - int

park_name - varchar(160)

city_name - varchar(160)

distance_km - float

route_name - varchar(160)

After learning about dimensional modeling, you decide to restructure the schema for the database.
Runs has been pre-loaded for you.

 Create a dimension table called route that will hold the route information.
 Create a dimension table called week that will hold the week information.

-- Create a route dimension table

park_name VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL,
city_name VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL,
distance_km FLOAT NOT NULL,
route_name VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL
-- Create a week dimension table
month VARCHAR(160) NOT NULL,

Querying the dimensional model

Here it is! The schema reorganized using the dimensional model:
Let's try to run a query based on this schema. How about we try to find the number of minutes we
ran in July, 2019? We'll break this up in two steps. First, we'll get the total number of minutes
recorded in the database. Second, we'll narrow down that query to week_id's from July, 2019.

 Calculate the sum of the duration_mins column.

-- Get the total duration of all runs

 Join week_dim and runs_fact.

 Get all the week_id's from July, 2019.

-- Get the total duration of all runs
-- Get all the week_id's that are from July, 2019
INNER JOIN week_dim ON week_dim.week_id = runs_fact.week_id
WHERE month = 'July' and year = '2019';
1. Star and snowflake schema
00:00 - 00:06

Congrats on finishing the first chapter! We're now going to jump in where we left off with the star

2. Star schema
00:06 - 00:40

The star schema is the simplest form of the dimensional model. Some use the terms "star schema"
and "dimensional model" interchangeably. Remember that the star schema is made up of two tables:
fact and dimension tables. Fact tables hold records of metrics that are described further by
dimension tables. Throughout this chapter, we are going to use another bookstore example.
However, this time, you work for a company that sells books in bulk to bookstores across the US and
Canada. You have a database to keep track of book sales. Let's take a look at the star schema for this

3. Star schema example

00:40 - 01:17

Excluding primary and foreign keys, the fact table holds the sales amount and quantity of books. It's
connected to dimension tables with details on the books sold, the time the sale took place, and the
store buying the books. You may notice the lines connecting these tables have a special pattern.
These lines represent a one-to-many relationship. For example, a store can be part of many book
sales, but one sale can only belong to one store. The star schema got its name because it tends to
look like a star with its different extension points.

4. Snowflake schema (an extension)

01:17 - 01:52

Now that we have a good grasp of the star schema, let's look at the snowflake schema. The
snowflake schema is an extension of the star schema. Off the bat, we see that it has more tables. You
may not be able to see all the details in this slide, but don't worry it will be broken down in later
slides. The information contained in this schema is the same as the star schema. In fact, the fact table
is the same, but the way the dimension tables are structured is different. We see that they extend
more, hence it's namesake.
5. Same fact table, different dimensions
01:52 - 02:03

The star schema extends one dimension, while the snowflake schema extends over more than one
dimension. This is because the dimension tables are normalized.

6. What is normalization?
02:03 - 02:16

So what is normalization? Normalization is a technique that divides tables into smaller tables and
connects them via relationships.

7. What is normalization?
02:16 - 02:32

The goal is to reduce redundancy and increase data integrity. So how does this happen? There are
several forms of normalization, which we'll delve into later. But the basic idea is to identify repeating
groups of data and create new tables for them. Let's go back to our example and to see how these
tables were normalized.

8. Book dimension of the star schema

02:32 - 02:58

Here's the book dimension in the star schema. What could be repeating here? Primary keys are
inherently unique. For book titles, although there is possible repeat here, it is not common. On the
other hand, authors often publish more than one book, publishers definitely publish many books,
and a lot of books share genres. We can create new tables for them, and it results in the following
snowflake schema:

9. Book dimension of the snowflake schema

02:58 - 03:03

Do you see how these repeating groups now have their own table?

10. Store dimension of the star schema

03:03 - 03:11
On to the store dimension! City, states, and countries can definitely have more than one book stores
within them.

11. Store dimension of the snowflake schema

03:11 - 03:36

Here are the normalized dimension tables representing the book stores. Do you notice that the way
we structure these repeating groups is a bit different from the book dimension? An author can have
published in different genres and with various publishers, hence why they were different dimensions.
However, a city stays in the same state and country; thus, they extend each other over three

12. Time dimension

03:36 - 03:42

The same is done for the time dimension. A day is part of a month that is part of a quarter, and so

13. Snowflake schema

03:42 - 03:48

And here we put all the normalized dimensions together to get the snowflake schema.

14. Let's practice!

03:48 - 03:53

Getting the hang of this? Let's work through some exercises!

Running from star to snowflake

Remember your running database from last chapter?

After learning about the snowflake schema, you convert the current star schema into a snowflake
schema. To do this, you normalize route_dim and week_dim. Which option best describes the
resulting new tables after doing this?

The tables runs_fact, route_dim, and week_dim have been loaded.

Adding foreign keys
Foreign key references are essential to both the snowflake and star schema. When creating either of
these schemas, correctly setting up the foreign keys is vital because they connect dimensions to the
fact table. They also enforce a one-to-many relationship, because unless otherwise specified, a
foreign key can appear more than once in a table and primary key can appear only once.

The fact_booksales table has three foreign keys: book_id, time_id, and store_id. In this exercise, the
four tables that make up the star schema below have been loaded. However, the foreign keys still
need to be added.

In the constraint called sales_book, set book_id as a foreign key.

In the constraint called sales_time, set time_id as a foreign key.

In the constraint called sales_store, set store_id as a foreign key.

-- Add the book_id foreign key

ALTER TABLE fact_booksales ADD CONSTRAINT sales_book
FOREIGN KEY (book_id) REFERENCES dim_book_star (book_id);

-- Add the time_id foreign key

ALTER TABLE fact_booksales ADD CONSTRAINT sales_time
FOREIGN KEY (time_id) REFERENCES dim_time_star (time_id);

-- Add the store_id foreign key

ALTER TABLE fact_booksales ADD CONSTRAINT sales_store
FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES dim_store_star (store_id)
Extending the book dimension
In the video, we saw how the book dimension differed between the star and snowflake schema. The
star schema's dimension table for books, dim_book_star, has been loaded and below is the
snowflake schema of the book dimension.

