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The Effects of Training

Interventions on
Modifiable Hamstring
Strain Injury Risk Factors
in Healthy Soccer Players:
A Systematic Review
Celine Schneider, BSc,1 Bas Van Hooren, MSc,2 John Cronin, PhD,1 and Ivan Jukic, MSc1,3
Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand;
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences, NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in
Metabolism, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, the Netherlands; and 3School of Engineering,
Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

ABSTRACT (movement velocity and contraction neuromuscular function and activation

type), and the effects of each inter- deficits) (7,83,84) even long after reha-
Despite promising research on various
vention subgroup were analyzed sep- bilitation and return to sport. Further-
soccer-specific injury prevention pro-
arately for all proposed risk factors for more, HSIs have been associated with
grams, hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) a poor healing response (15,19) and a
HSIs. Our findings show that a broad
persist in being a major problem in the relatively high risk of reinjury (4,87).
variety of exercise types (i.e., high- and
sport. Therefore, in an attempt to
low-velocity movements, eccentric Researchers have shown that HSIs
expand the current knowledge on the
only and traditional exercises) most commonly occur during the late
prevention of HSIs, this systematic swing phase of high-speed running. In
improves all risk factors for HSIs
review aimed to identify how modifi- compared with fewer exercise types. this phase of the stride cycle, the ham-
able risk factors for HSIs (hamstring Therefore, these findings suggest that string muscles simultaneously reach
strength, hamstring:quadriceps [H:Q] hamstring injury risk factors can best peak levels of force and strain
strength ratios, biceps femoris long be modified using a wide variety of (16,40,41,72,88). Based on these find-
head fascicle length, and hamstring exercises compared with, for example, ings, it has been suggested that poor
angle of peak torque) were altered only 1 or 2 specific exercises. hamstring strength, low angle of peak
following various training interventions. torque (APT), short biceps femoris
The protocol was preregistered on long head (BFlh) fascicle length, and
PROSPERO (CRD42020177363). INTRODUCTION hamstring:quadriceps (H:Q) strength
amstring strain injuries (HSIs) imbalances increase the risk of sustain-
The literature search was conducted
on PubMed, SportDISCUS, and Web
of Science. Following the search pro-
H are the most common non-
contact injury in soccer
(28,29,37,86,87). Hamstring strain
ing HSIs. It is believed that stronger
hamstring muscles are more resilient
to strain injury than weaker hamstring
cess, 20 studies were included in the injuries have been shown to negatively
systematic review, and the methodo- impact team success (i.e., lower final KEY WORDS:
logical quality of these studies was league ranking and high financial costs HSI; risk factors; injury prevention;
reported. Interventions were catego- because of player absence) (27,36) and football; hamstring; soccer
rized based on exercise characteristics individual performance (i.e., reduced

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

muscles (33) because they can better between different exercises (10,43) the checking of reference lists. Follow-
resist lengthening (41) and thus dam- and between variations of the same ing the initial search and after removing
age. Furthermore, muscles with longer exercise (39,71). These may lead to dif- duplicates, each study was screened for
fascicles are assumed to contain more ferences in muscle cross-sectional area the title, abstract, and full text using the
sarcomeres in series. Therefore, each and hence strength adaptations over inclusion and exclusion criteria
individual sarcomere undergoes less the long run (85). Because different described below, in this exact order.
length change for a given change in exercises, therefore, likely induce differ- Studies were included in the present
muscle-tendon unit length. As a result, ential adaptations, an overview of how review if they met the following inclu-
muscles with longer fascicle lengths different individual exercises or combi- sion criteria: (a) participants in the
might experience less damage during nations of exercises impact modifiable study were healthy (i.e., injury free
activities where they reach high levels risk factors for HSIs might enable sport upon start of intervention or partici-
of force and strain, and this may, in scientists and coaches alike to make pating in full training schedule): soccer
turn, decrease injury risk (59). more informed choices regarding pro- players; (b) the study examined the
Furthermore, during high-speed run- gram design. Additionally, a better effects of a training intervention con-
ning, the hamstring muscles (specifi- understanding of the relationship sisting of a single lower-limb exercise
cally the short head of the biceps between preventive exercises and risk (e.g., Nordic hamstring exercise) or a
femoris) actively control the knee factors might allow for a more individ- structured physical preparation pro-
extension motion (58). Accordingly, it ualistic approach, which, ultimately, gram (i.e., combination of different
has been suggested that the level of should result in more efficient and exercises designed by the researchers
strain experienced by the hamstring effective injury prevention programs. of the study) or a commercially avail-
muscles is at least partially determined Therefore, this systematic review able injury prevention program (e.g.,
by the ratio of hamstring-to-quadriceps aimed to examine the effects of differ- FIFA’s “11+”); (c) the study examined
strength, given that the quadriceps ent training interventions targeting the the effects of a training intervention
lower limbs on risk factors for HSIs duration lasting a minimum of 4 weeks;
muscles are responsible for knee exten-
among injury-free soccer players. (d) the study evaluated pre- and post-
sion motion (41,58). Indeed, a growing
body of literature now supports these intervention measurements of at least
suggested associations because ham- METHODS one proposed, modifiable risk factor for
string strength (8,64,79,81), BFlh fasci- HSIs (i.e., hamstring strength, APT,
cle length (63,81), APT (12), and low SEARCH STRATEGY AND BFlh fascicle length and H:Q strength
H:Q strength imbalances (14,20,24,65) ratios involving the hamstrings); (e) the
This systematic literature search was study included a control group (CG);
have been correlated with future HSIs.
conducted in accordance with the (f ) the study was a randomized or
However, despite the ever-growing
guidelines provided by the Preferred cluster-randomized controlled trial;
interest in HSIs in soccer among sport
Reporting Items for Systematic and (g) the study was published in a
scientists, the incidence in soccer has
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) peer-reviewed journal. Adhering to the
increased over the past few years (30).
(57). A protocol was preregistered in the exclusion criteria meant the removal of
These data emphasize the need to
International Prospective Register of studies that (a) were unavailable in
expand the current knowledge base
Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; ID: English; (b) were only available in
regarding the prevention of HSIs in
CRD42020177363). On May 23, 2020, abstract form; (c) did not provide a
an online search was performed using detailed description of the intervention
Risk factors for HSIs are often modi- the following databases: PubMed, protocol (i.e., exercise selection, num-
fied using strength training exercises. SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science. ber of sets and repetitions per exercise,
However, muscle activation patterns, The following search strategy was used and intervention session frequency);
force output, and fascicle behavior do for all databases: (soccer OR football) and (d) included athletes that were
differ between various exercises AND (training OR program OR pro- not (primarily) soccer players (e.g.,
(10,39,43,55,62,71,80). These acute dif- gramme OR prevention OR protocol futsal players).
ferences may lead to different training OR intervention OR preventative OR
adaptations over the long run. For treatment OR exercise) AND (“biceps DATA EXTRACTION AND
example, exercises involving a predom- femoris” OR semimembranosus OR ANALYSIS
inantly eccentric muscle action typi- semitendinosus OR “posterior thigh” The following information was ex-
cally lead to increases in fascicle OR “posterior limb” OR “posterior tracted from each study: (a) author
length, whereas exercises involving leg” OR “posterior chain” OR ham- and publication year; (b) number, sex,
concentric muscle actions can shorten string OR injury OR “risk factor” OR and age of participants; (c) level of com-
fascicle length (11,26). Furthermore, ratio). Database results were limited to petition; (d) soccer practice frequency
studies have also shown regional differ- English research articles. Additional or volume upon start of intervention;
ences in muscle activation patterns articles were also identified through (e) compliance to the intervention; (f)

