Waheed 8613 Final Sheet Sheet

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Name: Waheed Ahmed Wattoo

Roll Number: BU602809

Semester: Autumn 2020

Course code: 8613

Theme: Promoting children’s well being

Sub-theme: Children's self-awareness and self-


Topic: Role of teacher in enhancing self

confidence through group discussion
at high level of students.

Name of the School: (Government Higher

Secondary school Mecloed

Overall background of the participants of the project;

area / school: (socio-economic status, occupation /
profession – earning trends of majority of the parents,
literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special
trait of the
community where the school is situated) (10 Marks)

I waheed ahmed wattoo completed my research project at government higher

secondary school mecloed Gunj. This school is located near the left bank side of
the river Sutluj in district Bahawalnagar, tehsil Minchinabad. This school has 36
rooms in a two rows and a corridor between both rows and was a separate block
was higher secondary classes, in front of the rooms there was a vast ground divided
by a pathway from its center. The area where this school is situated is very
backward and is a rural area. The participants of my research project were children
of grade 10th to grade 11th. Since this was local research at target site therefore it
was action research type of research. Therefore it was necessary for me to know
about the area, its resident’s local population, their life style, their source of
income their occupation there local culture and religion, literacy rate earning
trends, educational facilities and educational qualities and to know other special
traits of the local community where this school was situated. So, therefore I made I
Performa to know the overall information of the area.

Socio-economic status/occupation or profession.

I adopted grade 5 to know the socio economic status/ occupation and profession.
The students of this class had very different to each other according to their socio
economic status and their parents’ profession and occupation. There was wide
range of variety according to this regard some were the students from small
farmers’ sons and few were rich farmers’ sons, some were from daily wagers
families. This background disparity was visible clearly in children behavior too.
They try to behave according to their background in which they had grownup.

Occupation/ profession and earning trends

Since I already have mention that this is a rural area therefore most of people are
connected with agriculture farming, dairy farming and with other live stocks. Main
crops are wheat corn sugarcane and paddy. If I said in numeric form then this
would be as 80% people are directly or indirectly connected with agriculture 10%
are connected with different jobs in private and public sector some works in land
lords’ houses. 5% are skilled workers performing specific jobs and 5% are daily
Literacy rate
Literacy rate of the local population was not to bad though most of the old age
people were illiterate but now education trend has rapidly growing, literacy rate is
about 45% but it is to high as compared to other nearby villages because this
village has facility of school but most of the nearby villages don’t have this
facility. Parents of most of the children were under metric.

Special traits of community

The community in which school is situated people have nice habits of hospitality
and generosity though they are not too rich but have wealthy hearts. They love
playing different local games but students love playing cricket. Elders play indoor
games that they can play in dera or choupal. They spend most of their leisure time
in gathering at choupal and in talking with each others. They participate in fun and
sorrow of each others. Many families have migrated to cities for availing better
opportunities of education.

Theme: Promoting children’s well being

Sub-theme: Children's self-awareness and self-


Topic: Role of teacher in enhancing self

confidence through group discussion
at high level of students.

Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate
it to your
Experience / problem in your classroom / institution.
(10 Marks)
(Give the background and rationale of the study)

As I already have mention that I chose a rural school to complete my research
project and therefore I already was aware of the differences that exist in the rural
schools as compared with the schools situated in urban areas. So I selected the sub
theme of as “children’s self awareness and self efficacy” and my topic was “The
role of teacher in enhancing self confidence through group discussion at higher
level of students”. I wanted to know that how group discussion on different topics
under supervision of a teacher cast effects on the self confidence of children at
higher level, weather it help in promoting self awareness and self efficacy in
students at this level. I wanted to know how group discussion on given topics and
under supervision of a teacher helps in promoting self confidence, self awareness
and self efficacy. Group discussion is such a tool that helps children promoting
their skill of expressing themselves before other overcoming the fears of what
other would say if I say something wrong. My objective was to remove speaking
barriers which a person came across while expressing their views and I wanted to
know how these barriers can be removed with using technique of group discussion
Therefore I took this topic for my research project. Since it was the action type of
research so I had to engage students and teachers as well to collect right
information by involving myself on the spot where the research project was to
carry out. As children do not get chances of systematic group discussion on any
specific given topic which can be very helpful in enhancing confidence and self
awareness and self efficacy. Therefore I wanted to know the effects of group
discussion on the children’s confidence building and self awareness and self
efficacy and how a teacher can play its best part in enhancing these.
Problem in classroom/institution
I noticed that almost all students had never gone through such practice ever before.
So at first they were very shy to express themselves their views on given topics.
They started looking either thither instead of taking part in discussion over given
topic. It looked that this experience was quite new for them though they loved this
practice but they had no confidence for speaking before their peers and students on
a given specific topic this practice was quite new for them. For example at very
first day of my research project commenced I divided the students in group of
seven boys each assigned their duties give them the topic of “china’s influence
over Pakistan’s strategic affairs” asked three students to speak for the better results
of influence and three were asked to speak against it and one child was asked to
decide which team has given better argues and also asked to check the level of
confidence of the participants. At the end it was shocking for me to know that
participants spend most of their time looking at one another and could not
participate actively in discussion.
There I guessed that this was a quite new experience for the students to take part in
the group discussions but one thing was clear they were showing keen interest in
group discussion and that was what I was needed.

