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Momentum: Physics Education Journal

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Filza Farhana dan Sahrul Saehana*
Tadulako UniversityJl. Soekarno-Hatta Km. 9 Earth Campus of Tadulako Tondo. Palu - Central Sulawesi, 94118, Indonesia

sahrulsaehana@gmail.com, farhanafilza95@gmail.com

Received: ………; Revised: ………; Accepted: ………

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to produce a video learning material on atomic theory. This research
is a development research that refers to the ADDIE model. The research instrument used was a questionnaire
with a four-likert scale aimed at material experts, linguists, media experts, teachers and 10 students of MA AL-
KHAIRAAT Tomini. The results of product quality validation based on media and material assessments are in the
good category with points of 3.25, 3.11 and 2.84 respectively. Meanwhile, the scores obtained from the
teachers and students of class XI IPA were 3.87 and 3.51, both of which were in the "Strongly Agree" category.
The results showed that the learning video material for atomic theory in the Tialo language was suitable for use
in learning activities and could increase the concentration level of students.
Keywords:Tutorial video; atomic theory;Tialo language.

How to Cite Farhana, F&Saehana, S (2020). Development of learning videos on atomic

theory material in tialoo language. Momentum: Physics Education Journal, Vol(Issue),
firstpage-lastpage. https://doi.org/10.21067/mpej.vxix.xxxxx

Education plays a very important role in ensuring the survival of the nation and state, because
education is a vehicle for improving and developing the quality of human resourcesTo improve the
learning process, teachers are required to make learning more innovative which encourages students
to learn optimally both in independent learning and in classroom learning (Agustania, 2014).
Education has an important role in improving the quality of human resources. For humans,
education functions as a means and facilities that make it easier, able to direct, develop and lead to a
better life not only for themselves but also for other humans. The conventional learning method
applied by the teacher in the teaching and learning process is not able to attract the attention of
students, with this method the teacher tends not to involve students to be active in learning. The
assistive media used by the teacher during learning was limited to powerpoints and was unable to
attract students' attention. Whereas for productive learning itself, media that is feasible and fulfills to
be able to deliver material is that which contains elements of motion so that the teaching process
can be considered properly (Lestari, 2017).
Every citizen has the right to quality education without exception. Educational services do not
consider the social status, economic status and physical condition of students. The government has
organized special education for students who have difficulty following the learning process due to
physical, emotional, mental, social disabilities and / or have the potential for intelligence and special
talents. One of the persons with special needs is a deaf child. Physics as a science subject is a subject
This is an open access article under the CC–BY license.
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

that requires more understanding. Apart from the many illustrations, pictures and symbols, physics
also contains many equations that are used. In addition, physics is a subject that is considered
difficult by most students, even for the category of normal children. (Setyaningrum and Wiyatmo,
Lack of attention and motivation of students and low learning achievement shows that there are
obstacles in the learning process that cause disruption of information that should be received by
students (Rohman dan Karimah, 2018).
Efforts to improve the quality of education are continuously being made, one of which is by
increasing the quality of education from time to time so that it remains relevant to developments in
information technology. To improve the quality of education, various breakthroughs are needed in
curriculum development, learning innovation, and fulfillment of educational facilities and
infrastructure (Wiyatiningsih, 2017).
For this reason, it is necessary to have media that can improve the quality of the teaching and
learning process. Learning media is a channel or intermediary used to convey messages or teaching
materials. Media is indispensable in learning as a means of conveying information and messages
from teachers to students. Good and fluent learning requires good learning media and is in
accordance with classroom conditions.
One of the main problems of students in the current learning process is the difficulty of students
receiving, responding to and developing the material provided by the teacher. The above problems
are influenced by many factors. One of the factors that influence the process of teaching and
learning activities is the learning media used by the teacher, the learning media that teachers usually
use are only makeshift media such as book media which makes students less interested in learning
(Nurainun, 2019). So that in learning, a media that is able to attract students' attention is needed to
pay more attention to the lessons given by the teacher, this media is a learning video media (Nurrita,
In relation to the use of mother tongue (regional) as the language of instruction at the initial level,
the results of research conducted by Freeman in Mahsun (2001) indicate that students who study in
schools use the second language of instruction (English). ) often have difficulty learning other
subjects, such as mathematics, science, social studies and the like. On the contrary, students who
study in schools that use their mother tongue as the medium of instruction tend not to experience
difficulties in participating in teaching and learning activities that use the second language of
instruction (Cummins, in Mahsun, 2001).
In addition to the reasons above, giving lessons using the language of instruction in the mother
tongue at the initial level can be a means for forming a confident attitude in students. They feel
appreciated, because the language they use is also a means of socializing the culture that forms them
and is used as a means of conveying knowledge in the school where they study. Meanwhile,
psychologically they feel safe in school and will always be ready to receive lessons (Mahsun, 2001).
To show love for the homeland, one must have a love for the customs and culture found in the
region or in the country by preserving it.
Mother tongue is known as the colloquial language used by children around its environment, it is
very easy to learn and follow by those of the same age. Therefore, when the mother tongue is
applied in the learning process in the classroom, it will have a positive effect on students, namely
students will easily understand and will be more interested when the teaching and learning process
takes place. So that the presence of instructional video media in this regional language is expected to
be able to eliminate student boredom in learning and students focus more in learning. Media has a

