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City of Burnaby Summer Services 2011 Volunteer Manual Quiz

1. To ensure that your volunteer hours are documented, you must: a) Sign in and out in an allotted Volunteer Hours binder. b) Show up daily so that your leaders see that you are arriving for work. c) Tell your leader at the end of the day how many hours you completed. 2. As a playground or day camp volunteer, you are expected to: a) actively participate in the games and crafts planned and led by the leader. b) provide one to one support to children if needed. c) both A and B. 3. After reading your volunteer assignment (provided by your supervisor), you should check for: a) the program days, times, and locations. b) contact numbers for the leader, supervisor, and facility. c) both A and B. 4. If you cannot attend a shift that you have already agreed to, you should: a) notify your supervisor and leaders as soon as possible so that alternate plans can be made b) not tell anyone. c) tell your leaders the day before so that they know where you are. 5. The day camp/playground/special event leader has the responsibility to: a) introduce him/herself to you at the program site and let you know what your duties are. b) arrange a morning and an afternoon meeting to both discuss the plans for the day, as well as the outcome of the day at the end. c) help you develop your leadership skills by assigning duties appropriate to your interests and abilities. d) all of the above. 6. During off times in a day camp/playground/special event, you can: a) use the time to catch up on voicemails and text messages. b) talk to the leaders about your plans for that evening. c) ask the leaders what can be done (ie: set up for the next day?) and assist in whatever is required.

7. A good way to connect with a child is to: a) listen and respect their feelings first. b) find one child that you get along best with and nurture that relationship most. c) change your opinions on discipline depending on your mood. 8. If you become frustrated with a child, you should: a) ask a leader for help in dealing with the situation calmly and rationally. b) walk away. c) scold them in front of the group so as to make sure everyone gets the message. 9. To help fix bad behaviour, you should: a) tell the child what they can/should do before telling them what they cannot. b) avoid labels; separate the act from the child. c) both A and B 10. If a child is afraid of going into the park washroom to change alone, you should: a) go into the stall with them and help them. This way, it is just the two of you and you can help them feel safe. b) Tell them it will be okay and to go ahead on their own. You will check in on them later. c) Take another camper and wait on the outside of the bathroom ready to give verbal help if needed. 11. If a child asks for your Facebook profile, you should: a) give them the information as your Facebook has very little information about you anyways. b) state that it is a City of Burnaby policy that you cannot share that information. c) give them the information as it would be uncomfortable to say no after they have already heard you talking about your Facebook account. 12. The two ingredients to inclusion are: a) physical and social involvement. b) emotional and social involvement. c) physical and emotional involvement.

Quiz Score: __ /12

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