Part 1 (2.5 MS) Complete The Sentences Using The Correct Form of The Verb Given in Brackets

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Part 1 (2.5 ms) Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

1. I’ve just heard that Carla _______ to Marketing Director. (promote)

2. I can’t stand people _______ all the time. It’s so rude. (interrupt)
3. Gold _______ in large quantities in South Africa. (still/produce)
4. Sweden is one of the few countries where the population _______. (probably/increase)
5. It is vital that these figures _______. (publicize)
Part 2 (2.5 ms) Complete the sentences using ONLY ONE word.
6. ________ first sight, this proposal doesn’t seem very promising, but if you read it carefully,
it has a lot of potential.
7. Our new product is equipped with a number of features that are not to ________ found in
similar devices produced by our competitors.
8. I’m sorry but we can’t accept that. Our position is clear and we have explained it ________
you several times before.
9. How long ________ did Mr Koczka leave?
10. In 1987 he moved to Seoul, ________ he set up the Asia division.
11. ________ original Barbie was a great success and quickly became the best-selling toy in the
12. Have you ________ been self-employed?
13. The Government is trying to cut down ________ bureaucracy.
14. Lisbon reminds me a bit ________ San Francisco.
15. He rang to ask ________ we were still interested in the site or not.
Part 3 (2.5 ms) Complete the sentences with the best expressions in brackets.
16. The college offers summer courses ________ (so that students can/in order for students/so
as to students can/as for students to) accumulate degree credits more quickly.
17. The city ________ (choosing/chosen/where is chosen/which chooses) to host the
championships must have excellent sports facilities.
18. Three days ________ (isn’t a long time/aren’t long time/aren’t a long/isn’t the long time)
to find a new place to live.
19. ________ (Even it may seem glamorous/Yet it may seem glamorous/All the same
glamorous it may seem/However glamorous it may seem), modeling is actually hard work.
20. William thought it ________ (would make sense/was in sense/does sense/has done sense)
to take extra medication with him.
21. The idea is ________ (Susan to assist/Susan assisting/that Susan be assisted/that Susan
assist) the publicity department during peak periods.
22. ________ (Rarely the price of gas was higher/The price of gas hardly has been
higher/Never has the price of gas been higher/At no time has been the price of gas
higher) than it was during the recent fuel crisis.
23. Advertising on TV is now very expensive. ________
(Moreover/Nonetheless/Consequently/Whereas), there is no shortage of companies
competing for air time.
24. ‘How are you managing at work, Shelly?’ ‘It’s hard to combine work with looking after a
________ (three-months old baby/three month’s old baby/three-month-old baby/third
month old baby).’
25. The company was losing money, so they implemented a ________
(reduction/reducing/reduce/reduced) in staff.
Part 4 (2.5 ms) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the
words in brackets. DO NOT change the word.
26. ‘Please don’t smoke in front of the customers,’ he said to me. ASKED
He _____________________ in front of the customers.
27. It’s an American company, but I had no idea. THAT
I _____________________ an American company.
28. ‘I haven’t had much experience of retail,’ he told the interviewer. THAT
He _____________________ much experience of retail.
29. ‘I’m calling on behalf of SGE Electronics’, the man said. CALLING
The man _____________________ on behalf of SGE Electronics.
30. Could you give us tea and coffee at 11 a.m.? PROVIDE
Could you _____________________ tea and coffee at 11 a.m.?

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