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

contribution in improving the quality and quality of teaching. The presence of the media not only
helps teachers in conveying their teaching materials, but provides additional value in learning
activities (Azni, 2019).
According to Purwanti (2015), the use of video media for learning mathematics with the assure
model can increase the effectiveness of learning and can motivate students to learn mathematics.
Furthermore, from the results of Handziko's (2015) research regarding the development of
ecosystem succession learning videos to increase student learning motivation and mastery of
biological concepts, it is concluded that the use of instructional videos is very good and instructional
video media can increase student learning motivation.
The results of Istiqomah's research (2016) in his research concluded that from the results of
descriptive statistics it can be seen that the conceptual understanding of students who use video
media is superior to control class students who use conventional learning models. Subsequent
research conducted by Mutia (2017) shows that the use of video as a learning medium is very
feasible to be used as teaching material for students in teaching. and learning activities.
Putri's research results (2019) obtained a very good predicate and suitable for use in learning.
According to research results (Rizal Farista & ilham Ali, 2013) the results obtained from scores are
above average or very valid and can be used in learning.
In his research, Rusli (2020) states that the use of Physics learning videos on static fluid material
with the STAD type cooperative model gets a very good category and is suitable for use as a learning
medium. And according to Agustini (2020) in his research, the results of video media learning really
help students in simplifying the teaching and learning process and for teachers to make it easier.
deliver learning material.
The purpose of this research is that the authors want to know the results of the development of
learning videos for atomic theory material in the Tialo language and see the level of understanding of
students in learning using Tialo language video media

Research Design
This research includes a type of research and development or known as Research and
Development (R&D), which is a research model used to produce certain products and test the
effectiveness of these products. The research carried out is the development of teaching materials
for modern physics courses using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consists of five stages, namely
analysis, planning, development, implementation, andevaluation (Sugiyono, 2010).
This teaching material development research uses the ADDIE model, the design includes the
stages of product development procedures and product testing that need to be done in general, can
be seen in Figure 1.

Analysis Design Development

Evaluation Implementation

Figure 1. The ADDIE method steps

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

Research Subject

The subjects of this study were students of class XI MA AL-KHAIRAAT TOMINI. Because this
learning video media uses the mother tongue (Tialo language), the researchers conducted trials on
students who were in the Tialo area. This research is a development research with limited testing, so
only 10 students are used as research subjects to assess the feasibility of the physics learning video

Research Instruments

The research instrument used in this research is a questionnaire technique which aims to
exchange the feasibility of the media in learning. This questionnaire has a component in the form of
questions or responses submitted to respondents and validators and is made on a Likert scale four,
the number of questionnaires given to respondents is 14 questionnaires. The questionnaire was
given to one material expert, one linguist, one media expert, one subject teacher and 10 grade XI

Data Collection Procedure

The data collection method or technique is in the form of a questionnaire which is a data
collection tool that contains a number of questions or statements that must be answered by the
research subject. Questionnaires can reveal many things so that in a short time a lot of data /
information can be obtained. Based on the form, the questionnaire can be open and closed. In this
study, a closed questionnaire was used with the Likert scale type. Closed questionnaires have
answers that have been provided and do not give respondents the opportunity to add other
information. The questionnaire was given via google form and sent online to respondents and

Data Analysis Techniques

The analysis technique used to analyze the validation result data is the calculation of the average
value. The determination of this data analysis technique is based on the opinion of Arikunto (2006)
which states that in order to determine the final score ranking on each research questionnaire item,
the number of values obtained is divided by the number of respondents who answered the
assessment questionnaire. The formula for calculating the average value is as follows:

x= (1)
Information :
x ̅: Average value in each question item
∑x∶ The total value of all assessments in each question item
n: Number of questions
Changing the average score obtained into a qualitative form based on tables 1 and 2.

