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154 Green's Theorem 1117 ‘Combining these two calculations results in J@- a) priree ‘As mentioned earlier, with a change of notation (replace g by f and f by —g), the flux form of Green's Theorem is obtained. This proof also completes the list of equivalent QUICK CHECK 4 Explain why Green's ‘Theorem proves that if 2. = fy, then the vector field F = (f, 2) is conservative. < conservative on R. SECTION 15.4 EXERCISES Review Questions 1. Explain why the wo forms of Green’s Theorem ate analogs of the Pundamental Theorem of Caleulus, 2 Referring to both forms of Green's Theorem, match each idea in ‘Colums 1 to an ides in Coluran 2: Tine integral for fax ‘Double integral ofthe curl Line integral for circulation | Double integral of the divergence 3. Compute the wo-dimensional cust of P= ("5,39 ‘Compt the sxo-mensional vergence of P= (4ry,7 + 24) 5. How do you use line integral to compute the aes of plane region? 6. Why docs a two-dimensional vector field wit ro cu on & region have zero circulation cn a closed curve tht bounds the resion? 1. Why does a two-dimensional vector field with ze divergence on a region have zo outward ax actos a elosedcuve thal bounds the eaion? 8. Sketch a two-dimensional vector fil that has zero cs every- wherein the plane. 9. Sketch a two-dimensional vector eld that has zero divergence cveryvhere inthe ple 10, Discuss oe ofthe parallels bree a conservative veeoe eld ana source re vector il Basie Skills 11-16. Green's Theorem, circulation form Consider the following regions Rand vector fields F {4 Compute the nvo-dimensona car ofthe vector fed 1 value both integrals n Green's Theorem and check for contistency, «State whether th vector eld is conservative. n Liy)es? +9? = 2} 12, F = (y,x)s Ris the square with vertices (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), and (0,1). (ayb R properties of conservative fields given in Section 15.3: From Green's Theorem it follows, ed e vector fil is that if} = 5 on a simply connected region, then the vector Held F = (f.3) 13. F = (2y,~2r); Ris the region bounded by y = sin.xand y= 0,for0 =x =m, 14, B= (39,34); Ris the trlangle with vertices (0,0), (1,0). and (0.2). 15, B= [20,82 ~ y*): Risthe rgion bounded by y = x(2 — 8) andy = 0 16. F= (0.27 +97): R= ((uy)x ty? = 1} 17-22, Area of regions Use a line integral om the boundary ta find the area of the following regions 17. Adis of radius 5 18, A region bounded by an ellipse with semiimajor and semiminor axes of length 6 and 4, respectively. 19. (Cu y)x + y* = 16} 2. { (x,y): 27/25 + y?/9 = 1} 21, The region bounded by the parabolas (2) = (1,21?) and r() = (,12 =F) for? 242 22, The region bounded by the curve F1) = (1(1 =), = 151 5 1 int Pov the uve) 23.28, Green's Theorem, flux form Consider the following regions R dnd vector feds F. 4. Compute the svo-dimensional divergence ofthe vector fed 1. Evaluate both integrals in Green's Theorem and check for consistency. State whether the vector fli source free. ?), for 23. = (ny): R= {(naa}sa? +9? = 4} 24, F = (yi-s)s Ris the square with venice (0,0), (10), ( aad (0.1) 25, F = (5,3): Ris the region bounded by y = 4 — x2 and y 26, F = (~3y. 3x); Risthe rangle with vertices (0,0), (3,0), and (0.1). 27, F = (24y,x2 — y2); Ris the region bounded by y = x(2 — x) aay = 0. 28 P= [xt + yh 0): R= (aya? tyes 1 1118 Carex 1S» Vector Catcures 29M, Line integrals Use Green's Theorem to evaluate the following Tine integrals. Unless stated otherwise, assume al curves are oriented counterclockwise. 