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Academic Writing

Dr. Claudia Odette J. Ayala


Graduate students face a variety of writing tasks as they work toward their chosen
degrees. Naturally, these tasks will vary from one degree program to another. They are,
however, similar in two respects. First, the tasks become progressively more complex and
demanding the farther you go in the program. Second, they need to be written “academically.”

We begin this course by providing an overview of some important characteristics of

academic writing.

Considerations in Academic Writing

○ Even before you write, you need to consider your audience.
○ Understand your audience’s expectations and prior knowledge because this will affect
the content of your writing.

Purpose and Strategy

○ Audience, purpose and strategy are typically interconnected.
○ If the audience knows less than the writer – the writer’s purpose is instructional.
○ If the audience knows more than the writer – the writer’s purpose is usually to display
familiarity, expertise and intelligence.

○ Information is presented to readers in a structured format.
○ Use appropriate patterns of organization.
○ One common strategy is to organize information in terms of problem-solution. It has
four parts:
1. Description of a situation
2. Identification of a problem
3. Description of a solution
4. Evaluation of the solution


Description of a

Identification of a

Description of a

Evaluation of a

Some Other Ways of Organizing Information

○ Comparison-contrast
○ Cause-effect
● Focusing on one cause and multiple effects as in an earthquake or describing
multiple causes and one effect as in global warming
○ Classification
● Categorizing as suggested by the following example:

“Earthquake effects on underground structures can be grouped into two

categories: (1) ground shaking and (2) ground failure such as liquefaction, fault
displacement, and slope instability.
○ make sure communications are written in the appropriate style.
○ observe consistency
○ determine whether voice should be active or passive
○ use acceptable style in terms of area of study

LANGUAGE FOCUS: The Vocabulary Shift

○ One distinctive feature of academic writing style is choosing the more appropriate
formal alternative when selecting a verb, noun, or other part of speech.


English often has two (or more) choices to express an action or occurrence. The choice is
often between a phrasal verb (verb + particle) or prepositional verb (verb + preposition) and a
single verb.


According to some biologists, coming up with clear proof of the decreasing numbers of
frogs has been difficult. (less formal style)

According to some biologists, offering clear proof of proof of the decreasing numbers of
frogs has been difficult. (academic style)

e.g. Poor
Scientists are looking into innovative ways to combat AIDS.
Scientists are determining innovative ways to combat AIDS.

Nouns and Other Parts of Speech: Choosing the More Formal Alternative

English has a rich vocabulary derived from many languages. Because of this, there may
be more than one way to express an idea. You should strive to choose words that are less
informal in nature and also precise.

LANGUAGE FOCUS: Formal Grammar Style

Recommendations for Maintaining a Formal Academic Style

1. Generally avoid contractions (but keep in mind that in some fields it may be okay to use

○ Export figures won’t improve until the economy is stronger.

○ Export figures will not improve until the economy is stronger.
2. Use the more appropriate formal negative forms.

○ not…anyMODULE 1. ANno APPROACH TO ACADEMIC WRITING Dr. Claudia 4Odette J. Ayala

The analysis didn’t yield any new results.
The analysis yielded no new results.

○ not…much little
The government didn’t allocate much funding.
The government allocated little funding.

○ not…many few
This problem doesn’t have many viable solutions.
This problem has few viable solutions.

3. Limit the use of run-on expressions such as and so forth and etc.
These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, etc.
These semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, and other electronic devices.

4. Avoid addressing the reader as you (except when you are writing a textbook or
instructional material).

You can see the results in Table 1.

The results can be seen in Table 1.

You can classify individuals as Morning Types (MTs), Evening Types (ETs), or Neither Types
Individuals can be classified as Morning Types (MTs), Evening Types (ETs), or
Neither Types (NTs).

5. Be careful about using direct questions. In some fields they are common, while in other
they are not.

e.g. What can be done to lower costs?

It is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered.

There is a need to consider how costs may be lowered.

6. Place adverbs within the verb.

In academic writing adverbs are often placed midposition rather than in initial or final
positions. In informal English adverbs often occur at the beginning or end of sentences.

e.g. Actually, very little is known about the general nature and prevalence of \
scientific dishonesty.
Very little is actually known about the general nature and prevalence of scientific

This model was developed by Krugman originally.

This model was originally developed by Krugman.