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
intervention program (exercise(s), sets exercises (43,48); (b) concentric exer- of the studies included in this article (i.e.,
per exercise and repetitions per set); cises were those that emphasized the interventional exercise studies), it should
(g) intervention session frequency and concentric and/or omitted the eccen- be noted that criteria 5 and 6 (blinding of
total intervention duration; (h) tric portion of the lift (e.g., concentric participants and administrators, respec-
hamstring-specific outcome variables leg curl on an isokinetic dynamome- tively) were fulfilled if those concerned
measured; and (i) pre- and postinter- ter); and (c) exercises that put equal were unaware of the intentions of the
vention means and standard deviations emphasis on both portions of the lift study and the other groups’ interven-
(SD) for each group. If the pre- and were classified as targeting the ham- tions/conditions. Any differences in the
postintervention means and SDs were strings both eccentrically and concen- outcomes of the methodological quality
only available in figures, values were ex- trically (e.g., stiff-leg deadlift performed assessments between the 2 raters were
tracted using the WebPlotDigitizer with controlled concentric and eccen- solved via discussion.
( Per- tric phases) (43).
centage changes from pre- to postinter- In regards to contraction velocity, exer- RESULTS
vention and within-group Cohen’s cises were classified as high-velocity SEARCH RESULTS
d effect sizes were calculated manually exercises if they were jump or sprint A total of 17,483 results were found
using a custom-made Excel sheet. variations or if it was specifically men- through database searching (PubMed:
tioned in the original article that an n 5 8,660; SportDISCUS: n 5 7,570;
EXERCISE INTERVENTION AND exercise was performed at high velocity Web of Science: n 5 1,253). Titles and
PARTICIPANT TRAINING STATUS (3). Otherwise, exercises were classified
CATEGORIZATION abstracts were screened for relevance
as being low-velocity exercises. Finally, after removing duplicates (n 5 4,407).
Exercise interventions were catego- the participants’ training status (i.e., During this process, 13,006 articles
rized based on contraction types (i.e., well-trained or recreationally trained) were excluded, leaving 70 full-text arti-
predominantly eccentric, predomi- was categorized based on McKay cles to be checked for eligibility. A fur-
nantly concentric, or both) and con- et al. (52). Briefly, this classification ther 50 studies were excluded for not
traction velocities (i.e., low or high framework includes 6 tiers (sedentary meeting the eligibility criteria. Conse-
velocity) to aid with the interpretation to world class) and uses training volume quently, 20 studies (3,5,6,13,18,21–
of the results. Contraction types and and performance metrics to classify par-
velocities for all exercises were catego- 23,25,44–47,49,54,56,60,61,77,89) were
ticipants into 1 of these 6 tiers (52). included in this systematic review. No
rized based on how they were classi-
additional studies were found by
fied in the original article. For example, ASSESSMENT OF
if an article referred to the Nordic METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY checking the reference lists of the
hamstring exercise as an eccentric The methodological quality of each included studies. Figure 1 represents
the search and selection process in a
exercise, the same classification was study was assessed separately by 2
PRISMA flowchart.
retained for the present systematic raters (C.S. and I.J.) using the Physio-
review. In case the classification for a therapy Evidence Database (PEDro)
given exercise differed between stud- scale (50). This scale consists of 11 cri- DESCRIPTION OF INCLUDED
ies, then the predominant classification teria, with one point awarded for each STUDIES
was used. For exercises not categorized criterion when clearly satisfied (except Participant numbers across all studies
in any of the studies included in this for criterion a, which was not part of ranged from 18 to 81. One study (77)
review, classifications used in other the total score). The criteria refer to (a) was performed on female subjects, 2
articles (see reference list) were kept reporting of eligibility criteria; (b) ran- studies (54,89) did not report the par-
for the present review. Finally, if none dom assignment; (c) concealed alloca- ticipants’ sex, and the remaining studies
of the aforementioned applied, exer- tion; (d) similarity of groups at (3,5,6,13,18,21–23,25,44–47,49,56,60,61)
cises were categorized as predomi- baseline; (e) blinding of participants; (f) included male subjects only. Participant
nantly eccentric, concentric, or a blinding of people administering the training status spanned from recreation-
combination of both based on the fol- intervention; (g) blinding of assessors ally active to highly trained. A detailed
lowing: (a) exercises that resulted in who measured key outcomes; (h) mea- overview of the participant characteris-
significant deceleration demands with sures of at least one outcome were ob- tics can be found in Table 1.
relatively long contact times (e.g., box tained from more than 85% of initial From a total of 31 experimental groups,
drops), sprint or sprint-related exer- participants; (i) all participants received the most represented type of interven-
cises (e.g., bounding), and exercises the intervention or control condition as tion was low-velocity eccentric ham-
where the eccentric portion was allocated; (j) results of between-group string training (48%) (6,21–
emphasized or performed in isolation statistical comparisons were reported; 23,25,44,46,47,49,54,60,61), followed
(e.g., flywheel leg curl, eccentric-only and (k) the study provided point mea- by a combination of low- and high-
Nordic hamstring exercise) were cate- sures and measures of variability for at velocity eccentric and high-velocity
gorized as predominantly eccentric least one key outcome. Given the nature concentric training (19%) (5,21–

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart.

23,45,77) and high-velocity eccentric hamstring strength (concentric, eccen- from 3 of 10 to 8 of 10. An overview of
training (13%) (3,18,47). One (3%) tric, and isometric combined) gains. the methodological quality assessment
experimental group each performed These experimental groups improved of each study is provided in Table 2.
the following: low-velocity concentric hamstring strength in 100% of the ham-
training (3); high-velocity concentric string strength tests. H:Q strength ratio DISCUSSION
training (3); low- and high-velocity improvements were most consistent fol- The main objective of this systematic
eccentric training (13); a combination lowing combined low-and high-velocity review was to investigate the effects of
of low- and high-velocity eccentric eccentric and concentric training inter- lower-body–focused interventions on
and low- and high-velocity concentric ventions. BFlh fascicle length increases the proposed modifiable risk factors for
training (56); a combination of low- and were the most prominent post combined HSIs in soccer players. Twenty studies
high-velocity eccentric and low-velocity high-velocity eccentric and concentric met the inclusion criteria and were
concentric training (89); and a combina- training. Combined low- and high- further analyzed. The mean method-
tion of high-velocity eccentric and high- velocity eccentric training significantly ological quality score was 6 of 10 and
velocity concentric training (Table 2) improved hamstring APT, whereas ranged from 3 of 10 to 8 of 10. Out-
(54). Risk factors for HSIs investigated low-velocity eccentric training did not. come variables reported across all
across all studies were hamstring strength Both low-velocity eccentric training and studies were hamstring strength (con-
(n 5 18) (3,5,6,13,18,22,23,25,44– combined low- and high-velocity eccen- centric, isometric, and eccentric), H:Q
47,49,56,60,61,77,89), H:Q strength ratios tric and high-velocity concentric training strength ratios, BFlh fascicle length,
(n 5 7) (3,5,13,18,21,56,77), hamstring resulted in negative changes in 1 and 2 and hamstring APT. The main finding
APT (n 5 2) (13,44), and BFlh fascicle H:Q strength ratio variables, respectively. of this study was that using a broad
length (n 5 2) (49,54) (Table 2). Additionally, low-velocity eccentric array of exercise types and modes
training led to a decrement in 1 ham- seemed to most consistently improve
string strength variable (Table 2).
OVERVIEW OF RESULTS OF hamstring strength and H:Q strength
INCLUDED STUDIES ratios. Furthermore, combined low-
Combined low- and high-velocity eccen- OVERVIEW OF RESULTS OF and high-velocity eccentric training
tric and concentric training and com- METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY reduced hamstring APT, whereas
bined low- and high-velocity eccentric ASSESSMENT low-velocity eccentric training alone
and low-velocity concentric training The median methodological quality did not. However, low-velocity eccen-
most consistently resulted in significant score was 6 of 10. Total scores ranged tric training significantly increased