In this exercise, you are going to extend the star schema to meet part of the snowflake schema's
criteria. Specifically, you will create dim_author from the data provided in dim_book_star.

Instructions 1/2
Create dim_author with a column for author.

Insert all the distinct authors from dim_book_star into dim_author.

-- Create a new table for dim_author with an author column

CREATE TABLE dim_author (
author varchar(256) NOT NULL

-- Insert distinct authors

INSERT INTO dim_author
SELECT DISTINCT author FROM dim_book_star;
Instructions 2/2
Alter dim_author to have a primary key called author_id.

Output all the columns of dim_author.

-- Create a new table for dim_author with an author column

CREATE TABLE dim_author (
author varchar(256) NOT NULL

-- Insert authors
INSERT INTO dim_author
SELECT DISTINCT author FROM dim_book_star;

-- Add a primary key


-- Output the new table

SELECT * FROM dim_author;
1. Normalized and denormalized databases
00:00 - 00:07

Welcome back! Now that we have a grasp on normalization, let's talk about why we would want to
normalize a database.

2. Back to our book store example

00:07 - 00:38

You should be familiar with these two schemas by now. They're both storing fictional company data
on the sales of books in bulk to stores across the US and Canada. On the left, you have the star
schema with denormalized dimension tables. On the right, you have the snowflake schema with
normalized dimension tables. The normalized database looks way more complicated. And it is in
some ways. For example, let's say you wanted to get the quantity of all books by Octavia E. Butler
sold in Vancouver in Q4 of 2018.

3. Denormalized query
00:38 - 00:50

Based on the denormalized schema, you can run the following query to accomplish this. It's
composed of 3 joins, which makes sense based on the three dimension tables in the star schema.

4. Normalized query
00:50 - 00:56

What would the query look like on the normalized schema? A lot longer. It doesn't even fit one slide!

5. Normalized query (continued)

00:56 - 01:13

There's a total of 8 inner joins. This makes sense based on the snowflake schema diagram. The
normalized snowflake schema has considerably more tables. This means more joins, which means
slower queries. So why would we want to normalize a database?

6. Normalization saves space

01:13 - 01:36

Normalization saves space. This isn't intuitive seeing how normalized databases have more tables.
Let's take a look at the store table in our denormalized database. Here we see a lot of repeated
information in bold - such as USA, California, New York, and Brooklyn. This type of denormalized
structure enables a lot of data redundancy.

7. Normalization saves space

01:36 - 02:03

If we normalize that previous schema, we get this: We see that although we are using more tables,
there is no data redundancy. The string, Brooklyn, is only stored once. And the state records are
stored separately because many cities share the same state, and country. We don't need to repeat
that information, instead, we can have one record holding the string California. Here we see how
normalization eliminates data redundancy.
8. Normalization ensures better data integrity
02:03 - 03:03

Normalization ensures better data integrity through its design. First, it enforces data consistency.
Data entry can get messy, and at times people will fill out fields differently. For example, when
referring to California, someone might enter the initials "CA". Since the states are already entered in
a table, we can ensure naming conventions through referential integrity. Secondly, because
duplicates are reduced, modification of any data becomes safer and simpler. Say in the previous
example, you wanted to update the spelling of a state - you wouldn't have to find each record
referring to the state, instead, you could make that change in the states table by altering one record.
From there, you can be confident that the new spelling will be enacted for all stores in that state.
Lastly, since tables are smaller and organized more by object, its easier to alter the database schema.
You can extend a smaller table without having to alter a larger table holding all the vital data.

9. Database normalization
03:03 - 03:27

To recap, here are the pros and cons of normalization. Now normalization seems appealing,
especially for database maintenance. However, normalization requires a lot more joins making
queries more complicated, which can make indexing and reading of data slower. Deciding between
normalization and denormalization comes down to how read- or write- intensive your database is
going to be.

10. Remember OLTP and OLAP?

03:27 - 04:05

Remember OLTP and OLAP? Can you guess which prefers normalization? Take a pause and think
about it. Did you get it right? OLTP is write-intensive meaning we're updating and writing often.
Normalization makes sense because we want to add data quickly and consistently. OLAP is read-
intensive because we're running analytics on the data. This means we want to prioritize quicker read
queries. Remember how much more joins the normalized query had over the denormalized query?
OLAP should avoid that.

11. Let's practice!

04:05 - 04:08

Let's see how much you've learned!

Querying the star schema

The novel genre hasn't been selling as well as your company predicted. To help remedy this, you've
been tasked to run some analytics on the novel genre to find which areas the Sales team should
target. To begin, you want to look at the total amount of sales made in each state from books in the
novel genre.

Luckily, you've just finished setting up a data warehouse with the following star schema:
The tables from this schema have been loaded.

Select state from the appropriate table and the total sales_amount.

Complete the JOIN on book_id.

Complete the JOIN to connect the dim_store_star table

Conditionally select for books with the genre novel.

Group the results by state.

-- Output each state and their total sales_amount

SELECT dim_store_star.state, SUM(sales_amount)
FROM fact_booksales
-- Join to get book information
JOIN dim_book_star on fact_booksales.book_id = dim_book_st
-- Join to get store information
JOIN dim_store_star on fact_booksales.store_id = dim_store
-- Get all books with in the novel genre
dim_book_star.genre = 'novel'
-- Group results by state

-- Output each state and their total sales_amount

SELECT dim_state_sf.state, sum(sales_amount)
FROM fact_booksales
-- Joins for the genre
JOIN dim_book_sf on fact_booksales.book_id = dim_book_sf.b
JOIN dim_genre_sf on dim_book_sf.genre_id = dim_genre_sf.g
-- Joins for the state
JOIN dim_store_sf on fact_booksales.store_id = dim_store_s
JOIN dim_city_sf on dim_store_sf.city_id = dim_city_sf.cit
JOIN dim_state_sf on dim_city_sf.state_id = dim_state_sf.
-- Get all books with in the novel genre and group the results
by state
dim_genre_sf.genre = 'novel'

Updating countries

Going through the company data, you notice there are some inconsistencies in the store addresses.
These probably occurred during data entry, where people fill in fields using different naming
conventions. This can be especially seen in the country field, and you decide that countries should be
represented by their abbreviations. The only countries in the database are Canada and the United
States, which should be represented as USA and CA.

