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Production Curves

all the renewable and nonrenewable natural resources used in the production
labor the physical and mental efforts contributed by humans in the production process
capital the buildings, equipment, and human skills used to produce goods and services
entrepreneurship the act of starting a business by bringing together all the other factors of production
factor of production a resource used to produce goods and services
the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by people that adds value to
human capital
their jobs
physical capital all the things required by businesses to produce goods and services from raw materials

production possibilities curve (PPC) a graph showing the total possible amount of goods and services that can be produced with limited available resources

efficiency using limited resources to maximize production of goods and services

underutilization using resources below their maximum efficiency
any combination of possible outputs that lies outside the PPC curve; the point at which there are not enough resources to produce
unattainable point
a simple PPC depicting all the possible combinations of defense goods and
guns versus butter
consumer goods produced in an economy

Objective categorize resources into factors of production and use production possibilities curves
In this lesson, you will to interpret the scarcity of resources.

Factors of Production
All countries have different ________________________ in varying quantities at their disposal.

labor entrepreneurship
land _______________ capital ____________________________
When a country or a business uses a particular resource for __________________ a good, less of that resource
is available to make other _____________. It is essential for an economy to decide which production
activity allocate
________________ will make maximum use of that resource and ________________the resource accordingly.

Name the Resource

Do you consider the resources that went into making the supplies you are using right this minute?
resources produce
Think about the ___________________ needed to __________________ the goods and services we use.

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What Are Factors of Production?
basic economy
These factors of production are the _______________ requirements of an __________________to produce
goods and services.

What Are Factors of Production?

Land is the __________________ factor of production in any production process.
In economics, land includes __________ natural resources: minerals,
_______________________, trees, and wildlife. That includes everything that is
_________________________, the water itself, and the air above.
It also includes all _______________________ natural resources, such as solar
energy, biomass, and ____________, as well as nonrenewable natural resources, such as
______________ and crude oil.

Labor is the human ________________ in any production process. Labor is the
physical laborers
______________________ efforts of factory workers, ______________________, and
farmhands. Labor is also the _________________ effort used for transforming raw
materials into final ___________________.

Capital is human-made resources used in a _________________________ process.
Human capital includes all the talent, knowledge and ________________ that
individuals use to produce ________________ and services.
Physical capital includes all the human-made ___________________ used in the
production process, such as buildings, _______________, and equipment.

An entrepreneur is a person who combines the other ________________ factors of
production to ___________________ new goods and services.
invent business
They _________________ products or ideas and develop _____________________
and are the ones who face risk and uncertainty while conducting business.

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(see “Sample Answer” for ideas)
Categorize the Resources according to Factors of Production. Note that there are three (3) of the factors
already listed.
Factors of Production Resources

Labor designers

Capital engineering knowledge

Labor engineers

Capital machines on which phones are produced

land oil

Capital production knowledge

labor production workers

Labor salespeople

Entrepreneurship the company founder's ability to create the company and market the phone

Land the mineral copper

Land the mineral tungsten

capital trucks and airplanes

Land wood pulp for making packaging

The Production Possibilities Curve

Resources are __________________, and it is essential to use them
efficiency produce
_______________________. Often, we have to _____________________
less of one good just to produce more of another _______________ using
the available resources.

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Because of the ___________________ nature of resources, every
trade offs
society must consider scarcity, ______________ - ___________, and
opportunity costs when ______________________ goods and
services. The production possibilities curve (_________) represents
these trade-offs and _________________________ costs.
A PPC is a _______________ that represents the possible
__________________________ of two goods that are producible
using the available scarce resources.

Allocative Efficiency
An efficient economy _____________________ the use of all
Available scarce resources. The PPC depicts the different points
of______________________ in an economy.
At each point on the PPC, the economy cannot produce
_______________________ units of one good without producing
__________________ of the other.
For example, at point A, the country can produce 4,000 pens and
1,300 computers. Similarly, at point B, the country can producee
3,000 pens and 2,000 computers.

