The Green Professional Services Award

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The Green Professional Services Award

How To Enter
It is free to enter the Green Awards. All entrants must submit a document of no more than 500 words that covers the key criteria set out for the category they are entering. Just carefully read the section that describes the criteria the judges will be using to assess each category and make sure you cover all of these in the submission you prepare. Please note you can also apply online by visiting Make sure you focus on good hard information, backed up by solid facts and figures. If sending in hard copies of your entry, please follow these rules:

Where prompted, please complete the questionnaire at the

back of this guide and include it with your entry. This provides additional details for awards specific to organisations only.

Please ensure your submission fits onto 5 pages of A4 format

including supporting materials such as pictures, graphs, tables etc (not including questionnaire and entry form)

Please email 2 high-quality jpeg photographs relevant to

your entry to

Please send 10 copies of your submission by post to:

Green Awards, Event Strategies, 20 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.

Please do NOT: staple or bind your submission, use paper

sizes that are not A4, include other materials such as brochures, CDs, DVDs etc. Such additional material will not be accepted

Submission should be no longer than 500 words Please clearly number each page of your entry All activities cited in support of your entries must have
been ongoing within past 12 months from the closing date of these awards

Closing date is Friday, 25th February 2011, 5.00PM.

Note: Submissions after the closing date may not be accepted

You may enter as many categories as you like, however you

must submit a separate entry each time Check out the Categories and Entrance Criteria page of our website and entry guide for further tips on entering the awards.

Please complete the entry form at the back of this guide and
insert it as the cover page of your submission

Please try to answer each of key points that the judges

will be looking for and lay out the information text, tables, graphics etc so that it is easy and clear to understand.

There will be two judging panels, each comprising 3 judges. A number of finalists will be short-listed in each category, and these will be unveiled on our website and in the Irish Independent. The awards night will be covered by the Irish Independent with photographs of all winners published. You can enter as many categories as you like, but you must complete an entry form for each category (back of this leaflet) and attach 500 word entry for each category you enter separately. Alternatively you can enter online at For each submission, please post us 10 copies of your entry. Provide clear, quantitative evidence to support your entry. Please do not submit any additional promotional literature for any of the awards, as your entry will be assembled into packs that are sent to our judges to read before they gather to decide the winners Dont forget: The deadline is 5.00PM Friday, 25th February 2011.

The Green Professional Services Award

Open to any accountancy, law firm, and management consultancy practice operating in Ireland who can demonstrate their commitment to developing sustainable business practices. Apply for the Green Professional Services Award The judges would like to hear about changes you have made to make your business more sustainable. What have you achieved to date and what are your future goals? Do you communicate the need for developing sustainable business practices to your own client base and what are your programmes for inspiring change amongst the workforce? In addition the following points should be kept in mind when making your 500 word submission: Recycling and waste minimisation Use of green suppliers or materials Bio-diversity/improving natural habitats Energy and/or water efficiency Minimising traffic/use of vehicles Involvement of staff and wider community Environmental impact of internal policies e.g. cleaning policy and products In addition, please complete the questionnaire at the back of this guide. This helps provide judges with a more holistic view of the sustainability practices and performance measures of your organisation.

Entry Form
One form to be completed for each category entered please provide 10 copies of this page when you send in your entry. Please note that entries should be 500 words long.

First Name:





Number of Employees:

Financial Turnover:

Business Type:

Principal service/ products offered:



Sending the entry for the Green Awards 2011 means that you agree to Terms & Conditions (please familiarise yourself with them on the CATEGORIES AND ENTRANCE CRITERIA page of the website) I wish to enter the following category in The Green Awards 2011:

Send your entry materials to: Green Awards 2011, Event Strategies, 20 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.

Deadline 5.00pm on Friday, 25th February 2011

Any enquiries about entering the awards should be directed to the Green Awards Team who can be contacted on 01 407 0594 or Sponsorship opportunities: If you are interested in sponsoring one of the awards categories please contact 01 407 0595 or

Please complete the following short questionnaire as part of your entry for organisational Awards (only necessary if prompted in the category criteria). You will be scored on this in addition to your submission so please provide detailed answers, and be as accurate as possible. If you feel a question is not relevant to your entry, please tick the not applicable box and explain why.

Commitment and Leadership

Describe, if any, the commitments your organisation has made in relation to sustainability / being more green in the past 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Describe, if any, the sustainability training offered through your organisation within the past 12 months. Please include the percentage of total trained staff and if possible a breakdown of their seniority within the organisation (i.e. 50% of total staff trained in sustainability including 80% of senior managers).

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Energy Emissions
Describe, if any, the steps your organisation have taken to reduce direct and indirect green house gasses emissions, providing details of actual tonnes saved and the reduction in percentage in the past 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Describe, if any, the steps taken to reduce waste within your organisation, providing details of actual volumes reduced, recycled and re-used and the percentage reduction of each in the past 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Describe, if any, the reduction of organic pollutants, and other chemicals flow to air and water in your organisation in the last 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Supply Chain Management and Procurement

Describe, if any, the efforts your organisation has taken to engage suppliers to address sustainability impacts throughout the supply chain in the last 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Describe, if any, new sustainable products, services or processes your organisation has developed to reduce sustainability impact (s) in the past 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Detail, if any, third party certification/accreditation relating to sustainability that your organisation have received in the past 12 months.

Please tick the box below if not applicable, and explain why:

Trophy Recipient Form

Event: The Green Awards 2011 Date: April 14th, 2011 Venue: The Burlington Hotel, Dublin 4
Please complete the required fields carefully and return to:
Fax: 01 507 8680 Email: Mail: Event Strategies Ltd 20 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2

IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. It is important that you advise us immediately if any details change as the information supplied will form part of the script which will be read at the awards ceremony. 2. Please ensure all details are entered accurately.

For further information:

Tel: Visit: 01 407 0594

3. Please state name as is most commonly used, i.e. Christopher or Chris, Edward or Ted etc. 4. Please return this form with your entry.

Please specify how you require your company name to be engraved onto the trophy in wording only (no logo/special fonts):

10 x Copies of Entry
Numbered clearly and no longer than 500 words, and 5 A4 pages including all supporting material

2 x High quality photos to support Entry

Jpeg and landscape format of at least 300dpi

10 x Copies of Entry Form

For each entry submitted

Completed Questionnaire
Only necessary for Organisational entries, please see category criteria

Trophy Recipient Form

This should be the name of the person who will collect the trophy in the event that you win

I have read and agree to the Awards Terms & conditions

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