In this exercise, you will compare the records that need to be updated in order to do this task on the
star and snowflake schema. dim_store_star and dim_country_sf have been loaded.

Instructions 1/2
Output all the records that need to be updated in the star schema so that countries are represented
by their abbreviations.

-- Output records that need to be updated in the star schema

SELECT * FROM dim_store_star
WHERE country != 'USA' AND country !='CA';

Extending the snowflake schema

The company is thinking about extending their business beyond bookstores in Canada and the US.
Particularly, they want to expand to a new continent. In preparation, you decide a continent field is
needed when storing the addresses of stores.

Luckily, you have a snowflake schema in this scenario. As we discussed in the video, the snowflake
schema is typically faster to extend while ensuring data consistency. Along with dim_country_sf, a
table called dim_continent_sf has been loaded. It contains the only continent currently needed,
North America, and a primary key. In this exercise, you'll need to extend dim_country_sf to reference
Add a continent_id column to dim_country_sf with a default value of 1. Note thatNOT NULL
DEFAULT(1) constrains a value from being null and defaults its value to 1.

Make that new column a foreign key reference to dim_continent_sf's

-- Add a continent_id column with default value of 1

ALTER TABLE dim_country_sf
ADD continent_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT(1);

-- Add the foreign key constraint

ALTER TABLE dim_country_sf ADD CONSTRAINT country_continent
FOREIGN KEY (continent_id) REFERENCES dim_continent_sf(cont

-- Output updated table

SELECT * FROM dim_country_sf;
1. Normal forms
00:00 - 00:02

Welcome back!

2. Normalization
00:02 - 00:20

Earlier, I introduced the concept of normalization. I gave this simplified definition. Here is a more
formal definition provided by Adrienne Watt. Pause to read it. So what are these levels?

1 Database Design, 2nd Edition by Adrienne Watt

3. Normal forms (NF)

00:20 - 00:37

There are different extents to which you can normalize. These are called normal forms. Below is a list
of them from least to most normalized. Each has its own set of rules, and some build on top of each
other. We'll only cover the first three normal forms.


4. 1NF rules
00:37 - 01:01

Let's begin with the first normal form. To comply with 1NF, each record must be unique and each cell
must hold one value. Here's a simple table with student ids and emails, along with courses
completed. All these rows are unique, but the courses_completed column has more than one course
in two records.

5. In 1NF form
01:01 - 01:10

To rectify this, we can split the original table as such. Now, all the records are unique and each
column has one value.

6. 2NF
01:10 - 02:06

Next is 2NF, which must satisfy 1NF. Beyond that, if the primary key is one column, then the table is
2NF. A composite primary key is when a primary key is made up of two or more columns. If the table
has a composite primary key, then each non-key column must be dependent on all the keys. Let's
look at a concrete example. In this table, we have the student and course id as a composite primary
key. We then review the other columns and their dependence on these two keys. First is the
instructor, which isn't dependent on the student_id - only the course_id. Meaning an instructor
solely depends on the course, not the students who take the course. The same goes for the
instructor_id column. However, the percent completed is dependent on both the student and the
course id.

7. In 2NF form
02:06 - 02:10

To convert it, we can create two new tables that satisfy the conditions of 2NF.
8. 3NF
02:10 - 02:43

On to 3NF, where you might've correctly guessed requires 2NF to be satisfied. 3NF doesn't allow
transitive dependencies. This means that non-primary key columns can't depend on other non-
primary key columns. Let's take a look at an example. Course_id is the primary key so we can ignore
this column. Instructor_id and Instructor definitely depend on each other. Tech does not depend on
the instructor as an instructor can teach different technologies.

9. In 3NF
02:43 - 02:56

We can replace the table from before into these two tables to meet 3NF criteria. These tables have
no transitive dependencies and they also meet 2NF as there are no composite primary keys.

10. Data anomalies

02:56 - 03:17

We've covered these first three normal forms that increase in normalization. It's time to consider
why we would want to put effort into normalizing a database even more? Why isn't 1NF enough? A
database that isn't normalized enough is prone to three types of anomaly errors: update, insertion,
and deletion.

11. Update anomaly

03:17 - 03:53

An update anomaly is a data inconsistency that can arise when updating a database with
redundancy. For example, take this simple table. It holds the id's and email of students, and their
enrolled courses. If we want to update the email of student 520, we would have to update multiple
records. It may sound easy to update multiple records, but it's risky because it depends on the user
updating- if they remember this redundancy. And this is a simple example - as we scale, it's harder to
keep track of these redundancies.

12. Insertion anomaly

03:53 - 04:18

An insertion anomaly is when you are unable to add a new record due to missing attributes. For
example, if a student signs up for DataCamp, but doesn't start any courses, they cannot be put into
this database. The only exception is if the enrolled_in column can accept nulls. The dependency
between columns in the same table unintentionally restricts what can be inserted into the table.

13. Deletion anomaly

04:18 - 04:36

A deletion anomaly happens when you delete a record and unintentionally delete other data. For
example, if you were to delete any of these students, you would lose the course information
provided in the columns enrolled_in and taught_by. This could be resolved if we put that information
in another table

14. Data anomalies

04:36 - 04:56
The more normalized the database, the less prone it will be to these anomalies. For example, most
3NF tables can't have an update, insertion, and deletion anomalies. This makes normalization sound
great. But, don't forget the downsides of normalization from the last video! Remember those long
1. Database views
00:00 - 00:03

In this chapter, we'll learn about database views.

2. Database views
00:03 - 00:39

So, what are views? Wikipedia provides the following definition. Pause to read it. Essentially, views
are virtual tables that are not part of the physical schema. A view isn't stored in physical memory;
instead, the query to create the view is. The data in a view comes from data in tables of the same
database. Once a view is created, you can query it like a regular table. The benefit of a view is that
you don't need to retype common queries. It allows you to add virtual tables without altering the
database's schema.


