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Page t of 9 NEW ZEALAND RAIL LTD | . Operations Group : Code Supplement Numbe! csw/0102 Subject: DRAWING PRACTICE Approved by: ReF Stactafes Technical Comaitten tA) MC Berry If this Statement is printed in RED, this is a CONTROLLED DOCUMENT 'This Document Supersedes { CSWw/0102 Issue 4__ | New Zealand Rall Limited ; Operations Group Effective Date : 1 September 1995 Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 2 of 9 Distribution classification: WB CONTENTS Introduction Standards Requirements for Specific Subjects Titles Drawings Produced on CAD Systems Approvals Controlled Drawings Recording Amendments Retention and Disposal of Drawings u o QODINATANNE 1. INTRODUCTION This document defines the standards to be observed in producing, amending, controlling and recording drawings relating to bridges, culverts and other Operations Group | structures. 2. STANDARDS {a} Drawings shall comply generally with accepted practice and specifically with: New Zeatand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date : 1 September 1995 issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 3 of 9 {b} (c) (d} (e) {f) {i} The requirements of the Operations Group Code. (i) NZS 5902 Building and Civil Engineering Drawing Practice. (iii) Specification for the Preparation of Drawings by N.Z. Government Offices for 35 mm Microfilming. Sizes must be limited to the international standard Al, A2, A3 and A4 formats. Only in exceptional cases should other sizes be used and even then they should be a derivative of an "A" size format for ease of storage. Roll drawings are to be avoided. Lines shall be drawn using black ink or dense polymer or graphite pencil. Coloured lines should not be used. Prints may be coloured for clarity but a form of coding (e.g. line style) should be drawn on the original so that @ distinction can be made without the presence of colour. In general line thickness shall be as defined in NZS 5902, Part 0:1986, Table 0.4 to enable clear microfilms to be obtained. Lettering shall be clear and a minimum of 3.5 mm high. Scales shall be those listed in NZS 5902, Part 0:1986, Table 0.2. Derivative scales such as 1:25 and 1:40 are to be avoided. A graphic scale must be shown to allow for disparity occurring as a result of the photographic reduction or enlargement of drawings. Dimension figures shall be above the dimension line when read from the bottom or right side of the sheet, Units of linear measure shall be in or ‘New Zealand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date ; 1 September 1995 = Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 “ Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 4 of 9 e millimetres, metres or kilometres. Where possible units shall not be mixed on any view but if it is necessary then the units shall be stated. (g) Levels shall be stated in metres. The datum for the levels must be indicated. (h) Where appropriate areas of land shall be shown thus: - in hectares, if more than one hectare. - in square metres, if less than one hectare. {i} New work must clearly stand out from existing features. Linework for existing features shall be thin and/or broken, whereas new features shall be thick e and solid. Depending on the proportion of each in any view, notes shall state new or existing as appropriate. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC SUBJECTS (a) Site plans shall, where necessary, show: - North pointer. - Railway boundary (0.5 mm thick). ilway line and terminal stations of line in a and “To ..." format to indicate metrage progression. - buried and aerial services. - vehicular access and flow. - name of adjacent roads. e (b) Drawings showing incidental trackwork shail: - show items in (a) that are applicable. - be drawn with the metrage running from left to right. - indicate gradients, radii of curves, S and CTP. New Zealand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date : 1 September 1995 Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject ; DRAWING PRACTICE Page 5 of 9 (c} Building and structure drawings shall show: (d) {a} {b) (c} (d) - a grid for structural elements if appropriate. - clearances to track centreline and rail level. - a key plan to indicate the location relative to the whole structure when showing only a portion of the structure. - strength of concrete to be used. - cross references to drawing numbers of existing or adjacent structures, Bridge drawings shall show: - items in (c) that are applicable. - piers and span numbers. - direction and flow of rivers or traffic. TITLES Standard title block formats shail be used and all the relevant information shall be entered. Titles shall state the subject matter of the drawing, in a manner which is concise and related to the drawing index system. For multiple sheet drawings the title block may also contain the sheet title describing the contents of that sheet (e.g. Foundations). Separate drawings of variations of the same project shall be distinguished by an endorsement such as Proposal A, B etc. The status of the drawing should be made clear in the title panel e.g. Sketch, Proposal, Diagram. The term "proposed" should only be used for pretiminary schemes, Working drawings should not be titled “proposed”. Should the work not proceed then this New Zealand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date : 1 September 1995 Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 6 of 9 fact should be noted on the drawing and in the drawing index and register. 