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Introduction to the modern Drama 🎭 ‫مقدمة المسرحية‬

What is Modernism : The term “modernism” is employed to refer to the new and
Distinctive features in the forms and styles in literature, painting, And other arts at
the very beginning of the twentieth century Particularly after the first world
war(1914-1918). It is a radical Movement from what is traditional in the Western
culture to what Is innovative. There were many thinkers and writers who Contributed
considerably to modernism such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud,
Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot,.VirginiaWoolf and so on and so forth
Significant Contributions to Modernism :
1.Friedrich Nietzsche:“ God is dead!”
2.Virginia Woolf: "On or about December 1910 humannature Changed.’’ The great
modernist writer VirginiaWoolf wrote this in Her essay‘‘Mr. Bennett andMrs.
Brown’’ in 1924. ‘‘All human Relations shifted,’’Woolf continued,‘‘and when human
relations .Changethere isat the sametime achangein religion, conduct, Politics, and
3. EzraPound's "Making it New"
4. T.S.Eliot's ImpersonalTheory"
Modernism is marked by many distinctive characteristics . Prominent among them are
1.Crisisof belief: the absence of faith in everything.
2. Skepticalthinking: questioningand doubting everything.
3. Science(technology): Technologychangesman's life.
4. Experimentation: new forms and representationsin life and Culture.
5. Reflection on the past: the past is always visited and recalled.
6. Alienation: Modern man imprisoned in loneliness.
7.Subjectivity ( human feeling; identity): Human feelingsare highlyfocusedon.
8. Man's futile existence: Existencehasno meaning and purpose.
9. Fragmentation : psychologicalandsocial
10. Urbanism: city life
11. History, myth, and tradition
12. Psychological theories (Sigmund Freud)
The twentieth century saw the appearance of many American playwrights
Who concerned themselves with the issues of identity, nation, family, Gender, etc.
1.Susan Glaspell 2.Eugene O’Neill 3.Clifford Odets 4.Thornton Wilder
5.Tennessee Williams 6.Arthur Miller - (Death of a Salesman)
7.Sam Shepard 8. August Wilson (Discussing issues related to African Americans)
The Great depression represented a crucial crisis in America during 1930s, a Period
which witnessed the decline of the American national sense of identity. People found
themselves unable to face the rising problems of life. The reason Behind the Great
Depression is the stock market crash in 1929, which was Mainly caused by the first
World War (1914-1918).
The repercussions of the Great Depression were rather disastrous on all Domains
of life. There were widespread problems such as:
2.High rates of organized crime
3.Breakdown of family and social relationships
4.The individual’s disintegration
5. Political unrest at home and abroad
🟤 At that time, the American family suffered greatly from the economic Hardships
which crushed the spirit of collaboration and integration.
The Concept of American Dream ; The term “American dream was first used by
James Truslow Adams in His book The Epic of America (1931) which he defines in
this way: “The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better
and Richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or
Achievement. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of
Social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest
Stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they
Are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”
American Dream“That American dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all
our citizens Of every rank, which is the greatest contribution we have made to the
Thought and welfare of the world. “That dream or hope has been present from the
start. Ever since we became An independent nation, each generation has seen an
uprising of ordinary Americans to save that dream from the forces which appeared to
be Overwhelming it.” Put it simply, the American dream means that American
people should Achieve success at different levels(social, economic, individual,
National…etc.). Success is closely related to a positive construction of American
Modern drama is an apt description of man’s search for his lost identity . It Focuses
on presenting man realistically in all conditions. Such realism is quite Symptomatic of
the situation in which the modern man is tragically placed. This modernist period is
characterized by the emergence of many great playwrights Who made great
contributions to modern drama. Prominent among them are:
1. Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) 2-George BernardShaw(1856-1950) 3-Bertolt
Brecht(1898-1956) 4-SamuelBeckett (1906-1989) 5.Arthur Miller (1915-2004)
Ibsen is oftentimes branded as the father of modern drama. With his advent, the world
Drama witnessed a new unprecedented phase that indicated the dissolution of the
traditional Drama and ushered in a radical revolutionary transformation. He was
primarily preoccupied with the idea of revolutionizing the individual in order to Have
a better understanding of the self and consequently of the society. His dramatic
creations betray the quest for the self, symbolism, inheritance and Environment,
women’s issues, suicide, double-facedness, and the past.
Shaw : It is well-known that Shaw uses special prefaces to present his plays which are
Pleasant and unpleasant as he calls to refer to comic and tragic situations. He started
as A public speaker, but he moved to write drama, because he believed that drama
could .Be an effective field to express his ideas. His drama is one of debating and
discussing ideas and opinions. To achieve his Argumentative standpoint , he adopts
the Hegelian dialectics which implies putting Opposite ideas side by side. This
dialectical method goes like this way:These terms mean an idea, an opposing idea,
and a new structure respectively. Shaw’s Major Barbara is a good example to show
this relationship. Barbara. Symbolizes spiritual values, whereas his father,
Undershaft, represents the Materialistic side of life. Out of this hot conflict, there
appears a new structure which Ushers in a change in characters.
Epic theatre was originally founded by the German director Erwin Piscator to Refer
to his social theatre. Later, the term was connected with Brecht. Brecht once stated “
the essential point of epic theatre is it appeals less to the Spectator's feelings than to
his reason.” Put it differently, the audience should think Rather feel what is
performed. To reach his goal , Brecht adopts the alienation effect, a technique used
to make .The spectator critically involved in the action. Songs, captions, summaries
are .Employed in this technique.
Arthur Miller is generallybranded as the greatest ModernAmericanplaywright. His
prominent position is attributed to his deep insight into the psyche of the American
individual and of the political scene there. He is a playwright, a director, an essayist.
His main plays include All my Sons(1947), Death of a Salesman(1949), The Crucible
(1953), andhis final play Finishing the Picture(2004). His marriage to The famous
American actressMarilyn Monroe greatly Affected his life and writings. His theory of
modern drama is Reflected .
in his interesting essay “ Tragedy and the Common Man(1949) .”In his essay “
Tragedy and the Common Man,” Arthur Miller Examines the foundations of modern
tragedy and how it differs from Classical tragedy. He starts his essay by affirming
that there are noHeroes in modern tragedy. Here are important quotations about his
Understanding of tragedy:

1. “In this age few tragedies are written. It has often been held that the Lack is
due to a paucity of heroes among us, or else that modern man Has had the
blood drawn out of his organs of belief by the skepticism Of science.” Idea:
Modern man is torn by skeptical thinking.
2. “I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for Tragedy in its highest
sense as kings were. On the face of it this Ought to be obvious in the light of
modern psychiatry, which Bases its analysis upon classic formulations, such as
the .Oedipus and Orestes complexes…”.Idea: The common man is the core of
modern tragedy.
3. “I think the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the Presence of a
character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to .Secure one thing—his
sense of personal dignity.”.Idea: The modern man is in a search for his dignity
and humanity.
4. “Tragedy enlightens and it must, in that it points the. Heroic finger at the
enemy of man's freedom.” Idea: Tragedy teaches lessons about life.
5-For, if it is true to say that in essence the tragic hero is intent. Upon claiming
his whole due as a personality, and if this. Struggle must be total and without
reservation, then it. Automatically demonstrates the indestructible will of man to
Achieve his humanity.”.Idea: Tragedy focues on how man achieves humanity.
What the article is about ? “Strandberg studies the images of modern man: a
Hairy ape, a bear, a dragon, a cockroach, a big blood Blister. What inspired
them? What are their literary Antecedents? Do they indicate hopelessness and
Despair? Mr. Strandberg is a member of the English Department at the University
of Vermont”
What are the questions which the article poses and attempts to Answer?
(1) How did we come into this condition?
(2) How- aside from the forms of escapism already mentioned (Faulkner's
suicides, Hemingway's alcoholics, T. S. Eliot's insanity or Subhuman-ism)-
might we get out?
The answer to question one, as to how these Hells, like The Waste Land and The
Heart of Darkness, came into Being, is traceable, as I have suggested, to the
scientific Hypotheses of the nineteenth century- to Darwinism and Freudianism
and their variations….(p.477).
As to question two, how to find the thread leading out of the Labyrinth, modern
literature has come up with an interesting Variety of answers. For all his initial
despair at the crisis of belief- Despair which I have already documented -modern
man has found That he cannot, after all, live without hope. He has found that a
World without belief is not finally habitable by the human psyche. And so he has
forged new beliefs to supplant the old-beliefs not So high-minded as the original
perhaps, but beliefs that are more Compatible with his new self-
Solutions??? :-Aside from Man, other substitutes for God as the Supreme Being
would include the several variations of the Life Force Principle. Charles
Swinburne, for example, responded to the Crisis of belief by venerating the sea as
the creator and Sustainer of life, while George Meredith similarly venerated The
Earth as his ultimate progenitor. The Life Force principle Also found human
embodiment in a series of fictional females Whose triumphant creative vitality
differs sharply from the Defeat and despair of their male counterparts(p.481).
Concluding Remarks
1. Despair-a part time motive in all these writers.
2. Escapism-into a death-wish, into subhumanism, into pleasure, Or to the ivory
tower (or holy city) of art.
3. Substitute religions: (a) humanism, or supermanism-…. And (b)The worship of
the Life Force, whether in Earth, Sea, or Woman.
4. The Retreat into the Self: Less despairing than simple escapism, The retreat
into the self means giving up the larger questions as Unanswerable, thereby to
invoke the stoic response, making the Most of oneself, grateful for even a
temporary gift of life (like Thoreau, Whitman, and Henry Miller); or even to
minimize the Larger human experiment as a source of laughter (Wilde,
Beerbohm, Thurber, etc.).
5. An Open Door Policy-in the absence of absolute knowledge, to See belief as a
possibility. Hence, the neo-orthodox movement.