3. Creating a view (syntax)

00:39 - 00:48

Views are simple to create. You take the query of interest and add a line before it to name the view,
as such.

4. Creating a view (example)

00:48 - 01:07

Here's an example. This is part of last chapter's snowflake schema. Let's say analysts at your company
are often running analytics on the science fiction genre. To help their workflow, you want to create a
view specifically dedicated to the science fiction genre and its associated book titles and authors.
5. Creating a view (example)
01:07 - 01:16

The query would look something like this. To convert this query into a view, you would add a CREATE
VIEW statement like so.

6. Querying a view (example)

01:16 - 01:21

After executing the code from the last slide, you can query the view.

7. Behind the scenes

01:21 - 01:30

scifi_books isn't a real table with physical memory. When we run this select statement, the following
query is actually being run.

8. Viewing views
01:30 - 02:08

It's important to keep track of the views in your database. To get all the views in your database, you
can run a query on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views table. Note that this command is specific to
PostgreSQL. If you are using another DBMS, look at its documentation to find the equivalent
command. If you run this command, you will get a long list of views. That's because DBMS's have
their own built-in views. To exclude system views and to get to views you've created, use this query.
It excludes views from pg_catalog and information_schema which are built-in view categories.
9. Benefits of views
02:08 - 02:55

Can you see why views are useful? First off, a view doesn't take up any storage except for the query
statement, which is minimal. Views act as a form of access control. For example, instead of giving a
user access to columns that may have sensitive information, you can restrict what they can see via a
view. Perhaps most importantly, views mask the complexity of queries. Remember those snowflake
schemas from the last chapter and their joins? Views are handy for views normalized past the 2NF.
You can make those common joins - such as aggregating dates or genres - into views. The users of
your database will thank you for views because they won't have to spend as much time thinking
about how to join tables.

10. Exercises
02:55 - 03:28

In this chapter's exercises, we'll be using a database of Pitchfork reviews from Kaggle. Pitchfork is a
music magazine that publishes reviews. The database schema looks like this. The main table Reviews
holds the url of the review, the title of the work being reviewed, and the score it received. It has
more information on the author of the review and date of publication. The reviewid field is a foreign
key to tables: content, genres, artist, and labels. Content holds the text of the review.


11. Let's practice!

03:28 - 03:35

Ok now we're ready, let's get to some exercises!

Viewing views
Because views are very useful, it's common to end up with many of them in your database. It's
important to keep track of them so that database users know what is available to them.

The goal of this exercise is to get familiar with viewing views within a database and interpreting their
purpose. This is a skill needed when writing database documentation or organizing views.
Instructions 1/3
Query the information schema to get views.

Exclude system views in the results.

-- Get all non-systems views

WHERE table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema'

Creating and querying a view

Have you ever found yourself running the same query over and over again? Maybe, you used to keep
a text copy of the query in your desktop notes app, but that was all before you knew about views!

In these Pitchfork reviews, we're particularly interested in high-scoring reviews and if there's a
common thread between the works that get high scores. In this exercise, you'll make a view to help
with this analysis so that we don't have to type out the same query often to get these high-scoring

Instructions 1/2
Create a view called high_scores that holds reviews with scores above a 9.

-- Create a view for reviews with a score above 9

create view high_scores as
SELECT * FROM reviews
WHERE score > 9;

Instructions 2/2
Count the number of records in high_scores that are self-released in the label field of the labels

-- Create a view for reviews with a score above 9

CREATE VIEW high_scores AS
WHERE score > 9;

-- Count the number of self-released works in high_scores

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM high_scores
INNER JOIN labels ON high_scores.reviewid = labels.reviewid
WHERE label = 'self-released';
1. Managing views
00:00 - 00:05

Welcome back! Now that we've got a grasp on what views are, let's dig deeper.

2. Creating more complex views

00:05 - 00:24

We've kept our views simple. It's worth pointing out that views can get as complicated and creative
as you choose. Think of the aggregation, join, and conditional functions and clauses available to you
in SQL. Of course, the query to create the view still has to run, so you need to be aware of long query
execution time.

3. Granting and revoking access to a view

00:24 - 01:04

In the last video, we talked about how views are helpful for access control. To give and remove user
permissions, we use the SQL GRANT and REVOKE command. The syntax is as follows. First, you list
the relevant privileges after the GRANT and the REVOKE command. There are several types of
privileges users can execute, and here I list the most common. Then you indicate on which object and
for which role. You use the TO clause and FROM clause, respectively, for grant and revoke. In chapter
4, we'll go more in-depth about different types of roles and privileges. For now, we just need a high-
level understanding.
4. Granting and revoking example
01:04 - 01:25

Here's an example. The update privilege on an object called ratings is being granted to public. PUBLIC
is a SQL term that encompasses all users. All users can now use the UPDATE command on the ratings
object. In the second line, the user db_user will no longer be able to INSERT on the object films.

5. Updating a view
01:25 - 02:06

A user can update a view if they have the necessary privilege. If you need a refresher, here's a simple
example of the UPDATE command. You may be wondering, how is it even possible to update a view?
That's a good question because if you remember correctly, a view isn't a physical table. Therefore,
when you run an update, you are updating the tables behind the view. Hence, only particular views
are updatable. There are criteria for a view to be considered updatable. The criteria depend on the
type of SQL being used. Generally, the view needs to be made up of one table and can't rely on a
window or aggregate function.


6. Inserting into a view

02:06 - 02:21
The INSERT command is in a similar case as the UPDATE command. When you run an insert
command into a view, you're again really inserting into the table behind it. The criteria for inserting is
usually very similar to updatable views.


7. Inserting into a view

02:21 - 02:28

Generally, avoid modifying data through views. It's usually a good idea to use views for read-only
purposes only.


8. Dropping a view
02:28 - 02:57

Dropping a view is straightforward with the DROP command. There are two useful parameters to
know about: CASCADE and RESTRICT. Sometimes there are SQL objects that depend on views. For
example, it's not unusual for views to build off of other views in larger databases. The RESTRICT
parameter is the default and returns an error when you try to drop a view that other objects depend
on. The CASCADE parameter will drop the view and any object that depends on that view.