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

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Table 1
Subject characteristics

Study, y Participants (n) Sex Age (y, mean 6 SD) Soccer practice frequency or volume upon Training status Compliance to intervention
start of intervention (d/wk or h/wk)

Aagard et al., EG1 5 7 Male 22.8 6 4.1 N/R Highly trained N/R
1996 EG2 5 5
EG3 5 5
CG 5 5
Askling et al., EG 5 13 Male EG 5 24 6 2.6 N/R Highly trained 100%
2003 CG 5 13 CG 5 26 6 3.6
Steffen et al., EG 5 17 Female 17.1 6 0.8 13.3 h/wk Trained 73%
2008 CG 5 14
Jönhagen EG1 5 11 Male 18 3–53/wk Recreationally N/R
et al., 2009 EG2 5 10 active
CG 5 11
Brughelli et al., EG 5 13 Male EG 5 20.7 6 1.6 EG 5 10.3 h/wk Trained 100%
2010 CG 5 11 CG 5 21.5 6 1.3 CG 5 10.9 h/wk
Daneshjoo EG1 5 12 Male EG1 5 19.2 6 0.9 Almost daily practice + 1 match/wk Highly trained 100%
et al., 2012 EG2 5 12 EG2 5 17.7 6 0.4
CG 5 12 CG 5 19.7 6 1.6
Iga et al., 2012 EG 5 10 Male EG 5 23.4 6 3.3 N/R Highly trained 100%
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CG 5 8 CG 5 22.3 6 3.9
Daneshjoo EG1 5 12 Male 18.9 6 1.4 Almost daily practice + 1 match/wk Highly trained 100%
et al., 2013a EG2 5 12
CG 5 12
Daneshjoo EG1 5 12 Male 18.9 6 1.4 N/R Highly trained 100%
et al., 2013b EG2 5 12
CG 5 12
Impellizzeri EG 5 42 Male EG 5 23.7 6 3.7 33/wk + 1 match/wk Trained N/R
et al., 2013 CG 5 39 CG 5 23.2 6 3.8
Naclerio et al., EG 5 10 Male 23.8 6 3.1 33/wk Trained N/R
2013 CG 5 10
Mendiguchia EG 5 27 Male EG 5 22.7 6 4.8 33/wk + 1 match/wk Trained .70%
et al., 2015 CG 5 24 CG 5 21.8 6 2.5

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Table 1
(continued )
VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Naclerio et al., EG1 5 11 Male 22.2 6 2.6 32/wk + 1 match/wk Recreationally 100%
2015 EG2 5 11 active
CG 5 10
Coratella et al., 48 Male 21 6 3 33/wk + 1 match/wk Trained EG1 5 94%
2018 EG2 5 96%
Ishøi et al., EG 5 11 Male EG 5 19.1 6 1.8 33/wk + 1 match/wk Trained 60%
2018 CG 5 14 CG 5 19.4 6 2.1
Lovell et al., EG1 5 9 Male 23.6 6 4.7 32/wk + 1 match/wk Recreationally EG1 5 34.7%
2018 EG2 5 13 active EG2 5 46.8%
CG 5 11
Arsenis et al., EG 5 16 Male EG 5 18.8 6 0.8 N/R Trained N/R
2020 CG 5 16 CG 5 19.3 6 0.8
Drury et al., EG1 5 8 Male EG1 5 11.0 6 0.9 32/wk + 1 match/wk Recreationally $85%
2020 EG2 5 16 (pre-PHV) active
CG1 5 11 EG2 5 14.0 6 1.1
CG2 5 13 (mid-/post-PHV)
CG1 5 10.9 6 0.8
CG2 5 13.7 6 1.0
Mendiguchia EG1 5 7 N/R .18 34/wk + $2 matches/wk Trained .80%
et al., 2020 EG2 5 8
CG 5 8
Zarei et al., EG 5 16 N/R EG: 11.3 6 0.9 ;4 h/wk Recreationally 100%
2020 CG 5 15 CG: 11.7 6 0.7 active/trained
CG 5 control group; EG 5 experimental group; N/R 5 not reported; PHV 5 peak height velocity.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2
Study characteristics
Study, y (PEDro score) Intervention program Frequency (intervention Hamstring-specific outcome EG %-change (effect size) CG %-change
sessions/wk) and duration (wks) variables (effect size)

Aagard et al., 1996 (3/ EG1: Knee flexor and 33/wk over 12 wks Con PT 308/s EG1: +14.8 (0.84)* +10.2 (0.44)
10) extensor training on Con PT 1208/s EG2: 21.7 (0.07) +10.8 (0.60)
hydraulic resistance Con PT 2408/s EG3: +3.4 (0.15) +16.0 (0.72)
machine; 4 3 8 reps at Ecc PT 308/s EG1: +7.8 (0.61) +10.4 (0.41)
20–508/s Ecc PT 1208/s EG2: 23.0 (0.21) +4.7 (0.18)
EG2: Knee flexor and Ecc PT 2408/s EG3: +2.9 (0.11) +12.4 (0.50)
extensor training on T508 con 308/s EG1: +12.7 (0.75) +8.9 (0.35)
hydraulic resistance T508 con 1208/s EG2: +7.0 (0.35) +8.2 (0.49)
machine; 4 3 24 reps T508 con 2408/s EG3: 21.3 (0.06) +12.7 (0.69)
at 150–2008/s T508 ecc 308/s EG1: +10.5 (0.52)* +12.0 (0.39)
EG3: Loaded kicking; 4 3 T508 ecc 1208/s EG2: 26.1 (0.20) +6.9 (0.28)
16 reps at 0–4008/s T508 ecc 2408/s EG3: 21.5 (0.07) +17.7 (0.70)
EG1: +11.2 (0.48)*
EG2: 25.6 (0.24)
EG3: 26.5 (0.27)
EG1: +10.1 (0.65)*
EG2: 210.7 (0.43)
EG3: +2.1 (0.09)
EG1: +11.1 (0.52)*
EG2: +2.4 (0.06)
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EG3: +5.4 (0.22)

