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Employee engagement

-absorbed in and enthusiastic about their work

-find a greater sense of meaning in what they do
-see a stronger connection between their strengths and their role
-look for opportunities to learn and grow
-expend discretionary effort in their performance

measuring engagement:
-collect daata frequently
-synthesize multiple data points in one system
-understand macro trends act on a micro level
-share data and create action plans with employees
-use AI for patter recognition
-turn qualitative into quantitative data

Why matter:
-higher productivity
-higher mployee retention rates
-lower rates of absenteeism
-better customer service
-increased revenue

3 Challenges for organitation to make their people happy:

-Episdoic feedback - heavy annual process with feedback typically tied to

annual ;performance review

-restricted involvement - HR leaders and managers own burden of taking actiom. You
can't change a culture without bottoms-up involvement

-infrequent action - action taking is not ingrained into their regular activities

3 stages to pitch:


Reinforcer --> advocate

why Is It Hard To Intervene

-Making things worse
-Muted Group Theory
-past experience

What Are The Benefits OfInterviening:

-sets boundaries
-builds better re;ationship and allies
-creates psychological safety
-honest self-esteem and resilience skills

When Should You Intervene?

-consider your safety
grab coworker
get your manager
-check in with the target


Types of emphaty
-emotional, beingat someone shoes
-compassion, motivated to act

Take a LEAP:
-Listen & learn
-Provide opportunities

Have courage to take actuioin

Moral Courage
calling attention toi smyth that violates policy, standart

How; CODE framework

-Danger management

Building Assertiveness
-problem solving
-asking to change their behaviour
-showing respect
-body language

Bulding More Rapport With Colleagues

-Ask question to find common ground

-be trustworthy

Building Psyhological Safety

belief that you will nopt receive negativity towards

encourage a lesss talkactive

praises others
reframe negative comments

make eye contact

ask questions
consider suggestion
keep confidential information to yourself
openly demonstrate that you care
have a relationship


focus on what they looking for

Focusing on the impact

-how the actions affecting others

1.focus on behavior
2.mention impact on it

Becoming more Direct In Your Interactions

build integrity

Decide to say somyh

take time to figure out

Asking Better Questions

Help people recognize the problem

Applying Humor to Defuse A Situation

-Disarms situations
-coping mechanism
-Highlights inapproipriate comments without punish
-gains back power

Use Your Body Language For Greater Presence

-nonvebal communication
-make it known that you're paying attention

Deescalating an Emotionally Charged Situation

-look and listen

-identify and state emotions
-maintaining eye contact
-use calm body language

Setting boundaries is useful



-Skills Gap Problem

rapidly changing, hard to identify
-Hiring Problem
-Retention problem
opportunities that allow them to learn and grow

every role can be broken down intro a set of skills.

Skills-First strategy
-Find right talent
-fpocus on skills-first
-efficient and equitable access to opportunity


88% hires are filtering out hughly skilled candidates just because they lack
traditional credentials

50% post graduates are unemployed after 6 month

-Build the right skills to achieve business goals
-hire talent with the right skills
-retain talent by empowering employees to accelerate their careers at your company

Driving values

-creating the global skills

1mapping how skills relate and connect to each other
2identifying the skill 3importance to each job

-making skills first hiring new norm job seekers the opportunity to provide more context around how they
demonstrate their skills
2.infusing contextual skills in hire workflows and better matching seekers

-enabling skill buiilding to increase retention

1.empowering employees with career-goalspecific learning
2. cponnecting employees to relevant opportunity at their compamy-powered by their
3.enable employees to build skills for availbale roles

We got:
role guides
jobs at your company
skill evaluations

4. Encourage internal mobility with Role guides & jobs at your company

Internal Mobility strategy + increase retention

-build internal pipeline and more agile worforce by empowering employees to develop
relevant skills
-drive hiring efficiencies by sourcing internal caniddate with the right skills
-promote internal mobility and equip managers with the skills they need to enable
employee growth

How LinkedIn Learning content helps company

Build Skills in-demand content

1.High Quality Globall Content -content libraries informed by skills data

-fresh and up-to-date content

2.Top tier instruction and world class production

-industry experts
3. Access to 20+ languages in 2023 for global skill development



Lead Management Process

Prospect, a person in ur target demographic and market

Lead, person in ur target demographic and market, who wants to learn more about
solutions u offer

Customer, a person who purchashed ur solution

5 step lead management:

1.lead generation
2.lead engagement
3.lead qualification
4.lead distribution
5.lead nurturing

1.Outbound lead generation

*Traditional lead generation is where leads are gathered on-ground and later
piushed into system

*outbound lead generation is sending or [pushing messages at a target wether the

have asked for it or expressed an interest in the content

2.Inbound lead generation is where ideal buyers are contacted through various
online sources such as websites, email, social media etc

every leads is automatically fed into the system

Lead qualification

1. Hot Lead
matches your ideal clientprofile and has indicated they're ready to have a convo
about purchasing ur product

2.Warm lead
lead has express some from of interest i ur business, usually through an ponline
opt-in or a response a cold email

3. Cold Lead
not fit the ideal client profile but has hasnt expressed interest in ur product

*can be turned around with more nurturing

Qualified Leads falls into one of threee buckets

1. Information qualified leads(IQLs)
2.Marketing Qualified leads(Mqls)
3. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

Why is this important?

To analyze exactly how a person was converte from a prospect, to a lead, to a


-effective by creating a group of interesting prospect and filtering out qualified
-allows to use email automitation and lead nurturing
-customize ur communication
-ensure that ur leads aren't going unnoticed

Water bottle:

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