9. Redefining a view
02:57 - 03:29
Say you want to change the query a view is defined by. To do this, you can use the CREATE OR
REPLACE command. If a view_name exists, it is replaced by the new_query specified. However, there
are limitations to this. The new query must generate the same column names, column order, and
column data types as the existing query. The column output may be different, as long as those
conditions are met. New columns may be added at the end. If this criteria can't be met, the solution
is to drop the existing view and create a new one.


10. Altering a view

03:29 - 03:41

Last but not least, the auxiliary properties of a view can be altered. I list the various options here.
This includes changing the name, owner, and schema of a view.


11. Let's practice!

03:41 - 03:45

Ok, let's see what you've learned!

Creating a view from other views

Views can be created from queries that include other views. This is useful when you have a complex
schema, potentially due to normalization, because it helps reduce the JOINS needed. The biggest
concern is keeping track of dependencies, specifically how any modifying or dropping of a view may
affect other views.

In the next few exercises, we'll continue using the Pitchfork reviews data. There are two views of
interest in this exercise. top_15_2017 holds the top 15 highest scored reviews published in 2017 with
columns reviewid,title, and score. artist_title returns a list of all reviewed titles and their respective
artists with columns reviewid, title, and artist. From these views, we want to create a new view that
gets the highest scoring artists of 2017.

Instructions 1/2
Create a view called top_artists_2017 with artist from artist_title.

To only return the highest scoring artists of 2017, join the views top_15_2017 and artist_title on

Output top_artists_2017.

-- Create a view with the top artists in 2017

CREATE VIEW top_artists_2017 AS
-- with only one column holding the artist field
SELECT artist_title.artist FROM artist_title
INNER JOIN top_15_2017
ON artist_title.reviewid = top_15_2017.reviewid;

-- Output the new view

SELECT * FROM top_artists_2017;

Instructions 2/2

Which is the DROP command that would drop both top_15_2017 and top_artists_2017?
Granting and revoking access

Access control is a key aspect of database management. Not all database users have the same needs
and goals, from analysts, clerks, data scientists, to data engineers. As a general rule of thumb, write
access should never be the default and only be given when necessary.

In the case of our Pitchfork reviews, we don't want all database users to be able to write into the
long_reviews view. Instead, the editor should be the only user able to edit this view.

Revoke all database users' update and insert privileges on the long_reviews view.

Grant the editor user update and insert privileges on the long_reviews view.

-- Revoke everyone's update and insert privileges


-- Grant editor update and insert privileges

GRANT UPDATE, INSERT ON long_reviews TO editor;

Updatable views

In a previous exercise, we've used the information_schema.views to get all the views in a database. If
you take a closer look at this table, you will notice a column that indicates whether the view is

Which views are updatable?

Possible answers

Redefining a view

Unlike inserting and updating, redefining a view doesn't mean modifying the actual data a view
holds. Rather, it means modifying the underlying query that makes the view. In the last video, we
learned of two ways to redefine a view: (1) CREATE OR REPLACE and (2) DROP then CREATE. CREATE
OR REPLACE can only be used under certain conditions.

The artist_title view needs to be appended to include a column for the label field from the labels
Instructions 1/2

Can the CREATE OR REPLACE statement be used to redefine the artist_title view?

Possible answers

Instructions 2/2
Use CREATE OR REPLACE to redefine the artist_title view.

Respecting artist_title's original columns of reviewid, title, and artist, add a label column from the
labels table.

Join the labels table using the reviewid field.

-- Redefine the artist_title view to have a label column

SELECT reviews.reviewid, reviews.title, artists.artist, labels
FROM reviews
INNER JOIN artists
ON artists.reviewid = reviews.reviewid
ON labels.reviewid = reviews.reviewid;

SELECT * FROM artist_title;

1. Materialized views
00:00 - 00:08

Nice job on those exercises! You now know what views are and how to manage them. In this video, I
will introduce materialized views.

2. Two types of views

00:08 - 00:21

There are two types of views. When you come across the term "view" plainly, it is most likely
referring to non-materialized views. Accordingly, in the past two videos covering views, I defined
views as non-materialized views.

3. Two types of views

00:21 - 00:34

In this video, we will look into materialized views. As the names begin to hint, materialized views are
physically materialized, while non-materialized remain virtual. What does this mean?

4. Materialized views
00:34 - 01:21

Instead of storing a query, a materialized view stores the query results. These query results are
stored on disk. This means the query becomes precomputed via the view. When you query a
materialized view, it accesses the stored query results on the disk, rather than running the query like
a non-materialized view and creating a virtual table. Materialized views are refreshed or
rematerialized when prompted. By refreshed or rematerialized, I mean that the query is run and the
stored query results are updated. This can be scheduled depending on how often you expect the
underlying query results are changing. At Datacamp, some of our views are refreshed once-a-day
during non-working hours, and others are refreshed every hour.

5. When to use materialized views

01:21 - 02:10

Materialized views are great if you have queries with long execution time. Some queries take hours
to complete if you are crunching a lot of data or have complex joins. Materialized views allow data
scientists and analysts to run long queries and get results very quickly. The caveat is the data is only
as up-to-date as the last time the view was refreshed. So, you shouldn't use materialized views on
data that is being updated often, because then analyses will be run too often on out-of-date data.
Materialized views are particularly useful in data warehouses. Data warehouses are typically used for
OLAP, meaning more for analysis than writing to data. This means less worry about out-of-date data.
Furthermore, the same queries are often run in data warehouses, and the computational cost of
them can add up.

6. Implementing materialized views

02:10 - 02:33

Creating materialized views is very similar to creating non-materialized views, except that you specify
"Materialized" in the SQL statement. You use the "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW" syntax to refresh a
view. There isn't a PostgresSQl command to schedule refreshing views. However, there are several
ways to do so, like using cron jobs. I won't get into the details of cron as it is outside of the scope of
the course, but cron is a UNIX based job scheduler.