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

Table 1. Product Assessment Criteria

Average Score Criteria

3,25 < X ⩽ 4,00 Very Good (VG)
2,50 < X ⩽ 3,25 Well (W)
1,75 < X ⩽2,50 Less (L)
1,00 ⩽ X ⩽ 1,75 Very Less (VL)
Table 2. Student Response Category Criteria

Average Score Criteria

3,25 < X ⩽ 4,00 Strongly Agree (SA)
2,50 < X ⩽ 3,25 Agree (A)
1,75 < X ⩽2,50 Disagree (D)
1,00 ⩽ X ⩽ 1,75 Strongly Disagree (SD)

The assessment score or the level of feasibility of each aspect or the entire Tialo language physics
learning video media uses the table as a reference for assessing the data generated from the validity
of the media expert, to make it easier to provide values. the criteria that the instructional video
media on the material of the atomic theory of the Tialo language developed is feasible or not to be
used. The specifications of this product are very much in accordance with the ability of students in
understanding the material being taught, besides this research has limitations, namely conditions
and circumstances that make it impossible to conduct research directly at school.

Material experts are validators who are chosen to assess the appropriateness of the curriculum
aspects, material presentation and language. Validation was carried out by a physics education
lecturer. In general, the material expert validation was carried out by material experts, namely Mrs.
Gustina, S.Pd., M.pd as a lecturer in the physics education study program. The results obtained from
the material expert's assessment can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Validation Results Of Material Feasibility Aspects

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

Suitability of Learning Media content

1 with Basic Competencies (KD) and
4.00 Very Good
Learning Objectives.

The truth of the concept of the

2 material is viewed from a scientific
3.25 Well

3 Clarity of learning topics.

3, 25 Well

4 Material wrinkling
4 , 00 Very Good

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

5 Material coverage
3.25 Well

6 Clarity of examples given.

3.25 Well

The accuracy of the dialogue / story

text with the material. 3, 25 Well

Average 3, 28 Very good

Table 4. Validation Results Of Linguistic Feasibility Aspects

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

Ease of understanding the flow

1 of material through the use 3.25 Well
of language .

4.00 Very
2 Politeness in using language

3, 25
3 Text accuracy with material. Well

Average 3, 33 Very Good

Table 5. Results Of Validation Of Presentation

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

Learning video media support for

1 student involvement in the learning 4.00 Very Good

2 Display image presentation Well

Video clarity that supports

understanding of the material.
3 Less

Average 3, 00 Well

Table 6. Results Of Validation Of Video Media Effects On Learning Strategies

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

1 Ease of use 3.25 Well

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

The ability of Learning Video Media to

2 increase student motivation in 4.00 Very Good
studying physics.

The ability of Learning Video Media

3 3, 25 Well
increases knowledge.

The ability of Learning Video Media

4 3, 25 Well
broadens students' horizons.

Average 3, 25 Well

In general, the results obtained from the material expert's assessment can be seen in Table 7.

Table 7. Results Of Feasibility Validation By Material Expert

Average number
No. Assessment Aspects Category
of values

1 Material Feasibility Aspects 3, 28 Very Good

2 Language Feasibility 3, 33 Very Good

3 Serving Feasibility 3 , 00 Well

Feasible Effect video

4 media learning Against Strategies Lear 3,2 5 Well

Total 3. 25 Well

Based on these data, the assessment given by material experts on the Kaili language video can be
interpreted well, which shows that the instructional video media is feasible to be tested.
From the results of the material expert's validation on the developed video, there are several
shortcomings. The suggestions for improvement include:
 Comments by material
It is better if the text / font size is adjusted to the screen, do not close the image or video, if
necessary, add a text translation. Balance the intermediate volume between the explanation from
the source to the video sound. Do not deliver material too quickly or control the tuning or tone of
voice. Explanation by voice or audio must be accompanied by a detailed or clear picture (visual)
so that the flow of explanation is easy to understand.

