4126 Mte Efai 1 FH Extra - Act4

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NAME: _______________________________________________

CLASS: ______________________ DATE: __________________









Colorfuel Studio; Tilmeless; Olga1818; Tenstudio; JB illustration14; Natalia Smu; Vectorbum; ann131313.s/Shutterstock.com

Kateholms; IhorZigor; aommaneesri; Puckung;

Anita Uryga/Shutterstock.com

3. DRAW.



Extra Activity 4 2
Fly High Primary 1
Extra Activity 4
Teacher’s Notes
 Places in the house
 Actions at home

 Talk about actions at home
 Practice the places in the house
 Create icons

 Colored pencils
 A box with a soap, a book, a fork, a remote
control, a cell phone, a toy, a cushion, and a
pencil (or pictures of objects)

Show students the box and tell them that you
have some objects inside it. Take the objects
one by one, say the word in English, and ask
“What can you do with a [soap]?” Listen to their Colorfuel Studio; Tilmeless; Olga1818; Tenstudio; JB
suggestions and offer the equivalent in English illustration14; Natalia Smu; Vectorbum;
for the actions they say. After you have shown
all the objects (or pictures), say the actions
again and invite students to repeat them, Activity 2
varying the volume you say them (for example, Draw students’ attention to the pictures and ask
whispering). Finally, ask them where in their them what places in the house they are related
homes those objects can be found. to. Explain that these pictures are icons,
symbols of the places they represent. Explain
Activity 1 to them you are going to say a word and they
Draw students' attention to the pictures and ask should point to the corresponding icon. Then
them what they can see. Also, ask them which have students form pairs and invite them to
of the pictures represent something they do in take turns pointing at the icons and challenging
their routine. Teach them the actions watch each other to say the names of the rooms
TV, read, play, eat, sleep, do homework, represented. Finally, ask them to color the icon
wash hands, and talk on the phone, asking they think best represents the corresponding
them to point at the corresponding pictures as part of the house. Invite some volunteers to
you say them. share the icon they have colored and ask what
Read the names of places in the house and they liked best about it.
ask students where in their houses they can do Answers: Bathtub – bathroom; Bed –
each action. Call their attention to the fact that bedroom; Car – garage; Fridge – kitchen; Sofa
those actions may be done in more than one – living room; Table and chairs – dining room.
place in the house. Finally, ask students to
choose one of the actions and match with the Activity 3
place in the house. Instruct them to use a Elicit the actions in Activity 1 again and invite
colored pencil to do so. Invite some volunteers students to create an icon representing each
to say what place in the house they prefer to do one. Allow them to work in pairs to think
each action. together about the icons they can use. Invite
Answers: Answers may vary. some volunteers to draw two of the icons they
have created on the board and ask the rest of
the group which actions they represent. Finally,
instruct them to draw the icons they have
created for the actions in all the rooms they do

Extra Activity 4 3
them. Model the activity by drawing a chart like Ending
the one in this activity on the board, saying the Form groups of four students and instruct them
places where you read or sleep at home and to compare where they do the actions (“I sleep
drawing one of the icons suggested by the in the living room and in the bedroom”).
students in the corresponding places. Walk Encourage them to say “Me too!” when another
around the classroom as students do the student does the actions in the same places in
activity and talk to them individually, asking the house as they do. Finally, to wrap up the
questions or making comments about the class, ask students questions about the places
actions, such as “I read in the living room too” in their house that had most and least actions
or “Do you sleep in the living room? Me too.” inserted in Activity 3 and invite volunteers to
Answers: Personal answers. share their answers with the whole group.

Extra Activity 4 3

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