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Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids

P. Gondret, M. Lance, and L. Petit

Citation: Phys. Fluids 14, 643 (2002); doi: 10.1063/1.1427920

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Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids

P. Gondreta)
Laboratoire Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques, Universités P. & M. Curie et Paris-Sud et CNRS
(UMR 7608), Bât. 502, Campus Universitaire, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France
M. Lance
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Université Lyon I et CNRS
(UMR 5509), 36, avenue de Collongue, F-69131 Ecully Cedex, France
L. Petit
Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, Université de Nice et CNRS (UMR 6622), Parc Valrose,
F-06108 Nice Cedex 2, France
共Received 1 August 2000; accepted 18 October 2001兲
We investigate experimentally the bouncing motion of solid spheres onto a solid plate in an ambient
fluid which is either a gas or a liquid. In particular, we measure the coefficient of restitution e as a
function of the Stokes number, St, ratio of the particle inertia to the viscous forces. The coefficient
e is zero at small St, increases monotonically with St above the critical value Stc and reaches an
asymptotic value at high St corresponding to the classical ‘‘dry’’ value e max measured in air or
vacuum. This behavior is observed for a large range of materials and a master curve e/e max
⫽f共St兲 is obtained. If gravity is sufficient to describe the rebound trajectory 共after the collision兲 in
a gas, this is not the case in a liquid where drag and added-mass effect are important but not
sufficient: History forces are shown to be non-negligible even at large Reynolds number. © 2002
American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1427920兴

I. INTRODUCTION decrease of the coefficient of restitution when the impact

velocity decreases to very low values. They also explain this
The collision of particles is a subject of continued inter-
decrease with a viscoelastic model.
est since many years. Most of the studies deal with dry col-
On the contrary, there is much less work on the influence
lisions, i.e., collisions in vacuum or in a fluid of negligible
of the fluid on the solid–solid collision. To our knowledge,
resistance, and only a few studies concern the influence of
the first significant study concerning that point is the theoret-
the fluid on the collision process. Concerning the dry case,
ical one of Davis, Serayssol, and Hinch,16 which performed
the studies are numerous, both experimentally and theoreti-
elaborate numerical simulations in order to simultaneously
cally. An important parameter describing the collision is the
account for the elastic deformation of the solid surfaces and
coefficient of elastic restitution, defined as the ratio of the
fluid pressure based on lubrication approximation close to
velocity just after the collision to the velocity just before this
collision. After the theory of elastic impact of Hertz in 1880,1 contact. In their elastohydrodynamic approach, the authors
numerous studies have been made for taking into account claim that the pertinent number for the collision is not the
some inelasticity, i.e., energy losses that make the coefficient Reynolds number Re but the Stokes number St
of restitution being lower than one. Inelasticity may arise ⫽(2/9) ␳ s UR/ ␮ ⫽(1/9)( ␳ s / ␳ f )Re which compares the par-
from various effects such as vibrations radiated in the mate- ticle inertia to the viscous forces ( ␳ s is the particle density,
rials, plastic deformation or viscoelasticity of the materials. 2R the particle diameter, ␮ the fluid dynamic viscosity, and
The vibrations excited by the impact may be surface or bulk U the particle velocity兲. For low St, the particle does not
waves, and vibrational modes. The plasticity may be due to show any rebound, as the elastic energy stored by the solid
small plastic indentations or fully plastic deformation. All deformation is finally dissipated totally in the fluid. For St
these effects lead to energy losses that increase with the im- larger than a critical transition value Stc 共slightly larger than
pact velocity: The coefficient of restitution decreases with unity兲, the particle shows a reverse motion of bouncing, and
the impact velocity with power laws of small exponents, the authors calculate the equivalent coefficient of restitution
typically 3/10 when elastic waves are excited in a massive which increases from zero above the transition. Note that Stc
plane body,2,3 1/5 when vibrational modes are excited in a depends slightly upon the elastic properties of the solid ma-
thin target,4 – 6 1/4 when fully plastic deformation occurs,7–10 terials 共sphere and wall兲. More recently, Lian et al.17 elabo-
or 1/5 when viscoelastic properties are considered.11–14 Oth- rated a simpler model based upon a Hertzian-type profile for
erwise, some recent experiments of Falcon et al.15 show a the elastic deformation of the elastic spheres, that permits an
共approximate兲 analytical resolution of the problem and leads
a兲 to results very close to the ones of Davis et al.16 In order to
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone:
33 1 69 15 80 52; Fax: 33 1 69 15 80 60. Electronic mail: test experimentally the bouncing transition, Barnocky and
gondret@fast.u-psud.fr Davis18 dropped solid particles of few millimeters on a solid