5. DRAWINGS PREPARED ON CAD SYSTEMS (a) {b} (c) {d) (e) (fy The foregoing clauses apply equally to CAD (Computer Aided Draughting) produced drawings and drawings produced by manual methods. Entities shall be displayed on screen in standard colours applicable to the material depicted. Standard colours will be advised to CAD users by Manager, Structures Engineering. A file information sheet shall be filled out for each drawing and held in each drawing office. The sheet is to indicate the contents of each drawing file level by level (or layer by layer for AutoCAD drawings). Drawing files shall be given relevant and unique names to indicate their contents. Drawings which have a CE number {see Section 8 below) shall use that number in the file name. Each sheet shall have its own file and the sheet number incorporated into the fite name. For example, CE No. 100282 sheet 2 is stored as file 100282X2.DGN in the Microstation system. For a series of more than nine sheets, an alternative but appropriate numbering system shall be devised. A "hard copy” of all CAD produced drawings shail be stored in a drawing record cabinet in sequence with other Structures Drawings. Drawings which require amendment shall have the CAD drawing file altered and a new hard copy produced. New Zealand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date: 1 September 1995 Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 7 of 9 6. APPROVALS {a} The drawing must be signed in the office of origin by an officer authorised to give approvals before copies are distributed for work to proceed. {b} “Approval” is subject to interpretation according to the subject and the purpose of the drawing. Supplementary wording (e.g. "for issue” or "subject to survey") should be added as necessary to make its meaning clear. (c) Prints of unapproved drawings may be distributed for a specific purpose provided that they are marked "Preliminary", “Not to be used for construction" or similar to indicate their status. CONTROLLED ORAWINGS Drawings are controlled so that it can be determined what version has been issued to whom. in general, only Structures drawings intended for construction purposes will be classified as Controlied Drawings in terms of Code Supplement CSG/001. Prints issued to Structures Inspectors or other Track and Structures staff for construction and supervision purposes shall be stamped “Controlled Drawing” and additionally, "For Construction". A corresponding drawing, similarly stamped, is to be kept by Manager, Structures Engineering. Drawings issued to tenderers and contractors or executed as part of contract documents are not to be endorsed in this way. Persons holding Controlled Drawings will be issued with a list showing the status of such drawings. This list must be available for audit. ce New Zealand Rail Limited : Operations Group Effective Date : 1 September 1995 issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 8 of 9 e On completion of the construction work, drawings issued for this purpose shall automatically cease to be controlled. 8. RECORDING (a) Ail new drawings and those received from outside sources shall be given a Civil Engineering Number (CE Number) in the series 100,000 to 199,999 or such other sequence determined by General Manager, Track and Structures from time to time. (b) Drawing sets with multiple sheets shall indicate the total number of sheets and each individual sheet @ number on. every sheet. To provide for ease of recording, each individual physical asset shall be given @ separate drawing number so that it does not get "lost" in a multiple sheet drawing set. (c) A drawing register and index recording system shall be kept and maintained by each office. Both shall record the drawing’s number, subject, file reference, scale, number of sheets and origin. The drawing register shall record drawings in numerical sequence. Entries in the register shail state the subject matter in the order: Where, Which, What {e.g. Bridge 39 SOL, Pier 1, Replacement). The index system shall record drawings by subject and location. As far as possible each physical asset should have its own index card. @ {d} The drawing register and index recording system shall be noted when a drawing is superseded, microfilmed or disposed of. New Zealand Re imited : Operations Group Effective Date: 1 September 1995 Issue 5 Section CSW/0102 Subject : DRAWING PRACTICE Page 9 of 9 9. AMENDMENTS 10. (a) (b) (c) When a drawing that has been approved is amended, the amendment shall be noted in the title block giving particulars of the change. The drawing register shall also note the amendment. If it is necessary to retain the previous version of an amended drawing it shail be endorsed to the effect that it has been superseded. Otherwise superseded prints shall be disposed of. In the case of contract work a copy of earlier issues must be retained until all claims arising from the contract have been settled. When a drawing which has been microfilmed is amended then a new microfilm of the amended drawing shall be made. The original microfilm shall be treated as for prints in (b). RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF DRAWINGS fa) (b) (c) Every drawing shall have a microfilm made of it which shall be retained. The original of every drawing shall be retained unless (i) a microfilm has been made it. (ii) the information is obsolete or of no further use. Disposal of drawings must be in accordance with the requirements of the Archives Act 1957. Drawings of non-significant proposals which did not proceed and of minor items of no public interest may be disposed of with the approval of the Area Manager or Manager, Structures Engineering.

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