7. Consider whether you 1.

MODULE should split infinitives.
Although the prescriptive view of grammar condemns the use of split infinitives
(placing an adverbial modifier between to and the infinitive as in to sharply rise), they are
sometimes used to avoid awkwardness or ambiguity.

e.g. We need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program.
Neural networks have the ability to correctly classify new patterns.

8. Aim for an efficient use of words.

Use as many words you need to express your points; try to use no more than you really

e.g. It may be difficult to make a decision about the method that we should use.
Choosing the proper method may be difficult.

There are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the process of
tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising.
Some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise.


○ moving from one statement in a text to the next

○ establishing a clear connection of ideas

Lasers have found widespread application in medicine. Lasers play an important role in the
treatment of eye disease and the prevention of blindness. The eye is ideally suited for laser surgery. Most
of the eye tissue is transparent. The frequency and focus of the laser beam can be adjusted according to the
absorption of the tissue. The beam “cuts” inside the eye with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue
—even the tissue between the laser and the incision. Lasers are effective in treating some causes of
blindness. Other treatments are not. The interaction between laser light and eye tissue is not fully

Here’s the rewritten text:

Lasers have found widespread application in medicine. For example, they play an
important role in the treatment of eye disease and the prevention of blindness. The eye is ideally
suited to laser surgery because most of the eye tissue is transparent. Because of this
transparency, the frequency and focus of the laser beam can be adjusted according to the
absorption of the tissue so that the beam “cuts” inside the eye with minimal damage to the
surrounding tissue—even the tissue between the laser and the incision. Lasers are also more
effective than other methods in treating some causes of blindness. However, the interaction
between laser light and eye tissue is not fully understood.
LANGUAGE FOCUS: Linking Words and Phrases

• Linking words and phrases

MODULE can help aTO
1. AN APPROACH writer maintain
ACADEMIC flow and establish clear
WRITING Dr. Claudia 6Odette J. Ayala
relationships between ideas.


o Subordinators – although, even though, because, since, while, whereas

o Sentence connectors – furthermore, in addition, moreover, therefore, as a result,

consequently, hence, thus, in other words, that is, in contrast, however, on the other
hand, conversely, for example, for instance, on the contrary, as a matter of fact, in fact

o Phrase linkers – in addition to, despite, in spite of, because of, due to, as a result of,

• Semicolons join two completely independent sentences and work much like a full stop.

Air traffic delays due to high traffic volume have increased considerably over the last decade;
these delays have become a major public policy issue.

• Semicolons can be used with sentence connectors. Note the use of comma after the

Increasing the size of airports is one solution to traffic congestion; however, this is a long-term
solution whose benefits may not be seen for many years into the future.

• Because semicolons are a “stronger” type of punctuation (they mark a stronger break in the
flow of ideas) than commas, they can be used to chunk longer sentences into parts.

In recent years, GNP growth rates have varied considerably for the countries in this study
(China, 6%; U.S., 3%; Japan, 1%).

• In addition, semicolons can be used to separate rather long items in a list.

Some of the solutions to the air traffic delay problem include increasing the size of airports that
routinely experience major flight delays; overhauling the air traffic control so that more flights can be
safely handled; and increasing landing fees during peak periods.

• Sometimes a dash is used to introduce a list as well. Often, dashes are used to intrude into a
sentence with some additional information.

The beam “cuts” inside the eye with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue—even the tissue
between the laser and the incision.
LANGUAGE FOCUS: this + Summary Word

○ Another MODULE
way to maintain flow is toTOuse
1. AN APPROACH this/these
ACADEMIC + a noun to join ideas together.
WRITING Dr. Claudia 7Odette J. Ayala

ESL lecturers know that students need to understand the differences between formal and informal
language. However, this understanding cannot usually be acquired quickly.

What does this understanding refer to?

Consider the following sentences:

In recent years, the number of students applying to Ph.D. programs has increased
steadily, while the number of places available has remained constant. This situation has
resulted in intense competition for admission.

The phrases in italics contain a summary noun or word that refers back to the idea in
previous sentence.

Summary words may be expanded into phrases to add clarity. However, long and
complicated summary phrases may be unnecessary. Consider the following opening sentences
and options a-e. Which of the options would you choose as the third sentence?