1070-6631/2002/14(2)/643/10/$19.00 643 © 2002 American Institute of Physics

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644 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Gondret, Lance, and Petit

wall covered by a thin liquid layer 共about 0.1 mm thick兲 and TABLE I. Physical properties of the spheres materials: Density ␳ s , Young
elastic modulus E, and Poisson’s ratio ␯. The measured maximal coefficient
observe if the particles bounced or not. They obtained values
of restitution e max is also indicated for ‘‘dry’’ 共in air兲 collisions of a sphere of
for Stc in rather good agreement with the preceding theory the corresponding material onto a thick glass bottom wall at moderate im-
but they did not measure the coefficient of restitution above pact velocity U i 共⭐1 m/s兲 to avoid velocity dependency due to plastic de-
the transition. Lundberg and Shen19 investigated the depen- formation.
dence of the coefficient of restitution upon the viscosity for
Material ␳ s (103 kg/m3兲 E (109 Pa兲 ␯ e max
the collision of a roller 共disk兲 attached to a pendulum with a
fixed ball of different diameters 共few cm兲 and materials 共steel Carbide tungsten 14.97 534 0.22 0.98⫾0.01
and Nylon兲 covered by a thin layer of viscous oil 共about 0.1 Stainless steel 7.8 240 0.30 0.97⫾0.01
mm thick兲. For roughly 6⬍St⬍2 103 , they showed that the Soda glass 2.5 60 0.24 0.97⫾0.02
Teflon 2.15 0.4 0.46 0.80⫾0.02
restitution coefficient decreases as the fluid viscosity in- Delrin 1.41 3 0.4 0.95⫾0.02
creases. The studies of collision for particles totally embed- Polyurethane 1.2 0.7 0.4 0.65⫾0.01
ded in a viscous fluid are even more recent. Zhang et al.20 Nylon 1.14 2 0.45 0.90⫾0.02
investigated both experimentally with a high speed camera,
numerically with a lattice-Boltzmann technique and theoreti-
cally with a crude mechanistic model the collision of two
elastic spheres in a stagnant viscous fluid for particle Rey- electromagnet to maintain then release the spheres. For the
nolds number ranging from 5 to 300. Finally, the group of other materials, the device must be different: The spheres are
Zenit and Hunt investigated with a pendulum experiment the maintained by suction at the tip of a small tube in which a
mechanics of liquid immersed collision by means of two lower pressure is imposed by a micropump. The two devices
experimental techniques.21,22 The collision in water of beads allow us to release the beads at a given time just under the
of few millimeters in diameter and of different materials liquid surface 共if any兲 in order to avoid air entrainment. No
共steel, glass, Nylon, Delrin兲 are recorded with a high-speed significant rotation has been observed with these devices
camera and with a high-frequency-response pressure trans- when releasing the spheres. The sphere motion is recorded
ducer, which allow them to extract the coefficient of restitu- by a high speed video camera 共Kodak Motion Corder 1000兲
tion. Both techniques lead to a critical Stokes number for the at 500 images/second and with an aperture time varying be-
bouncing transition of the order of Stc⬇10. tween 1/2000 s and 1/10 000 s. The digital images 共512⫻240
In a preliminary study we had reported first results on pixels兲 are analyzed by the free software NIH Image. The
the transition from a regime of viscous dissipation to a re- images are first thresholded and binarized, and the centroid
gime of elastohydrodynamic bouncing.23 In the present pa- of the image of the particle is then determined. All these
per, we focus on the bouncing regime and report extensive operations lead to an error for the sphere position of the
experiments made by varying the density and the elastic order of 0.01 mm. Due to the large size of the spheres (R
properties of the solid spheres, and also the density and vis- ⭓0.5 mm兲, the surface forces 共e.g., London–van der Waals
cosity of the fluids 共gas or liquids兲. The experimental set-up attractive forces and electrical double layer repulsive ones兲
is presented in Sec. II, and we report in Sec. III extensive can be neglected during the rebound. As the particle rough-
measurements for the coefficient of restitution as a function ness may be important in the bouncing process,22 we have
of the different parameters. In the following section 共Sec. made a careful roughness analysis of our spheres with a
IV兲, we present rebound trajectories 共after the collision兲 of white light interferometric method 共WYMCO apparatus兲. We
particles in liquids for different density ratio and different found that the roughness is in all cases smaller than 1 ␮m,
Reynolds numbers, which show the importance of history the mean peak value being 0.3, 0.7, and 0.9 ␮m for a 3 mm
effects besides the gravity, drag, and added-mass effects. steel, glass, and Nylon sphere, respectively.
Figures 1共a兲 and 2共a兲 are examples of recorded trajecto-
ries for the case of a Teflon ball in air 共Fig. 1兲 and a steel
II. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP bead in silicone oil 共Fig. 2兲: The distance h of the bottom
The experiments consist in recording the trajectory of a apex of the sphere to the wall is displayed as a function of
solid sphere falling under gravity in a fluid 共liquid or gas兲 time t. We compute the instantaneous velocity as the time
onto a solid wall. We used spherical beads of different ma- derivative of the position ⌬h/⌬t between two successive
terials and of different radius R ranging from 0.5 to 3 mm. images, and the corresponding time evolutions of the veloc-
The density ␳ s and elastic coefficients 共Young’s modulus E
and Poisson’s ratio ␯兲 of these materials are listed in Table I. TABLE II. Physical properties of the fluids: Density ␳ f and dynamic vis-
The fluids used in this experiment are air, water, silicone oils cosity ␮ .
of different densities ␳ f and different viscosities ␮. The
physical parameters of all these fluids are listed in Table II. Fluid ␳ (103 kg/m3兲 ␮ (10⫺3 Pa•s兲
The container is a rectangular vessel 共10 cm⫻10 cm⫻30 cm兲 Air 1.2⫻10⫺3 1.85⫻10⫺2
with lateral glass walls allowing visualization. The bottom Water 1.0 1
wall, where the collisions held on, is made of optical quality Silicone oil RV5 0.920 5
Silicone oil RV10 0.935 10
glass with a roughness smaller than 0.2 micrometer and a
Silicone oil RV20 0.953 20
thickness b⫽12 mm. The spheres can be released by two Silicone oil RV100 0.965 100
different devices. For steel spheres, we generally used an