2. Feasibility Test Results by Subject Teachers

To determine the feasibility of the use of the application by the teachers, the teachers were given
sheets ratings are associated with the application. The Results of the assessment by the teacher can
be seen in Table 8.

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

Table 8. Results Of Feasibility Test By Student Teachers

No. Indicator Score Indicator Classification

1 Curriculum 4.00 Very Good

2 Presentation of material 3.73

4 Language 4.00 Very Good

Average 3, 87 Very Good

Based on these data, the assessment given by the physics subject teacher to the Tialo physics
learning video can be interpreted very well, which shows that the Tialo language learning video is
suitable for use as a learning medium.
 Teacher's Comments
The material provided is well organized according to the picture so that it is very clear and easy to
understand and the use of communicative language is very suitable for the level of development of

3. Student Response Questionnaire Results

At this stage the researchers conducted initial product tests and limited trials which intended to
determine student product assessments so that later they could be widely used. The trial was limited
to 10 students of MA AL-KHAIRAAT Tomini . The results of the limited trial can be seen in Table 9.

Table 9. Aanalysis Results Average Assessment Of Student Response

No. Statement Average score

Illustrations are given in the video medium of learning is
very clear and related to the life everyday

Image and animation are presented in the video

2 3,6
medium of learning in accordance with the material

The video that is presented can increase enthusiasm

3 3.6
for learning

This instructional video media makes it easier to

4 3. 6
understand material through videos and local languages

5 The local language used is easy to understand 3.5

6 Can be an alternative source of learning 3.5

7 Using this instructional video 3.7

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

media can make learning Physics not boring

8 The image presented is attractive 3. 1

9 This instructional video media is easy to use 3. 7

This instructional video media allows me to learn physics

10 3. 7

The instructional video media motivated me to study 3,4

11 physics, especially the subject of atomic theory

12 This instructional video media broadened my horizons. 3. 6

The writing to use is easy

13 for read 3.5

The suitability of images and materials made me more

14 3 .5
excited to study physics

15 Appealing media appearance / design 3.5

Score 3, 51

TABLE 10. Average Results Of Limited TrialAssessment



1 2 3 4 5

1 R1 3 4 4 4 4 19 95

2 R2 3 4 4 4 1 16 80

3 R3 4 4 4 4 4 20 100

4 R4 3 3 4 3 2 15 75

5 R5 3 3 1 2 3 12 60

6 R6 4 3 4 4 3 18 90

7 R7 3 3 4 3 4 17 85

8 R8 4 4 3 4 4 19 95

9 R9 3 3 4 4 3 17 85

10 R10 3 4 4 4 3 18 90


Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

The purpose of this research is that the authors want to know the results of the development of
learning videos for atomic theory material in the Tialo language and see the level of understanding of
students in learning using Tialo language video.
Based on the material expert's assessment by the physics education lecturer, namely Gustina,
S.Pd., M.Pd, the assessment given by the material expert on the Tialo physics learning video can be
interpreted properly so that it is feasible to be tested.
Furthermore, the results of the linguist's assessment conducted by one of the native speakers of
the Tialo language, namely Israwati, the aspects assessed from the Tialo-language physics learning
video include language feasibility . So, if analyzed as a whole, the average value will be obtained
at 3.11. Based on these data, the assessment given by the linguist to the physics learning video in this
language can be interpreted well so that it is worth trying out.
Furthermore, the results of the media expert's assessment conducted by physics education
lecturers, namely Wahyuni N. Laratu, S.Pd., M.Pd, the aspects assessed from the Tialo-language
physics learning video include linguistic feasibility, visual appearance, media effects on learning
strategies and display software . So, if analyzed as a whole, an average value of 2.84 will be
obtained . Based on these data, the assessment given by media experts on the Tialo physics learning
video can be interpreted well so that it is worth trying out.
The initial appearance of this instructional video still has several shortcomings, especially in the
part of the image that has a lace resolution, this can be seen in Figure 1

Figure 1. Display of video media before upgrade

After being declared feasible by material experts, linguists and media experts, the Tialo-language
physics learning video media was tried out in the feasibility test of learning practitioners
(teachers). The feasibility test was carried out by a teacher MA AL-KHAIRAAT Tomini, Mrs. Romita,
S.Si. The aspects assessed from the Tialo-language physics learning video include curriculum, material
presentation and language . The average overall assessment of the learning practitioner (teacher) is
The improvements made by researchers were adding image resolution to the video display, fixing
the text and improving the audio narrative voice of the video. This can be seen in Figure 2.