EG1: +11.0 (0.69)
EG2: 25.8 (0.34)
EG3: +2.2 (0.10)
EG1: +12.1 (0.66)
EG2: +1.5 (0.08)
EG3: 26.6 (0.28)
EG1: +22.9 (1.20)*
EG2: 21.8 (0.05)
EG3: +6.7 (0.30)
EG1: +13.7 (0.84)*
EG2: 25.1 (0.21)
EG3: +2.4 (0.11)
EG1: +17.1 (1.15)*
EG2: 29.4 (0.39)
EG3: +4.1 (0.17)

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Table 2
(continued )
VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Askling et al., 2003 (6/ Prone leg curl on Every 4th or 5th d over 10 wks Con PT 608/s +15.3 (0.85)* +2.3 (0.14)
10) flywheel; 3 3 8 reps Ecc PT 608/s +18.9 (1.22)* 21.3 (0.08)
Steffen et al., 2008 (6/ FIFA 11 33/wk over 10 wks Con PT 608/s DL 21.0 (0.09) 22.3 (0.29)
10) Con PT 2408/s DL +1.5 (0.15) 21.3 (0.13)
Ecc PT 608/s DL 21.3 (0.13) 23.8 (0.43)
Iso PT 308 DL +4.3 (0.30) 21.5 (0.13)
Iso PT 608 DL +5.8 (0.44) +5.8 (0.41)
Iso PT 908 DL 20.7 (0.06) +0.9 (0.05)
ConH/ConQ 608/s DL 23.3 (0.33) 23.4 (0.40)
ConH/ConQ 2408/s DL +1.4 (0.15) 21.0 (0.14)
EccH/EccQ 608/s DL 22.7 (0.23) 212.1 (0.95)
EccH/ConQ 608/s DL +7.1 (0.63) +7.7 (0.57)

Jönhagen et al., 2009 EG1: walking forward 32/wk over 6 wks Con PT 1808/s NDL EG1: +34.5 (1.91)* +9.4 (0.75)
(5/10) lunge; 4 3 12 reps EG2: +17.0 (1.18)
EG2: jumping forward
lunge; 4 3 12 reps

Brughelli et al., 2010 (8/ 1-2 of the following 33/wk over 4 wks Con PT 608/s 22.0 (0.18) 21.0 (0.09)
10) exercises per APT 608/s 212.4 (1.10)*§ 27.6 (0.74)*
intervention session: ConH/ConQ 608/s 21.5 (0.14) +1.5 (0.13)
Eccentric box drops,
lunge pushes, forward
deceleration steps,
reverse Nordic
hamstrings; 4–5 total
sets per session
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Table 2
(continued )
Daneshjoo et al., 2012 EG1: FIFA 11+ 33/wk over 8 wk ConH/ConQ 608/s DL EG1: +7.5 (0.05) +4.1 (0.20)
(7/10) EG2: HarmoKnee ConH/ConQ 608/s NDL EG2: +14.6 (0.77) +0.0 (0.00)
ConH/ConQ 1808/s DL EG1: +14.0 (0.77)* +6.4 (0.15)
ConH/ConQ 1808/s NDL EG2: +2.0 (0.07) +2.0 (0.10)
ConH/ConQ 3008/s DL EG1: +13.0 (0.11) 210.3 (0.31)
ConH/ConQ 3008/s NDL EG2: +15.7 (0.80) +6.0 (0.13)
EccH/ConQ 1208/s DL EG1: +7.1 (0.42) 27.2 (0.25)
EccH/ConQ 1208/s NDL EG2: 24.9 (0.19) 24.3 (0.15)
ConH3008/s/ConH608/s DL EG1: +1.4 (0.05) 213.0 (0.40)
ConH3008/s/ConH608/s NDL EG2: 213.3 (0.70) +6.9 (0.20)
EG1: 21.3 (0.05)
EG2: 29.9 (0.51)
EG1: 245.3 (1.08)*
EG2: 216.7 (0.70)
EG1: 241.5 (1.17)*§
EG2: 229.2 (0.72)§
EG1: +11.7 (0.35)
EG2: 213.9 (0.70)
EG1: +1.5 (0.06)
EG2: 28.9 (0.44)

Iga et al., 2012 (6/10) NHE; 2–3 3 5–8 reps 1–33/wk over 4 wks Ecc PT 608/s DL +14.8 (0.40)*§ +0.8 (0.03)
Ecc PT 608/s NDL +20.2 (0.59)*§ +1.9 (0.06)
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Ecc PT 1208/s DL +10.7 (0.30)*§ 20.8 (0.03)

Ecc PT 1208/s NDL +13.3 (0.43)*§ +4.8 (0.15)
Ecc PT 2408/s DL +7.4 (0.21)*§ 23.5 (0.09)
Ecc PT 2408/s NDL +19.6 (0.61)*§ +3.9 (0.13)
APT 608/s DL 28.8 (0.16) 216.7 (0.32)
APT 608/s NDL 223.5 (0.57) 27.4 (0.13)
APT 1208/s DL 229.0 (0.50) 214.8 (0.24)
APT 1208/s NDL 223.3 (0.45) +3.8 (0.07)
APT 2408/s DL 210.7 (0.85) +3.6 (0.22)
APT 2408/s NDL 23.4 (0.20) +0.0 (0.00)

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10 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Table 2
(continued )
Daneshjoo et al., 2013a EG1: FIFA 11+ 33/wk over 8 wks Con PT 608/s DL EG1: +19.5 (1.28)*§ +6.6 (0.19)
(6/10) EG2: HarmoKnee Con PT 608/s NDL EG2: +36.1 (1.19)* 26.0 (0.18)
Con PT 1808/s DL EG1: +20.3 (1.18)*§ +3.5 (0.09)
Con PT 1808/s NDL EG2: +23.5 (0.78)* +13.9 (0.32)
Con PT 3008/s DL EG1: +27.5 (1.16)*§ 26.2 (0.13)
Con PT 3008/s NDL EG2: +53.6 (1.28)* +6.6 (0.13)
Ecc PT 1208/s DL EG1: +19.5 (1.18)*§ 20.7 (0.25)
Ecc PT 1208/s NDL EG2: +27.7 (0.67)* 24.4 (0.50)
EG1: +32.7 (0.98)*§
EG2: +20.6 (0.56)*
EG1: +20.3 (0.70)§
EG2: +14.7 (0.53)
EG1: +4.7 (0.47)
EG2: 20.1 (0.01)
EG1: +9.0 (0.87)
EG2: +0.4 (0.06)

