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Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to show you my closest social circle and I’m going to tell you about
each person and their activities and how we met.

I want to start with this picture. They are my older brother and my nephew, I think
there is not much to say about how we met, we're family and This picture was when
we went to Lunahuana in 2019. This day we went rafting and this photo reminds me
the fear that I had because I can’t swim but it wasn’t an obstacle to did it. Well, talking
about the other people in this photo,
My older brother is an adventurous person and he likes to feel adrenaline, always he is
taking risks. So, this activity it was a piece of cake for him. He took all precautions.
During the rafting the agency travel gave us life jackets and one of the most important
things, the person who driver the boat had been working on that for 12 years, so we
feel comfortable and save with his experience. It was a nice river tour.

Now, this is one of my best friends. Her name is Maru and she lives in Chile.
We met when I went to the University. At that time, I had to move to another city
because the career that I studied was not available in the city where I’m from and she
was in the same situation as me, so, we were roommates.
She loves to climb and she does a lot of exercise. She stays in shape.
This week, Maru is taking a trekking and climbing course, because one her goals is to
climb the highest mountain in Chile. I always ask her for recommendations before to
climbing, for example when I went to the seven-color mountain in Cusco She warned
me about the altitude sickness, also she reminded me to pack some pills, a hat and
thermal clothing. It was very useful for me.

Well, his is my coworker; his name is Eder. We have known us for a couple of years. He
is a smart person. He designed a fiber project himself and invited me to participate
with him in the management of the project. That’s was a fantastic opportunity because
I worked near the project and I could to learn about all process.

Finally, and no least, this is my sister in life, her name is Yury. This photo was taken at
her marriage. I remember that day she was really angry because she had been waiting
for the hairdresser for more than half an hour but finally this day was beautiful and
We met during high school, we have been friends for more than 20 years and I know
that I can always count on her. She is my confidant. We really have a special
connection and I think it’s because neither of us have sisters.
I used to spend a lot of time at her home, actually sometimes we used to have
sleepovers at her home.
Her parents love me like a daughter and my parents love her in the same way.

This shows that people can connect with others and make real relationships without
cellphones or any other devices. Of course, apps like Facebook, Instagram and many
others have their benefits: you can connect with friends, family that are in other
countries, for example.

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