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

Figure 2. Display of instructional video media after repair


Furthermore, the initial product test was carried out in order to determine the student's
assessment of the development product that had been produced, in the form of a physics learning
video in Tialo. Learning media development results were tested on 10 students. The purpose of
implementing product trials is to get an overview of student responses to the product being
developed. In this study, students assessed the material, language, and their interests in using these
learning media. The results of the analysis of the students' assessment of the physics learning video
media for the atomic theory material developed are presented as follows: Because the type of
statement is positive, the score for each answer option is as follows: 4; Strongly agree, 3; Agree,
2; Disagree, 1; Strongly disagree.
Product trials were carried out on class XI IPA MA AL-KHAIRAAT Tomini, where students were
given a questionnaire containing 15 question items. After analyzing the questionnaire given to 10
students, the average score was 3.51. This assessment can be interpreted that students strongly
agree if the physics learning video in Kaili is used in the learning process in the classroom both guided
and independently.
After the revision stage of the selection is carried out, then it is followed by a limited trial. This
limited trial was conducted on a small scale to 10 students of MA-ALKHAIRAAT TOMINI. This limited
trial assessment was carried out by giving 5 questions in the form of description questions to
students regarding the material presented in the instructional video media, this was done in order to
find out whether the student was able to understand the explanation of the atomic theory material
in the Tialo language described in the learning video. Of the 10 students who were given questions in
the limited test, there were 8 of them who had very high abilities in understanding the explanation of
the atomic theory in the Tialo language, 1 of them had m oderate abilities and 1 student had low
abilities. Based on the results of this limited trial, an average value of 85.5 was obtained, which
means that 80% of students understood the material described and were able to answer the
description questions well. The advantages of physics learning videos on atomic theory material
students can see the material exposure repeatedly and can increase students' understanding of the
material of atomic theory.

Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

This positive assessment of students is likely because previously the school was still not using
instructional video media, let alone explained in their local language. So that it makes them feel
bored and quickly understand the physics learning video. In this learning video, there are
explanations made in sentences that are easy for students to understand so that participants can
learn this material without a teacher. Meanwhile, the students' assessment was not good, namely
because in the display of instructional video media there were displays such as images and colors
that were less attractive.
This research is in line with the research that has been made by Nur'Azni (2019). However, the
difference between this study and previous research is in terms of language, where the language
used by the current researcher is the Tialo language which comes from the researcher's own area
and also in data collection which is only done online.
This research is also in line with Nurainun (2019) in her research, it is concluded that the use of
video as a learning medium gets a fairly good response and is suitable for use in the teaching and
learning process. Likewise with the results obtained from this learning video media research.
The development of instructional video media can not fully run well, as for the limitations in this
research on the development of instructional video media, namely the use of the Filmora 7.8.9
software which has problems during the editing process so that the researcher has to reinstall the
Filmora software, then the situation is not possible to Doing research directly at school
because the Covid-19 pandemic period has not ended so that data collection is only done online, and
difficulties in getting respondents are caused by students in the Tomini village area, Tomini district,
Parigi Moutong district, still rarely using smartphones, making research a little hampered. In addition,
in this video media contains several concepts of immovable material such as animation. The concept
of material like this is difficult to explain in learning media such as videos, but must be explained
directly so that it is easier to understand.

From the results of the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that the software in
the form of the Tialo language physics learning video produced can be used to help learning physics
subjects on atomic theory material. The results of product quality validation based on media and
material assessments are in the good category with points of 3.25, 3.11 and 2.84 respectively.
Meanwhile, the scores obtained from the teachers and students of class XI IPA were 3.87 and 3.51,
both of which were in the "Strongly Agree" category. The results showed that the atomic theory
learning video material in the Tialo language was suitable for use in learning activities and could
increase the concentration level of students.
Based on the results of research and development, the researcher Suggesting to further
researchers to develop this product on other materials and topics, in the future further research is
needed with wider trials in accordance with the ADDIE method steps, using this instructional video
media in teaching and learning activities and developing this product, namely making designs more
attractive and clearer sound in the video.

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Copyright © 2020, Momentum: Physics Education Journal, ISSN 2548-9127 (print) | 2548-9135 (online)
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, X (X), xxxx, x
Filza Farhana, Sahrul Saehana

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