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids 645

FIG. 1. Experimental 共a兲 position h and 共b兲 velocity u as a function of time

FIG. 2. Idem as Fig. 1 but for a 3 mm steel sphere in silicon oil RV10. At
t for a 6 mm Teflon bead impacting a glass wall in air. The Reynolds
number, Stokes number and coefficient of restitution at the first impact are, the first impact, Re⫽82, St⫽152, and e⫽0.78.
respectively, Re⫽210, St⫽7.8⫻104 , and e⫽0.80.

to a pre- or post-collision. When colliding, the sphere decel-

ity are displayed, respectively, in Figs. 1共b兲 and 2共b兲. There erates and then accelerates but this occurs in a very small
is here no averaging or smoothing and the error for the ve- time: We have measured with a piezoelectric sensor that the
locity is less than 0.01 m/s. Note that the spheres have collision duration is typically 0.01 ms, much smaller than the
reached generally their limit velocity before the first collision time between two successive images 共2 ms兲. It is thus clear
共case, e.g., of Fig. 2兲, except in gas 共see, e.g., Fig. 1兲 and for that the coefficient of restitution we measure is an effective
the denser particles in the less viscous liquids. The coeffi- macroscopic value. From Figs. 1 and 2, we can see that even
cient of restitution e of any rebound is calculated by the ratio if the coefficient of restitution for the first collision is nearly
of the velocity U r just after impact to the velocity U i just the same for the two cases 共liquid or gas兲, the trajectories are
before impact. For Stokes number larger than typically one, much different. In particular, there are much less rebounds in
i.e., in all the bouncing regime and also just below the the liquid due to the existence of fluid dissipation between
bouncing transition, we do not detect any decrease in the the successive collisions. In the case where the ambient fluid
velocity before the bouncing, contrarily to what is observed is the air 共Fig. 1兲, other forces than gravity are negligible:
in pendulum experiments.22 This is certainly due to the fact The rebound trajectories are parabolic and the velocity be-
that in our experiments gravity acts during all the pre- tween collision decreases linearly with time. The velocity
collision time as a motor for the sphere motion, whereas in has the same 共absolute兲 value at the end than at the beginning
the pendulum experiments gravity does not act anymore just of a rebound and all the dissipation occurs during the colli-
before the collision with the vertical wall when the move- sion. Note also that for all the successive collisions, the co-
ment is horizontal. This observation allows us to determine efficient of restitution is nearly the same 共0.80兲. In the other
easily if the position recorded closest to the wall corresponds case, when the ambient fluid is a viscous liquid 共Fig. 2兲, the

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646 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Gondret, Lance, and Petit

FIG. 3. Ratio e 共‘‘coefficient of restitution’’兲 of the maximum rebound ve-

FIG. 4. Coefficient of restitution e as a function of the Stokes number St.
locity u r to the incident velocity U i as a function of the Stokes number St.
Experimental measurements for the first rebound 共䊉兲 and following re-
Experimental measurements for the first rebound of steel sphere of various
bounds 共䊊兲 of steel spheres of various diameters in various fluids. Also
diameters 共indicated in mm beside each data point兲 in various fluids: Air
shown are the experimental results of Gondret et al. 共1999兲 共⫻兲 and of
共〫兲, water 共䉮兲, and silicon oils RV5 共䉭兲, RV20 共䊐兲, and RV100 共䊊兲.
Joseph et al. 共2001兲 共⫹兲 corresponding to steel spheres impacting a glass or
glass-like wall.

