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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Tanjay City
Pamplona III

NAME: ______________________________ DATE: _________

SCHOOL: ____________________________ SCORE: ________

Test I.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the choices found inside the box. Write your answer on
the space provided.

Research Problem Research Question Learning

Scope Sources Delimitation
Research Background
Hypothesis Problem Statement

______________________________1. Usually, a is initially posed as a question which

serves as the focus of the researcher’s investigation.
______________________________2. A introduces the reader to the importance of the
topic being studied.
______________________________3. A is a predicted answer to the research question
that can be tested and based on prior research.
______________________________4. The for identification of problem are diverse and
would largely depend upon the area of interest of the investigator and the nature
of the problem under investigation.
______________________________5. is a brief outline of the most important studies
that have been conducted so far presented in a chronological order.
______________________________6. The details how in-depth your study is to
explore the research question and the parameter in which it will operate in
relation to the population and timeframe.
______________________________7. The of a study are the factors and variables not
to be included in the investigation.
______________________________8. It is exactly that – a problem that someone
would like to research.

______________________________9. It is not the same as a thesis title, research

problem, hypothesis or research focus, although they are interrelated and
support one another.
______________________10. It is an interaction process between students and
teachers and study material in teaching learning process.
Test II.

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and
write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answers on the space

__________1. Conceptual frameworks give life to a research.

__________2. If theoretical framework and/or conceptual framework are applied
wrongly, the result their research findings become weak.
__________3. It is the researcher’s explanation of how the research problem would
__________4. The research activities are planned to verify the hypothesis and not
to find out the solution of the problem or to seek an answer to a question.
__________5. Hypothesis is called also a leap into the dark.
__________6. Hypothesis predicts what the researchers expect to see, the goal of
research is to determine whether this guess is right or wrong.
__________7. The goal literature review is to bring the reader up to date with
current literature on a topic and form the basis for another goal, such as the
justification for future research in the area.
__________8. A good literature review gathers biases information about a
particular subject from any sources.
__________9. The introduction and conclusion to your review of the literature
should show how your research project will join the on-going conversation.
_________10. The main aim in structuring your review of the literature is to lead
your reader to understand the need to precisely conduct the form of literature
review or research paper that you propose or have done.

_________11. One of the characteristics of good research questions is not feasible.

_________12. “A comparison between the identical twins….” is a good example of
research title.
_________13. The sources for identification of problem are diverse and would
largely depend upon the area of interest of the investigator.
__________14. Research questions should be clear, concise, and as simple as
possible, focused and empirically answerable.
__________15. The problem statement provides the framework for reporting the
results and indicates what is probably necessary to conduct the study and
explain how the findings will present this information.
__________16. Good research question is practicable.
__________17. A good research question helps to- guide the research process;
construct a logical argument; write a literature review; plan thesis chapters; and
devise efficient search strategies.
__________18. The purpose of research question is to introduce the reader to the
importance of the topic being studied.
__________19. A hypothesis is a predicted answer to the research question that
can be tested and is based on prior research.
___________20. An important consideration for selecting the problem area relates
to its feasibility.
Test III.

Directions. Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter that correct answers.

1. A structure which the researcher believes can best explain the natural progression of
the phenomenon to be studied.
a. hypothetical b. conceptual
c. hypothesis d. scope

2. A prediction of the outcome of a study is.

a. theoretical b. assumed theory
c. concept d. summary

3. It is arranged in a logical structure to aid provide a picture or visual display of how ideas
in a study relate to one another is.
a. Conceptual framework b. theoretical framework
c. hypothetical framework d. conjectural framework

4. It is well written and contains few if any personal biases is .

a. assumption b. literature
c. theories d. hypothesis

5. The reviewer/researcher needs to present the precise criteria except

a. Formulate the research question
b. Set inclusion or exclusion criteria
c. Select and access the literature
d. provides opportunity to jump into conclusion

6. It is considered most likely to produce a review that will be advantageous in notifying

a. simplified approach b. systematic approach
c. Basic approach d. organized approach

7. The following are main purposes of systematic review of literature except:

a. To provide the reader with a comprehensive background for understanding current
b. Highlighting the significance of new research.
c. It can inspire research ideas by identifying gaps or inconsistencies in a body of
d. To providing the common blunders in identifying the solution of the problem

8. The key to a good or research paper is the ability to present the findings in such a way that it
demonstrates your knowledge in a clear and consistent way.
a. literature review b. conceptual framework
c. Theoretical framework d. hypothesis

9. The following are overall aiming of theoretical and conceptual framework except:
a. Explains the path of a research
b. Grounds it firmly in theoretical constructs.
c. To make research findings more meaningful
d. summarizes the findings and conclusions of the study

10. The following are components of hypothesis except:

a. The variables b. The population
c. The relationship between the variables d. The significance of the study
Test IV.

Directions: List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of

the following items.

1-3. What are the three main ideas to include in the introductory statement?

4-9. What are the parts of a Methodology?

10-12. How many chapter in Finalizing the research paper?

13-15. Define what is the importance in conducting a research?

“Good Luck on your exam! The days you spent studying has
led up to this day, and I know that you’re going to do great!
Do your best and believe in yourself!”

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!

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