The Plot interview of the play – ‫ملخص المسرحية‬

Death of a Salesman takes place in New York and Boston. The action begins in the
Home of Willy Loman, an aging salesman who has just returned from a road trip.
Willy is having difficulty remembering events, as well as distinguishing the present
From his memories of the past. His wife, Linda, suggests that he request a job in New
York rather than travel each week. Linda and Willy argue about their oldest son Biff.
Biff and his brother, Happy, overhear Willy talking to himself. Biff learns that Willy is
Usually talking to him (Biff) during these private reveries. Biff and Happy discuss
Women and the future. Both are dissatisfied with their jobs: Biff is discontent working
For someone else, and Happy cannot be promoted until the merchandise manager
Dies. They contemplate buying a ranch and working together. At this point, Willy
relives several scenes from his past, including the time when, During high school,
Biff admits to stealing a football and promises to throw a pass for Willy during the
game. Willy also remembers his old dream of the boys visiting him in Boston during
a road trip. Finally in his reverie, he relives the time that Bernard, son Of the next-
door neighbor Charley, informs Willy that Biff is failing math and will not Graduate
unless his scores improve. In this last scene, Willy listens but dismisses the Important
news because Biff is "well-liked," and Bernard is not. Willy remembers a
conversation with Linda in which he inflates his earnings but is Then forced to admit
he exaggerated when Linda calculates his commission. Willy Recalls complaining
about his appearance and remembers Linda assuring him that he Is attractive. At this
point, Willy's memories begin to blend together. While he is Reliving his conversation
with Linda, he begins to remember his conversation with the Woman (a woman with
whom he had an affair). He is unable to separate memories Of Linda from the
Woman. The play continues in the present with his neighbor Charley coming over to
play Cards. However, Uncle Ben appears to Willy while he is playing cards with
Charley, And Willy relives an old conversation with Ben while simultaneously talking
with Charley. As a result, Willy becomes confused by the two different "discussions"
he is Having — one in the present, one in the past — and he accuses Charley of
cheating. After Charley leaves, Willy relives Ben's visit and asks Ben for advice
because he Feels insecure since he did not really know his own father. Willy also
remembers Instructing Biff and Happy to steal some supplies from the construction
site in order To remodel the porch so that he can impress Ben. The play once again
returns to the present, in which Biff and Happy talk with Linda About Willy. Biff and
Happy learn that Willy is on straight commission and has been Borrowing money
from Charley in order to pay bills. Linda criticizes her sons for Abandoning their
father in order to pursue their own selfish desires, and she gives Biff a choice:
Respect your father or do not come home. Biff decides to stay in New York, but he
reminds Linda that Willy threw him out of the house. He also tells Linda That Willy is
a "fake." It is at this point that Linda informs her sons that Willy is Suicidal.Willy
overhears his wife and sons talking, and he and Biff argue. When Happy Describes
Biff's plan to open his own business, Willy directs Biff on what to do during His
interview with Bill Oliver. Willy remembers Biff's football games. Before Linda and
Willy go to bed, Linda questions Willy: She wants to know what Biff is holding
againsthim, but Willy refuses to answer. Biff removes the rubber tubing Willy hid
behind the Heater.The next morning Willy prepares to visit his boss Howard to ask
him for a job in New York. During the meeting, Howard informs Willy that there are
no positions available In New York. Willy reminds Howard that he named him, and he
was a very Successful salesman when he worked for Howard's father. Howard
remains Impassive and instead fires him.Upon being fired, Willy begins freefalling
into his memories of the past. Willy recalls Ben's visit once again. This time, Willy
asks for advice because things are not going As he planned. He remembers Ben
offering him a job in Alaska. He accepts, but Linda intervenes and reminds him of
Dave Singleman. Willy shifts from his memory Of Ben to Biff's last football game.
Willy recalls Charley pretending he is unaware of Biff's game, and this infuriates
Willy. Willy's daydream ends when he arrives at Charley's office. Bernard is waiting
for Charley in his office. Willy and Bernard discuss Biff and Consider possible
reasons for his lack of motivation and success. Bernard says Biff Changed right after
high school when he visited Willy in Boston. Bernard questions Willy about what
happened when Biff went to visit him. Willy becomes defensive. Bernard is on his way
to present a case before the Supreme Court. Bernard's Success both pleases and
upsets Willy. Charley gives Willy money for his insurance Payment and offers him a
job, an offer that Willy refuses.At a restaurant where Willy, Biff, and Happy are to
meet, Happy flirts with a young Prostitute, and Biff is upset because Oliver did not
remember him. Then Biff realizes That he was never a salesman for Oliver; instead,
he was a shipping clerk. Willy tells His sons that he has been fired. Biff attempts to
explain what happened with Oliver (after seeing Oliver, Biff sneaked back into his
office and stole Oliver's pen); However, Willy is reliving the past, recalling Bernard
informing Linda that Biff has Failed math and will not graduate. Willy then
remembers Bernard telling her Biff has Taken a train to Boston.Willy relives the time
when Biff finds out about Willy's affair with the Woman: Biff Comes to Willy's hotel
room in Boston to tell Willy that he will not graduate unless Willy can convince Mr.
Birnbaum to pass him. Willy recalls his own desperate Attempts to hide the Woman in
the bathroom. When the Woman comes out of the Bathroom with Biff in the room,
Willy's plan to conceal the affair is ruined. Willy's final Memory is of Biff calling him
a "fake" before walking out the door. The play continues in the present when Stanley
reappears, and Willy realizes he is Actually still in the restaurant. Willy returns home
and begins building a garden, even Though it is night. Linda throws Happy and Biff
out of the house. Ben appears to Willy While he is planting seeds. At this point, Willy
does not remember a previous Conversation with Ben, as he does several times
earlier in the play. Instead, he and Ben discuss his plan to commit suicide. Willy and
Ben converse in the present, but They are talking about the future. Ben warns Willy
that the insurance company might Refuse to pay a settlement and Biff might never
forgive him.In the Requiem of the play, the family and their neighbors, Charley and
his son Bernard, reflect around the grave on Willy's life. Biff clearly recognizes that
his father "had the wrong dreams." Happy is unable to face reality, declaring that
Willy's life goals are admirable. Linda, although grieving deeply, acknowledges that
the money from Willy's sacrifice has in fact set the family "free."

The characters – ‫الشخصيات‬

Willy Loman : Willy is a 63 year old travelling salesman ,who lives In New York City.
He is finding it increasingly difficult to do His job and is trying to come to terms with
his sense of failure in his working and family life. Willy is an ambitious dreamer who
is unable to face the truth Of his real situation. He suffers from depression and
anxiety as a result of being dismissed from his job , his estranged relationship with
his oldest son, Biff, Willy loses the ability to distinguish between the present and his
memories Of the past. Willy met a successful traveling salesman And determined to
become one himself, with the hope of Gaining financial success, affirmation, and
reputation.Frequently away from home, Willy turned to the company of Another
woman, and when his son Biff, then a high school Senior, discovered his father's
infidelity, their relationship Changed forever. Willy's delusion builds as the play
progresses, And at the end he commits suicide in exchange for life Insurance money
to provide for his family.
Linda Loman : Linda is Willy’s devoted wife, the one person who always supports
him. She feels he has been mistreated By his company and by his sons. She indulges
Willy despite his poor treatment of her but she is very strong When dealing with her
sons. She is desperately trying to save her husband who she knows is trying to
Commit suicide.
Biff Loman : Biff, the Lomans’ eldest son, was a star high school athlete with a
scholarship, but he did not attend College after failing maths and finding out about
Willy’s affair. Since then, he has been drifting, stealing From every job he has had
and at the age of 34 is without a career, base or family. Biff is angry with Willy For
betraying Linda and the family by having an affair, and because he refuses to face up
to reality. However, he still worries about what his father thinks of him.
Happy Loman : Happy is the younger son. He works as a buyer in a department store
and lives in his own apartment in the City. Outwardly a success, Happy is a
womaniser, has accepted bribes and exaggerates his success at Work. Happy seeks
recognition from his parents but is overshadowed initially by Biff.
Bernard :-is a charley's son and he is a friend of Biff, whom Willy ridiculed as a
child for being ‘anaemic’ and ‘not well Liked’. Bernard has become a successful
lawyer and Willy respects his success, judging Biff against him as A failure.
The Woman :An assistant in a Boston company who Willy had an affair with. She is a
shadowy memory in Willy’s mind.
Charley : An old friend and neighbour of the Lomans’, Charley is a successful
businessman. Although Willy is Resentful‫ مستاء‬of his success and refuses to accept the
job Charley offers him, Charley is a good friend to Willy And gives him money.
Uncle Ben : Ben is Willy’s older brother who has recently died. He was a wealthy
businessman and represents the Success Willy wishes he could have had. He regularly
appears to Willy in his hallucinations and memories Of the past.
Howard Wagner: The son of Frank Wagner, Willy’s old boss and now the head of the
Wagner Company for whom Willy Works. Howard fires Willy because of his erratic
Minor Characters:
1-Jenny Charley’s secretary
2-Stanley The waiter in Frank’s Chop House.
3-Letta A call girl Happy picks up in the Chop House
3-Miss Forsythe Letta’s friend, another call girl.

The Themes – ‫االفكار الرئيسية‬

1-Betrayl : - This motif appears frequently in Death of a Salesman. It is closely

associated With Loman and Biff in particular. It takes different forms: cheating,
lying, stealing Having illegal relationship. Loman betrays his own wife Linda through
having an Affair with Mrs. Francis, an affair that shows the fall of moral values in
the American society. In addition to Loman’s act of betrayal.

🔵there are other incidents:

1. Biff’s cheating in mathematics
2. Biff’s stealing of Oliver’s pen
3. Willy’s tricks when he was playing chess with Charley4. Willy’s continuous
lies about his past achievements and how he was
4. Respected and highly estimated by others. 5. Happy’s illegal relationships
2-Memory : takes a character’s recollections of past experiences which takes the
forms Of flashback. The structure of Death of a Salesman is totally based on memory.
The Continuous return and yearn to the past is a memory-based theme, and Willy
Loman Is the best example of memory. He always recalls his past experiences and
incidents In an attempt to escape the bitter and heart-rending reality he is living.
Whenever he Faces a difficult situation, he returns to his past memories especially
those memories Related to his sons Biff and Happy. No character can avoid the
shackles of memory And its profound effect on the present life.
3-Success vs. failure : These binary oppositions constitute the core of Death of a
Salesman. Miller Describes with a great skill how success is almost shared by all
characters in the Play. They seek for any success to express their identity. It is well
known that Success is the backbone of the American dream which is differently
understood bycharacters. Throughout the play we're going to have the image of
America dream In these two Characters, Willy and Biff, but which kind of image is a
Negative image of American dream while the positive image can be Found in the
characters of Ben his Brother, Oliver, Charlie and other Characters. The Loman's
family represent the Negative aspect of the American dream.
4-Environment : Although Willy Loman feels driven to be a success as a Salesman, he
has another conflicting longing that appears Throughout the play. He loves nature
and the country life. In Fact, traveling allows Willy to feel a sense of freedom and
Participation in the natural world, although he is just driving Through it. When Willy
is feeling at his worst, he wishes for Fresh air, a garden, and the outdoor life. Yet his
sense that real Success comes from working in a man-made environment Keeps him
chained to his life in New York City and a job inWhich he cannot achieve personal or
financial success.
5-The American Dream: is the capitalist belief that if you work hard enough you can
be a success in America.However, the success that the dream aspires to is based on
money and power. In Willy’s mind it is also
Linked with being “well-liked”. Biff realises that being true to yourself is a more
important success. Howard’s treatment of Willy shows how destructive the pursuit of
this dream can be. He lays Willy off When he can no longer generate money for the
company which enrages Willy: “You can’t eat the orange And throw the peel away –
a man is not a piece of fruit.“ Willy’s adherance to the dream means that he buys
status symbols on credit that he cannot afford to keep The payments up on. It is ironic
then that Willy’s funeral is on the day that the last payment is Made.
6-Family : In the play, each generation has a responsibility to the other that they
cannot fulfill. Biff and Happy are Shaped by Willy’s sins. In Happy’s case, he is
destined to perpetuate Willy’s values and strive for material Success, where Biff has
been destroyed totally by Willy’s betrayal of the family through the affair and the Fact
that Willy never discouraged him from stealing. On the other hand, Biff and Happy
have the Opportunity to save Willy by becoming “successful” in his eyes and
supporting him and Linda in their old Age. However they are not able to do this
because of the way they have been raised. Biff is attempting to Break this cycle of
destruction in the family.
7-Capitalism : Arthur Miller in his play launches a hard criticism on the capitalist
system which Destroys humanity. Willy’s statement that “ You can't eat the orange,
and throw the Peel away—a man is not a piece of fruit” sums up the problem of
capitalism. Just Imagine a man working over thirty years in a company and all of a
sudden he found Himself jobless. It is really a horrible situation! Therefore, Miller in
his dramatic Writings never hesitated to unmask the evils of capitalism and how it
exploits man’s Abilities and skills to serve its ends. The play has many scenes which
demonstrate How the capitalist system is responsible for man’s destruction.
8-Identity crisis: Many characters suffer from identity crisis which is a very
prominent feature in Modern literature. Willy Loman and his sons are good examples
that betray the idea Of identity crisis. As the head of the family, Loman bears the
brunt of his family Crises. Such crises cause both social and psychological
fragmentation, and social Fragmentation brings forth the psychological and
psychiatric problems. Loman is Heavily burdened with social problems which make
psychologically disconnected. He has no close relationship even to the members of his
family, sparing no efforts to Get rid of this crisis identity. Apart from the gloomy
picture of identity crisis.

