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Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

League of Legends
Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

Table of contents
General 2
Recipients 2
Amendment of the rules 2

Tournament information 2
Tournament Platform 2
Tournament format 2
Tournament schedule 2
Tournament communication 3
General communication 3
Game communication 3
Match issue 3
Decision Issue 3

Game settings 3
Server 3
Match settings 3
Scripts / Third-Party-Software 3

Game proceedings 3
Before the tournament 3
Before the game 4
Match times 4
System 4
Match check-in 4
Pick & Ban order 4
Delayed match start 4
During the match 4
Pausing Match / Breaks 4
Disconnect / Lag / Bug 4
Technical / Medical emergency 4
After the match 5
Report the result 5

Terminology 5
Match, Set and Game (or Round) 5
Best-of-X 5

Version 1.0, 30.09.2019
League of Legends
Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

1 General
These regulations will be the reference document for the entirety of the SwitzerLAN
2019 event (hereinafter «SwitzerLAN») taking place at the BERNEXPO from the 21st
to the 24th of November 2019.
The rules may be available in several languages. If the individual rules differ, the English
version is valid in all cases as correct.

1.1 Recipients
These regulations apply to all players participating in the SwitzerLAN’s League of
Legends tournament (hereinafter: “LoL” or “Game”), as well as their organization and
entire team, including their coaches, managers, owners, members and employees. (The
whole of these persons are called “participants” throughout the rest of this document).
By taking part in this tournament, every participant guarantees that they are aware of
the content of these regulations and commits to respect it in its entirety.

Participants agree that their games could be streamed, casted or shown on the stage.

1.2 Amendment of the rules

The rules can be changed at any time by the tournament organizers at their own
discretion in order to ensure a smooth running. Should a situation arise that is not
covered by the rules, the tournament administrations have the decision-making

2 Tournament information
2.1 Tournament Platform
The official Tournament Platform for the Main Tournaments will be Battlefy
(, please make sure that each member of your
team has an account.

2.2 Tournament format

The tournament is played in 2 stages.
Stage 1: Swiss rounds in the Best-of-1 format. The top 8 teams/players qualify
for the stage 2. The Swiss rounds will not be seeded.
Stage 2: Single Elimination in the Best-of-3 format. The Elimination Bracket will
be seeded according to the Swiss results (example. 1st vs 8th).

The Tiebreaker gets calculated automatically by Battlefy.

2.3 Tournament schedule

First appointment for the team captain or team manager will be the briefing on Friday at
8:00PM. The Tournament itself will start one hour later (at 9:00PM). All players must be
at the location at the start of the tournament.
The rough schedule of the Tournament can be found here (Rough Schedule). According
to the number of participants there could be changes.

Version 1.0, 30.09.2019
League of Legends
Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

The detailed schedule will be published around a week before the Event, including
round start times, breaks and final time.

2.4 Tournament communication

2.4.1 General communication
The whole tournament communication is held on the official SwitzerLAN Discord

2.4.2 Game communication

The communication between the teams for the individual games is hold on the Battlefy
match page (example:

2.4.3 Match issue

If you have a problem in your match, use the “Report Match Issue” Button on Battlefy.
The Admin will contact you in the match to solve the issue. Take screenshots of Victory
Screens, chat, etc. in any case as a proof.

2.4.4 Decision Issue

In case you (your team) do not agree with an admin decision the Team Captain or Team
Manager has the opportunity to discuss the incident and the decision with referee panel
(according to the SESF Standard).

3 Game settings
3.1 Server

3.2 Match settings

Mode: 5v5
Version: latest patch
Map: Summoner’s Rift
Game type: Tournament Draft
Allow Spectators: Yes

3.3 Scripts / Third-Party-Software

No script/macro is allowed for the tournaments. Third-Party Softwares are allowed only
if they don’t give any advantage to the team (Skin modification, Online tools to get the
rank of the other team...)

4 Game proceedings
4.1 Before the tournament
Please add your Summoner Name to your Profile on the SwitzerLAN site to ensure that
we can organize the tournament smoothly.

Version 1.0, 30.09.2019
League of Legends
Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

4.2 Before the game

4.2.1 Match times
The players have to check the published schedule regularly in case of current
adjustments and to secure to not delay the whole tournament.

4.2.2 System
The players generally play the matches on their own systems. However, the tournament
organizer can set up individual systems for individual matches or the whole tournament,
at which the matches must be played.

4.2.3 Match check-in

The team captain has to check-in to the match on Battlefy no later than 15 minutes after
the start of the round according to the schedule (example:
If they miss it, the opponent will automatically get a free win.

4.2.4 Pick & Ban order

The first named team (upper one in the Bracket) selects blue side and begins with pick
and ban.

4.2.5 Delayed match start

In the event of unintentional technical difficulties or non-communication leading to the
inability to start a game more than 15 minutes after the round start, the admin can, at
their sole discretion exceptionally grant a victory depending on the points and the

4.3 During the match

4.3.1 Pausing Match / Breaks
Pausing the match for no reason can lead to an immediate defeat in the ongoing game.
There will be a maximum of 10 minutes breaks between each game in a Bo3. After the
10 minutes are over, the same rules for delayed team are applied.

4.3.2 Disconnect / Lag / Bug

In case of disconnect, lag or major bug, the match can be paused for a duration of 15
minutes maximum. If the problems do not disappear, the administrators of the game
must be informed as fast as possible.

4.3.3 Technical / Medical emergency

In case of technical or medical emergency, the match has to be paused and the
administrators of the game must be informed immediately. The administrator will decide
if the match can continue or not.
If an agreement is found between the 2 teams but not transmitted to the administrators,
it will be considered null and invalid for any future decision.

Version 1.0, 30.09.2019
League of Legends
Rulebook SwitzerLAN 2019

4.4 After the match

4.4.1 Report the result
One of the team captains have to enter the result on the Battlefy Match page including
a screenshot of the result within 5 minutes after the match is over. If there should be
any problem or mistake, use the match issue button (according to rule 2.4.3).

In case the result is not submitted in time, a random winner will be granted from the

5 Terminology
5.1 Match, Set and Game (or Round)
A match is the meeting of two teams (or single players). A match usually consists of one
or more games. The term round is used synonym to the term game.

If useful, a match can be divided into several sets, which in turn consist of several

5.2 Best-of-X
If a match is played as Best-of-X, a maximum of X Games (or sets) are played. The
match is considered won if a team or a player can decide more than half of the games
(or sets) for themselves. The remaining games (or sets) are no longer played.

Version 1.0, 30.09.2019

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