What was your discussion with your colleague /
friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the
(05 Marks)
(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better
understanding of the problem and alternate solutions)

As in last question I already have mention about problem that most of the boys
were shy in expressing themselves in controlled atmosphere speaking on specific
topics during group discussion under the supervision of a teacher. Therefore I
placed this problem before my colleagues, friends and my supervisor in order to
know the psychological reasons and other factors that the children are facing in this
regard. At first I discussed this problem with my colleagues to take their input for
this problem. I told them that why children feel so shy or reluctant in expressing
their views on particular problem or even taking part in the activity? They told me
that there might be several reasons about this for example you are new in this
institute and children are not psychologically fully mingled with you that might be
the reason that student feel hesitant talking before you. May be they feel
comfortable in discussing the problems before the people they already know them
like their peers. They might not have gone through this practice before in their past
experience and this practice might be new for them and may be because of less
practice this problem is arising. They might have less knowledge about the given
topic and because of their little and rough knowledge about the topic they might
not want to speak more about that to avoid getting embraced before the other or
before you.
Same thing I put forward before the other teachers already working there. They
told me that all reason I have told before was right but one thing they told me was
an additional information about this problem was that my topic was too tough for
their level of knowledge and quite new for them. Children are too young and don’t
have exposed to international affairs and international relations with Pakistan so if
given topic might be easy and to their level of knowledge then may be the strength
of the problem should be less severe. Then I contacted with my supervisor to take
her opinion about this problem that what may be the reason other than I already
had been aware with. She told me that such problems are more common in the
schools that are situated in rural areas and have less chances of connecting with the
world around because they got fewer chances to access to the internet and other
such facilities that the schools of urban areas have that might be the reason that
students keep irrelevant to the discussion over this topic.
Alternative solutions for the problems
After wide range of discussion for the problems following measures were
suggested to overcome these problems.
Under discussion topic must be according to the level of target students pre-
assuming that target students must would have sufficient or proper knowledge
about the topic under discussion.
Continues and energetic motivation and encouragement must be continues
throughout the process.
Teacher student cordial relationships are essential part of the best atmosphere for
good discussion.
Increasing this practice of group discussion again and again may reduce extent of
the phobia of speaking in front of people.
Speaking in group during discussion on a specific topic is not so easy teacher’s
active participation in discussion in a cunning way may create better atmosphere
for expressing young children.
What did you find about the problem in the
existing literature (books /articles / websites)?
(10 Marks)
(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already
done regarding this problem)
In order to find the solution of the problems which I faced during discussion I read
several article and books and started internet surfing for the solution of these
problem. What I got is presented in following paragraphs;
“making assumptions
misinterpreting what's being discussed
not understanding what they need to do
working on the wrong task
failing to work well together.
To help address issues, encourage your group to think about how they can improve
their communication skills”.
.( https://my.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/student-support/study-skills/
Then further is as under what I find about this problem;
Improving communication
To help your group communicate effectively, encourage group members to:
Clarify anything they don't understand.
Ask questions instead of making accusations.
Make requests instead of demands.
Express their views as opinions instead of facts.
Provide constructive criticism.
Speak respectfully and positively.
If your group members are speaking negatively, encourage them to think about
how they're expressing themselves. By rephrasing negative statements, your group
will be able to communicate more respectfully and productively.
Use the following examples to help rephrase negative statements:
Instead of saying "You're wrong" say "I don't think I agree with that because...".
Instead of saying "You're being lazy" say "You don't seem to be contributing to the
group. Is there a problem?".
Instead of saying "You should do it this way" say "It might help if we do it this
From another website what I find about this problem is as under;
“Group work allows college students to explore and apply concepts beyond the
scope of lectures, but cooperative learning has drawbacks. Personalities, attitudes,
schedules and confusion on the material can interfere with productive group
work. No matter how you feel about group projects, anticipating the challenges
helps you work with your classmates.
Coordinating Schedules
Collaborative work completed outside class time requires members to coordinate
already busy schedules to find time to meet. Groups need to meet periodically,
even if the work is delegated and completed individually. The group meetings
allow members to discuss the project, synthesize individual parts and prepare for
class presentation components of the assignment. Finding a chunk of time to
complete all of the collaborative work is often difficult with varied schedules
among the group members.
Work Load Distribution
In an ideal group, all members contribute equally. In reality, many groups include
at least one member who wants to let everyone else do the work. Frustrated group
members pick up the slack so that the project is completed with a decent grade.
Another problem is a group member who wants to control the entire project. This
controlling personality may take on too much of the project himself or dictate
work to other members without their approval. Splitting up the workload equally
is often a challenge, even when all members are willing to participate, as some
components of the project naturally require more work than others.
Conflicts often arise when a group of people work together. Different
personalities aren't always compatible, especially when you have one or more
opinionated members. Different background experience affects individual
perspectives and sometimes adds to the conflict. Individuals may have different
ideas on how to proceed with the group work, or individuals may have different
interpretations of the concepts or project requirements and goals. Conflict can
push the group toward genuine discussion that improves the project, but too much
conflict affects the group dynamic and wastes time better spent on the work.
Group work puts the students in charge of learning, with limited input from the
professor. While the material is usually covered in class before the assignment,
group members are often left to explore the information in depth beyond the class
information. If the concepts are unclear or confusing, the group will likely
struggle to complete the assignment. Even if the work is completed, the members
won't likely gain much value unless they truly comprehend the ideas”.
(https://education.seattlepi.com/challenges-group-work-college-1079.html )