Daneshjoo et al., 2013b EG1: FIFA 11+ 33/wk over 8 wks Iso PT 308 DL EG1: +17.5 (0.72)* 29.6 (0.45)
(7/10) EG2: HarmoKnee Iso PT 308 NDL EG2: +7.2 (0.30)
Iso PT 608 DL EG1: +23.7 (0.90)* 210.1 (0.49)
Iso PT 608 NDL EG2: +13.6 (0.50)
Iso PT 908 DL EG1: +17.4 (0.76)* 22.8 (0.13)
Iso PT 908 NDL EG2: +9.7 (0.44)
EG1: +13.5 (0.54)* 28.4 (0.43)
EG2: +14.9 (0.53)
EG1: +11.3 (0.47) 21.8 (0.07)
EG2: +0.9 (0.03)
EG1: +5.3 (0.27) 211.6 (0.60)
EG2: +18.7 (0.62)

Impellizzeri et al., 2013 FIFA 11+ 33/wk over 9 wks Con PT 608/s +6.2 (0.43)*§ +2.9 (0.21)*
(7/10) Con PT 1808/s +7.3 (0.41)*§ +2.6 (0.15)
Ecc PT 608/s +6.0 (0.37)*§ +2.6 (0.16)*

Naclerio et al., 2013 (6/ NHE, forward lunge on 33/wk over 4 wks Iso PT 358 DL +10.8 (0.51) 23.4 (0.11)
10) bosu ball, eccentric Iso PT 458 DL 22.1 (0.09) +0.5 (0.02)
single-leg deadlift; 3 3 Iso PT 608 DL 22.1 (0.08) 20.7 (0.02)
8 reps per exercise Iso PT 808 DL +14.4 (0.78)*§ 21.6 (0.15)
Iso PT 908 DL 20.8 (0.03) 20.9 (0.03)
Iso PT 1008 DL 23.5 (0.10) +2.0 (0.07)
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2
(continued )
Mendiguchia et al., Eccentric strength 32/wk over 7 wks Con PT 608/s DL +13.1 (0.72)*§ +5.1 (0.25)*
2015 (5/10) exercises (NHE, lunge Con PT 608/s NDL +12.1 (0.69)* +5.0 (0.24)*
variations, deadlift Ecc PT 608/s DL +17.2 (0.99)*§ 21.3 (0.08)
variations, glute Ecc PT 608/s NDL +13.2 (0.70)* +1.8 (0.09)
bridge variations, box ConH/ConQ 608/s DL +9.8 (0.63)*§ +2.0 (0.11)
drops; 2–3 3 4–8 reps ConH/ConQ 608/s NDL +5.9 (0.40)§ +4.3 (0.25)*
per exercise) in both EccH/ConQ 608/s DL +13.5 (1.00)*§ 24.3 (0.28)*
sessions, plyometric EccH/ConQ 608/s NDL +6.7 (0.48)*§ +1.2 (0.07)
exercises (horizontal
jump variations,
bounding, hop
variations; 2–3 3 3–8
reps per exercise) in
session 1 and
acceleration drills (wall
acceleration drills, free
sprints, resisted
sprints; 1–3 3 2–8
reps 3 5–20 m per
exercise) in session 2
Naclerio et al., 2015 (6/ EG1: Band-assisted NHE, 33/wk over 6 wks Iso PT 358 DL EG1: +9.2 (0.21)* +5.3 (0.10)
10) eccentric single-leg Iso PT 458 DL EG2: 22.4 (0.05) +5.8 (0.15)
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

deadlift, eccentric Iso PT 608 DL EG1: +26.2 (0.90)* +0.6 (0.01)

double-leg deadlift; 3 Iso PT 808 DL EG2: 25.2 (0.15) 20.5 (0.01)
3 8 reps Iso PT 908 DL EG1: 23.5 (0.11) +2.0 (0.06)
EG2: Assisted single-leg Iso PT 1008 DL EG2: +9.4 (0.26)* +12.2 (0.24)
squat, assisted single- EG1: 26.3 (0.20)
leg squat on bosu ball, EG2: +19.0 (0.53)*
assisted forward lunge EG1: 214.0 (0.53)
on bosu ball; 3 3 8 EG2: +29.9 (0.73)*
reps EG1: 26.3 (0.15)
EG2: +15.1 (0.32)
Coratella et al., 2018 (5/ EG1: Bodymass squat 32/wk over 8 wks Ecc PT 608/s EG1: +17.9 (0.86)* +2.5 (0.12)
10) jump; 5 3 10 reps EccH/ConQ 608/s EG2: +15.8 (0.95)* +2.2 (0.15)
EG2: Weighted squat EG1: +7.0 (0.46)*
jump; 4 3 10–11 reps EG2: +0.0 (0.00)

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12 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Table 2
(continued )
Ishøi et al., 2018 (6/10) NHE; 2–3 3 5–12 reps 1–33/wk over 10 wks Ecc PT (NordBord) +19.2 (1.02)*§ 22.4 (0.14)
Ecc fatigue resistance 235.8 (0.34) 275.0 (0.38)
(NordBord) +17.4 (0.93)*§ 25.3 (0.30)
Ecc strength capacity

Lovell et al., 2018 (4/10) EG1: NHE before 1–23/wk over 12 wks BF thickness EG1: 23.7 (0.22) 21.6 (0.12)
practice; 2–4 3 5–12 BF pennation angle EG2: +1.5 (0.14)*§ 26.4 (0.26)
reps BF fascicle length EG1: 210.5 (1.00) 22.2 (0.07)
EG2: NHE after practice; Ecc PT 308/s DL EG2: +3.6 (0.20)*§ 20.6 (0.04)
2–4 3 5–12 reps Ecc AT 308/s (0–158) DL EG1: +12.8 (0.48)*§ 21.5 (0.07)
Ecc AT 308/s (15–308) DL EG2: +0.2 (0.01) +3.7 (0.27)
Ecc AT 308/s (30–458) DL EG1: +13.0 (0.68)*§ +5.5 (0.43)
Ecc AT 308/s (45–608) DL EG2: +9.2 (0.51)*§ +4.8 (0.36)
Ecc AT 308/s (60–758) DL EG1: +26.8 (0.90)*§ +3.4 (0.24)
Ecc AT 308/s (75–908) DL EG2: +3.3 (0.14)*§ +5.7 (0.31)
EG1: +18.8 (0.80)*§
EG2: +17.1 (0.82)*§
EG1: +12.0 (0.62)
EG2: +16.6 (0.75)*§
EG1: +10.7 (0.49)
EG2: +13.2 (0.55)*§
EG1: +3.1 (0.13)
EG2: +10.2 (0.40)*§
EG1: 23.4 (0.11)*
EG2: +13.8 (0.42)§

Arsenis et al., 2020 (7/ FIFA 11+ 33/wk over 8 wk Con PT 608/s DL +14.6 (0.70)*§ +1.6 (0.08)
10) Con PT 608/s NDL +7.6 (0.39)* +1.9 (0.13)
Con PT 1808/s DL +10.4 (0.33) +3.5 (0.14)
Con PT 1808/s NDL 27.0 (0.34) +7.1 (0.29)
Ecc PT 608/s DL +7.5 (0.36)*§ 25.0 (0.25)
Ecc PT 608/s NDL +6.2 (0.33)*§ 21.2 (0.06)
ConH/ConQ 608/s DL +9.4 (0.56)* +3.4 (0.21)
ConH/ConQ 608/s NDL +6.7 (0.67)* +3.9 (0.25)
ConH/ConQ 1808/s DL +1.4 (0.06) +9.7 (0.46)
ConH/ConQ 1808/s NDL 28.0 (0.39) +7.7 (0.29)
EccH/ConQ 608/s DL +7.1 (0.40) 24.7 (0.25)
EccH/ConQ 608/s NDL +1.2 (0.06) 23.8 (0.22)