7. Managing dependencies
02:33 - 02:47

As we learned in the last video, it's common to build views from other views. The same can be said
about materialized views. Unlike non-materialized views, you need to manage when you refresh
materialized views when you have dependencies.

8. Dependency example
02:47 - 03:09

For example, let's say you have two materialized views: X and Y. Y uses X in its query; meaning Y
depends on X. X doesn't depend on Y as it doesn't use Y in its query. Let' s say X has a more time-
consuming query. If Y is refreshed before X's refresh is completed, then Y now has out-of-date data.

9. Managing dependencies
03:09 - 03:21

This creates a dependency chain when refreshing views. Scheduling when to refresh is not trivial.
Refreshing them all at the same time is not the most efficient when you consider query time and

10. Tools for managing dependencies

03:21 - 03:54

Companies that have many materialized views, use directed acyclic graphs to track dependencies and
pipeline scheduler tools, like Airflow and Luigi, to schedule and run REFRESH statements. A directed
acyclic graph, also known as a DAG, is a finite directed graph with no cycles. Here, you can see an
example where the directed arrows reflect a dependency in a certain direction where one node
depends on another. The no cycles part is important because two views can't depend on each other -
only one can rely on another.

11. Let's practice!

03:54 - 03:59

Okay, let's get to some exercises!

Creating and refreshing a materialized view

The syntax for creating materialized and non-materialized views are quite similar because they are
both defined by a query. One key difference is that we can refresh materialized views, while no such
concept exists for non-materialized views. It's important to know how to refresh a materialized view,
otherwise the view will remain a snapshot of the time the view was created.

In this exercise, you will create a materialized view from the table genres. A new record will then be
inserted into genres. To make sure the view has the latest data, it will have to be refreshed.

Create a materialized view called genre_count that holds the number of reviews for each genre.

Refresh genre_count so that the view is up-to-date.

-- Create a materialized view called genre_count

create materialized view genre_count as
SELECT genre, COUNT(*)
FROM genres
GROUP BY genre;


VALUES (50000, 'classical');

-- Refresh genre_count
Refresh materialized view genre_count;

SELECT * FROM genre_count;

Managing materialized views
Why do companies use pipeline schedulers, such as Airflow and Luigi, to manage materialized views?

Answer the question

Possible Answers
1. Database roles and access control
00:00 - 00:08

Welcome back! In this chapter, we're going to cover different topics within database management,
beginning with database roles and access control.

2. Granting and revoking access to a view

00:08 - 00:23

In the last chapter, we learned how views are helpful for access control. We granted and revoked a
user's access to a view (or any object!). We also briefly discussed roles and privileges in the context
of access control.

3. Database roles
00:23 - 00:55

Now we'll dive deeper. First, database roles. Roles are used to manage database access permissions.
A database role is an entity that contains information that Firstly, define its privileges, like whether
that role can login, create databases, and many more, and Secondly, interact with the client
authentication system, like what the role's password is. Roles can be assigned to one or more users.
Since roles are global, you can reference roles across all individual databases in your cluster.

4. Create a role
00:55 - 01:50

Say you are about to hire a bunch of data analysts. You can create the data_analyst role with the
CREATE ROLE SQL command. The information that defines what the data_analyst role can do is
currently empty. We can also set some, but not all, of this information when creating a role, too. Say
you're hiring an intern whose internship ends at the end of the year. You create the role intern,
specifying the password attribute and valid until date attribute. One second into 2020, the password
is no longer valid. Say you want to create an admin role with the ability to create databases: create
role admin with the attribute CREATEDB. For now, just know that attributes define some (but, again,
not all) of what your roles can do. To change an attribute for an already created role, you use the
ALTER keyword, here allowing the admin role to create roles too.


5. GRANT and REVOKE privileges from roles

01:50 - 02:15

To grant specific access control privileges on objects, like tables, views, and schemas, you use GRANT
and REVOKE. Say you want all of your data analysts to be able to update the ratings table. Grant that
role update access. Don't need it anymore? Revoke it. Here is list of privileges for roles in PostgreSQL.
You'll only use the first few in this course.


6. Users and groups (are both roles)

02:15 - 02:44

Now, a common misunderstanding: a role can be a user role or a group role. A role may be a member
of other roles, and we call the larger role a group. As this graphic shows, the concept of roles
encompasses the concepts of “users” and “groups”. Database roles - that is, user roles AND group
roles - are conceptually completely separate from operating system users. Sometimes you will create
a user role that belongs to one specific user, but that's not required.
7. Users and groups (are both roles)
02:44 - 03:00

Think of the data_analyst role as a group role: you want all of your data analysts to have the same
level of access. Think of the intern role as a user role. Sometimes you'll use the actual user's name.

8. Users and groups (are both roles)

03:00 - 03:21

Say Alex is hired as an intern to support the data analysts, so you want them to have the same level
of access. In PostgreSQL, to add the user role alex to the group role data_analyst, you write GRANT
data_analyst TO alex. Alex can do data analyst work now! If Alex no longer needs to do that type of
work, use REVOKE to remove them from the group.

9. Common PostgreSQL roles

03:21 - 03:32
PostgreSQL has a set of default roles which provide access to commonly needed privileged
capabilities and information. These are beyond the scope of this course.


10. Benefits and pitfalls of roles

03:32 - 03:56

Roles are great because while employees come and go; roles live on. They can even be created
before those employees get accounts. By grouping together common access levels, database
administrators save time. One common pitfall: sometimes a role gives an individual too much access.
You need to be careful and mindful of your roles and their access levels.

11. Let's practice!

Let's keep the ball role-ing with some exercises.

Create a role

A database role is an entity that contains information that define the role's privileges and interact
with the client authentication system. Roles allow you to give different people (and often groups of
people) that interact with your data different levels of access.

Imagine you founded a startup. You are about to hire a group of data scientists. You also hired
someone named Marta who needs to be able to login to your database. You're also about to hire a
database administrator. In this exercise, you will create these roles.

Instructions 1/3
Create a role called data_scientist.

-- Create a data scientist role

Create role data_scientist;
Create a role called marta that has one attribute: the ability to login (LOGIN).