29, fax + & Jay — (ay? + ed, where Cis the boundary of the square with vere (0,0), (1,0), (1-1, and (0,1) a [ier 9o~ 06+ »)diahon Cisse mits a1 fay ~ eae where (8) with vertices (0, 0), (2,0), and (0,4) 2. fre = g dx, where (8) (0,2) and C is te triangle (292) and Cis the upper half ofthe unit circle andthe line segment — clockwise XS Lorient 38. The circulation fine integra of F = (x2 + y2,4x + y*) where Cisthe boundary of {(3,9):0 5 y= sing, 0 =x 5 a) 34. The lux tne integral of F = (e'™), &°*}, where Cis the bound ary of {(x,y):0 Sy = x,0= x= 1} 35-38, General regions Forte following vector felds, compute a) ihe circalation on and (2) the cuteard flu: across the boundary ofthe sven region. Assume boundary curves are oriented counerlockvie 38, P= (x.y); Ris the alf-annulus {(r,0):1 = r= 2, Os6=n), 36. (yea) Ris the nmin { (1,9) 1 S022} a. (2e + yx = 4y}s Ris the quarter-annulus (ql =r=4050= 7/2) BRB = (x ~y,-e + 2y)s Risthe paalelogram (Ql Sssys3-x0se51} Further Explorations 39. Explain why or why not Determine whether the following sate ‘ments ae tre and give an explanation or counterexampie. 1. The work required to move an object around a closed curve C in the presence of a vector force field is the eirculation of the vector field on the curve, b. Ifa vector field has zero divergence throughout a region (on ‘which the conditions of Green's Theorem are met), then the culation on the boundary ofthat region s zero. «IF the two-dimensional earl ofa vector field is positive throughout a region (on which the consitions of Green’s ‘Theorem are met), then the circulation an the boundary of that region is positive (assuming counterclockwise orientation). 40-42. Cireulation and flux For the following vector feds, compute (a) the creation on and (b) the outward lex across the boundary ofthe giver region. Asstme Boundary curves have counterclockwise orientation, 40, # = (in (a? + »9tan™!2), wher is te anus (8:15 152.0505 29) 41, B= V( Ve?) whee Ris the half annus (coylaresozes a} 42. F = (ycos.x,—sin x), where Ris the square {(s.9):0 = 8 = 2/20 y = 7/2) 43. P= (x + y?x4 — y) where R= [(a9) dy? Sa = 36-5?) 4448. Special line integrals Prove the following identities, where C is asimple closed smooth oriented curve. 4 fe fe 45. faa + aly) dy = 0, where f and ¢ have continuous derivatives on the region enclosed by C 46, Double integral to line integral Use the fox form of Green's Theorem to evaluate [fy (21y + 4y?) dA, where Ris the tingle with vertices (0,0), (1,0), and (0,1), 47, Area line integral Show that he value of| Foxy? de + (xy + 2x) dy depends only on the aes of he region enclosed by C 48, Area line integral Interns ofthe parameters and, his the ‘ale of fay + br dy elated othe ara ofthe region en- {losed by assuming counterclockwise orientation of? 49-82, Stream function Recall haf the vectorfield F = (8 i source free (era divergence), then asrean ancion exits suc hat f= band g the {Verify that the given vector eld has zero divergence 1 integrate the relations ~ Wy and g ~~ to find a stream fe: tio forthe eld 49. P= (4,2) SL F (ein y, € 008 y) Applications ‘53-56, Ideal flow A two-dimensional vector field describes ideal flow ‘Fithas both zero cur and zero divergence ona simply connected region (excluding the eign Precessery) 4. Very thatthe curl and divergence ofthe given fields zro 1 Finda potential faction anda stream function forthe fl Very that and satis Laplace's equation. + Sy ~ Yay 53. F $4. B= (x3 - Bay? y? - 3x’y) ss. 6 (uw yintne=y9) (uy) 56, p= +y '57, Flow in an ocean basin An idealized two-dimensional ocean is sodeled by the square region 8 = [-m/2, 2/2] x [-m/2, m/2]

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