rebound trajectories are clearly non-parabolic: The velocity

waves, flexural vibrations of the plate and viscoelastic be-
decreases nonlinearly with time and the velocity at the end of
havior of the bead and the target.15 Our impact velocities at
a rebound is significantly smaller than at the beginning. The
high Stokes number are small enough (U i ⭐1 m/s兲 to avoid
coefficient of restitution decreases with decreasing impact
plastic deformations which make the coefficient to decrease.
velocity, being 0.78, 0.66, 0.45, 0.25, and finally 0 for the
five successive collisions.
B. Influence of successive rebounds
We have repeated each experiment at least three times in
order to test the reproducibility of our results and estimate In our experiment, the particle is dropped in a initial
the dispersion. Typically, the experimental scattering for the quiescent fluid. However, the fluid is then set into motion by
velocity at the first impact is better than 4% in relative, and the successive rebounds of the particle. As a consequence,
the dispersion for the restitution coefficients is better than one may check if the collision is different or not for the first
0.03 in absolute. rebound and for the successive ones. To answer this question,
we have reported in the same figure 共Fig. 4兲 the values of the
III. COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION restitution coefficient for the first rebound 共filled symbols兲 as
well as for the successive ones 共open symbols兲. Within the
In Figs. 3–7, we present the coefficient of restitution e as accuracy of our measurements, there is no difference be-
a function of the Stokes number St. This choice will be jus- tween the two sets of measurements. One may conclude that
tified at the end of the section where we demonstrate that the the velocity perturbation induced by the motion of the sphere
Stokes number is here the pertinent number. For a given during the first rebound vanishes fast enough to have a neg-
solid material 共given sphere density ␳ s ), the Stokes number ligible effect on the subsequent collision process, and that the
at impact St⫽( 92 ) ␳ s U i R/ ␮ has been varied by changing the collision is a very local process.
viscosity ␮ of the ambient fluid and the radius R of the We have also reported in Fig. 4 data from other
falling spheres. experiments22,23 which fall reasonably on the same curve,
except three points of Gondret et al.23 which appear now to
A. Coefficient of restitution of steel spheres be very underestimated due to the previous data analysis
The evolution of the coefficient of restitution of steel which has been proved to be too crude for high St.
spheres is displayed in Fig. 3 as a function of the Stokes
C. Wall effects
number St for few fluid viscosities and particle diameters.
We obtain a curve that increases monotonically for St⬎10 We have tested also the influence of the lateral walls and
from 0 to a value close to 1 at St⬇105 . The coefficient of the bottom wall on the collision process. Concerning the ef-
restitution increases abruptly just above the transition at Stc fect of the bottom wall, it is known that the coefficient of
⬇10 and then reaches its asymptotic value 共here e max restitution of dry impact of spheres on plates depends on the
⫽0.97) at large St. This e max value is the classical dry value plate thickness b as flexural modes of the plates are excited
obtained for colliding spheres in fluid of negligible resistance for thin plates: The coefficient of restitution is a function of
like gas or even vacuum. The 3% dissipative part corre- the ratio b/R and of the velocity U i when the ratio b/R is
sponds to a combined energy loss effect in the form of elastic small enough.5,6 We observed this phenomenon in air as well