-- Create a role for Marta

Create role Marta LOGIN;
Create a role called admin with the ability to create databases (CREATEDB) and to create roles

-- Create an admin role

GRANT privileges and ALTER attributes

Once roles are created, you grant them specific access control privileges on objects, like tables and
views. Common privileges being SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.

Imagine you're a cofounder of that startup and you want all of your data scientists to be able to
update and insert data in the long_reviews view. In this exercise, you will enable those soon-to-be-
hired data scientists by granting their role (data_scientist) those privileges. Also, you'll give Marta's
role a password.

Grant the data_scientist role update and insert privileges on the long_reviews view.

Alter Marta's role to give her the provided password.

-- Grant data_scientist update and insert privileges

GRANT UPDATE, INSERT ON long_reviews TO data_scientist;

-- Give Marta's role a password

ALTER ROLE marta WITH PASSWORD 's3cur3p@ssw0rd';
Add a user role to a group role

There are two types of roles: user roles and group roles. By assigning a user role to a group role, a
database administrator can add complicated levels of access to their databases with one simple

For your startup, your search for data scientist hires is taking longer than expected. Fortunately, it
turns out that Marta, your recent hire, has previous data science experience and she's willing to chip
in the interim. In this exercise, you'll add Marta's user role to the data scientist group role. You'll then
remove her after you complete your hiring process.

Add Marta's user role to the data scientist group role.

Celebrate! You hired multiple data scientists.

Remove Marta's user role from the data scientist group role.

-- Add Marta to the data scientist group

GRANT data_scientist TO marta;

-- Celebrate! You hired data scientists.

-- Remove Marta from the data scientist group

REVOKE data_scientist FROM marta;

1. Table partitioning
00:00 - 00:09
Welcome back! Now that we've covered access control of databases, it's time for something
completely different: database partitioning.

2. Why partition?
00:09 - 00:37

Before we talk about what table partitioning, let's talk a bit about the why. When tables grow —
we're talking hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes here — queries tend to become slow. Even
when we've set indices correctly, these indices can become so large they don't fit into memory. At a
certain point, it can make sense to split a table up into multiple smaller parts. We call the process of
doing this 'partitioning'.

3. Data modeling refresher

00:37 - 00:54

Note that, looking at the data modeling layers we saw in the first chapter, partitioning fits into the
physical data model. Indeed, logically, the data you'll access or update is still the same. The
difference is we distribute the data over several physical entities.

4. Vertical partitioning
00:54 - 01:18

When we talk about partitioning, there are two different types of partitioning. The first one we'll
introduce is vertical partitioning. You saw in the second chapter that to normalize a table, you can
use foreign keys and create new tables. As you saw, it can help you reduce redundant data. Vertical
partitioning goes one step further and splits up a table vertically by its columns, even when it's
already fully normalized.

5. Vertical partitioning: an example

01:18 - 01:48

In this example, you start with a table containing product data. It has four columns. After vertical
partitioning, you could end up with two tables: one for the first three columns, and another for the
last column. We can link them through a shared key. Let's say the fourth column, containing a long
description, is retrieved very rarely. We could store the second table on a slower medium. Doing this
would improve query time for the first table, as we need to scan less data for search queries.

6. Horizontal partitioning
01:48 - 02:10

For the remainder of this video, let's focus on the second type of partitioning: horizontal partitioning.
Instead of splitting tables up over the columns, you can also split up tables over the rows. For
example, you could split up data according to a timestamp. Specifically, all records related to 2019
could be in a separate partition from the ones of 2018.

7. Horizontal partitioning: an example

02:10 - 02:20

Let's look at an example. Let's say you have the following table where every row is a book sale. We
could decide to partition the table according to the timestamp.

8. Horizontal partitioning: an example

02:20 - 03:07
You could create partitions according to the timestamp, and partition them by quarter. Different SQL
dialects have different ways of creating partitioned tables. In this example, we'll look at PostgreSQL,
where you can use something called declarative partitioning since PostgreSQL 10. First, you add the
PARTITION BY clause to your table creation statement. You pass it the column you want to partition
by, 'timestamp' in our case. Next, you have to create the partitions. To do this, use the PARTITION OF
clause to create tables for the specific partitions. You can specify rules to partition by in the same
statement. For a timestamp, you could use particular ranges of values, like this. Finally, it's advised to
add an index to the column you used for partitioning.

9. Pros/cons of horizontal partitioning

03:07 - 03:39

Horizontal partitioning can help by optimizing indices, increasing the chance heavily-used parts of
the index fit in memory. You could also move rarely accessed partitions to a slower medium. Both
OLAP as OLTP can benefit from partitioning. There are some downsides though, as partitioning an
existing table can be a hassle: you have to create a new table and copy over the data. Additionally,
we can not always set the same type of constraints on a partitioned table, for example, the PRIMARY
KEY constraint.

10. Relation to sharding

03:39 - 03:59

We can take partitioning one step further and distribute the partitions over several machines. When
horizontal partitioning is applied to spread a table over several machines, it's called sharding. You can
see how this relates to massively parallel processing databases, where each node, or machine, can
do calculations on specific shards.

11. Let's practice!

03:59 - 04:02

Let's practice!
1. Data integration
00:00 - 00:12

You're now familiar with tables, databases, schemas and permissions. But what if your data is spread
across different databases, formats, schemas and technologies? That's where data integration comes
into play.

2. What is data integration

00:12 - 00:24

Data Integration combines data from different sources, formats, technologies to provide users with a
translated and unified view of that data. Let's look at some examples.

3. Business case examples

00:24 - 00:51

A company could want a 360-degree customer view, to see all information departments have about a
customer in a unified place. Another example is one company acquiring another, and needs to
combine their respective databases. Legacy systems are also a common case of data integration. An
insurance company with claims in old and new systems, would need to integrate data to query all
claims at once.

4. Unified data model

00:51 - 01:08

There are a few things to consider when integrating data. What is your final goal? Your unified data
model could be used to create dashboards, like graphs of daily sales, or data products, such as a
recommendation engine. The final data model needs to be fast enough for your use-case.

5. Data sources

01:08 - 01:12

The necessary information is held in these data sources.