Then after further research I find pivotal points for this problems and their
solutions which are as
“As we have seen, group discussions can take a variety of formats and are useful
for all types of students. They can be done in preparation for job interviews or as
extended speaking practice simply to increase fluency.
It is important to consider the different sub-skills that are involved in participating
in a group discussion and ensure that you do activities that address each of these.
Additionally, structuring and varying the way that feedback is given will help the
students to identify areas for improvement”.
Amy Lightfoot, British Council, India
This article was originally published in 2007

What were the major variables / construct of your
project? Give definitions / description from literature.
(05 Marks)
(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean of these
terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term when used in this
In my project under theme “Children's self-awareness and self-efficacy” and the
“Role of teacher in enhancing self confidence through group discussion at high
level of students”. The major variables were;
Role of the teacher.
Classroom atmosphere and organization.
Self awareness.
Self efficacy.
Self confidence.
Group discussion.
Independent variables
In my research project independent variables were teacher role and classroom
atmosphere and management.
Dependent variables
In my research project dependent variable were self awareness self efficacy self
confidence and group discussion
These variables can be defined as;
Role of teacher
In my research project teacher’s role was the major dependent variable because it
is teacher who acts and create responses accordingly it means teacher’s role is
directly affects the performance of the results.
Classroom atmosphere and organization
Classroom atmosphere and organization is independent variable which cast its
affects over the required results and goals. If the classroom atmosphere and
organization will be more conducive and friendly in this research project it will
create good results.
Self awareness
Self-awareness was first defined by Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund (1972),
who proposed that, at a given moment, people can focus attention on the self or on
the external environment.
Duval and Wicklund noted, "When we focus our attention on ourselves, we
evaluate and compare our current behavior to our internal standards and values.
We become self-conscious as objective evaluators of ourselves."

Self efficacy

According to Albert Bandura,

“Self-efficacy is "the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the
courses of action required to manage prospective situations." Self-efficacy is a
person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Bandura
described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel”.
Self confidence
“Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept
and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths
and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic
expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism”.