The Symbols – ‫الرموز‬

✺1- Flute : The flute music that drifts through the play represents the single Faint
link Willy has with his father and with the natural world. The elder Loman made
flutes, and was apparently able to make A good living by simply traveling around the
country and selling Them.The flute music is the sound of The road Willy didn't take.
Stage direction " which is presented by Music ,So the melody and music are very
important techniques to Understand and to know what are going to happen in the
play And to know about the memory of the characters.
2-Seeds : Symbolize for how and finding something meaningful in life. Some men said
that Seeds are represent the kids, Biff and Happy, he Tries to take care of these kids
and He wants to grow them in a very Acceptable way, he wanted them to achieve
Something in there life, to Leave behind them something tangible, for example kind
Of success They can achieve in their life. Willy slept like a dead person, dead one
Because he feels at rest right now.
3-Stockings : For Willy, represent his affair with The Woman. Linda is seen several
times mending stockings, While The Woman is given new stockings by Willy. In the
same way, Willy gives love to The Woman which he Should be giving to his wife. Willy
always feels guilty when he sees Linda mending stockings and orders her Not to do it.
Stockings are also a symbol of material wealth and Willy feels like he cannot provide
Linda with New stockings. And also it refers to the betrayal of Willy with Mr. Francis.
4-The jungle/woods : The woods or the jungle are a symbol of life, especially the risks
of life. Uncle Ben is not afraid to take risks In life. He literally walked in to the jungle
to achieve his dreams – he took control of his life. Willy is more Fearful and is losing
control of his life. He tells the boys that “the woods are burning” when he loses his
job. But Ben tells Willy that “the jungle is dark” but that he must walk in to it – he is
telling him he should take Control by committing suicide.
5-Diamonds : Diamonds are a symbol of success. Ben find diamonds in the jungle and
gives Willy a diamond watch fob. Willy has to pawn the watch fob to pay for a course
for Biff – he is trying to pass the “success” on to Biff. He Tries to do this again by
committing suicide and leaving money to Biff; he must “fetch a diamond”. Willy has
A vision of the success Biff can achieve with the insurance money – “I see it like a
diamond, shining in the Dark, hard and rough, that I can pick up and touch in my
6-Stealing : Biff and Happy both steal. Happy steals fiancees and Biff steals a
football, basketballs, lumber and cement, A suit, a fountain pen and many other things
not mentioned. Their stealing can be seen to represent the way Their true identities
have been stolen by lying and the pursuit of an unachievable dream.

The End
The image of America in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller is concerned about the American society and the future of this
society, throughout his play you can find this image repeated over and again
because his much worried about American and the big dream of America. In Death
of a Salesman you can find the image of America presented in many images, in
many ideas, the references to cities like Boston and New York and other cities are
big example to show how America is important for him. The national sense is
strongly felt in this play. The American Walt Whitman once said that Amerca is
our great home this means that there should be a national sense or national

belonging in this country. As a matter of fact, Miller always talks about this point
and we have the American eritic Mary MeCarthy in her book Sights and
Spectacles talks about this issue of America in Willy Loman's character. The best
example to show America as a country suffering and evil of capitalism is

demonstrated in this play Death of a Salesman. Mary McCarthy asked question and
this question has much to do with the image of America in this place, she says or
she asked what's the matter with Willy Loman ? So, Willy Loman here represents
the American individual and she goes on saying America is what is wrong with
him Arthur Miller would answer, and to some extent this is true. The
conception of the salesman's house as a house of shabby lies and competitive
boasts is sadly close to our national life; it is in fact a close - up of the home
depicted in full colour by advertisers in the national magazines. 'She thinks
that the play is saying to the advertising men , '"This is your pretty picture

from the inside.' America is the country where the values of Capitalism, Free
Enterprise , Big Business are seen at their most rewarding and their most

This passage strongly shows that Willy is concerned about America by extension, it

is Arthur Miller who feels upset and sad about the American society. The great
depression left trademarks and effects on the American society during the thirties in

Willy Loman is the image of the businessman ideal and his dreams are those of the
American individual at large, however he represents the bad and the negative image
of America, while his brother Ben represented on the other the positive, the
powerful Image of the American dream.

Throughout the play we have focus on the word success. The word success takes
many forms and shapes in this play. There's a sharp contrast between Willy and his
brother Ben on one hand and between Willy and Howard and Charlie on the
other hand. So, such contrast shows us how important the American dream is for
Arthur Miller's dream and this dream reoccur in his play and in his critical essays.
There was no attempt to bring down the American evidence not to raise it
higher, however American values are powerfully questioned in the play.
Here we are concerned with the values. Our key concept in this term is about the
moral values and how the moral values are absent in this play in particular. So,
Willy Loman presented in these values and how these values have many doubts laid
on them and how these doubts represent the American individual or the American
citizen. So, America from inside is extractive country, there is no hope to save this
nation from being destructed.
Frequently Arthur Miller comes to this point and he raise it in different fom and
different shapes.

Don't forget the idea of attractiveness or personal attractiveness, this man believes
that if you are well-liked and you're socially acceptable so things will be OK, you
can get a job, you can get a good amount of money but this is not true. The truth is

moving against this, always keep in mind that personal attractiveness is not enough
to get what you want to get in life. Here we have a sharp attack on this idea of
personal attractiveness, it is not adequate to get a clear identity as Arthur Miller
believes. So to make things brief, the image of America and American values are
fuly presented in this play in Death of a Salesman. So, Miller tries to uncover what
is there in America, he brings us America from inside and how this country is
being broken or was being broken by many different situation and causes. America
is a very weak country as he believes from this inmage is drawn from within
American society. The disintegration of that society is fully seen in the character of

Arthur Miller's Loman. Loman as the name indicates he comes from a very low
society which is a part of the capitalist system. The capitalist system doesn't respect
man and leaves him alone facing his own problem without giving him any solution
or giving him hand to bring him out of his own baffling situation.

Death of salesman / Act 1 / part 1 /
My Critical analysis accurately :
Identity : The play is about an identity, so all the characters try to find
their identity in one way or another, for example, Willy Loman, Willy
Loman is A man who is over 60 and he was dismissed from his job and
he's tried to find Themselves a place in society. His wife Linda is always
supported him. She tries to Encourage him, to give him a push forward
to continue living.

1-First Speech : " A melody and heard , played upon

flute"…Curtain rises

🔘Commentary : in these lines , we have an image of Music,

and we can find " stage direction " which is presented by Music ,
So the melody and music are very important techniques to
understand and to know what are going to happen in the play
and to know about the memory of the characters. Then we
notice the curtain rises and we can see the Face of the willy's
2-Second Speech : Surrounding it On all sides. … sky falls upon "

• 🔘Commentary : In these lines , That shows us the description of

willy's house 🏠, And his family is going to fall down .

3-Third Speech : An air of dream Clings to the house :

🔘Commentary : This is the description of willy's house 🏠 and we
see the physical description of the house 🏠 gives us the impression
that willy’s family is going to fall down .

🔘How does the place show us the identity of the

🔘Commentary : The place and the identity are connected to
each other in such place and setting , we yearn and miss our places
because These places remind us about our identity in this place , The
place considers as a kind of the memory ,there are a specific
memory that is related to the place , Every place provides
Significant to formation our identity ,For example, Willy always
remembers a certain places because these places remind him to his
4-Fourth Speech : his exhaustion is apparent.
🔘Commentary : we have disintegration physically and
psychologically in this line , because Willy Loman was exhausted
from life itself , So willy loman is taken his life , he is alive but he is
dead at the same time , the name of Willy Loman is Irony , his name
is William But willy for Diminishing his name .

5-Fifth Speech : Oh boy 👦, oh boy 👦 "

🔘Commentary : In this line , we have a description of his sons , he is
talking his sons Biff and Happy , he considers Biff as a peak of American
Dream , Willy Said That Biff is a copy or paste of his character

6-Sixth Speech : "I am tired 😫 to death "

🔘Commentary : It means that he is exhausted by his life and his
family 👪 and his political system ,This system isn't mentioned
directly , In this line , we have description of willy that he is tired
😫 from his life and his job , so the word " Dream 💭 " repeated
many times , that as related to allusion and reality .

7-Seventh Speech : I" was driving a long "

🔘Commentary : It means he opens the windows and he starts
looking at the nature (Environment ), he longs or yearns for his old
days , he has been enjoying the beauty of nature at that time , here
we have the country life and the city life. These strange thoughts is
related to his ideas to commit suicide. He usually goes out Of the
street as if he lost his mind or lost his concentration in other words
he seems Absent minded, he always thinking of killing himself to get
rid of his life and how to Build a future for his sons Biff and Happy.

🔘The image of Environment ( Echo )

➡️Commentary ; Here we have the relationship between man
and nature , So the image of environment put aside with human,
we called this as " Echo critical or criticism " , The life became totally
different and the city corrupt everything . This is a kind of criticism
Of mechanization of human environment.
8-Eighth Speech : willy: No, no, some people—some people
accomplish Something.

🔘Commentary : In this line we have an idea 💡 of Success , it

means that some of people have achieved something in their life .

9-Nineth speech : willy: Biff Loman is lost. In the greatest country

in the World a young man with such—personal attractiveness, Gets
lost. .. There’s one thing about Biff—he’s not lazy"

🔘Commentary : In these lines , Here Willy seems to be very

angry 😠 from Biff , and he told Linda that Biff is a lazy guy , since
they are living in Country that is full of golden opportunities , since
Biff is having personal attractiveness the whole world 🌎 is going to
open for him . So be says that Biff is a young man 👨 but he is lost ,
However he has a good Personality , which will help him to find his
own identity, Willy Loman is the best example of Social

🔘The idea 💡 of Personal Attractiveness?

🔘Commentary : we have a personal attractiveness, which is a
part of American dream 💭, he believes if you have a good person
attractiveness, you will find your way in the life , so the personal
attractiveness isn't enough to find identity , there are many things
to complete the picture of having a good Personal identity by
extension having collected the identity, the American pictures seem
to be as a hero who saved people from their own difficulties and
from powers Or a strange forces That try to kill them or try to threat
their existence .
🔘The word personal attractiveness will be repeat many times ?
🔘commentary : some of critics consider this play as a kind of
Magnetism , So as if the characters magnet or attract people .

10-Tenth Speech :Willy : The street is lined with cars. There’s not
a breath of fresh air in the Neighborhood. ... They should’ve had
law against apartment houses. Remember Those two beautiful elm
trees out there? When I and Biff hung the swing Between them.
🔘Commentary : willy is speaking about how the street became
very crowded with cars and people (city life)We have an image of
cars that became crowded fast and movement , so this confirms
that we have modernism , also we have " echo critical and air
pollution " . so that is related to problems of environment , it means
that air became polluted by mechanization .in country life, we can
find different Spaces between houses and relationship among
people. But in the urban life, people Lived in a very complicated
situation, the relations got very complicated. Willy Remembers his
own past when everything was beautiful so the pass of time, the
city Countryside changed by the building.

11- Eleventh Speech : willy: There’s more people what’s ruining

this country Population is Getting out of control.the competition is
maddening Smell the stink from that Apartment house And another
one on the other side How can they whip Cheese?

🔘Commentary : Willy again is talking about the past and they

remembered their own past days in the countryside, In this speech
he talks about the competition (capitalist ), so every one tries to
butter his bread 🍞, it means that no one thinks of the other just
Think about himself, Willy talks how even the houses became
factories for work ,It became small houses just to get money 💰, the
relationship became Complicated, no more houses to have, so The
beautiful things we have in the past and now vanished from sight
disappeared From sight.

12-Twelfth Speech : Linda: You’ve got too much on the ball to

worry about. Willy: You’re my foundation and my support, Linda.
Linda: Just try to relax, dear. You make mountains out Of molehills.