Drury et al., 2020 (4/10) EG1 and EG2: NHE; 2–3 1–32/wk over 6 wk Ecc PT (NordBord) EG1: +15.9 (0.83)*§ CG1: 20.9
3 5–8 reps EG2: +10.2 (0.53)*§ (0.05)
CG2: 20.4
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Table 2
(continued )
Mendiguchia et al., EG1: NHE; 2–3 3 5–12 EG1: 1–32/wk over 6 wk BFlh thickness EG1: +5.3 (0.58)*§ +1.4 (0.14)
2020 (4/10) reps EG2: 32/wk over 6 wk EG2: +5.4 (1.00)*§ +1.1 (0.09)
EG2: Sprint running BFlh pennation angle EG1: +9.3 (0.54)*§ 20.3 (0.03)
exercises (normal EG2: +0.5 (0.04)§
sprint accelerations, BFlh fascicle length EG1: +7.4 (0.69)*§
heavy resisted sprints, EG2: +16.2 (1.05)*§
flying start sprints; 1–5
3 10–30 m) in session
1, loaded ankle plan-
tar flexors exercises
extensions; 2–3 3 6
reps), plyometric
exercises (bounding,
rebounds; 1–3 3 2–6
reps) and acceleration
drills (wall acceleration
drills, free sprints,
weighted sled towing;
1–2 3 2–8 reps) in
session 2

Zarei et al., 2020 (6/10) FIFA 11 + kids 32/wk over 10 wk Con PT 908/s DL +14.0 (1.35)*§ +3.2 (0.28)*
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

∗, indicates a significant difference from pre- to post-intervention; §, indicates a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group.

APT 5 angle of peak torque; BF 5 biceps femoris; CG 5 control group; Con 5 concentric; DL 5 dominant leg; Ecc 5 eccentric; EG 5 experimental group; H 5 hamstrings; Iso 5 isometric;
NDL 5 nondominant leg; NHE 5 nordic hamstring exercise; PT 5 peak torque; reps 5 repetitions; T508 5 torque at 508 knee flexion; Q 5 quadriceps.
Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Table 3
Main findings of the systematic review

Contraction velocity Contraction type

High-velocity exercises Low-velocity exercises Eccentrically biased exercises Conventional exercises

Hamstring +++ +++ +++ +++

Unilateral +++ +++ +++ +++
BFlh fascicle +++ + +++ ++
Angle of peak +++ +++ +++ +
+, small effect based on the findings from this systematic review; ++, moderate effect based on the findings from this systematic review; +++,
large effect based on the findings from this systematic review.

BFlh, biceps femoris long head.

BFlh fascicle length, as did combined review, eccentric hamstring strength hamstrings in knee joint stabilization
high-velocity eccentric and concentric increased most after combined low- during the knee extension movement
training (i.e., sprinting, plyometrics, and high-velocity eccentric and concen- (3). Namely, during voluntary knee
and acceleration drills). tric training (56) and low-velocity con- extension, the knee is stabilized by both
centric training (3). The results seen in passive and active structures through
HAMSTRING STRENGTH the latter subgroup are rather surprising ligamentous constraints and antagonist
The most uniform improvements given that concentric training is often muscle coactivation. In this regard, Aa-
across hamstring strength variables thought to be less effective than eccen- gaard et al. (2) described the potential
(concentric, eccentric, and isometric) tric training when it comes to improv- role of the hamstring muscles in pro-
were observed following combined ing eccentric strength (70). These viding knee joint stabilization by ex-
low- and high-velocity eccentric and findings apparently contradict the prin- pressing eccentric hamstring strength
concentric training (56). Poor eccentric ciple of specificity, which postulates that relative to concentric quadriceps
hamstring strength has been associated the closer a training exercise is to the strength at a given angular velocity. Fur-
with increased risk for HSIs on a more requirements of the desired outcome, thermore, it has been demonstrated that
frequent basis than both concentric and the better the outcome will be (38). a substantial involvement of this coac-
isometric strength (8,64,65,79,81); based However, a potential explanation for tivation mechanism takes place during
on the findings of this systematic this finding could lie in the role of isokinetic knee extension (1). Thus, the

Table 4
Example exercises
Exercise name Exercise difficulty Muscle action

Hamstring walkout Easy Eccentric

Posterior sling fires Easy Isometric
Supine straight leg band flutters Easy Quasi-isometric
Kettlebell swing Medium Concentric-eccentric
Single-leg hip extension on 458 hip extension machine Medium-hard Eccentric-concentric
Single-leg stiff-legged deadlift Medium-hard Eccentric-concentric
Low-hurdle high-velocity run Hard Quasi-isometric
Nordic hamstring curl Hard Isometric-eccentric
Single-leg hamstring catch Hard Quasi-isometric

14 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Pictures demonstrating the hamstring walkout exercise.

potential capacity of the hamstring low- vs. high-velocity eccentric train- following combined low- and high-
muscles to provide stability to the knee ing), which adds further support for velocity eccentric and concentric
joint during fast extension could have the inclusion of a broad exercise selec- training (standardised mean differ-
been augmented as a result of the heavy tion, considering that the hamstrings ence: +0.110/week) (56). The same
resistance strength training and could also function isometrically and concen- holds when looking at average effect
explain why low-velocity concentric trically during high-speed running (41). size changes in eccentric hamstring
training induced eccentric hamstrings A considerable amount of research has strength only (+0.120/week). It
strength gains (3). observed differential activation patterns appears that including exercises of dif-
The training program of the combined of the hamstring muscles during various ferent characteristics (that is, contrac-
low- and high-velocity eccentric and hamstring strength exercises (10,55), tion type, contraction velocity, knee
concentric training subgroup consisted even when performing a similar move- versus hip dominant, and emphasizing
of an extensive mix of strength, plyo- ment pattern (e.g., activation patterns peak contraction force [stress] versus
metric, and acceleration exercises (56). between 2 knee-dominant exercises) muscle stretch/strain) might be bene-
The broad exercise selection targeted (10,31,39,55,66,69,71,80,82). Similarly, ficial when aiming to optimize ham-
the hamstring muscles in multiple ways, muscle forces, fascicle behavior, and string strength. Nevertheless, it should
explaining the consistency in hamstring operating lengths differ between ham- be kept in mind that only one exper-
strength results. For example, the ham- string exercises (e.g., 43). Collectively, imental group had such a large exer-
strings were trained: (a) at long and these findings indicate that (a) a balanced cise variety as part of their
short muscle lengths; (b) with knee- stimulus across all hamstring muscles intervention. Furthermore, to the
and hip-dominant exercises; (c) through can likely only be achieved when em- authors’ knowledge, no studies to date
low- and high-velocity movements (i.e., have investigated whether combined
ploying a variety of exercises and (b)
strength training, acceleration drills, and low- and high-velocity eccentric and
the homogenous results on hamstring
plyometrics); and (d) with conventional concentric training is capable of
strength following combined low- and
(i.e., concentric followed by eccentric reducing HSIs in soccer players.
high-velocity eccentric and concentric
contractions or vice-versa) and eccen- Therefore, more research investigat-
training (56) might at least partially be
trically emphasized exercises. Previ- ing the effects of including a broad
the result of the broad selection of exer-
ously, researchers have shown that array of exercise types in a soccer
cises, all of which uniquely targeted the
exposing athletes to a wider selection injury prevention program is war-
hamstring muscles.
of exercises leads to larger increases in ranted. From a practical standpoint
muscle strength when compared with In accordance with the abovemen- of view, there are some disadvantages
using only one exercise (32). Further- tioned findings, the largest change in to prescribing more elaborate injury
more, a meta-analysis conducted by hamstring strength (measured as the prevention programs. First, lack of
Roig et al. (70) found that strength average of weekly effect sizes of all both training equipment and time
gains, especially from eccentric training, hamstring strength variables, e.g., may hinder amateur clubs in imple-
tended to be specific to the contraction concentric, isometric, and eccentric menting such programs. Especially
mode and the movement velocity (i.e., hamstring strength) was observed in-season, when the match play
schedule is congested and improving
soccer performance and recovery are
of major importance, finding the time
to perform elaborate injury prevention
programs may be problematic. Sec-
ond, compliance may suffer as a result
of such elaborate training interven-
tions. Because compliance can signif-
icantly dampen the beneficial effects
Figure 3. Pictures demonstrating the posterior sling fire exercise. of training interventions, regardless