Group discussion
"Group" is a collection of individuals who have regular contact
and frequent interaction and who work together to achieve a common set of goals.
"Discussion" is the process whereby two or more people exchange information or
ideas in a face-to-face situation to achieve a goal. The goal, or end product, maybe
increased knowledge, agreement leading to action, disagreement leading to
competition or resolution or perhaps only a clearing of the air or a continuation of
the status-quo.

What did you want to achieve in this research project?
(05 Marks)
(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be
answered in this project)

In my project under theme “Children's self-awareness and self-efficacy” and the
“Role of teacher in enhancing self confidence through group discussion at high
level of students” I wanted that how group discussion cast effect over the
confidence, self awareness and self efficacy of the students under the supervision
of the teacher. How it can be improved by resolving and solving problems that
come in the way of achieving the goal.
My purpose was to enhance children’s confidence through group discussion and to
formulate such activities that it can be improved in rapid pace.

Critical Question:
The critical question in my research was that how to improve self confidence
through group discussion?

Who were the participants in your project?
(05 Marks)
(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-grade
students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did not have
good communication skills)

Mainly my project was how to enhance self confidence in children through group
discussion and to discuss the role of teacher for this. Therefore the main
participants were children of class 9th to 11th, teacher and colleagues and the
parents of children.
So there were three main participants in the completion of my project e.g.
Senior Teachers and colleagues
Parents of the students
Now I will discuss the role of individuals who took part in any way in the
completion of my project.
As I already have narrate that since the main focus was on students well being and
to know how group discussion may improve self confidence and self efficacy in
the students and to discuss the how teacher can play its role for achieving this goal.
Therefore my main focus was on students. Students of class 9th to 11th participated
in the completion of my project. At the beginning students were very shy and
reluctant to express themselves but with the course of time their confidence and
interest gradually increased and they started showing great enthusiasm and
willingly participated in group discussions with great zeal and I observed their
confidence level gradually increased.
Senior Teachers and colleagues
The second participants in my project were my school teacher and my colleagues
who guided me at every step. I continuously keep consulting every time whenever
in needed. They encourage me and give their positive input good suggestions and
help me in solving problem which I faced during the completion of my project.
I held many meeting with the parents to understand their home atmosphere the
students had and to know its effect on the student’s psychology why they were
show hesitation in expressing themselves. I came to know that students showing
more hesitation in expressing themselves during group discussions had strict
atmosphere at home and belong to lower economic classis and they thought
inferior in front of other students who have soft atmosphere at home and belong to
richer families.

How did you try to solve the problem?
(10 Marks)
(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)

According to my topic my project was to enhance confidence through group
discussion and to measure the role of teacher in achieving this goal.
The main problem I came across that students was not taking part in discussion
groups. They feel shy to speak or have low courage to speak in a controlled
atmosphere during the presence of a teacher so I had to formulate a strategy. I
talked to my senior teacher and colleagues and then met with the parents of some
students to now psychological problems that students were facing in expressing
themselves, then I made following strategy to solve the problem and issues for
building confidence in expressing themselves.
By Building fondness for group discussion
In order to building fondness for going into discussion group I selected such topics
that students love to speak over such as cricket, music, indoors and out door games
etc. After doing this I found that students started taking part in GD with great
pleasure and with their own will and thus their fondness for group discussion
increased very rapidly.

By Providing relaxing atmosphere for GD

I already had observed that in strict atmosphere students cannot express themselves
with confidence therefore I had to maintain friendly atmosphere there in classroom
during GD.

By reducing anxiety in the minds of students

Anxiety was the main problem the students facing while speaking in groups so I
started personal counseling with students who were facing this problem. After
counseling I applied techniques of reducing anxiety.

