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October 1996

Dear Marjorie,

I am not surprised nor do I wonder why Dennis left you. Why? The only reason
you can think of, is that you have an obese body. I used to think that Dennis was just
using me as one of his toys, but sooner or later, I realized that Dennis couldn't bear with
you anymore. At first, Dennis said he couldn't stand the way you interfered with all his
walks and the way you called him, whether he was at home or not.

Dennis also mentioned feeling ashamed of you, both in school and with his family.
He suggested you exercise to take care of your body, but you seem to detest it. You
think you're the most beautiful girl he knows. Who do you think you are? The beautiful
girl of Jose Mari Chan?

Even if you think you have a beautiful face, you don't have the right to call me
names or insult me, as I have never called you names, either in front of Dennis or
behind his back. But if you start insulting me or calling me names, I won't have a choice
but to address you with names like PIG, FAT, OBESE, OVERWEIGHT, and UGLY
BODY SHAPE. Shame on your excessively fat body.

You cannot blame Dennis for choosing me over you because I am sexier than
you. I'll reiterate this: you are like Lozada if she were a girl.

The Sexiest Girl of D.M.


You mentioned that I have bad breath, but who does Dennis want to kiss? Is it me or
you? The answer is me!! There you go.

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