In the past, flood impact assessments have focused primarily on the economic
losses resulting from a flood. Now, however, emphasis is also being placed on the
potential environmental benefits.

a. This will result in a more complete picture of the gains and losses from a flood.
b. This expansion will result in a more complete picture of the gains and losses from a flood.
c. This expansion of focus will result in a more complete picture of the gains and losses from
a flood.
d. This expansion in assessment focus will result in a more complete picture of the gains and
losses from a flood.
e. This expansion in assessment focus with regard to flooding will result in a more complete
picture of the gains and losses from a flood.

Finally, we need to say something about the use of “it” or “this” to refer back to
something in the previous text.


1. Consider the overall format of your written work.

Does you paper look as if it has been carefully prepared?
Are there clear paragraphs?
Is the line spacing appropriate?
Have you used standard fonts and sizes?

2. Proofread for careless grammar mistakes.

Do subjects and verbs agree?
Have the appropriate verb tenses been used?
Have the articles a, an, and the been used when necessary?
Is the used too much?
3. Check for misspelled words, even if you have spell-checked your work.
Has correct homophone been used?
Did the spell-checker miss anything?


Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students. Essential tasks and
skills (3rd ed.). The University of Michigan Press.

Name: Julie AnnMODULE

Dr. Claudia 9Odette J. Ayala

Exercise 1. Coordinators and Connectors. Supply the linking words and phrases that enhance
the flow of one of the following passages.

1. The corn wasn’t ripe; _b____, the only vegetables ready to be picked were the tomatoes.
a. instead b. in fact c. otherwise d. accordingly

2. Christina Onassis is a very wealthy young woman; _a___ she is regarded as one of the
world’s richest women.
a. in fact b. instead c. for example d. in other words

3. I will shift to another course ___d___ the units I’ve earned will still be credited in the course
I’m going to take.
a. when b. nevertheless c. otherwise d. provided that

4. You should remember all the precautions we have told you. _a______, you have to make sure
you have got all the provisions we want you to take with you on this trip.
a. Besides b. In contrast c. Because d. Nevertheless

5. She said she wouldn’t help us during the festival; __d___ she said she’d leave our
a. unless b. consequently c. while d. furthermore

6. The American embassies in Nairobi and another African country were bombed a couple of
years ago. __a___ a calamity happened again, this time in New York and Washington.
a. Such b. Therefore c. For d. So

7. It was cold, __a___ I was warned by a tremendous surge of emotion.

a. thus b. yet c. simultaneously d. for instance

8. ___c_______, we can all say that our festival was a complete success, thanks to our energetic
officers and advisers.
a. Although b. Finally c. After all d. For instance

9. Some people are giving and loving. __c_____ some people are selfish, and bitter and
a. likewise b. moreover c. on the other hand d. in other words

10. We have to hurry up. ___d_____, our friends may leave without us.
a. Before b. While c. Even if d. Otherwise
Name: _Julie Ann Berezo____________________________________________ Score/Rating:
Odette J. Ayala
Exercise 2. Word Choice and Diction. Read the following sentences and try to determine the
appropriate word or phrases. Circle the correct answer.

1. Journal editors trace bad writing to author’s shortsightedness (e.g., i. e.), lack of
knowledge about their intended readers.

2. Students who are (conversant in, conversant with) numbers are inclined to pursue
science-related careers.

3. An automobile cannot (collide, crash) with/into an electric post.

4. The laboratory instructor was (expecting, anticipating) a brownout so he brought five

rechargeable lamps.

5. The best person to judge a scientific squabble is a/an (disinterested, uninterested)

scientist himself.

6. Birthday (celebrants, celebrators) this month will be given a special treat.

7. This (biannual, biennial) journal on microbiology should come out in 2022, 2024, 2026,
and 2028.

8. The flash floods (wrecked havoc, wreaked havoc) in the experimental station.

9. The (blast off, blastoff) ceremonies will take place at Cape Canaveral late this year.

10. Even twins (differ with, differ from) (one another, each other) in their genetic make up.
Julie Ann Berezo
Name: _____________________________________________ Score/Rating: ____________________

Exercise 3. Choose a verb1.from

MODULE the list that
AN APPROACH TOreduces the informality
ACADEMIC WRITING of the sentence. Note that 11
Dr. Claudia Odette J. Ayala
you may need to add tense to the verb from the list. Write down any other single verbs that
you think could also work in the sentences.

review maintain develop cause eliminate

reach determine investigate decrease constitute

1. The six leading causes of death in the U.S.—coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer,
colon cancer, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—are mainly brought
on by overeating, a lack of exercise, and cigarette smoking.