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

Contrary to the outcomes mentioned

above, low-velocity eccentric training
interventions (21) led to a negative
average weekly effect size change
(20.029/week) when looking at H:Q
strength ratios. The only experimental
group belonging to this subgroup per-
formed the HarmoKnee program (21),
which included strength exercises:
Figure 4. Pictures demonstrating the supine straight leg band flutters exercise. walking lunges in place; partner-
resisted prone hamstring curls; and
single-leg squat with toe raises. Given
of their efficacy, this is something needs to be emphasized that the inter- that the knee extensors are the primary
every practitioner should take into vention of the combined low- and high- targeted muscles in 2 of these exercises
account when designing injury pre- velocity eccentric and concentric training (walking lunges in place (68) and
vention programs (34,76). group was designed specifically to single-leg squat with toe raises (51)),
strengthen the hamstring muscles (56). it may be that the overload provided
HAMSTRING:QUADRICEPS This is likely not how injury prevention to the knee flexors relative to the stim-
STRENGTH RATIOS ulus provided to the knee extensors
programs look in the real world because
In congruence with the findings on ham- HSIs, while certainly one of the major was insufficient to enable an average
string strength, a large exercise variety increase across all H:Q strength ratios
injuries in soccer, are not the only injuries
(i.e., combined low- and high-velocity reported in the respective studies.
occurring in this sport (29). For example,
eccentric and concentric training) re- Thus, from these findings, it can be
research shows that quadriceps strains
sulted in the largest changes across suggested that the ratio between quad-
are more common than HSIs in the pre-
H:Q strength ratios, that is, concentric riceps and hamstring strength training
hamstring strength versus concentric season (86). It would arguably be less
than ideal not to include any knee exten- should be considered when the aim is
quadriceps strength, eccentric hamstring to improve H:Q strength ratios.
strength versus eccentric quadriceps sor strengthening exercises in injury pre-
strength, and eccentric hamstring vention programs. Therefore, how H:Q BICEPS FEMORIS LONG HEAD
strength versus concentric quadriceps strength ratios would be affected by a FASCICLE LENGTH
strength (56). As H:Q ratios are in part more holistic injury prevention program Of the 2 studies (49,54) (2 experimental
a function of hamstring strength, these in soccer players remains unknown. It groups each, 3 groups doing low-
outcomes are related to the previously could be hypothesized that including velocity eccentric training and one
discussed findings on hamstring strength. quadriceps strengthening exercises group doing combined high-velocity
Although they do seem to support the would negate some of the beneficial eccentric and concentric training) that
use of multiple exercises targeting the effects hamstring strengthening exercises measured BFlh fascicle length, 2 low-
hamstring muscles in various ways, it have on H:Q ratios. velocity eccentric training groups

Figure 5. Pictures demonstrating the kettlebell swing exercise.

16 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(NHE) (+2.70%/week versus +1.23%/
week and 1.07%/week). Although the
current body of evidence seems to sug-
gest that eccentric training is a more
potent stimulus for fascicle length
increases than concentric training (9),
it is not yet clear how movement veloc-
ity and movement pattern (i.e., knee or
hip dominant) impact this adaptation.


Figure 6. Pictures demonstrating the single-leg hip extension exercise. Hamstring muscle APT was measured
in 2 studies (13,44) and improved sig-
nificantly following combined low- and
(49,54) and the group that performed the same angular velocity (308/s) and high-velocity eccentric training (13)
combined high-velocity eccentric and in the same population (3,35,54). As a but not following low-velocity eccen-
concentric training (54) significantly result, the fatigue generated by the soc- tric training (44), even though the
increased BFlh fascicle length. All cer practice sessions in the nonre- weekly percentage changes in the latter
experimental groups belonging to the sponders might have left these were higher compared with those in
low-velocity eccentric training sub- participants unable to perform the the former (on average 23.11%/week
group performed exclusively the versus 24.12%/week, respectively).
NHE throughout a sufficiently large
NHE as part of the intervention Angle of peak torque is thought to be
range of motion to promote fascicle
(49,54). Furthermore, 2 performed one of the major risk factors for HSIs
length adaptations. Indeed, authors
the NHE after their regular soccer because of the proposed injury mech-
from a previous study (53) have sug-
practice (49,54), and the remaining anism (peak forces combined with
gested that range of motion might peak levels of strain during high-
experimental group completed the influence the stimulus for fascicle
NHE before soccer practice (49). Inter- speed running) (16,40,72,88). A higher
length adaptations. This could explain APT (with full knee extension being
estingly, conflicting findings were re- the lack of changes in BFlh fascicle
ported among groups completing the 1808) may allow the hamstring muscles
length in both groups doing the to better handle the extremely high
NHE after soccer training, with BFlh
NHE after soccer practice (49,54). demands from repetitive eccentric
fascicle length increasing in one exper-
Of the 3 experimental groups that did actions that might occur while
imental group and remaining similar in
notice significant effects on BFlh fasci- fatigued, and thus, it may play a pro-
the other experimental group (49,54).
cle length (49,54), combined high- tective role when exposed to active
This could be explained by the fact that
velocity eccentric and concentric train- lengthening movements (9). The lack
the participants in the experimental
ing (sprinting, acceleration drills, and of improvements in APT found in the
group, who did not see improvements
plyometrics) (54) led to more than study employing low-velocity eccen-
in BFlh fascicle length, were relatively
twice the percentage increase in this tric training is in opposition to findings
weaker that is, had lower starting
from other studies on the effects of
eccentric hamstring strength values variable compared with the other 2
similar eccentrically biased, low-
compared with those found in other experimental groups (49,54), which
velocity, strength exercises (i.e.,
studies that measured this outcome at did low-velocity eccentric training only
strengthening exercises that load the
hamstring at short muscle lengths) on
APT (11,17,74). Yet, although not quite
the same as APT, the participants in
the study by Lovell et al. (49) consid-
erably improved average eccentric
strength between 180–1658 and 165–
508 of knee flexion after doing the same
intervention exercise as the athletes in
the study by Iga et al. (47) (i.e., NHE).
In addition, both studies conducted by
Naclerio et al. (60,61) included in the
present systematic review demon-
strated a shift in the torque-angle rela-
Figure 7. Pictures demonstrating the single-leg stiff-legged deadlift.
tionship after low-velocity eccentric

