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H0 : S21 = S22 ( kedua kelompok populasi memiliki varians yang sama)

H1 : S21 S22 ( kedua kelompok populasi memiliki varians yangtidak sama)

X1 X2

Kriteria uji :

Tolak H0 jika fhitung > Ftabel dengan Ftabel = F 1/2 a(n1-1, n2-1)

Keputusan uji

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diperoleh fhitung = 1.07 dan Ftabel =2,07

Karena 1,06 <2,07 yang berarti Ftabel < fhitung maka H0 diterima.

X 1 + X 2 14+ 6 20 10
P= = = =
n1 +n 2 62 62 31

10 21
q=1− p=1− =
31 31

x1 x2

n1 n2

√ ( n1 )+( n1 ))
pq (
1 2

14 6

31 31
z= =1 ,13

√ 10 21 1
. (
31 31 14
+ ( )( )
Z1,13 = 0,3708

Z > Z (0,s-α)

0,3708 > Z(0,s-0,05)

0,3708 > Z (0,45)

0,3708 > 0,1736

Kesimupulan : jadi proporsi nilai siswa yang melampaui nilai 75

pada metode pembelajaran TTW sama dengan proporsi nilai siswa

pada metode pembelajaran konvensional


Suppose it has been claimed thar among social media users, 73% use Facebook more than
once [er day, and test this claim a survey was carried out (Raymod 2019) to studythe social
media habits of regular social media users from around the word. supposing that of the 484
respondends, 368 said they used Facebook more than once per day. With a significance level
0f 5% what conclutions can be drawn from this survey?


 Step 1: state the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis H1

H0 :  = 0,73
H1 :  ≠ 0,73

 Step 2: Calculate the test statistic

x 368
−❑0 −0 , 73 0 ,76−0 , 73 0 , 03
n = 484 = = = 1,5
z= √ 0.000 4 0.02
√❑0 (1−❑0)/n √ 0 ,73(0 ,27)/484

 Step 3: determine the critical region

Retain H0 If – z1/2 (1-α) < z < z1/2 (1-α)
z1/2 (1-α) = z1/2 (1- 0,05) = z0,475 = 1,96

 Step 4: Make a decision

The statistic z = 1,5 is not the rejection region. So, H0 do not reject.
Conclution: 73% of social media users use facebook more than once per day

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