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids 647

FIG. 5. Coefficient of restitution e as a function of the Stokes number St. FIG. 6. Coefficient of restitution e as a function of the Stokes number St.
Experimental measurements for rebounds of steel spheres of various diam- Experimental measurements for rebounds of Teflon beads of various diam-
eters falling in various fluids contained in the entire tank of size L⫽100 mm eters and in various fluids.
and onto a bottom glass wall of thickness b⫽12 mm 共䊊兲. Effect of lateral
walls with smaller cylindrical vessels of diameter D⫽40 mm 共䉱兲, 30 mm
共䉲兲, and 12 mm 共⽧兲 共the diameters d of the falling spheres are from 4 to 6
mm兲. Effect of the bottom wall with a thinner plate of thickness b⫽5 mm in
air 共⫻兲 and water 共⫹兲 共the particle diameters d are indicated here in mm
beside each data point兲. that our plastic spheres are not much more rough than our
metal spheres. Indeed, we found that the mean peak value of
the roughness of a 3 mm steel, glass and Nylon sphere is 0.3,
as in water by taking a thinner bottom wall (b⫽5 mm兲: The 0.7, and 0.9 ␮m, respectively.
restitution coefficient decreases significantly when b/R de- For all the tested materials—tungsten carbide, glass,
creases 共crosses in Fig. 5兲. With a thicker wall (b⫽12 mm兲, Delrin 共polyacetal兲, Teflon, Nylon 共polyamide兲 and polyure-
we did not observe such a phenomenon in the range of thane of different densities and elastic properties 共see Table
Stokes number investigated. I兲—we obtained a e⫽f共St兲 curve similar to the one already
The influence of the lateral walls has been also investi- described for steel: e is zero for St⬍10 and then increases
gated. At small Reynolds numbers, the long-range character with St before reaching at high Stokes the asymptotic maxi-
of the viscous interaction is known to be responsible for the mum dry value e max corresponding to each material 共see
change in the terminal velocity of the sphere falling along a Table I兲. As an example, the e⫽f共St兲 curve for Teflon
wall. The range of Stokes numbers of interest here corre- spheres (e max⫽0.80) is displayed in Fig. 6. With our mea-
sponds to moderate and high Reynolds numbers, for which surement precision we do not detect any significant influence
the collision process has been shown to be associated with a of the elastic solid properties on the critical bouncing Stokes
vortex emission.24 In order to investigate the possible inter- number Stc, which is Stc⬇10. This observation is in agree-
action of these vortices with the lateral walls and its influ- ment with the results obtained recently by Joseph et al.22
ence on the collision, we have made several experiments at with different types of spheres 共glass, steel, Nylon, Delrin兲
moderate Reynolds number near the bouncing transition by and walls 共glass-like and Lucite兲.
reducing the lateral extension of the vessel: The largest tank All these similar curves lead us naturally to plot in Fig. 7
dimension is 10 cm while the smallest vessel diameter was the ratio e/e max as a function of the Stokes number. All the
12 mm with falling spheres of diameter up to 6 mm. The data collapse rather well onto a single ‘‘master’’ curve, with
results are displayed in Fig. 5 and we do not observe any a shape similar to the one predicted by the lubrication theory
effect within the accuracy of our measurements. of Davis et al.16 close to the transition even if the experimen-
tal critical Stokes number, Stc⬇10, is larger than the theoret-
D. Influence of solid materials ical one, Stc⬇5, calculated for an elasticity parameter ⑀
For the measured coefficients of restitution close above ⫽10⫺5 corresponding to the experiments. It is worth noting
the critical Stokes number, Joseph et al.22 observed a disper- that in their theoretical analysis the solid surfaces are found
sion that is more or less important depending on the sphere to not come into contact during the bouncing process. Re-
material. Making a careful study of the roughness or their cently, Joseph et al.22 derived a simple analytical expression
spheres, they concluded that the dispersion in the results is for an effective coefficient of restitution, by an interesting
small for smooth spheres like their steel beads and much extension of the analysis of Barnocky and Davis18 which
larger for rougher particles like their glass or Nylon beads. introduces a critical distance x c corresponding to the rough-
By contrast, we did not find any significative difference in ness size of the solid surfaces below which the lubrication
the dispersion of our results, which may be related to the fact approximation breaks down. This expression 关Eq. 共4.4兲 of

