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Here are the instructions for the literature review of 900-1000 words

The literature review needs to be a critical analysis of the past research which means that the main
objective is to show that there is a gap that needs to be investigated in the future. Ensure to point
the weaknesses of each research within the paragraphs please. That is why it is a critical analysis
literature review.

Ensure you cover articles from the following topics

Conduct a literature review related to:

-Process mapping, evaluation and benchmarking approaches for food

production SMEs -Collaborative forecasting approaches and

Scheduling approaches for high product variety

-Closed-loop supply chain and efficient inventory management for

consumer food products

-Process Innovation and links with product innovation/product

development to maximise the variety of product opportunities

achievable on a production line.

To include case studies, best practices pertinent terminologies &

acronyms. Familiarise with terminologies and acronyms used in

relation to manufacturing in the food industry.

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