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Modifiable Hamstring Strain Injury Risk Factors

ensured that all subjects, for whom out-
come measures were available, received
their allocated “treatment” (i.e., training
intervention or control intervention),
thus minimizing the effects of potential
bias in the efficacy of the training inter-
vention. Considering the above, a few
methodological considerations should
be taken into account while interpreting
Figure 8. Pictures demonstrating the low hurdle high-velocity run exercise. the findings of this review.

training interventions. Therefore, given (i.e., participants unaware of the study’s CONSIDERATIONS
the inconsistent results on the effects of aims and the other group’s condition). Several aspects of this review should
low-velocity eccentric training on Similar to the blinding of intervention be considered when interpreting the
hamstring APT in soccer players, more administrators, the blinding of partici- findings. First, additional training out-
research is warranted to determine the pants mitigates placebo effects that side the participants’ usual soccer train-
effects on this variable. Finally, future may potentially arise from participants’ ing schedule was not controlled in all
investigations could look into the preconceived notions and beliefs about the studies included in this review. Sec-
effects of adding high-velocity move- the study conditions or the study aims. ond, none of the included studies con-
ments (e.g., sprinting, bounding) on The limited number of studies that trolled for total training volume
APT to ascertain whether this might throughout the entirety of the study
blinded intervention administrators
be a suitable method. (e.g., through the use of training logs).
and study participants may affect the
Third, the strict eligibility criteria used
overall findings of this systematic review
METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY for this review might have led to the
that findings from individual studies
ASSESSMENT exclusion of studies that could have
may have been influenced by the pla-
The mean methodological quality given additional insights on the effects
cebo effect. Additionally, only 12 studies
score of the studies included in the of hamstring injury prevention pro-
present review was 6/10 and ranged (5,6,13,21–23,25,44,60,61,77,89) explic- grams on proposed, modifiable risk fac-
from 3/10 to 8/10. Only one study itly stated no significant differences tors for HSIs. For example, researchers
(13) reported that the intervention between groups at baseline in key prog- have suggested that previous HSIs
administrators were blinded and were nostic indicators (e.g., eccentric ham- might alter hamstring muscle activa-
thus unable to discriminate whether string strength). From the remaining 8 tion, architecture, and morphology
participants were in the experimental studies (3,18,45–47,49,54,56), 5 (18,45– (7,75,83). It is therefore plausible that
group or the control group. Blinding of 47,49) used statistical procedures to mit- previously injured athletes respond dif-
administrators ensures that the inter- igate potential bias arising from baseline ferently to training stimuli, but because
vention effects (or lack thereof) are group differences. Importantly, almost studies including such athletes have
not because of the administrators’ all studies (n 5 17) (3,5,6,18,21– been excluded, the findings from this
potential bias toward the intervention 23,25,45,46,49,54,56,60,61,77,89) clearly systematic review cannot be extrapo-
or control condition. Furthermore, only specified participant eligibility criteria, lated to this population. Fourth, we on-
5 studies (5,21,23,46,49) included in this thereby ensuring high external validity. ly investigated the effects of training on
systematic review blinded participants Finally, most studies (n 5 15) commonly investigated risk factors.

Figure 9. Pictures demonstrating the Nordic hamstring exercise.

18 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2022

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Figure 10. Pictures demonstrating the single leg hamstring catch exercise.

However, other risk factors such as can have differential effects on the out- synthesize this information into a pro-
sprint technique (73) should also be come of a given protocol (67,78). gram that can be integrated into train-
considered in a comprehensive training Therefore, the heterogeneity of the ing whether it be at home, on the field,
program. Fifth, limitations exist per- samples used in this systematic review or in the gym. Toward these ends, we
taining to the classification of exercises. could have led to inconsistent results in have suggested a program of exercises
Specifically, we classified exercises ac- any reported variables. (Table 4) that address the modifiable
cording to the predominant contrac- risk factors that can be implemented
tion type and velocity described by relatively easily into the athlete’s pro-
CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL gramming (for demonstrations on
other authors. However, most exer-
cises involve a mix of different veloci- exercise execution, see Figures 2–10
We acknowledge that 2 bodies of
ties and contraction types, and throughout this article) and involve a
knowledge have been well investigated
researchers and practitioners should variety of contraction modes and
(modifiable hamstring injury risk fac-
keep this simplification with classifying velocities.
tors and effects of individual exercises,
exercises in mind when interpreting Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
e.g., Nordic hamstring exercise) in the
our findings. For example, the NHE The authors report no conflicts of interest
literature. However, the novelty of this
has been shown to exhibit the highest and no source of funding.
article is the integration of these 2 bod-
peak fascicle lengthening velocity com-
ies of knowledge and the synthesis of
pared with other exercises (43), even
the findings into exercise/exercise type
though it is typically classified as low Celine
suggestions that address each of these
velocity. Similarly, although the NHE Schneider is
modifiable risk factors.
is typically classified as eccentric, the pursuing a PhD
majority of this exercise involves Understandably, exercise choice is of in change of
quasi-isometric hamstring fascicle major importance for injury preven- direction perfor-
behavior (43), with primarily the part tion. Therefore, identification of injury mance in tennis
after the break point being eccentric. risk factors and exercise types that players at Auck-
Similar discrepancies occur for other have the largest positive impact on land University
exercises. For example, although each risk factor should theoretically of Technology.
sprinting is classified in this review as result in superior exercise choice and
a high-velocity eccentric stimulus, both program design. With regard to the
animal and modeling studies show the prevention of HSIs in soccer players Bas Van
hamstrings fascicles functioning quasi- and based on the critique of the studies Hooren is a sport
isometrically (i.e., slow) during a part of included in this systematic review, science consul-
the late swing phase (41,42). Finally, Table 3 summarizes the main findings tant, athlete, and
soccer playing level was not controlled. of this review of the literature. freelance strength
Elite players commonly employ higher It seems that a broad, rather than a and conditioning
training volumes in both sport-specific narrow, exercise selection is more specialist and is
training and in physical preparation effective at consistently modifying risk currently pursu-
training (i.e., strength training, muscu- factors of HSIs in soccer players. This ing a PhD in
lar endurance training, and preventive makes sense, as it is a holistic approach distance running
injury training). As previously shown, to hamstring health. Therefore, the and sprinting injury prevention and
an athlete’s training age and experience challenge to practitioners is how to performance enhancement.

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