🔘Commentary : In these lines , we have a dialogue between

Linda and Willy , Linda tries to calm down her husband by telling
him too get his rest, in this Quotation " You make mountains out Of
molehills" we have exaggeration.
🔘the relationship between Biff and Happy ?
🔘Commentary : The relationship between Biff and happy and also
the relationship between sons and Their family especially Willy
loman. Biff and Happy are young people who Searching for their
own identity in this difficult life, each one has its own way to
Achieve his own success and dreams in life. These two young people
are in their Thirties and they are still single, enable to have a
certified a family because they face The difficulties of life specially
the financial difficulties. Willy always tries to Support them , there
are many features and characteristics that man should have in order
to be welcome in his own society.

🔘What are the reasons behind the increasing population in the


🔘commentary : The reasons behind that according to the

immigration from The countryside to the city , because a lot of
people want to search 🔍 about jobs , and the city is full of chances
to get money 💰.

🔘What do we mean by the word " Expressionism " ?

🔘Commentary : So the expressionism comes from the Germany , it
is as place our heaven of human being , So the expressionism
expresses The psychological aspect of human being .So this as the
idea 💡 of what the expressionism is . it has something to show our
feelings, emotions , And his orientation, so willy shows his reaction
, his thinking 🤔, his ideology , which related to the expressionism .

🔘 The environment affected by mechanization, capitalism, ;

🔘Commentary : For example , the climate changes , because the
life of mechanization, even the human being Is being mechanized ,
on other words , The Machines are going to have place of man , and
we are going to lack Of jobs , because they will make a robots that
will do anything instead of man 👨 So here the human being are
dehumanized , because of the competition, those capitalist people
who think just about themselves and just think how to get money
13-Thirteenth speech : said will, I spent six or seven years for
high school trying To work myself Up, shipping clerk, salesman,
business of one kind or Another. And it's measly a Manner of
existence. To get on that subway On the hot morning and summer.
To devote your whole life to keep in Stock, or making phone calls, or
selling or Buying. To suffer fifty weeks of The year for the sake of a
two-week vacation, When all you really desire Is to be outdoors.

🔘Commentary ; They talk about their own future, usually the

future Is connected to our dream, our Project etc. this speech by Biff
to his Brother Happy shows us the suffering of young People in the
great Depression so they have dreams but they face difficulties
Especially Financial difficulties. These young people working all the
year around Just to get the money for two week vacation. The year
consists of 52 Weeks so they Are working 15 weeks just to get the
money for two Week holiday. So, this is how to Build a future so
they are suffering in This way. This is Beth and how Biff Represents
the young people Searching for their own identity and their own
future. So they move From one job to Another job just to get money
. Part of the American dream which is a theme here in this play is to
have A good House, to have a good amount of money in the bank,
to have a Car, to have a good Wife, all these things are important
for the young People in this time. .

14-Fourteenth Speech : happy [moving about with energy,

expressiveness]: All I can Do now is wait for the merchandise
manager to die. And Suppose I get to be merchandise manager?
He’s a good friend Of mine
🔘Commentary : we have the sense of expressiveness, It means
that we have a expressionist scene, so the characters expressive
their feelings and their ideas . Happy isn't happy , he is going to tell
us how he isn't happy . So willy loman depends on others to achieve
something , As you remember when Willy said that Biff isn’t lazy ,
but we discover that he is lazy ,He is just waiting his manager to die
in order to take his position, this doesn't seem as an ambitious man
, he just depends on other characters.
🔘The comparison between Manger " Rich " and between sons "
The poor men "

🔘the poor men and the rich men are Always compared in
American literature , so the manger has many places , and those
sons are waiting him for die in order to take his position.
Here are have irony because the manger has energetic character
;This isn’t He doesn't energetic character to have his own identity
Achieved or realized .
The idea 💡 of being alone ; We should have People to speak out our
emotions and ideas , who have trust them .
15-Fifteenth Speech : willy [seeing the pen for the first time]: You
took Oliver's pen? Biff [weakening]: Dad, I just explained it to you.
Willy: You stole Bill Oliver’s fountain pen! Biff: I didn’t exactly steal
it! That’s just what I’ve been Explaining to you!

🔘Commentary : They are talking about Oliver who is one of the

great manager having a great or a Big company , he has promised
to have a job in his company , but he broke the covenant , so Oliver
is going to refuse Biff , At the same time , Biff will steal the Oliver's
pen , Biff was jealous of him because he's very rich, is his will like
etc. Here again the idea well-liked, you can get a job or place in
your society and this is Just the theme of this speech.

🔘The theme of Betrayal and the theme of cheating ;

🔘Commentary : These two themes represent the American
corruption , The fall of American system, social and political , all
these corruptions come from politics , So the human beings are
influenced By the corruption. When people try to find a job because
the job will save them from poverty and need , this Usually indicates
That we have a kind of corruption. And the political systems attack
the society in different ways .
16-Sixteenth Speech : Happy is speaking, all I can do now is
waiting for merchandise manager to die. And suppose I get to be
merchandise manager? He's good friend of mine and He just built
terrific estate on long island. And he lived there about two months
And sold it. And now he's building another one, he can't enjoy it
once it's finished. And I know what's just what want I would do. I
don't know what the Hell I am working for. Sometimes I sit in my
apartment all alone.

🔘Commentary : The word alone is important here (alienation) so

characters usually serve a from Alienation always they'll be this
word loneliness. Happy is waiting for his manager Or his boss to die
to get his job, at the same time he talks about how rich his
Manager is he says he has built the house and then he sold it and he
had two or three Houses this is the kind of comparison between the
poor and the rich people, rich People can do anything while happy
who is very poor man cannot achieve such a Thing. This family
(Loman family) are still paying for their house, till now they Don't
have the house to their own, they have to pay in order to have a
house at the End of this long journey. Happy and Biff represent the
young people in this life.

17-Seventeenth speech : Willy ; that's just what I mean, Bernard

can get the best marks in school, you Understand, but when he gets
out in the business world, you understand, you Are going to be five
times ahead of him. That's why I thank almighty God you Are both
built like Adonises.

🔘Commentary :
Adonises is a symbol of manhood this is a Greek Mythology. So
Adonises and Hercules these two mythical figures who represent the
strength and power and manhood , so willy loman compares his
sons the such figures , This reference which is taken from. The
history and religion, he referred to the two figures in order to push
his sons to have power because they are weak. This , it Symbolize
strength, beauty in life so they are great person always Willy
compares His sons to such figures because he believes his sons are
very great.
18-Eighteenth Speech : Because the man who makes you an
appearance in the business world, the man Who creates personal
interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will Never
want. You take me for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a
Buyer. 'Willy Loman is here!' that's all you have to know and I go
right Through.

🔘Commentary ; He said you are going to be a very successful

person, he is deceiving himself, he Doesn't say the truth, so this is
lying because Willy Loman is a low person, having Nothing
important in his life, he doesn't respected by others but here he
seems to be A great person and respected by others.

19-Nineteenth Speech : Willy ; that's just what I mean, Bernard

can get the best marks in school"

🔘Commentary : Here we have a comparison between willy's kids

and Bernard , who is charley's son, He represents the successful part
in American Dream 💭,While willy's sons don't represent The
success, Willy said that Bernard can get high marks in school , he
says that he doesn't have tricks , How to enter into the world 🌎 of
trade, He says that my sons are inheriting from the spirit of being
having commercial mind And the capitalist mind .

20-Twentieth Speech : What’s that? Linda: Just mending my

stockings. They’re so expensive—Willy [angrily, taking them from
her]: I won’t have You mending stockings in This house! Now throw
them out!. This is Miss Francis, Biff, she’s a buyer.They’re painting
her room. Go back, Miss Francis, go Back . . .

🔘Commentary : This speech shows us how Willy feels guilty about

Giving the new stockings to Mrs. Francis. Here stockings are
symbolic of Many things.
• First ,they symbolize or stand For the fact that Linda is a very
poor Woman, she doesn't have money to buy herself New
• Second the stocking symbolize Willy's betrayal of his wife Linda
so He Betrays his wife Linda by giving these new stockings to
Mrs. Frances While his Wife doesn't have such thing so this is
shows us the betrayal.
• The third meaning connected with these stockings can be a
meaning of Linda trying to mend or fix or Connect her family
together, they indicate That Linda always tries to connect her
Family. The stockings is a motive, Motive means repeated idea
which is come up Over again in the play. So Stockings is motive,
cheating is motive, stealing is Motive.

🔘The theme of stocking : that Linda is a very poor Woman, she

doesn't have money to buy herself New stockings. He becomes angry
😠 when he saw Linda mending her stockings, he said to her "
Through them out " , here are have a certain reasons behind that :
• Economical reason : Linda is a poor woman , she doesn't have
enough money 💰 to buy a new stockings because they are so
Expensive .
• Moral reason : Willy doesn’t have responsibility towards his wife
(Linda ).
🔘What is the stocking symbolize? Linda is trying to collect her family
because there are my holes in the family , Do she tries to mend or fix
her stockings, it means that she as trying to solve their problems in her
society and her family 👪.

12-Twenty-one ; willy: Loaded with it. Loaded! What is he stealing?

He’s Giving it back, isn’t he? Why is he stealing? What did I tell Him? I
never in my life told him anything but decent things.

🔘Commentary : In this speech , Willy and Linda Discuss their own

issues And the future of their sons , Here we notice the word "Steal " is
Mentioned and repeated . Stealing considers is part of fall moral
values, They don't believe that they can achieve something ,So they
work continuously in order to achieve something,

🔘Utopian Society : This word is refers to no place And no society

complete because the utopia is something imagined that it can't be
lived in reality.
22-Twenty-two : I never in my life told him anything but decent

🔘Commentary : Here we have an idea 💡 of idealistic philosophy,

Willy tries to build his sons , You have to be very moral person, in order
to break the society , if you face a very moral situation, you have to be
more careful, Also we have an idea 💡 of stealing, he still doesn't know
that Biff is thief.

23-Twenty-three : Ben: Why boys, when I was seventeen I walked

into the jungle, and when I was Twenty-one I walked out. [He laughs.]
And by God I was rich.

🔘Commentary : willy remembers his own brother. Ben is very rich

man , Ben says that when he was 17 he went to the Jungle, the jungle
here is a symbol of life, a symbol of struggling in this life to find One
position in this life. So, always the jungle connected with life whenever
Mentioned by Ben. Ben went to the jungle and he returned very rich
and there are Certain indication related to this idea.

🔘What does this word mean " Burning the wood " Jungle ; It refers
two the American institution is a family 👪, A family is disintegration ,
Willy Loman represents as thing , he isn't a man 👨, Because he is
unable to save his family from the difficulties of the life .

24-Twenty-four : The woman bursts out laughing, and Linda

'slaughter Blends in. the woman disappears into the dark. Now the
Area at The kitchen table brightens. Linda is sitting where she Was at
the kitchen Table, but now is mending a pair of her Silk stockings.]
🔘Commentary : She thanks him for the silk stockings he bought her
And leaves. She's laughing as she goes, and her laughter blends into
Linda's as the light. After that, the woman went into dark , Linda was
Sitting in the kitchen and table brightens around Linda, who is darning
a Pair of silk stockings. Willy, feeling guilty about betraying Linda with
adultery, gets anxious And upset any time he sees her mending her silk
stockings; stockings Were the gift he always gave the Woman when
they met. While Linda Had to mend her stockings because they were so
expensive .
24-Thirty-four ; willy [hanging on to his words]: Oh, Ben, that’s good
to hear! Because Sometimes I’m afraid that I’m not teaching them the
right kind of—Ben, how Should I teach them?