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648 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Gondret, Lance, and Petit

FIG. 7. Coefficient of restitution normalized by its ‘‘maximal’’ value e/e max FIG. 8. Idem as Fig. 7 but as a function of the Reynolds number Re.
as a function of the Stokes number St. Experimental measurements for re-
bounds of beads of different materials: tungsten carbide 共⫹兲, steel 共⫻兲, glass
共䊊兲, Teflon 共䊐兲, Delrin 共䉭兲, polyurethane 共䉮兲, and Nylon 共〫兲 and lubrica- number is not the pertinent parameter. The data are here
tion theory of Davis et al. 共1986兲 共——兲. The data of Falcon et al. 共1998兲 highly dispersed, due to the large range of ratio ␳ s / ␳ f ,
corresponding to a bead of tungsten carbide bouncing in air are also reported
with their error bars 共I兲, by taking e max⫽0.975. changed either by varying the sphere density 共roughly from 1
to 15兲 or the fluid density 共roughly from 10⫺3 to 1兲. It is
striking to note that the dry values measured by Falcon et al.
Ref. 22兲 is not compatible with our observation of a master correspond to Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.4 to 6. De-
curve e/e max⫽f共St兲 as it predicts that the critical Stokes Stc spite these small Reynolds numbers, fluid dissipation is weak
number depends on the dry value e max of the coefficient of during the collision as the Stokes number is high (103 – 104 ).
restitution, which is not the case experimentally. In our experiments we observe some non rectilinear tra-
Falcon et al.15 have performed thorough experiments to jectories at the beginning of the falling of light spheres 共glass
study the behavior of the coefficient of restitution e with and plastic materials兲 in water, typically for Reynolds num-
vanishing impact velocity U i . To achieve this, they mea- ber ranging from 2⫻102 to 2⫻103 , the precise range de-
sured e in air for a 8 mm tungsten carbide bead impacting pending on the sphere density. We have not observed this
onto a steel pressure sensor for the last rebounds, i.e., at effect for the denser particles 共steel and tungsten carbide兲
vanishing U i . They found that, despite a higher scattering and have not been really annoyed by this effect for the de-
for the smallest rebounds, e slightly decreases when U i ap- termination of the coefficient of restitution.
proaches zero. They explained this behavior by viscoelastic
effects and produced a model that predicts such a decrease. IV. BOUNCING TRAJECTORIES
However, we wonder if this decrease may not be due to the
In this section, we present and discuss some preliminary
action of air that begins to be non-negligible at these very
results about the rebound trajectories of the spheres. In the
low sphere velocities. In order to test this assumption, we
gas case where density and viscosity of the ambient fluid are
have calculated the corresponding Stokes number 共without
negligible, the rebound is parabolic since the gravity is the
taking into account a possible Maxwell slip effect that may
dominant force acting on the sphere 共Fig. 1兲. In the case of a
come into play when the gap between the solid surfaces is of
dense and viscous fluid 共Fig. 2兲, several other non-negligible
the order of the mean free path of the gas molecules25兲 which
forces must be taken into account: The drag force, the force
is found to lie between roughly 103 and 104 and we have
arising from the added-mass effect and the history effect. As
plotted the data of Falcon et al. in our e/e max⫽f共St兲 repre-
the undisturbed ambient fluid is at rest, the equation of mo-
sentation. We observe that their results fall reasonably on our
tion of the particle may be written as
curve 共Fig. 7兲, which supports the idea that the effect of
ambient fluid could also explain this slight decrease. Further 4 dU共 t 兲
experiments are needed to conclude between the two expla- ␲R3 ␳s ⫽Fg ⫹Fd 共 t 兲 ⫹Fam 共 t 兲 ⫹Fh 共 t 兲 . 共1兲
3 dt
nations, for instance by reproducing these experiments in
vacuum instead of air, where the ambient fluid dissipation The first term of the right-hand side of Eq. 共1兲 is the
would be negligible compared to the viscoelastic process. constant gravity force Fg ⫽ 34 ␲ R 3 ( ␳ s ⫺ ␳ f )g, where g is the
Our e/e max⫽f共St兲 master curve shows that the Stokes gravity acceleration. The second term is the instantaneous
number is the pertinent scaling parameter for collision pro- pseudo-steady drag force Fd (t) that the sphere would expe-
cesses in fluids. This is made even more clear if one looks at rience in a steady motion of velocity U(t). It corresponds to
the evolution of the ratio e/e max as a function of the Rey- the steady Stokes law Fd ⫽⫺6 ␲ ␮ RU at zero Reynolds num-
nolds number Re⫽ ␳ f U i R/ ␮ based on the impact velocity U i ber, and deviates from this law for larger Reynolds number
共Fig. 8兲. Figure 8 demonstrates clearly that the Reynolds but may be expressed as Fd ⫽⫺6 ␲ ␮ RU␾ , where the factor

