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Curriculum Vitae

from the desk of Experience

Independent Practice Hamilton, ON. 2013 to present.
TIMOTHY Referral sources include Employee Assistance Programs, Children’s Aid Societies, Physicians,
Extended Bene t Programs, and school boards.
GORDON Director of Digital Learning, Praxis CET Oakland, California. 2015 to 2018.
Develop, produce, and present online courses for healthcare professionals in evidence-based
therapies for primary care, trauma, diagnostics, attachment, sexual abuse, and more.
257 Thorner Drive Instructor, McMaster University, Clinical Behavioural Sciences Hamilton, ON, 2015.
Hamilton, ON L8V 2M6 Introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, 976 I, for the Clinical Behavioural Sciences
tel 905 516 4981
email Co-Trainer, Contextual Psychology Institute Montreal, QC. 2014 to July 2016.
site Present, promote, and organize online and in person ACT training/workshops.

Facilitator, ACT Peer Consultation Group Online. 2014 to 2016.

Attachment & Trauma Specialist, KW Counselling Services Kitchener, ON. 2013 to 2014.

Play Therapist, Family First Play Therapy Centre Bradford, ON. 2013 to 2014.

Clinical Therapist, Qualia Counselling Kitchener, ON. 2012 to 2013.

Complex Trauma Intern, Child & Adolescent Services Hamilton, ON. 2012 to 2013.

Child and Youth Worker, Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton Hamilton, ON. 2005 to 2011.

Master of Social Work with Thesis — Wilfrid Laurier University, Kitchener, ON, 2013

Bachelor of Arts with Thesis — Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, ON, 2011

Management Development Certi cate (Leadership) — Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON, 2008

Professional Memberships
Ontario College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers — General Social Work
Certi cate in good standing.

Ontario Association of Social Workers — Member in good standing.

Skills and Certifications Overview

Completed over 400 hours of continuing education credit on the topics of trauma informed
care, CBT’s, ACT, DBT, EFT, MBSR, integrative couples behaviour therapy, functional analysis,
theraplay, child centred play therapy, attachment focused family therapy, EMDR, motivational
interviewing, and assessment, methodology, and report writing for parenting capacity
assessments, custody and access/parenting plan assessments, and forensic assessments.
Coping Skills for Trauma Deck August 2019
from the desk of 54 Brief practices to overcome trauma-related stressors, deal with shame and guilt and

TIMOTHY increase resiliency.

Gordon & Borushok with Ferrell
Mindful Yoga-based ACT April 2019
Clinical application of yoga to mental health populations presented as an eight week protocol
with teaching manual and introductory text for clinicians. For New Harbinger Publications.

Gordon & Borushok

address Acceptance & Mindfulness Toolbox for Children & Adolescents May 2019
257 Thorner Drive Clinical text for clinicians on integrating acceptance, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, art, and
Hamilton, ON L8V 2M6 experiential activities into evidence-based treatment of children, adolescents, and families. For
PESI Publishing Media.
tel 905 516 4981
email Gordon, in
site Holistic Healing (Peer Reviewed) May 2019
Author of chapter ve, Contemplative Practices in the 2019 Canada Scholar’s Women’s Press
textbook Holistic Healing edited by Peter Dunn.

Gordon, Borushok
The ACT Deck September 2017
55 Brief Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Practices

Gordon & Borushok

The ACT Approach July 2017
Evidence-based psychotherapy guide for clinicians with a process focus. For PESI Publishing
Media The ACT Approach: A Clinical Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
* Awarded the 2018 Benjamin Franklin Gold Seal in Psychology for Excellence in Publication

Article Submission (Peer Reviewed)

Submitted 2016

An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Pilot for Pre-Surgical Transitional Chronic Pain
Patients (2016) Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.

Article Publication March 2013

Play in the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents (2013) Playground

Masters Thesis May 2013

Qualitative research design, Yoga in the Healing of Anxiety & Depression: The Context for
Learning Psychological Flexibility (2013) for the partial ful llment of the Master of Social Work.

Article Publication (Peer Reviewed) April 2012

Theorizing Yoga as a Mindfulness Skill (2012) Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Undergraduate Independent Study April 2011

Self-directed, qualitative study.

Academic Research Assistant 2010 — 2011

Research assistant to Catherine Stewart, PhD, Laurier Brantford, Faculty of Criminology.
Conducted qualitative research including transcribing interviews and coding.

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from the desk of Grant Funded Multi-Site Study, Neonatal Intensive Care Intervention 2018

TIMOTHY Consultant for multi-site grant funded study to develop a treatment manual for parents of
children in the neonatal intensive care unit and to train the healthcare professionals would

GORDON would be implementing the program.

Grant Funded, College Counselling Training 2016

Consultant on a clinical training for college counselling centres in the United States. This
program speci cally addresses the diverse needs of college counselling including treating
mental health, couples, and substance abuse.
257 Thorner Drive Presentations & Lectures
Hamilton, ON L8V 2M6 Workshop, Mindful Yoga-based ACT July 2018
Presented the clinical application of yoga for behavioral health over three days at the 16th world
tel 905 516 4981 conference for the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science in Montreal, Quebec.
site Workshop Presenter, U.S. Navy July 2018
Invited to give a three-day workshop on process-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) at
U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida in addition to consultation.