🔘Commentary : Here Willy seems very astonished, he couldn't know

how to bring up his children.Willy seems disappointed and hopeless, he
doesn't know how to teach his children Or bring up or educate them so
he asks help from his own brother Ben.

🔘Who is Ben ? Ben is different from his own brother Willy Loman,
he has the ability to Travel abroad and he went to many places
specially to Africa and when He returned back, he returned very rich
person. This means that Ben Represents the successful American
individual, he could do anything, he Has Money, cars, diamond and etc.
Whenever Willy Loman faces a

Particular difficulty, He remembers his own Brother Ben. This is very

Important so there is memory Always working with Willy Loman
thinking Of his brother Ben so even the Physique, it means that the
physical aspect Of these two characters Willy and Ben Are totally
different, Ben is very Huge person while Willy is very short.

25-Twenty-six : Willy: I got an awful scare. Nearly hit a kid in

Yonkers .God! Why didn’t I go To Alaska with my brother Ben that
time! Ben! That Man was a genius, that Man was success incarnate!
What a mistake! He Begged me to go.

🔘Commentary : At that time when Ben actually went to Alaska he

Asked his brother Willy to Accompany him but Willy didn't agree and
this Is mistake as Willy believed. Ben is A kind of Inspiration for Wily
even Faces difficulty and at the same time he is a Symbol of success in
his life, Way speaks to his wife Linda, he talks about the diamond
watch given to Willy by Ben. This diamond watch shows us that Willy
is not a rich man While his your Brother is a very rich person, he gives
him such a rich Things and precious stone like Diamond.

26-Twenty-five : Biff ;I've had twenty or thirty different kinds of job

since I left home before The War.
🔘Commentary ; the war is a key term in this passage, These words
Indicate that we have young people who are suffering from their own
identity . and how they try to get many jobs.

The End
Death of A salesman|Part 2| Act 1 |Analysis The Quotations
🔘The idea 💡 of Dehumanization : Victor Strandberg in his article
" crisis of belief in Modern Literature " talked about the dehumanization
, so the dehumanization means man lack a good treatment , he should
be had by his own community. So The idea of dehumanizing is
prominent Idea 💡in death of salesman , Victor Strandberg in his article
talked about how the crisis of belief which started to indicating to the
whole people in the world 🌎, So the idea of dehumanization is treated
mainly To the idea of war , And how war brought the doubts about
man's existence and about the other creatures in the life , In the play "
Death of salesman " the dehumanization is embodied in the character of
Willy Loman.

1-First Speech : Linda: No. You can’t just come to see me, because I
love him. [With a threat, but Only a threat, of tears] He’s the dearest
man in the world to me, and I won’t Have anyone making him feel
unwanted and low and blue. You’ve got to make Up your mind now,
darling, there’s no leeway any more. Either he’s your Father and you
pay him that respect, or else you’re not to come here. I know He’s not
easy to get along with—nobody knows that better than me—but . . .

🔘Commentary : Here Linda is talking about her feeling for her

husband Willy, she knows that her Kids Biff and Happy don't respect
him. She defends her husband against those Attack made by her two kids
Biff and Happy. Biff and Happy don't won't their father Because he is a
failure. Low means that he comes from a low social class or a humble
origin. If you check the word Loman, it means look at this man. So,
Loman Has two meanings either he comes from a low social class or look
at this man. He is Suffering and disrespected by his own kids Biff and
Happy. The word blue means That Willy Loman is depressed or sad. As an
old man, Willy feels that he alone, Unwanted and disrespected in his
own life. Linda loves her husband although she Knows that he is
responsible for the situation this family finds itself in. We have the
Theme of respect, throughout the play, the kids doesn't show any sign of
respect for Their own father Willy Loman so the father is a present and
absent at the same time Which means that there is no guide for these
2-Second Speech : Linda: Then make Charley your father, Biff. You
can’t Do that, can you? I don’t say he’s a great man. Willy Loman
Never made a lot of money. His name was never in the Paper. He’s not
the finest character that ever lived. But he’s A human being, and a
terrible thing is happening to him. So Attention must be paid. He’s not
to be allowed to fall into His grave like an old dog. Attention, attention
must be finally Paid to such a person. You called him crazy

🔘Commentary : Linda is speaking and defending about her husband

again , here we have two opposite images : The sons of two family (
Charley's and willy's family 👪 ( Charley represents a good part or
positive part of the American dream 💭 while Willy doesn't represent ,
on other hand , we have a comparison in social and political rank For
each character , Happy says " he is not my father " This is an example Of
absence of respect , the kind of disrespect between the members of this
family ,so he is talking about willy and how his sons treated him badly, ,
she says that he is a human being and he has feeling and that should be
respect him , trying to save this Family from financial difficulties, She
says Willy never made a lot of money , 💰So he isn't a rich man , He isn't
famous man 👨
3-Third Speech : Linda: But he’s A human being, and a terrible thing
is happening to him. So Attention must be paid. He’s not to be allowed
to fall into His grave like an old dog. What is the symbol of dog 🐕

🔘Commentary : Here we have an idea 💡 of Dehumanization

: That willy is going to be treated like an animal , Linda says that
he shouldn’t treat as an animal and shouldn’t fall in his grave
like a dog ,So he is compared to "dog" which means that he is
dehumanized , So here we have animal , this animal shows us
That man is Stigmatized and this man is totally exhausted .

4-Fourth Speech : Linda: A small man can be just as exhausted as a

great man. He works for a Company thirty-six years this March, opens
up unheard-of territories to their Trademark, and now in his old age
they take his salary away.
🔵Commentary : We have a particular theme which is being
exhausted or used up in life as if there's No spirit or soul in him he just a
body. On the other hand we have the theme of Psychological
disintegration. Willy Loman reflected the action of the company on
Himself and his family which is being dismissed from his job after thirty-
six years Of working in the company. Willy Loman became a very old
man and jobless and he found difficulties to support his family , they take
his Salary away so he doesn't have money to support his own family.
Again here we Find Linda's defending of her husband.

🔘The idea of Aging : The idea 💡 of aging is also represented in this

speech , Aging is a problem right now in many Societies , When man
becomes old , he Starts losing many things Like his respect, his position..
etc. in the society, The problem with Willy Loman , he has lost his job
and lost his value,

🔘The idea 💡 of Exhausted : he tries to get out of his trouble But he

couldn't find the way Out of such trouble situation, In our society we
have the subject of retirement, When man pension, he should have a
financial salary Support for him and he could be respected in his society
that he has been working for along time , But the political system at that
time doesn't respect The old people who spend their life in the work or
the war.

5-Fifth Speech : Linda: Why did he do that? I never knew why .Biff:
Because I know he’s a fake and he doesn’t like any-Body around who
knows! Linda: Why a fake? In what way? What do you mean? Biff: Just
don’t lay it all at my feet. It’s between me and Him—that’s all I have to
say. I’ll chip in from now on. He’ll Settle for half my pay check. He’ll be all
right. I’m going to Bed. Biff [turning on the stairs, furiously]: I hate this
city and I’ll Stay here.

🔘Commentary : Biff describes his father as fake , which means a

mistaken identity, He doesn't have the sense of identity, So Biff is going
to describe his father as a fake character , And he is a fool character , He
doesn't have the responsibilities Towards his family, So Biff attacks him
but Linda defends about her husband strongly , Willy doesn't has a
respect that he deserves ,just as a human being not as a father , In the
last line , He dislikes this city because this city is devoid ‫ مجردة‬For the
rest That man he tries to find The city competence man's life .. why ;
because in the city we have increasing The demands .

6-Sixth Speech : Linda: Remember I wrote you that he smashed up

the Car again? In February? Biff: Well

🔘Commentary : It means that he tries to commit a suicide, So

Commit suicide means he lacks faith , And this man doesn't has a
spiritual faith that could save him from committing suicide, he is
suffering from the crisis of belief, he wanted to kill himself in order to
escape from the reality .

7-Seventh Speech : happy: Wait! We form two basketball teams,

see? Two Water-polo teams. We play each other. It’s a million dollars’
Worth of publicity. Two brothers, see? The Loman Brothers. Displays in
the Royal Palms—all the hotels. And banners Over the ring and the
basketball court: ‘‘Loman Brothers.’’ Baby, we could sell sporting

🔘Commentary : In this scene , Willy seems to be very optimistic in the

idea 💡 of his sons and their own project to have a team , such a sport ,
this idea 💡 refers that they are very active , and they search 🔍 for
future, They are positive because they are practicing sport is something
important in health man to get of his depression In spare time.

🔘The idea 💡 of sport literature : Here we have a reference to part

of American literature, which is called " Sport literature " It shows about
man's business with such practices which could give him a sense of relief
and rest , So these two sons Biff And Happy are planning for having a
team , Such a project can make their father feel happy and optimistic.

8-Eighth Speech : Willy: Like a young god. Hercules—something like

that. And the sun, the sun All around him. Remember how he waved to
me? Right up from the field, with The representatives of three colleges
standing by? And the buyers I brought, And the cheers when he came

🔘Commentary : Adonises and Hercules are mythical illusions used

here in the this play to give them Impression that a man should be very
strong and very loved person in his life to get Position in his own society.
Adonises is a symbol of manhood this is a Greek Mythology. So Adonises
and Hercules these two mythical figures who represent the Strength and
power and manhood , so willy loman compares his Sons to such figures ,
This reference which is taken from History and religion, he referred to the
two figures in order to push His sons to have power because they are
weak. This , it Symbolize Strength, beauty in life ,Willy Compares His
sons to such figures because he believes that his sons are Very great.

10-Tenth Speech : Loman, Loman, Loman! God Almighty, He’ll be

great yet. A star like that, magnificent, can never really fade away!

🔘Commentary : We have an image of the star 🌟, This star 🌟

never which never fade away , you can see it in the sky, So the first star
🌟 to appear and the second star 🌟 to disappear, So here we have a
comparison this star 🌟 to the characters to give us the idea 💡 of love ,
beauty and strength.

The End
Death of A salesman | Act II | Golden File 📎

🟤Summary ; In act two, Willy feels very happy and optimistic

about the future of his family Especially Biff and Happy, this is the
first time that Willy feels at rest because he Has faced very difficult
situation and circumstances in his life. We have two interviews , The
First one is Biff and Happy try to find a job in the company , and the
second one is Willy has promise from Howard to Work in the company
but he didn't find a chance to work in the company . We have hope and
optimistic also in this Act , We can find hope in the character Willy and
his sons (Biff and Happy ) when they wanted to find a job in order to
help their father . And we can find Optimistic why ? Because they are
going to be refused and they aren't going to have a job later on . So this
is a kind of failure 😣 ( ,‫الفشل‬Of American Dream 💭.
1-WILLY: I slept like a dead one. First time in months. Imagine,
sleeping till ten On a Tuesday morning. Boys left nice and early, heh?
LINDA: They were out of here by eight o’clock. WILLY: Good work!
LINDA: It was so thrilling to see them leaving together.(p. 51)
🟤Commentary ; Here we have the idea of hope which is seen in
character of Biff. Linda is talking About how Biff is going to have a
meeting or interview with Oliver to have a job And this is very
important to scene. We are going to see how characters are looking
For their source of living or for finding certain job to get source of
their own living. Willy feels proud of his sons and he has hoped that his
sons will achieve something In his life, again the idea of personal
attractiveness is confirmed in this speech. However to be attractive is
not enough, there is many things that man should have In order to
have a position and respect in his own society. Willy Loman always tries
To implant in the minds of his kids this idea about personal
Seeds : Symbolize for how and finding something meaningful in life.
Some men said that Seeds are represent the kids, Biff and Happy, he
tries to take care of these kids and He wants to grow them in a very
acceptable way, he wanted them to achieve Something in there life, to
leave behind them something tangible, for example kind Of success
they can achieve in their life. Willy slept like a dead person, dead one
Because he feels at rest right now.
The idea 💡 of Change ; This idea 💡 is presented by Willy's sons
(Biff and Happy ) We are going to see how characters are looking For
their source of living or for finding certain job to get source of their
own living, they are going to have a new turning in their life by having
a hope of their own future .