At any point on the PPC, it is it is not possible for the economy to produce more computers without
reducing the number of pens or to produce more pens without reducing the number of computers. Points A
all points efficiency
and B and __________ the other points on the curve are ______________ of ___________________.

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When an economy ________________ to use its
unattainable maximum
Point D indicates: __________________ resources to ________________________
efficiency, it leads to underutilization. The
points _______________ the PPC reflect this

underutilization All points that lie __________________ the PPC are
Point C indicates: ____________________ unattainable
unattainable. An ________________________ point
reflects a combined ________________ of goods
that isn’t possible with a limited set of resources.

PPC and Economic Growth

Every economy faces the constraint of ___________________ Right shift
produced Economy growing
resources and that total output _____________________
Increase in output
depends on the availability of resources. But if there’s an
increase or a decrease in the availability of
resources shifts
_____________________, the PPC ________________.

Left shift
Economy shrinking
Decrease in output

Guns Versus Butter

The main purpose of the PPC is to show which __________________________ of two goods an economy can
____________________ with a limited amount of resources.
To better understand this idea, let’s consider a popular model: guns versus butter. Guns represent
military consumer
____________________ goods while butter represents _____________________ goods. Every country must
have a ___________________ between military goods (guns) and consumer goods (butter).

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Remember that all the points on the PPC represent an
______________________ way of producing two goods. When a
 _____________________ the production of one good, the
production of the other good automatically
 ______________________.

Calculating the Opportunity Cost

The PPC also depicts the ________________________ cost
of one good in terms of other ________________.
Opportunity cost is the _______________ of the units
of a good given up to get __________________ units of
another good.
On the PPC, we can see opportunity ____________ in terms
of how a _______________ moves on the curve.
The shift from Point A to Point B indicates that the number
of pizzas __________________ one unit while the number of
hotdogs ____________________ two units.

Resources and Disease production

Economics is a __________________ science that deals with the _______________________ and
consumption habits of individuals dealing with _________________ resources. But economic concepts such as
production possibilities
factors of _______________________ and the production _____________________ curve are not limited to
the subject of economics.
Economic knowledge applies to ________________ that any
___________________ might face.

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Explain how the four (4) factors of production impact the possibilities production curve (PPC) and a country’s

The four factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. These factors have a significant
impact on the production possibilities curve and a country's resources.

The production possibilities curve represents the maximum output of two goods that an economy can produce
with its available resources and technology. The curve shows the trade-offs that a society must make between
two goods when using its scarce resources to produce them. The position and shape of the production
possibilities curve are influenced by the four factors of production.

Land: Land refers to all natural resources, including minerals, forests, water, and fertile soil. The availability of
land affects a country's ability to produce goods and services. For example, if a country has abundant fertile
land, it can produce more agricultural goods. This, in turn, can shift the production possibilities curve outward,
indicating an increase in the country's ability to produce both goods.

Labor: Labor refers to the human effort that is used to produce goods and services. The quality and quantity of
labor available in a country can impact the country's production possibilities curve. For example, if a country
has a highly skilled and educated workforce, it can produce more complex goods and services, which can shift
the production possibilities curve outward.

Capital: Capital refers to the tools, equipment, and machinery that are used to produce goods and services.
The availability of capital can affect a country's ability to produce goods and services efficiently. For example, if
a country has advanced technology and machinery, it can produce goods and services faster and more
efficiently. This can shift the production possibilities curve outward.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship refers to the ability to organize and manage resources to produce goods
and services. The entrepreneurial spirit of a country's people can impact the country's production possibilities
curve. For example, if a country has a culture that encourages innovation and risk-taking, it can lead to the
creation of new goods and services, which can shift the production possibilities curve outward.

In summary, the four factors of production play a significant role in shaping a country's production possibilities
curve. The availability and quality of land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship impact a country's ability to
produce goods and services efficiently. A country with abundant resources and a highly skilled and innovative
workforce can produce more goods and services and shift its production possibilities curve outward, leading to
economic growth and development.

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