2. Scientists are looking into innovative ways to combat AIDS.


3. The purpose of this paper is to try to figure out what is lacking in our current
understanding of corrosion and corrosion protection in concrete.

4. Researchers have recently come up with hybrid vehicles that use a fuel-cell engine and a
battery-assisted power train.
5. Rice and aquatic products make up a major part of the diet of the people in Mekong
Delta, Vietnam.

6. The use of touch screen voting systems could get rid of many problems associated with
traditional paper-based ballots.

7. Worldwide consumption of pesticides has gone up to 2.6 million metric tons.


8. Although labor unions in the U.S. have been able to keep up their membership numbers
over the last two decades, they have been losing their political strength.
9. The number of mature female green turtles that return to their primary nesting beach
has gone down from 1,280 ten years ago to 145 today.
10. The U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency looks over nearly 25,000 export license
applications to make sure that no equipment or materials are sent to places where they
could be used to make advanced weapons.
Julie Ann Berezo
Name: _____________________________________________ Score/Rating:____________________

Exercise 4. Brevity and Conciseness.

1. AN APPROACH the followingWRITING
ACADEMIC sentences and replace the Dr. Claudia 12
Odette J. Ayala
underlined words or phrases to make the sentence more effective.

Example: Scientists are looking into innovative ways to combat AIDS.

Scientists are determining innovative ways to combat AIDS.
according to/based on
1. The areas for the experiments were prepared in accordance to common standard
preparation practices.
2. Results would seem to indicate that the problem may be somewhat complicated.
3. The economy is at the present moment stable.
3 m tube
4. You will need a tube which has a length of 3 m for the experiment.
never occur
5. The technician was told that the procedural mistake should happen neither now nor in
the future.
nearby structure
6. The symposium will be held in the edifice in the immediate vicinity of the gate.
7. Disease spreads fast because people expectorate freely in the streets.
8. The soil also needs to rest subsequent to each planting season.
9. The cement plant should cease its operations prior to the onset of the rainy season.
10. People look up to scientists because the latter are erudite men.
Julie Ann Berezo
Name: _____________________________________________ Score/Rating:____________________

Exercise 5. Reduce the informality

MODULE of eachTO
1. AN APPROACH sentence.
Odette J. Ayala

1. You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.
You can utilize this model to analyze the impacts of various adjustments to parameters.

2. OK, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? There’re a lot of possibilities.
There are__________________________________________________________________
numerous potential factors contributing to the decline in coffee prices.

3. You can see the difference between these two approaches to designing underground
subway stations clearly.
You can clearly__________________________________________________________________
observe the distinction between these two approaches to designing underground
subway stations.
4. Recent research has shown that the arms are used commonly for protection during a fall
to the ground.
Recent research indicates that arms are employed for safeguarding during a fall to the ground.

5. So far there hasn’t been any comprehensive study looking into the role of smiling in
getting the initial trust of individuals.
Thus far, there has__________________________________________________________________
not been an exhaustive thorough study regarding the role of smiling in establishing
initial trust among individuals.
6. There are some studies that have been conducted that bamboo could be used by builders
more widely than it is now as a construction material.
Several studies __________________________________________________________________
have been conducted indicating that bamboo could have a broader utilization in
construction as a building material.
7. These special tax laws have been enacted in six states: Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, etc.
These specific__________________________________________________________________
tax laws have been implemented in six states: Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, and in
other particular areas.
8. There isn’t very much research on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate in the
production of concrete.
There is limited research on the utilization of oil palm shells as coarse aggregate in concrete
Odette J. Ayala

Julie Ann Berezo

Name: _____________________________________________ Score/Rating: ____________________

Exercise 6. Now that you have become more familiar with some of the conventions of
academic writing, write a one-paragraph problem solution text about a problem
in the country that you are familiar with. Your audience is a group of Filipino
professors interested in the issue or problem.

The Philippines' youth grapple with a pressing issue: the lack of accessible, quality education in rural areas. Despite progress, many in remote
regions face barriers, hindering personal growth. Therefore, a multifaceted approach is needed. By investing in infrastructure and innovative
distance learning, the urban-rural educational divide can narrow. Furthermore, collaborative efforts among educational institutions, government
bodies, and communities are vital to grant every Filipino youth equal access to quality education. Consequently, this empowers young minds
and contributes to the nation's overall development and prosperity.

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