2-LINDA: Biff was very changed this morning. His whole attitude
seemed to be Hopeful. He couldn’t wait to get downtown to see Oliver.

🔵Commentary : In these lines ; Linda is going to say 💭 " very

changed" about her son Biff , this is a kind of hope 🙏, while Biff is
going to have an Interview with Oliver in order to find a job , but Oliver
is going to dismissed him .

The idea 💡 of Stealing ; This idea 💡 is presented by the character (

Biff) , Biff has this idea 💡 of stealing thing ,This is kind of
kleptomaniac is a kind of Psychological disturbance when one steals
against his own well as in the case with Biff. he always steals things ,
despite he doesn't need Such things . For example , he stole Oliver’s
pen .

3-willy: Whoever heard of a Hastings Refrigerator? Once In my life I

would like to own something outright Before It’s broken! I’m always in
a race with the junkyard! I just Finished paying for the car and it’s on
its last legs. The refrigerator Consumes belts like a goddam maniac.
They time Those things. They Time them so when you finally paid for
Them, they’re used up.
🔵Commentary : In these lines , Here we have two ideas : The ideas of
Mechanization of life and the idea of Consumption . So the idea 💡 of
Mechanization of life means that every mechanical thing has a short
time to be broken down ."They time Those things" So the pronoun
"they" refers to the manufacturers , they want to make their trade is
going on flowing and flowing . And the idea 💡 of consumption theory
that is related to consumer identity (Stuff) , he always is focused on the
idea 💡 of exhausted , so here we have the consumption culture and the
consumer culture , we notice the concept of Exhausted by life in this
speech .
4-[In the middle of her speech, Howard Wagner, thirty-six, Wheels on
a small typewriter table on which is a wire-recording .[..]Howard:
Records things. Just got delivery yesterday.
🔵Commentary ; Here we have a dialogue between Willy and Howard ,
Willy comes to Howard's office 🏢 because Howard's father promises
Willy to find a job for him in the company, but Howard refuses him
and he says to Willy " I’ve got a line Of people to see this morning" he
said to him that he has many people to meet them , it means that he
ignores Willy believing that willy doesn't deserve to speak to him , And
he doesn't have ability to give money 💰 to Howard in order to get a job
, " Pull yourself together " It means that You have to accept this idea
💡 of being refused or rejected by Howard, Willy is estimated
According to the money 💰.

Tape recorder ; Boss is playing with a tape recorder, which was a

relatively new Invention at the time, Willy Loman doesn’t know about
this tape recorder why ? because he is a poor man 👨 and he doesn't
have such a machine at home 🏠, When he saw this machine he was
shocked , How does this tape recorder says sounds , Also it reflects the
idea 💡 of mechanization of Their Own life .

5-I Met a salesman in the Parker House. His name was Dave
Singleman. And he Was eighty-four years old, and he'd drummed
merchandise in thirty-one states. .,.,When he died, hundreds of
salesmen and buyers were at his Funeral… (p.59).
🔵Commentary : Willy Loman compares himself to Dave Singleman.
Dave Signalman who is very Great salesman and he was very famous
when he was 84 years old he got high Fame. Willy believes that he is a
copy and paste of Dave singleman. When Dave Died, many people
attended his funeral, so Willy believes that when he us going to die
many people will come to Attend his own funeral but this comes not
true at the end of the play. No one actually Attended his funeral just
his family and Charlie his own neighbor. Also in the above speech we
have a self -reliance is repeated in this speech and other speeches
which means that we should depend on Ourselves to achieve things
don't expect from other to come.
Dave Singleman : The idea 💡 of Fail ( American dream 💭.) is
going to Repeat 🔁 here because Willy believes that this person is a
symbol of American dream 💭 , Willy believes that he is going to be
like this person , However such a thing is kind of self-deception , he
deceives himself by creating a world 🌎 of allusion , So he has a dream
💭 to attend many people to his funeral , at the end of the play. No one
actually Attended his funeral just his family and Charlie his own
neighbor. No doubt the failure 😣 of American dream 💭 refers also to
The failure 😣of The Individual's ambitious for better life and future .
6-Linda : [To willy, while ben laughs] Why must everybody conquer
The world? You’re well liked, and the boys love you, and Someday—[to
ben]—why, old man Wagner told him just The other day that if he
keeps it up he’ll be a member of the Firm, didn’t he, Willy?

✅Commentary : Linda expresses concern that Willy's massive

aspirations are getting the better of him. She seems afraid that if Willy
latches on to ‫ يتعلق‬his brother's big dreams of success, then she may
never see her husband again .
Here we have the idea 💡 of integration : this idea 💡 is presented
between two characters Willy and Charley , They represent two
different images of American Dream , So Willy represents the negative
aspect of the American Dream while Charley represents the positive
aspect of the American Dream , So charley always helps his neighbor "
willy " by giving his some money 💰. This ideas of integration is a
gainst of the idea 💡 disintegration , So the idea of integration which
means that they accpeted each other .They loves each other , they
respected each other , they helped each other .

The idea 💡 of Well-liked : Willy represents the mistaken American

Dream. He has the wrong set of values – personal Attractiveness and
being well-liked are more important to him than hard work and
honesty. He has spent his whole life living a mistaken dream of being
able to be successful by copying his ideal Salesman – Dave Singleman –
a man who seemed to be rich and successful he was so well-liked. At
his funeral crowds attended. Ironically there are few Who attend
Willy’s funeral. Even Willy’s intention of committing suicide to provide
for his family Might be a failure as the insurance company might not
pay out. And the idea liked and unliked represent to the binary things
which represents that they are different one of them is positive and the
other is negative .

The idea 💡 of Disintegration : This idea is presented by Charley ,

he doesn't love his neighbor willy , it means that he hates him , he
doesn't refuse him when Willy asks Charley to loan him and help him ,
He doesn't do such a thing .Also Willy doesn’t love Charley because he
is richer than him , here we have a kind of competition.
Jacques Derrida :▪️ He is a French philosopher and literary critic, he
refers to these oppositions by saying " Decenter " and " no center " he
says white and black instead of black-white . And he talked about the
man and the god , because God is the center of everything. And he is
the creator of all creatures.

The idea 💡of The Wood : :Willy believes that Woods are
burning. Here he sees that life like a woods and burning, it means it
goes So fast so when we have a fire in the woods usually this fire is
uncontrollable, you Can't control it
7-willy: I was fired, and I’m looking for a little good news To tell your
mother, because the woman has waited and the Woman has suffered.
The gist of it is that I haven’t got a Story left in my head, Biff. So don’t
give me a lecture about Facts and aspects. I am not interested. Now
what’ve you got To say to me?
✅Commentary : I was fired today it means that he was dismissed
from his job. He is Jobless no, The word " lecture " here means when
Linda gives him a rude words to her husband Willy , so Willy doesn’t
want from his sons to give him a lecture about his behavior, He says
"how can I tell your mother he addresses Biff that I was fired from my
job " Because this woman 👩 has a great hopes , she pin down ‫علق‬
‫امال‬a great hopes on him .And her hopes are going to be fall down ,
and he behaves that he loves her and he doesn't want to hurt his wife
Linda ,
and we have allusion to Shakespeare's play " Hamlet " : he says "
Misfortunes never come single" : It means that they come together. in
Death of A salesman , he dismissed from his job and he became
without any job , he is jobless , and his son Biff Deceives or cheats in
the exam ( in the school 🏫 ) he dismissed from the school 🏫 for
failing , it means in other words" he flunk out " . This considers another
shock for Willy .
as we mentioned above we have two shocks :
1-The first Shock : Willy dismissed from his job or he lost his job or he is
jobless .
2-Second Shock : Biff cheated in the exam and he flunk out ( he
dismissed from the school 🏫 for failing in the examination )

✅the image of America dream in these two Characters :

Throughout the play we're going to have the image of America dream
in these two Characters, Willy and Biff, but which kind of image is a
negative image of American dream while the positive image can be
found in the characters of Ben his Brother, Oliver, Charlie and other
characters. The Loman's family represent the Negative aspect of the
American dream.
8- Happy: No, that’s not my father. He’s just a guy. Come On, we’ll catch Biff, and, honey,
we’re going to paint this Town! Stanley, where’s the check! Hey, Stanley!

🟢Analysis :- In this scene, Happy is speaking to one of the girls he and Biff have met (picked up )
in the restaurant. Willy is still suffering from being fired, has collapsed in the restroom. Biff has
already rushed out, unable even to look at his father. Now Happy walks away from the problem of
Willy in favor of a good time. Happy’s denial of his father is an extreme act of betrayal , he feels
that his father has betrayed with another woman 👩. We will see Happy also did not respect him,
in one situation, he saw his father and he never said this is my father, he said he's not my father.
So this is part of disrespect these two kids have for their own father, but this is kind of denying for
his status as a father.

The idea of Failure 😣of American Dream -; 💭

1-the american dream Has come to a complete failure And how will he represent Such kind of
Failure the american dreamas you know is a Matter of achieving High High status in society but
this status Again is destroyed by a reality .
2-He realizes That he is a failure and he has wasted his life. Not only that, but he has taught his
sons the Wrong things. Willy's entire life is a succession of missed opportunities and
misinformation, and He considers himself a failure because of it. He has failed to make the drive
to his business Appointment, so he's going to miss out on making a sale because of it.
3- Failure of his sons to make something extraordinary of themselves,Willy considers Biff's life a
failure because he's not making enough money or Working ،he was stealing and cheating.
4-Willy is disappointed in him and dissatisfied with everything. Biff can't seem to find a job that
suits him . Biff failed to fulfill Willy's expectations, .and that makes him a complete failure in his
father's eyes .
5-Willy is a failure when compared to his father. Ben asserts that he could sell more
In a week than Willy could in a lifetime
6-Willy, after getting in an argument with his boss, gets fired, which means he has no
Way to pay his insurance or his last payment on the house. He's a complete failure now

9-Willy [seeing the pen for the first time]: You took Oliver‟s pen? Biff
[weakening]: Dad, I just explained it to you. Willy: You stole Bill Oliver‟s
fountain pen! Biff: I didn‟t exactly steal it! That‟s just what I‟ve been
explaining to you! (p.83)
🟢Analysis :- Willy will be shocked by the fact that Biff has stolen Oliver's fountain pen. This is
act of stealing makes him very sad and makes him far away from the American dream. The focus
in this speech is about Bill Oliver's fountain pen. Here the fountain pen was stolen by Biff and this
act of stealing indicates kind of betrayal and this has been great astonishment and shocked to
Willy Loman, he didn't believe that his son will do this whatever the situation might be but Biff
has stolen Oliver's pen. On the other hand we will have Happy, Happy although doesn't mention
in this speech but Biff is offended by his brother Happy. Happy said that Biff didn't steal it, he
justify this by saying that because Biff became very angry. He put the pen in his bucket without
thinking of it without previous intention.

The idea 💡 of kleptomaniac – ‫مهوس بمرض السرقة‬A kleptomaniac is a person who cannot
control their desire to steal things, usually because of a medical condition . So, he is trying to
justify Biff's situation (the act of stealing). This is kind of kleptomaniac is a kind of
psychological disturbance when one steals against his own well as in the case with Biff.