Workshop Presenter, U.S. Army September 2018

Invited to give a two day workshop on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) for behavioral
health o cers in the U.S. Army at the joint forces base in Boise, Idaho.

Guest Lecturer, McMaster University January 2017

Presentation for SW 3E03, General Social Work degree program: Individual Practice Across the
Lifespan: Attachment from Infancy, Childhood to Adulthood and Intimate Relationships

Workshop Presenter, ACT Intensive Workshop November 2016

Presentation for PESI, introduction and clinical skill immersion in Acceptance & Commitment
Therapy (ACT)

Discussant, Building an Empirical Bridge: Linking Technique to Evaluation July 2016

Discussant on a panel at the 14th world conference for the Association for Contextual
Behavioral Science in Seattle, Washington.

Guest Lecturer, McMaster University November 2014

Presentation for SW 3E03, General Social Work degree program: Beyond Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy: Functional Analysis in the Assessment and Treatment of College & University Students

Workshop Presenter, ACT I November 2016

Professional development presentation: Two Day Introduction to ACT.

Workshop Presenter, ACT I October 2016

Professional development presentation: Two Day Introduction to ACT.

Workshop Presenter, ACT BootCamp September 2016

Professional development presentation: ACT clinical skills.

Workshop Presenter, ACT BootCamp February 2016

Professional development presentation: Introduction and application of ACT.

Guest Lecturer, Wilfrid Laurier University November 2015

Presentation for SK 666 Master of Social Work degree program: Yoga and Meditation as a
Wholistic Approach to Healing Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, and Body Image Issues.

Workshop Presenter, ACT BootCamp October 2015

Professional development presentation: Introduction and application of ACT.

Workshop Presenter, ACT BootCamp February 2015

Professional development presentation: Understanding ACT vocabulary.

Page 3
Workshop Presenter, Grand Erie District School Board June 2014
Professional development presentation: Yoga for Self-Compassion & Attachment Problems.

from the desk of Presentations & Lectures Continued

Poster Presenter, ACBS World Conference June 2014
Poster presentation (peer reviewed) for the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science

World Conference 12: Yoga in the Healing of Anxiety and Depression: The Context for Learning
Psychological Flexibility.

Ignite Presenter, ACBS World Conference June 2014

Ignite presentation for the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science World Conference 12:
Introducing Postural Yoga into ACT-Consistent Therapeutic Practices.
257 Thorner Drive Presenter, Ontario ACBS Annual General Meeting June 2014
Hamilton, ON L8V 2M6 Presentation for the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science Ontario Chapter Annual
General Meeting: Engaging Forensic Client Populations with ACT.
tel 905 516 4981 Workshop Leader, Centre de santé Communautaire March 2012
email Professional development workshop to clinical sta : One Day CompACT Acceptance &
site Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training.

Guest Lecturer, McMaster University April 2014

Presentation for SW 3E03, General Social Work degree program: Attachment Theory and
Beyond: Assessment and alternative perspectives in the treatment of childhood trauma and
attachment issues.

Guest Lecturer, Wilfrid Laurier University March 2014

Presentation for SK 666 Master of Social Work degree program: Combining Acceptance &
Commitment Therapy with Yoga as a Clinical Intervention for Depression, Anxiety, & Trauma.

Guest Lecturer, McMaster University March 2014

Presentation for SW 4D06, General Social Work: Combining attachment and complex trauma
treatments for working with di cult clients.

Presenter, Mood Menders Support Services 2012, 2013, 2014

Presented various six hour workshops: Introduction to Counselling; Supporting a Partner with
Mental Health Issues; Living and Breathing Deeply Through Yoga; and more.

Presenter, Various Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapy Training programs 2013, 2014
Presented Yoga: The Context for Learning Psychological Flexibility (2013) in a two hour and six
hour format. This teaching includes functional contextualism and relational frame theory.

Presenter, World Conference on Psychology, Counselling & Guidance May 2012

Peer Reviewed Presentation: Theorizing Yoga as a Mindfulness Skill.

Guest Lecturer, Wilfrid Laurier University March 2012

Presentation for SK 666 Master of Social Work degree program: Yoga as an Alternative
Intervention in Clinical Social Work Direct Practice.

Training Committee — Assoc. for Contextual Behavioural Science. 2016 — 2019.

Financial O cer — Ontario Assoc. for Contextual Behavioural Science. 2015 — 2017.

Director of Clinical Services — Mood Menders Support Services. 2012 — 2015.

Executive Board Member — Policy Committee, Wilfrid Laurier University. 2011 — 2013.

Member of Congress — Canadian Association of Social Work Education. 2011 — 2013.

President — Social Work Student Association, Wilfrid Laurier University. 2011 — 2013.

President — Criminology Student Association, Wilfrid Laurier University, 2010 — 2011.

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