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Last night while I was coming from teaching a class in Cisneros, a person on a motorcycle

signaled for me to stop, I hesitated for a moment because I thought it could be a robber,But
when I looked closely I realized that it was an accident, a man and a woman who, while
traveling on a motorcycle, were hit by a bus and ran away. I looked at the woman and she
seemed dead. The man was trying to get off the motorcycle with great difficulty.

We called an ambulance and while we waited for help we stopped everyone who was passing
by. A while later the woman moved and we realized that she was still alive but very badly
injured. After a while the ambulance and the police arrived and took the injured to the hospital. I
was still scared And thinking that it will be that person who with so much enthusiasm or desire
goes on a trip without knowing if it will arrive or not.

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