10-Willy: Are you spiting me? Biff: Don‟t take it that way! ! Willy [strikes Biff and falters
away from the table]: You rotten little louse! Are you spiting me? (P. 85)
Here we have the idea of Respect :- This speech is about the theme of the idea of respect between
Biff and his father Willy Loman. Throughout the play, we aren't going to see any sign of respect
with few remarked here in there about the respect that the kids have for their own father,
especially Biff, Biff didn't respect his father although in some situation he tries to defend him.
Willy describes his own son as a louse. A louse is a symbol of being very little of no importance
at all. The idea of respect and disrespect will be come to over in again. We will see Happy also
did not respect him, in one situation, he saw his father and he never said this is my father, he said
he's not my father. So this is part of disrespect these two kids have for their own father, but this is
kind of denying for his status as a father.

11-Miss Forsythe: Oh, he isn‟t really your father! Biff [at left, turning to her resentfully]:
Miss Forsythe, you‟ve just seen a prince walk by. A fine, troubled prince. A hardworking,
unappreciated prince. you understand? A good companion. Always for his boys. (P.86)
🟢Analysis :- In this speech, Biff is sympathizing with his own father and he describes him in a
very attractive and good way. He is describing his own father as a prince walk by. So in this
respect, he does respect him. He actually highly appreciated him but a little later or few minutes
he's going to be shocked when he discovered how his father gave Mrs. Frances new stockings
while his mother doesn't have such stockings. Just see the passionate words he has for his own
father a fine troubled prince hardworking unappreciated prince, always for his boys. So,
unappreciated may be by the government, by the political system, by his own family or by his
own society. So he's a prince but this prince cause through many difficulties. He always stands for
his own boys. The father as you know it's not just a symbol of the father who leads the family.
This is may be a reference to the guide, to government or to national leader who can take the
nation to the safe seashore.

The Idea of Loneliness or isolation :- " I am so lonely "

🟢Commentary :- These words was uttered by Willy when he speaks to the woman Mrs. Francis.
The idea of loneliness. It is an aspect of modern American society and it is an aspect of
modernism (modern time). Again Willy feels that he's isolated (secluded) from others, he's living
with himself away from anyone. He's just living in his own world, this is a bitter fact that has
astonished Willy Loman. It has something to do with sense of alienation so Willy he feels
alienated from himself and from his own society and this is related again to the idea of identity.
He's away from being able to formulate an identity within his own society. He is unwanted by his
family, by his society and by the political system.

12-Biff: you gave her Mama‟s stockings! [His tears break through and he rises to go.]
Willy [ grabbing for biff]: I gave you an order!
Biff: Don‟t touch me, you—liar! Willy:
Apologize for that!
Biff: You fake! You phony little fake! You fake! [Overcome, he turns quickly and weeping
fully goes out with his suitcase. Willy is left on the floor on his knees.]
Willy: I gave you an order! Biff, come back here or I‟ll beat you! Come back here! I‟ll whip
you! ( P. 91)

🟢Analysis :- Here we have the relationship between Biff and Willy. This relationship shown with
reference to Linda's stockings and you know that Linda's stockings repeated over again in the
play. The repetition of these stockings indicates that Willy betrayed his wife Linda with another
strange woman which is Mrs. Francis. Biff saw by his own eyes how Willy gave Linda's
stockings to Mrs. Francis and he was shocked by this situation. Hence he described his father as
you fake. You phony little fake!. He accused him of being false or fake. He has deceived him
by having such a relationship with this woman. Willy intern tells his son Biff that this woman is
just a buyer but he is lying. So lying and betraying are symbols of the fall of moral values in
American society at that time. When Willy faces certain difficulty or situation that he cannot
overcome, he starts remember his own brother Ben. Ben is a symbol of success and good man.

13-But the funeral—[Straightening up] Ben, that funeral will be massive! They‟ll come
from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire! All the oldtimers with the strange
license plates—that boy will be thunderstruck, Ben, because he never realized—I am
known! (p. 96).
🟢Analysis :- Who will be thunderstruck ? Willy actually refers to his own son Biff because he
never realized I am known. Who's never realize ? Biff never realize that Willy has been
known, he is a very famous person all over the country but again this is not a true, the true is that
Willy is not famous person. Here the idea of identity is mentioned in this speech. Again this is
American dream, he believed that many people will attend his own funeral but actually no one
came to his funeral just his family and his neighbor Charlie.

14- Oh, Ben, I always knew one way or another we were gonna make it, Biff and I! Ben
[looking at his watch]: The boat. We‟ll be late. [He moves slowly off into the darkness.] ( p.
103)Ben character is continued mention.
🟢Analysis :- Here Willy is speaking to his brother Ben. Willy believes that he can do something
or achieve something. The boat. We'll be late. This phrase may indicate that life goes so fast. So
the boat may be is a symbol of life or a symbol of life going so fast without being caught by
characters. Again whenever Willy finds himself in a difficulty, he starts remembering his own
brother Ben. This is a kind of inspiration or a kind of strength he tries to get strength from.

15- Linda [calling]: Willy, you coming up?

Willy [uttering a gasp of fear, whirling about as if to quiet her]:
Sh! [He turns around as if to find his way; sounds, faces, voices seem to be swarming in
upon him and he flicks at them, crying, „„Sh! Sh!‟‟ Suddenly music, faint and high, stops
him. It rises in intensity, almost to an unbearable scream. He goes up and down on his toes,
and rushes off around the house.] Shhh!
Linda: Willy?
[There is no answer. Linda waits. Biff gets up off his bed. He is still in
his clothes. Happy sits up. Biff stands listening.] Linda [with real
fear]: Willy, answer me! Willy!
[There is the sound of a car starting and moving away at full speed.] Linda: No!
Biff [rushing down the stairs]: Pop! ( 105)
🟢Analysis :- Here Linda and Willy are mentioned in particular. This is the scene of Willy Loman
killing himself by the car he loves. The scene is about how Willy Loman committed suicide by
the car. So, in this case, Willy is going to leave for his kids insurance money to live by and they
are going consequently to able to pay the house they had (they will have at the end of the play). It

is ironic because he kills himself by the most important level thing to him which is the car. Here
also we will have a Music but what kind of music ? it is sad music because here we have a death
of Willy Loman. Willy leaves the house very quickly to commit suicide by the car. Linda says
No and this No indicates that she shows objection to her husband's decision to kill himself but it's
too late he has killed himself. Biff says Bob it's at the end of Willy's death. This speech prepares
us for the last part of the play which is the Requiem, the death or the funeral of Willy Loman. It
is quite ironic that Willy isn't going to live in the house he has paid his life for, his family instead
will live in this house and this is the core ironic in this play.

The idea 💡 of Music :- We will have a Music but what kind of music ? it is sad
music because here we have a death of Willy Loman , This music isn't for life it is
for death, so this music is going to be sad tone .Music is very important and we
have a Requiem. The music and the melody is sad and this is very important. It
shows us something about that miss fail of the play.

The Requiem – ‫ قداس الموتى‬:- we are going to see how The American dream comes to
complete failure. Willy Loman before he died, he had a dream of having many people attend his
own funeral but in actuality no one came to his funeral just his family and his neighbor Charlie.
This part Requiem is the shortest part of the play and it shows how Willy's family plans for their
own future. As readers and audience we feel like there is a change in the characters specially
Biff and Happy. These characters start thinking of their own future so there is a change and this
change is very important in this play. The change also can be seen in even the pronoun we, almost
throughout the play we haven't heard of pronoun we but here we have the pronoun we is
mentioned by some characters especially Linda. Such change in the pronounce means that the
characters move from personal identity to group identity which is a radical change in the play.

16-Happy: All right, boy. I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not
die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have—to come out number-
one man. He fought it out here, and this is where I’m gonna win it for him.
Biff [with a hopeless glance at happy, bends toward his mother]: Let’s go,
🟢Analysis :- In this speech, Happy is talking about his father and he is speaking to his brother
Biff. He mentions that his father has implanted in his mind how to get his own dream to be
number one and this is the American dream. In America, they always implanted in their people
mind this idea American individual it means the individual is number one, no one is equal to
them. Happy confirms also here that he's going to continue the same way his father has gone

Before this we have Charlie defending his friend and his neighbor Willy Loman
saying that he should not be playing for what has happened, it is time and circumstances is
against Willy Loman. So, he should not be blamed for the mistakes this family has.

17- Linda: Forgive me, dear. I can’t cry. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t cry. I don’t
understand it. Why did you ever do that? Help me, Willy, I can’t cry. It seems to me that
you’re just on another trip. I keep expecting you. Willy, dear,
I can’t cry. Why did you do it? I search and search and I search, and I can’t understand it,
Willy. I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear.
And there’ll be nobody home. [A sob rises in her throat.] We’re free and clear. [Sobbing
more fully, released] We’re free. [biff comes slowly toward her.] We’re free . . . We’re free .
🟢Analysis :- Linda is left alone over Willy Loman's grave and she starts speaking what she has in
her mind. She really divulges for what she has skipped long away about Willy's character but she
still unable to guess why Willy has killed himself. This is the last speech made by Linda over
Willy's grave and this is speech clearly shows how Linda is shocked by the departure of her
husband Willy. She knows that there is no reason for his doing away with himself but still she
seems happy because they paid the last payment on their house. Again it is ironic that this house
is never going to be the house by Willy himself. The family is going to live in this house and this
is a new beginning (a new life). Throughout the play we have this idea of individuality now we
are moving to collective identity. The character speaking about the whole family not about
individual live in this family so this is the message that we are left in this part the Requiem. Willy
Loman represents the American dream but again which part of American dream ? It is the
negative part or side of the American dream. Arthur Miller tries to show in this play that the
political system is mainly responsible for what usually happens to the individual of that system of
that society. Willy as a character lost his identity, he's in continuous research for this identity but
he has come nothing about his identity.
The main scenes in Death of A salesman– ‫المشاهد الرئيسية في مسرحية موت البائع المتجول‬

After the key scene at Boston when Willy is discovered with the other Woman by
Biff, then this Idolisation collapses. Biff feels betrayed and Willy thinks Biff acts
in a way to spite him personally. Linda unwittingly is betrayed but is unaware.
As a result when Linda is mending her stockings, Willy Remembers giving silk
stockings to the Woman and feels guilty. The stockings become a symbol of
Willy’s guilt.
The recording scene, when Willy finally tries to ask for a job in the main office
from Howard is the Turning point of the play and a key scene in the
characterisation of Willy. The wrong values going Round inside Willy’s head
bring him to the point of a nervous breakdown. He is then symbolically Tortured
by bumping into the recorder to set it off and hearing the words of Howard’s
children. This Reminds him of his own betrayal and failings as a father and
brings him to a crisis point. Even then there is a chance for Willy if he were to
take a job with Charley but that would be an Admission that Bernard and
Charley did have the right values and Willy could never accept that.

The restaurant 🍴 scene is important as it is the climaxof the playIn the

restaurant scene, Biff and Happy are supposed to be meeting Willy and Biff is
supposed to report on his visit to Bill Oliver to ask for a loan. Happy gets to the
restaurant first, and Biff arrives before Willy does. Before Willy gets there , the
resturant brings out the actual breakdown. Although Biff tries to reassure Willy
By lying that Bill Oliver would sponsor The Loman Brothers. In fact the sons
end up leaving Willy a Nervous wreck and he rushes off to buy some seeds to
plant and then commit suicide.

