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(30 Items)
Summative test
Health 10

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Objectives (Remember) (Understand) (Apply) (Analyze) (Evaluate) (Create)

Explains the factors that

affect the promotion of
good mental health 6 5 3 5 3 2

Discusses the
significance of global
health initiatives 4

Describes how global

health initiatives
positively impact
people’s health in
various countries 2

Note: The numbers in the table represent the number of items allocated for each objective at
each respective Bloom's Taxonomy level, with a total of 30 items for the entire test. The
allocation of items to different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy can be adjusted based on the
specific learning outcomes and cognitive demands of the objectives, as well as the instructional
context and students' level of readiness.
Mua-an Intagrated School
Mua-an,Kidapawan City
Summative Test
Health 10


Mutiple Choice:
Direction; Encircle the letter of your correct answer.

1.Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the promotion of good mental health?

A) Adequate sleep B) Regular exercise C). Unhealthy diet D) Strong social connections

2.What is the primary factor that affects the promotion of good mental health?

A) Genetic predisposition B) Environmental factors C) Socioeconomic status D). Lifestyle choices

3.Which of the following factors is related to the social determinants of mental health?

A) Family history B) Peer pressure C). Financial stability D) Personality traits

4.Which of the following factors is NOT associated with the promotion of good mental health?

A) Positive coping skills B) Supportive relationships C) .Substance abuse D) Emotional resilience

5.Which of the following factors is considered a protective factor for mental health?

A) Chronic stress B) Lack of social support C). Healthy coping mechanisms D) Poor self-care

6..Which of the following factors is NOT a part of a healthy lifestyle for promoting good mental

A) Proper nutrition B) Physical activity C). Social isolation D) Adequate sleep

7.Which of the following statements best explains the role of social support in promoting good
mental health?

A) Social support refers to the financial resources needed for mental health promotion.

B) Social support involves seeking professional help for mental health issues.

C) .Social support includes having strong relationships and a supportive network, which can
positively impact mental health.

D) Social support involves engaging in physical activities to improve mental health.

8.How can lifestyle choices affect the promotion of good mental health?
A) Lifestyle choices have no impact on mental health promotion.

B) Unhealthy lifestyle choices can negatively impact mental health.

C) Lifestyle choices can only impact physical health, not mental health.

D) .Lifestyle choices can positively impact mental health by improving self-care, coping skills,
and resilience.

9.Why is adequate sleep important for mental health promotion?

A) Adequate sleep is not relevant to mental health promotion.

B) Sleep has no impact on mental health.

C) .Sleep is important for emotional regulation, cognitive function, and overall mental well-

D) Sleep is only important for physical health, not mental health.

10.Which of the following factors can negatively impact mental health promotion?

A) Regular physical exercise B) Positive coping skills C) .Chronic stress D) Supportive


11.How can genetics play a role in mental health promotion?

A) Genetics have no impact on mental health promotion.

B) Genetics only impact physical health, not mental health.

C) .Genetic factors can increase the risk of certain mental health disorders, but mental health
promotion can still be achieved through other means.

D) Genetic factors are the sole determinants of mental health and cannot be influenced by
external factors.

12.Sarah has been experiencing high levels of stress due to her workload and personal
responsibilities. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for Sarah to promote
good mental health based on the principles of stress management?

A) Engaging in regular physical exercise

B) Spending time with supportive friends and family

C). Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques

D) Avoiding situations that cause stress

13.Joseph has a family history of depression, and he is concerned about his mental health. What
actions can John take to promote good mental health based on his genetic predisposition?

A) Nothing, as genetic factors are beyond his control

B). Seek professional help for early intervention

C) Avoid social interactions to minimize stress

D) Engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope with potential depression

14.Samantha wants to create a mentally healthy lifestyle for herself. Which of the following
actions would be most effective in promoting good mental health?

A) Sleeping for only a few hours each night to maximize productivity

B) Engaging in frequent substance abuse to cope with stress

C) .Developing strong social connections and supportive relationships

D) Avoiding challenges and risks to minimize stress

15. Which of the following factors can be considered a protective factor for mental health

A) Exposure to chronic stress

B) Lack of social support

C). Healthy lifestyle choices

D) Genetic predisposition to mental illness

16.Alex is experiencing financial difficulties and has limited access to healthcare. How might
these external factors impact his mental health promotion?

