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Joel Caplan

12 Ovadia Mi Bartenura
Jerusalem, Israel 92104
1-413 529 4456

Honorable Judge Tanya S Chutkan

E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse
333 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 1225
Washington, D.C. 20001-2866
(202) 354-3162
August 9, 2023
RE: USA vs Trump/ CASE #: 1:23-cr-00257-TSC-1
Motion for Judicial Notice
Affadavit of Victor Shokin/
Information about the 100 Billion Dollar China Hustle as it Related to the
“Biden Crime Family”, 170 Suspicious Activity Reports, 20 Shell Companies and
FD-1023 Form1

“Half The Story Has Never Been Told” -

--“Redemption Song” Bob Marley, 1979
Your Honor,
Enclosed please find “Motion for Judicial Notice”, Pro Se from US Citizen Joel Caplan. For
safety reason, I ask that the Court redact my address and personal information. I have been
investigating the 100 billion dollar China Hustle which is connected to this matter since December
of 2011 when I first visited a now disappeared $85,000,000 Opening of a Lithium-Ion Battery
Factory Advanced Battery Technologies in Donguan, China.

My first appearance in Court about this matter is documented in Court Transcripts in the Southern
District Court of New York in Case Braun vs. Fu 1:11-cv-04383 presided over by the Honorable
Judge Colleen McMahon. See specifically page 17-18, where I first alluded to this massive covert
financial attack coordinated by the CCP and subsequent cover-up at

The whole sordid story which I have been tracking since 2011 is available HERE.
This will go down in history as one of the largest THEFTS, bribery scams and cover-ups in United
States History. Americans are now learning of the bribery and cover-up, but, more will come out.
Please keep in mind that I was one of the first to report all of this and I was the individual that put
Victor Shokin’s affidavit on Hunter Biden’s docket in Roberts vs Biden 32DR-19-187 in Arkansas
nearly 4 years ago, triggering the recusal of Judge Don McSpadden2, a story which made the
international news but was largely ignored by the main stream media.

The opposite of a “cover-up” is “exposure” and Democracy Dies in Darkness as we are reminded
daily. My story is at the top of the Google algorithm on billions of phones and computer if one
Searches Joe Biden + China Hustle. I invite anyone to “make my day” and try it.

The entire matter is now being investigated by the House Oversite Committee, as evidence
emerges that President Biden and his son Hunter were receiving payments from some of the
highest officials including spies from the Chinese Communist Party (such as Che Fang3 and Henry
Zhou4), working with the Vice Minister for State Security in China whose job was to spy for China.
(“I want to know why the commitment made has not been fulfilled”) 5
Tens of millions of
Americans are now learning about all of this in the media every day and every night as the cover-
ups melt away. See
I pray that YOUR HONOR will forward this filing to the proper authorities after docketing my
Motion for Judicial Notice. Lives are at stake. Our national security is at stake, and I have tried
everyday for nearly a decade to tell the world what I know. There is also a Police Report on this
matter available from the Easthampton, MA Police Department Report number, 23-31-OF

Also contained in this filing is the affidavit of Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Victor Shokin.

This matter of the firing of Victor Shokin in a QUID PRO QUO of President Biden is now at the
heart of numerous Congressional investigations.6 7
As mentioned the Honorable Judge Don
McSpadden recused on December 31, 2019 without explanation when I made a similar filing.

In terms of my own safety, please be advised that Victor Shokin is reported to have been poisoned
by hitmen of Putin with involvement the Burisma oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the Owner of
Burisma. See

I fear as a US born American citizen, I am now putting my own safety and well-being in danger
due to the intense nature of this matter which has been going on for many years since the firing of
Victor Shokin by President Biden. The FBI, Congress, IRS and DOB are apparently still
investigating this matter. Was it official US policy or not? In many situations, two diametrically
opposite narratives are being told in the media as was the case with Hunter Biden’s Laptop, the
efficacy of therapeutics vs. vaccines during the Covid-19 crisis, the ongoing election disputes in
the 2020 Presidential election, issues around ballot harvesting and the matter before this Court

It is imperative that this case USA vs Trump/ CASE #: 1:23-cr-00257-TSC-1be handled with the
utmost impartiality.

I apologize that this filing may not be in the proper format. I am a layperson who cannot afford an
attorney due to being a victim of the ongoing scam of the China Hustle which will be addressed

by Congress next year in Senate Bill 945 and House Bill 7000. If need be, I can refile in the
proper format at the Court’s direction, but “time is of the essence” and half the story has not been
told so I am trying with all my heart, mind and Soul to tell that story.

I am available for any questions the Court may have for me.


Joel Caplan, Victim of the China Hustle

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