Charley's Office 🏢Scene :- Willy goes to Charley's office to borrow money

meets Bernard, Charley offers him a job and Willy is again furious at the
‘insultWilly is amazed to see that Bernard has done so well for himself. He is
surprised to know that Bernard is a lawyer, that he has a caseBernard explains
that Biff is unsuccessful because he never trained himself for AnythingWilly's
belief that being well liked is enough to achieve success. Bernard, who was a
Good student in high school, is now more successful than Biff,Biff is close to
flunking Math. Willy makes fun of Bernard when he suggests that Biff might
not graduate because of His grades. When Bernard leaves, Willy tells the boys
that because Bernard is not well liked, He will never make it in the business
world despite his good grades. He says, "the man who Makes an appearance in
the business World .🌎
The inspiration of Willy about Dave Singleman scene :- Dave Singleman: Dave
Singleman was an 84-year-old traveling salesman who made sales From his hotel
room because he was so well known and well liked. When he died, buyers and
Salesman from all over New England attended his funeral. This is the life Willy
wishes for. Singleman was his inspiration for being a salesman and this dream
was the reason he went .into sales and didn‘t leave for Alaska when his brother
urged him to.
The inspiration of Willy about his brother Ben :- Ben is Willy's adventurous and
lucky older brother. Of course, he's dead, so he only appears in the play as a
character in Willy's troubled imagination. Willy totally idolizes Ben because he
was an adventurer who escaped the world of business and got rich quick by
finding diamonds in the African jungle.One of Willy's lifelong regrets is that he
didn't go with his brother to Alaska. Unlike Willy, Ben was able to take a risk
from the world of fierce ambition and competition. Willy also associates Ben
with knowledge and self-awareness, qualities that he himself is severely lacking.
Willy always wants advice, and Ben gives it. Of course, it's frequently not very
good advice and is usually the product of Willy's own imagination.In his
imagined conversations with his brother, Willy pries him for information about
their father, about how he succeeded financially, and for advice about parenting
Biff and Happy. It's hard to talk about Ben and his responses to these pleas,
since he is either a memory of the past or a figment of Willy's imagination. And
given Willy's complete lack of credibility, it's hard to tell even these apart.

The major conflict of this play :- After reading the play Death of a
Salesman by Arthur Miller, one of the major conflicts that is Developed
throughout the play is the conflict Within the main character Willy. Willy's
major Conflict is that he is unsuccessful in fulfilling his Depiction of the
"American Dream". He believed That if he was a hard worker who was well
liked He would climb the ladder of success, just like his Older brother Ben, who
had easily reached the “American Dream". When Willy was Unsuccessful in
achieving his goal, he turned to. His two sons, Biff and Happy Loman. Willy
Thought that if he raised successful children he Would then be seen as a
successful father, Ultimately fulfilling the “American Dream". As The play
continues we see that Willy is not Successful when raising his children. He
Teaches them the wrong morals, unlike his Neighbor Charley, who raises a very
successful Son Bernard. Willy's flashbacks incorporate. Many of the
unsuccessful morals and ethics that He taught to his sons.Willy versus Biff In the
play Death of a Salesman, Biff and Willy both develop. Different opinions
pertaining to. Their future. Biff as an adult Became a farm hand and is not Very
successful, but he enjoys. Being outside and working with his. Hands. This
affects Willy because He looks at Biff as a popular high.School student who has
the Potential of becoming something Better than a farm hand. This is. Where the
conflict develops from..Biff is happy with what he has.Become and is very
content to be. Free.Willy tries to find a way to redeem himself and. Make the
“American Dream” come true for his.Sons, but is not successful. His flashbacks
also. Incorporate other choices that he had made in.The past that he now regrets.
He believed that. Many of these decisions had caused him to.Become
unsuccessful. These flashbacks show. Willy's constant battle within himself to
become. The ideal “American Dream”. Willy can be seen.As both the protagonist
and the antagonist..He can be seen as the positive heroic.Character because he is
not willing to except. Defeat and he continues to push towards his. Goal, despite
his multiple failed attempts and Poor decisions. Willy can also be seen as the
Antagonist because of his self doubt that Causes him not achieve the “American
Dream". His flashbacks of his poor decision show that These are his own
downfalls.On the other side, Willy had high
Hope for Biff to be a success in the Business world. Willy is very Insistent on
Biff's success because he Believes if Biff become a successful Salesman, then
Willy will achieve his Goal of the “American Dream”. Biff Can be seen as the
protagonist who. Is striving to have his father except Him for who he has
become, even if it. Might not be the perfect “American. Dream". Willy can be
seen as the. Antagonist because creates. Obstacles that Biff has to overcomeWilly
does not want Biff to fall short of His expectations that fulfill the"American
Dream" The conflict ends with Willy committed a suicide.

The Role of the woman 👩in Death of salesman ;- it completely

degrades women..Women being objectified through their treatment .At the
hands of men. The author portrays this in .Linda's constant emotional abuse to
show that She is unimportant to Willy, Happy and his actions And statements
are used to show that women are .Easily manipulated, Willy and Ben thinking of
their .Father as an adventurous man while treating their.Mother as less
significant to show men'sa Salesman was an era where women were. Mistreated,
and treated as objects..Linda is the female who is being objectified the .Most by
her husband Willy. Willy constantly interrupted Linda,Cut her off, ignored her,
and treated her with .Willy displayed was his .Disloyalty towards Linda, and yet,
she still In conclusion, Women in Death of a Salesman are Used to excite and
appease to men even if the Men are abusive or disrespectful. We have seen. This
in the way Willy treats Linda and how he. Constantly cuts her off and
emotionally abuse her,.In addition to the woman' and how she was. Tossed away
when she was no longer of use to. Willy. Happy also shows very huge disrespect
to. Women when his only intention with them is. Sexually, along with his brother
Biff. Ben and Willy. Also trivialized their mother and didn't even know. That she
passed away. Every single woman in this. Play was objectified one way or
another by the. Hands of men, and every single man in the play. Has
disrespected a woman with no exceptions..Till this day we still face this problem.
Men today. Still continue to see women as objects of. Pleasure probably even
more so than past. times. Although we have advanced in the way people. Treat,
and see women, they are still fighting for. Equal rights, and to stop being treated
as objects.

Questions and blanks – ‫االسئلة والفراغات‬

1-What does Biff steal from Bill Oliver’s office as an Adult? -A pen
2-How old is Happy? 32.
-3-Where did Willy’s father go after he abandoned his family ? Alaska
4-Where did Ben end up when he went looking for his Father? - Africa
5-Where does Biff find Willy with The Woman? -Boston
6-How old was Dave Singleman when he died? - 84
7-What is the name of the restaurant where Happy and Biff take Willy?
- Frank’s Chop House—
8-How much money does Charley usually give Willy Each week? - $50
9-What subject did Biff fail in high school? -Math
10-Where does Happy work? Store
11-What was Biff’s position at Bill Oliver’s store when He was a boy? -
Shipping clerk
12-On what day of the week does Willy die? - Tuesday
13-On the sales trip that immediately precedes the Beginning of the play, which
city did Willy reach before Turning back? - Yonkers
14-How long has Willy worked for his company? 36 years
15-What does Howard show Willy in his office? - His wire recorder
16-What is Bernard’s adult occupation? - Lawyer
17-What is the name of Charley’s secretary? - Jenny
18-What does Happy order from Stanley at the Restaurant? Lobsters
19-To what kind of store does Willy ask Stanley to Direct him? - A seed store

20-the Article of Arthur Miller is Tragedy and common man 👨

21- The play of Death of A salesman is written in 1942 .
22-Dave Singleman was the ideal salesman for Willy Loman .
23-what did sell willy's father ? Flutes .
24-Where does the Loman family live ?Brooklyn
25-What does Willy promise the woman in the hotel room ?Stockings
26-Where did Ben become rich ?African Diamonds mines .
27-Why does Biff not go to college?HE REFUSES TO GO TO SUMMER
28-Which of the following characters does attend Willy's funeral?Charley
29-Willy says that the woods are burning .

30-Who is Willy Loman ?Willy Loman is the patriarch of the Loman family. He
has a disease that makes Him live in the past and he also recalls events and
people from the past as if He has rose colored glasses on. He makes them seem
bigger than they Actually are, like his brother Ben. Ben is an idiot who got lucky
and became Rich.
31-Identify Linda. Linda is Willy Loman's wife. She is understanding and loves
her husband with. A passion and understands him. She is tender, kind-hearted
and. Understanding. She is the only person Willy cannot lie to about his success
or.How much he makes because she pays the bills. She knows that he plans to
Kill himself and understands why, it also pains her to know that her husband Is
estranged from her children and lives life day to day because she does not Know
what will happen.
32-What happened to Willy after he got a little above Yonkers?.Says he almost
Hit Child and got into Car Accident.
33-What is Linda's reaction to Willy's complaints about himself?.Linda is
Willy's number one fan and vehemently opposes his complaints About himself.
She believes in him and will not let anyone, including Willy put. Him down
34-What reason does Willy give that he can't work in New York?.He says the
company sends him where they send him and that he doesn't.Know anyone
35-Identify Biff and Happy. Biff and Happy are Willy and Linda's two sons.
36-In the first scene with Linda, Willy contradicted himself twice. About what
did He Contradict Himself?.Willy says he was the best salesmen and then takes it
back. He says Biff Is Horrible and takes it back.
37-What seems to be the problem between Biff and Willy? Biff and Willy are at
odds with each other. Biff resents his father for some Unknown reason and Willy
expected Biff to grow up differently than he Actually did
38-Why doesn't Happy go west with Biff? Happy wants to stay where he is.
39- What does Biff want from Bill Oliver? Biff wants to get a job from Bill Oliver
for the sake of his father.
40-Why did Biff stop working for Bill Oliver?.Biff says Bill said he stole
company property.
41-Happy can see his father deteriorating, but instead of doing anything about.
It, he says nothing until it is brought up in conversation. He doesn't try to Help
him and what that tells me about his character is that he all he cares About is
42-Why does Willy talk so much about the car? Willy likes to remember things
in a better way than they actually were.
43-Where did Biff get the football? What does Willy say about that? Biff is a
kleptomaniac. He stole the football and Willy condones his actions. Willy never
addresses Biff's actions and doesn't punish him
44-What does Willy admit to Linda about his business? What is her reaction?
Willy tells Linda he was demoted and business is failing. He is not able to
Provide for his family and that hurts him.
45- Who is The Woman? The Woman is the person Willy is having an affair with
(his mistress).
46-Linda is mending her stockings and Willy recalls when he bought his mistress
Stockings and now his wife is mending her own, when he was so willing to Buy
things for his mistress. He means he'll make up cheating on his wife and Not
honoring his vows.
47- What does Willy want young Bernard to do for Biff? Willy wants young
Bernard to help Biff pass his math regent's exam by Cheating. Willy wants
Bernard to supply the answers to the regents, just like Bernard has done for all
the other tests the boys have had.
48-What does Willy tell Happy about Ben when Happy asks how Ben “did it"?
Willy tells Happy about his brother thinking he was going to Alaska, but Instead
ending up in Africa and coming out of the jungle rich. Willy idolizes his Brother,
Ben, when in fact, Ben was an idiot who got lucky.
49-Who is Ben? Ben is Willy's brother.
50- Who is Charley?Charley is Willy and Ben's deadbeat father. He left the
family when Willy was three years old and Ben went off to find him in Alaska,
but ended up in Africa.
51- What did Willy's father do for a living? How is that different from what
Willy does? Willy's father made flutes and traveled from town to town to sell
them Willy does not have his father's skills and so sells someone else's products
And traveled from town to town selling them.
52-Linda tells the boys that Willy won't be all right. When the boys ask why he
won't, what is her reply? She tells the boys about Willy attempting to kill himself
with the gas heater And the car accidents he had that weren't actually accidents,
but attempts. Made by Willy to kill himself.
53-What advice does Willy give Biff on the evening before he goes to see Bill
Oliver? How does Willy contradict himself again? Willy tells Biff to wear new
clothes, not talk too much, ask for a set amount of Money and not budge on it.
He tells Biff that he should talk and tells him that He isn't smart or capable, then
tells him how amazing he is.
54-How much time passes in the first act? How much time are we given
Information about? A day or two has passed in the first act, but we are given
information from The time Willy Loman was three years old to the present,
when Mr. Loman is In his sixties.

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