A) Financial difficulties and limited healthcare access have no impact on mental health

B) .Financial difficulties and limited healthcare access can negatively impact mental health by
increasing stress and limiting access to mental health resources.

C) Financial difficulties and limited healthcare access can positively impact mental health by
promoting resilience and self-reliance.

D) Financial difficulties and limited healthcare access can only impact physical health, not
mental health.

17.Jasmine has a strong support system that includes her family, friends, and community. How
might this social support impact her mental health promotion?

A) Social support has no impact on mental health promotion.

B) Social support can negatively impact mental health by creating dependency and reducing

C) .Social support can positively impact mental health by providing emotional support,
resources, and a sense of belonging.
D) Social support can only impact physical health, not mental health.

18.How might adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as childhood trauma or abuse, impact
mental health promotion in adulthood?

A) ACEs have no impact on mental health promotion.

B) ACEs can positively impact mental health by promoting resilience and coping skills.

C) .ACEs can negatively impact mental health by increasing the risk of mental health disorders
and impairing overall well-being.

D) ACEs can only impact physical health, not mental health.

19.Which of the following factors can impact mental health promotion through the life course?

A) Only genetic factors

B) Only environmental factors

C) .Both genetic and environmental factors

D) Neither genetic nor environmental factors

20. In which of the following scenarios is the promotion of good mental health being addressed
at the synthesis level?

A) Providing information about mental health resources and services

B) Teaching coping skills and stress management techniques

C) .Creating a community-based mental health program that addresses social determinants of

mental health

D) Offering individual counseling sessions for individuals with mental health concerns

21.Which of the following approaches demonstrates synthesis in promoting good mental health
in a workplace setting?

A) Offering flexible work hours and remote work options

B) Providing mental health awareness trainings for employees

C) .Promoting work-life balance policies and programs

D) Implementing a wellness program that includes physical exercise and nutrition

22.A mental health organization is developing a comprehensive mental health promotion

campaign for a local community. Which of the following activities would demonstrate synthesis
in their approach?

A) Distributing brochures about mental health awareness

B) Organizing a mental health screening event

C) .Collaborating with local schools and community organizations to implement mental health

D) Providing a hotline for individuals to seek immediate mental health support

23. Which of the following factors is likely to have the greatest impact on the promotion of good
mental health?

A) Access to mental health services B) Genetics and family history C). Social support and healthy
relationships D) Personal coping skills and resilience

24.Which of the following strategies is most effective in evaluating the success of a mental
health promotion program?

A). Conducting surveys and collecting feedback from program participants

B) Monitoring the number of program materials distributed

C) Tracking the number of program events and activities organized

D) Reviewing literature and research on mental health promotion

25. Which of the following best describes the significance of global health initiatives?

A). They provide funding and resources to address health issues on a global scale.

B) They focus on promoting healthy lifestyles among individuals in developed countries.

C) They only address health issues that are specific to low-income countries. D) They have no
significant impact on global health outcomes.

26.How do global health initiatives contribute to improving health outcomes worldwide?

A) By providing access to healthcare services only in developed countries.

B) By focusing solely on research and development of new drugs and treatments.

C) .By promoting health education and preventive measures in low-income countries.

D) By implementing mandatory health insurance programs worldwide.

27.Which of the following is an example of a global health initiative that aims to combat a
specific disease?

A) The World Health Organization (WHO)

B). The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

C) The World Bank

D) The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

28.What is the impact of global health initiatives on reducing health disparities between
different countries and regions?

A) They have no significant impact on reducing health disparities.

B) They only focus on addressing health disparities within developed countries.

C) .They contribute to reducing health disparities by providing equal access to healthcare


D) They exacerbate health disparities by prioritizing high-income countries over low-income


29. How do global health initiatives positively impact people's health in various countries?

A) By prioritizing high-income countries over low-income countries.

B) By focusing solely on providing medical treatments and interventions.

C). By promoting health education, preventive measures, and access to healthcare resources.

D) By excluding countries with weak healthcare systems from receiving any support.

30.Which of the following is an example of a positive impact of global health initiatives on

people's health in various countries?

A) Providing funding for research and development of new drugs and treatments.

B) Implementing mandatory vaccination programs only in developed countries.

C). Offering training and capacity-building programs for healthcare professionals in low-income

D) Focusing solely on addressing health disparities within high-income countries.


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