Mandatory Independent Component - 1st and 2nd Conditional (If I Do ... & If I Did ... )

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lf ldo. . . and lf !did . . .

Compare these examples:

1) Sue has lost her mtch. She telis Ann:

.S,er I rhi.k I left my watch at your hotrse. Have you seen it?
,4aa: No, but I'11 look when I get home. If I 6rd it. I'll teil you.
ID this example,Ann feek there n a real possibility thrt she will find the watch. So she seys:
IfI Iind .. . , I'll .. ..
2) Carol says:
IfI found a wallet in the sreet. I'd take it to thc police station-
This is a different iype ofsituation. Herc, Carol doesnt expect to 6nd a wallet in thc streer.
Sle is imagining a situation that will probably not happen. So she says:
rI found ..., I'd (- I would) .. . (tror if I find ."... I'11...)

Wh6n you im.gine something like this, you use if + 1aJ,

(if I fourd / if there ms / if we didtr't, etc.).
But the mcaning is ror past:
I what would you do ifyou won r miIioD dollars?
(we do,nt really expect this to h.ppen)
r I donl really want to go to their pa.ty, but I
probably will go.They'd be hurt ifl didn't go.
r Ifthere was (o/ were) an elcctior tomorrow,
who would you vote for?
For if. ,. *arlwere, see Unit 37C-
ll lwon a rnilion dolla6

We do not normally use would in the ifpart ofthe sentence:

a I'd be very frighteDed ifsomebody poirt€d r gun at me. (ao, ifsomebody
would point)
r If I didn't go to rheir parry they'd be hurr. (ro, f I wouldtrl so)

In the other pa ofthe seDtence (not the ifpart) we use would (1t) / wouldn't:
I lfyou got more exercise, youu feel betreL
r I'm not tiEd.If I went to bed now,I wouldn't sle€p.
I Vould you mind ifl used your phone?
Could aDd rnisht are :ho possible:
I Ifyou got more exercise, you rnight feel better. (= ir is possible thet you would
Gel better)
r Ifit stopped nining, we could go out. (= we would be able to go out)

Do not use wh€n in seDtences like the ones on this page:

r They'd be hurt ifl didnt go ro their pdty. (ao, when I didn't Bo)
r Wllat would you do if you were bitten by a snake? (nol when you were bitten)

Woold Unitr34,!9 lflknew Unitt7 fflhadknown U.ft3A

Exercises uNrr36l
35.1 Put the verb into the corre( lorm.
1- Tlrey would bc hurt iS ldidn'tgrtoficir party. (not/go)
) lr ,.u g^. nr"re "\"r, i*. you "o- J /, herer geel,
3. Ifthey ofitred re thejob.l thi.k I rt. Gake)
,1. A lot ofpeople would be ont of work ifthe car t-actory

5. Ifl sold nry car. I much money for it. @ot / get)
6. (in dn tk,atol What would h:ppen ifsonebody

7. Iin sure Any will leud you the uroney.I d be vcry nupriscd ifshc

8. Liz mc ihis riDg. Shc very upset ifl lost it. (be)
9- Dave and Katc arc cxpcctitrg us.They woold be very dis"ppoinred if we

I0 world Roh nrin.l ifI hn bike without rskhg him? (borow)

11. Wh"t would you do ifsonebody i. here with e gnn? (w:rlk)
ifyou explai,red the siturLtion to her. (urderstand)
:i6.2 You ask a lriend to imagine these situations. You ask yyrrat woutd you do if - . . ?

1. - ),or win a lot ofnroney)

What wotlt nr ,la il vou wan a lrn ol mtnevt
2. (iniasiDe you lose your passport)
3. (imagine there's r fire in the building)

4. ,im,gine 1ou r. in rrr clcr r.or rrrd i .top, b.ruccn floor.

35.3 Answer the questions in the way shown.

1. ,4: Should we cltch the 10:30 train?
a \o. ,,rrrve roo e"rlv. t ^ .o-|tt""1. t)
-.'." a rl,
2. ,4r Is Ken going to txke the drivert test?
B, No. (frjl) lfhe
3. A. Why do,:i ue st,) rr,
Ai No. (cost too Dlrch) If
,1. ,4; Is Sally going to apply lor the job?
Aj No. (not / get rt) lf
5. ,4i Lci's tell thenr the trud1.
aj No. (not / believe u, If
6. ,4r Why doD't we invite Biil to the party?
Bj No. (have to invite his fticnds, too)
36.4 Use your own ideas to (omplete these sentences.
1. Ifyou got morc cxercise, you'd fcel better.
2- I d feel very angry if
3. IfI didn't oo ro work tomorrow.
,1. World you go ro rhe party if
5. Ifyou borght a car.
6 would vou ind if

Do you ihnrt you.ould turD d1e 5. you d uv. a lot oltnne.
music down? / ...
turD it do$1r? 6. I didnt go ont with you thn
6. h ii ()K ill cone and see thc

7. l)o you thn* I .ould have x uNtT 37

look at your newspapo? 37.1
t 5.3 3. 'd help (sould help)
2. (}n/( lolnd/Would you show
me? d, Do you think yo! rculd s. 'd live (would live)
shN ne? 0 ...donfo. ,c?
3. wodd Iou like to sn
dou? o' Would you like tr 8. $ouldn t lvrit d go (woLnd go)
seat? o/ Ca. I ofle. )ou a seat?
,1. Cln/Could/Would yon do* ll). $eren t ... souldn't be
down? o/ l)o you think you 31_2
2. buy it .. .,1r'crcnt/wtreit so
5. CaD/(lolnd/Mry I/we tuve thc cycnsivc o, . .. ifit *ere/
chcck,please? o' Do you think
l/wc .olnd lur . . . ? ,r Can I :l d go onr to eat no.e often if
we .ould afford it. (we would
6 would you like to boffov ir?
4. I didnt h.!c to work lxie.l
uNtT 36 could neet you tomorrour or
36.'l . ..I'd ncct (l Nodd meet . ..)
3. d hke (would t.kc) o/ ...Id be able to neet . ..
5. .ould havc lurch on the patio ifn
qrcrcnl nining / m$t rnDing.
6 I mnted his advi.e,l'd ask for
tr (l would ask . ..)
l. wnh A'n da ws/were herc.
wish it wernt/wdrlt so cold.
l2 would undernand wish I didnl live in a big ciry
36.2 wish I could go to rhe parry
2. would you do ifyo! lost your wish I didnt have to work

L Whii would yo! do ifthere 8. I wish I k.ew something about

!v$/were r fire in lhe buildinS?
.1. Whtrt would you do tllou 9. I Nnh I lvs feeling / were
werc in an elevitor md n
stoPPed betscen floors?
37 _4
2 took the drlvcls tert. he'd fail 2. I wnh I htrd tr big garden.
(it). / . .. he wodd lail (it). 3. I wnh I.onld teljokes. d/
3. Ne stayed at r hotel, it would I wish I Nas/were dble to .
4. I wish I wrs/were trllcr.
4. she atplied lor thejob, sbe
uNtT 38
5. we told them the tiuth, thcy 38.1
lvouldnt believe us. 2. he'd nnssed (he had nsscd) .. .,
6 lf we invitedBill,wed hale to he would hrve been.
nNre his fiierds. too. (. . . we l. I would forgotten . .. you
lvodd have to .)

36.4 1. Id hrd (l h3d had) . ..I would

2. somebody b.oke inro my s. we rvodd have enjoyed ... thc

weather had been
3. I'd hrve a n,uch nicer day th.n 6. li would hrve been ...1 had

'1. you wcrc invjred?

8. I d been (I had bccn)

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