By reducing Nervousness, shyness and Fearness

These were the main problems the student were facing while confidently
participating in the GD therefore in order to overcome these problems I created I
friendly atmosphere in the classroom and started participating in group discussions
with such students and became part of the team member along with teacher and
instructor I encouraged them and stop other students to don’t make fun of each
other instead they should encourage everyone so that they could overcome their
fears, shyness and nervousness.
What kind of instrument was used to collect the
data? How was the instrument developed?
(05 Marks)
(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test,

I was need to collect data for my project from the school Government higher
secondary school mecloed gunj tehsil minchinabad district bahwalnagar and my
project was on sub theme “Children's self-awareness and self-efficacy” and my
topic was “Role of teacher in enhancing self confidence through group
discussion at high level of students” so in order to collect data I decided to devise
different types of instruments that were as follows;
Observation sheet:
There were many tools for research, including interviews, observations, and rating
scales but I have chosen observation that is an effective research method. This is a
way for us to research without telling anyone and it will yield positive results.
Observation is a method that takes more time but costs less and depends on one
person or a maximum of two or three people are observed in this way. If we do this
research without telling anyone, we can reach more effective results. There are
three kinds of observation supervised observation, naturalistic observation,
participant observation.
Rating scale
Rating scale was framed out for the measurement of student’s performance in
group discussion. This scale was meant to measuring and grading of the students;
The anxiety level
Shyness and nervousness level
And after practice effects and the rate of changing in the behavior of the students
and their improvement measurement.
Student work sheet
After every session I asked student to write the points in four columns. In first one
write those points which you presented during session and in second column those
points which you think you should present during session and in third column write
those points which yourself think that these were wrong arguments and in forth
column write those points which you think the best points

I asked students to make a portfolio which will consist on photographs and
drawings which were used during discussion groups and the discussion was on that
subjects for example Pakistan railway its benefits and losses and should Pakistan
keep it as its running or should bring changes in it to pull out its annual losses.
Documentary profs should kept in the portfolio file.

Questionnaire preparation
I framed I question paper for my project having following questions;
how many students love taking part in group discussions?
How many students avoid taking part in group discussion sessions?
How many students are getting positive confidence after participating in discussion
May this practice help in getting confidence for the students?
How this practice can be made more effective for achieving goals of self

What were the findings and conclusion?
(Provide instruments and analysis as appendix)
I selected the grade 9th to 11th for my project in Government higher secondary
School Mecloed Gunj for my research. I chose the observation tool to carry out my
research. After choosing this tool, I made a plan and divided it into five parts so
that I could get the results of my research.
Findings of the project
In my forty days of practice, I took an in-depth look at the school and identified the
issues that students have to go through. I have devised a five-question plan for you
to export the results and the details are as follows:
Part no 1:How the classroom environment affects student discipline?
Answer: The classroom is like home for students. After home, students spend most
of their time in the classroom, so for me, the most classroom environment has a
profound effect on students' character and behavior. If the teacher manages the
classroom in an orderly manner, the students will follow the same discipline and
live their lives in the same way in their neighborhood and our society.
Part 2: How can a class teacher play a role in organizing students?
Answer: The role of the teacher is very important to create discipline in the life of
neigh neighborhood’s the teacher is called the spiritual parent of the students just
as they will create discipline in their own life and will apply in life. If a teacher
says something good to his students but does not act on it, the students will not pay
Part 3: What are the methods that play an important role in the mental development
of students?
Answer: Teachers should first call the students with kind and respectful words.
Second, the teacher should provide some guidelines for students to know how to
treat other students in the classroom. The
Teacher should maintain a friendly atmosphere with the students so that they can
sharer problems with their teacher.
Part 4: Can school management and parents play a role in students' character
Answer: At home, the children are under the influence of the parents and the
school is under the shadow of the management. That is why the role of the parents
and management is considered very important. If so, they can contact each other to
find a solution. There must be a meeting between school management and parents
once a month.
Part 5: How does a society develop its skilled workforce?
Answer: Manpower is required for the development of society but society must
provide such educational institutions where the spiritual and inner abilities of the
students can be fulfilled. Society should make the students skilled according to
their expectations because of their expectations.
The conclusion of my findings was that if students are given proper chances in
expressing themselves their self confidence can be increased. Moreover it is
practice and its frequency that help in making them perfection in expressing
themselves. This practice help them to speak more confidently more precisely and
more accurately and with full fluency.
And lastly when if given a chance to prove them they wish to get maximum
knowledge to present themselves confidently before other peers and teachers so
that they couldn’t have to get ashamed before them. At the end result they got
improved in every aspacts.