6. Data sources format

01:12 - 01:25

Which formats is each data source stored in? For example, it could be PostgreSQL, MongoDB or a
CSV. You'll learn more about database management systems in the next lesson.
7. Unified data model format

01:25 - 01:34

Which format should the unified data model take? For example, Redshift, a data warehouse service
offered by AWS.

8. Example: DataCamp

01:34 - 01:54

Say DataCamp is launching a skill assessment module. Marketing wants to know which customers to
target. They need information from sales, stored in PostgreSQL, to see which customers can afford
the new product. They also need information from the product department, stored in MongoDB to
identify potential early adopters.

9. Update cadence - sales

01:54 - 02:01

Next, how often do you want to update the data? Updating daily would probably be sufficient for
sales data.

10. Update cadence - air traffic

02:01 - 02:06

For a scenario like air traffic, you want real time updates.

11. Different update cadences

02:06 - 02:09

Your data sources can have different update cadences.

12. So simple?

02:09 - 02:14

So that’s it? You just plug your sources to the unified data model?

13. Not really

02:14 - 02:20

Not really. Your sources are in different formats, you need to make sure they can be assembled
14. Transformations

02:20 - 02:36

Enter transformations. A transformation is a program that extracts content from the table and
transforms it into the chosen format for the unified model. These transformations can be hand-
coded, but you would have to make and maintain a transformation for each data source.

15. Transformation - tools

02:36 - 02:45

You can also use a data integration tool, which provides the needed ETL. For example Apache Airflow
or Scriptella.

16. Choosing a data integration tool

02:45 - 02:59

When choosing your tool, you must ensure that it's flexible enough to connect to all of your data
sources. Reliable, so that it can still be maintained in a year. And it should scale well, anticipating an
increase in data volume and sources.

17. Automated testing and proactive alerts

02:59 - 03:14

You should have automated testing and proactive alerts. If any data gets corrupted on its way to the
unified data model, the system lets you know. For example, you could aggregate sales data after each
transformation and ensure that the total amount remains the same.

18. Security

03:14 - 03:23

Security is also a concern: if data access was originally restricted, it should remain restricted in the
unified data model.

19. Security - credit card anonymization

03:23 - 03:38

For example, business analysts using the unified data model should not have access to the credit card
numbers. You should anonymize the data during ETL so that analysts can only access the first four
numbers, to identify the type of card being used.
20. Data governance - lineage

03:38 - 03:47

For data governance purposes, you need to consider lineage: for effective auditing, you should know
where the data originated and where it is used at all times.

21. Let's practice!

03:47 - 03:52

Now it's your turn to practice the ins and outs of data integration.
1. Picking a Database Management System (DBMS)
00:00 - 00:04

In this final video, you will learn about Database Management Systems.


00:04 - 00:31

DBMS stands for Database Management System. A DBMS is a system software for creating and
maintaining databases. The DBMS manages three important aspects: the data, the database schema
which defines the database’s logical structure, and the database engine that allows data to be
accessed, locked and modified. Essentially, the DBMS serves as an interface between the database
and end users or application programs.

3. DBMS types

00:31 - 00:48

Your choice of DBMS is informed by the type of database you need, which depends largely on the
kind of data you have and how you want to use it. There are two common types of DBMSs: SQL
DBMSs, and NoSQL DBMSs. Let's take a closer look.


00:48 - 01:25

A SQL DBMS, also called a Relational DataBase Management System, is a kind of DBMS based on the
relational data model. This is what's been used in the course so far. RDBMSs typically employ SQL for
managing and accessing data. Some examples of RDBMSs include SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
SQL. There are two reasons why you might consider an RDBMS. It's a good option when working with
structured, unchanging data that will benefit from a predefined schema. Or if all data must be
consistent without leaving room for error, such as with accounting systems for example.


01:25 - 02:05

Non-relational DBMSs are called NoSQL DBMSs. They’re much less structured than relational
databases, and are document-centered, rather than table-centered. Data in NoSQL databases don’t
have to fit into well-defined rows and columns. NoSQL is a good choice for those companies
experiencing rapid data growth with no clear schema definitions. NoSQL offers much more flexibility
than a SQL DBMS and is a solid option for companies who must analyze large quantities of data or
manage data structures that vary. NoSQL DBMSs are generally classified as one of four types: key-
value store, document store, columnar, or graph databases.
6. NoSQL DBMS - key-value store

02:05 - 02:32

A key-value database stores combinations of keys and values. The key serves as a unique identifier to
retrieve an associated value. Values can be anything from simple objects, like integers or strings, to
more complex objects, like JSON structures. They are most frequently used for managing session
information in web applications. For example, managing shopping carts for online buyers. An
example DBMS is Redis.

7. NoSQL DBMS - document store

02:32 - 03:06

Document stores are similar to key-value in that they consist of keys, each corresponding to a value.
The difference is that the stored values, referred to as documents, provide some structure and
encoding of the managed data. That structure can be used to do more advanced queries on the data
instead of just value retrieval. A document database is a great choice for content management
applications such as blogs and video platforms. Each entity that the application tracks can be stored
as a single document. An example of a document store DBMS is mongoDB.

8. NoSQL DBMS - columnar database

03:06 - 03:24

Rather than grouping columns together into tables, columnar databases store each column in a
separate file in the system’s storage. This allows for databases that are more scalable, and faster at
scale. Use a columnar database for big data analytics where speed is important. An example is

9. NoSQL DBMS - graph database

03:24 - 03:43

Here, the data is interconnected and best represented as a graph. This method is capable of lots of
complexity. Graph databases are used by most social networks and pretty much any website that
recommends anything based on your behavior. An example of a graph DBMS is Neo4j.

10. Choosing a DBMS

03:43 - 04:02

So, the choice of the database depends on the business need. If your application has a fixed structure
and doesn’t need frequent modifications, a SQL DBMS is preferable. Conversely, if you have
applications where data is changing frequently and growing rapidly, like in big data analytics, NoSQL
is the best option for you.
11. Let's practice!

04:02 - 04:07

Let's move on to the last set of exercises.

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