Summary of the Project (05 Marks)
(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and

The sub theme and topic was most important and very hectic because study the
effects of group discussion is totally and absolutely activity based project. The
theme of the year was “children’s well being” and my sub-theme was “Children's
self-awareness and self-efficacy” under topic “Role of teacher in enhancing self
confidence through group discussion at high level of students” therefore I had to
maintain discipline of the classroom compete vigilance and to note and record the
individuals’ performance through all the group members. So it was a challenging
topic and sub-theme I was selected to complete my research. How I conducted and
collected results was difficult but challenging job but with grace of God I stood
successful in getting results.
I completed my project at Government higher secondary school Mecloed Gunj.
My main objective was to know if the group discussion enhance the self
confidence and self efficacy of the student or not and how a teacher can play its
role more effectively.
I completed my research in just 40 days at the beginning students were very
nervous and shy and Group discussion on different topics was a quite new
experience for them. Some students even do not like this practice and consider it as
just the loss of time but as the days and process continued those boys who doesn’t
like it at all started participating in the discussion groups and start speaking at any
topics with more confidence.
They got many positive changes in them
They got confidence for coming at front for representing them.
They started speaking more fluently before otherwise they love to remain silent
most of the time in the classroom.
They overcome their fears and nervousness.
My findings after this 40 day activity were that,
Self confidence and efficacy may be improved through group discussion.
Knowledge of the students can be rapidly increased through this practice because
they have to study more to speak accurately and confidently so this practice is very
helpful in increasing general knowledge in the students.
Shyness nervousness and phobia of speaking before others can completely be
cured through group discussion

How do you feel about this practice?
What have you learnt?
(Self-reflection) (10 Marks)
I have worked on this research as a teacher, researcher, and analyst through which
not only my character has developed but also my knowledge has increased
immensely. The skills that I have developed as a result of this research are as
Increase information
This research has greatly enhanced my academic knowledge through literary study.
When I analyzed various articles, websites, and books, it enlightened my mind.
Now I can write a good and informative article on any topic for students.
Communication ability
To work on my experience I had to build relationships with students, teachers,
school management, and parents, and through their information, I completed my
work. Not only has this improved my ability to communicate but it has also given
me enough experience to share my thoughts with others.
The growing reading interest
Working on this project got me into the habit of reading. I used to read books but it
was up to the class level but now I visit different websites, read books and
newspapers to increase my knowledge.
This information will be useful to me in my future life.
Administrative matters
This project has sharpened my management skills. I can hand everything very well.
It has made my management skill much easier. Now I can compare different things
and highlight my choice. In my opinion, it is very important for students and

What has it added to your professional skills as a
teacher? (05 Marks)


Confident teacher
This research adds things to my professional life. It increases my confidence level
and makes me a great instructor. lt increases my knowledge in every field of life. I
add a lot of experience to this research. It made me able not only with my students
but also with my family and society. It makes me a great teacher and companion
for the students. After doing this research I am eligible how to solve the problems
at a spot. With this study, I solve the problems that affect student ability and

As a motivational lecturer
With this research, I can motivate the dull students to participate in co-curricular
and curricular activities. I motivate the students to concentrate on their studies. I
make the students a part of a helpful society.

Good organizer
This project makes me a good organizer. Now I organized my class on how to do
things and solve the difficulties because a good organizer is more effective for the
learning environment and process.

Awareness to the Modern technology

This practice enable me to learn Modern technologies and techniques and could
use it more effectively to produce accurate results and compile them in a good
manner e.g. while making sheets and doing research I used modern technologies to
accomplish my data and present in a excellent manner. For this propose I used
internet, Android smart phones and projector to show slides on screen.

List the works you cited in your project (follow
the APA manual – 6th Edition). (05
(Examples of format are available on websites.)


4:Richard M.Cash. (March 23,2016). On the self- regulation in the classroom. (1st
edition). Free spirit publishing book with digital. pp.184

5:Linda B.Nilson(September 18, 2013)on creating self-regulating learners.

strategies to strengthen students self-awareness and learning skills (1
edition).Stylus publishing.180 pages

6:Asquith.(April 21, 2020).on self-regulation skills in young children. (1.ed).

Jessica Kingsley publisher.pp176

7:Lesloe Blome(February 21, 2020).Practical Strategies for Supporting Emotional

Regulation in Students with Autism. (1edition).Jessica Kingsly publishers .pp128

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