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids 649

␾ is a function of the Reynolds number Re. Many empirical

expressions exist taking into account the experimental varia-
tions of ␾ (Re). 26 We will take ␾ ⫽1⫹0.15ReD 0.687
, which is
a law commonly used for Reynolds numbers ReD 共here
based on the particle diameter兲 up to 103 and which com-
pares to experimental values within a deviation of ⫾5%.26
The third term in 共1兲 is the added-mass force which is found
to be Fam (t)⫽⫺ 34 ␲ R 3 21 ␳ f 关 dU(t)/dt 兴 in the two limit cases
of creeping and inviscid flows.27 Recent numerical studies
show that the added-mass term for finite-Reynolds-number
flows is the same as predicted by creeping flow and potential
flow theory over a wide range of the dimensionless
relative acceleration.28 Note that in the inviscid limit, this
force is modified by the presence of a solid wall by the
factor (1⫹ 38 R/(R⫹h)), where h is the distance between
the bottom of the particle and the wall.27 This modification
is not so large since this factor never exceeds 11/8. As
we do not see any effect on the trajectory before the colli-
sion, we will neglect this factor in the following and
thus assume that the added-mass force is given by Fam (t)
⫽⫺ 43 ␲ R 3 21 ␳ f 关 dU(t)/dt 兴 . The last term in Eq. 共1兲 is the
history force which may be expressed as Fh (t)
⫽⫺6 ␲ ␮ R 兰 ⫺⬁ t
K(t,s;ReD )U̇(s)ds, where it appears as a
convolution product of the acceleration of the particle with
the kernel K(t,s;ReD ). At zero Reynolds number the history
term is known as the Basset force with the kernel K(t,s)
⫽ 关 ␳ f R 2 / ␲ ␮ (t⫺s) 兴 1/2. At nonzero Reynolds number, the
kernel expression for the history force is still controversial.
The expression of Odar and Hamilton29,30 modifying the
Basset force just by a numerical coefficient to account for the
inertial effect has been shown to be incorrect.31 More re-
cently, Mei and Adrian31 proposed an approximation, based
FIG. 9. Rebound trajectories for steel spheres at Re⬇102 共a兲 in a gas 共3 mm
on numerical results for small oscillations about a mean flow,
sphere in air at Re⫽100兲 and 共b兲 in a liquid 共6 mm sphere in a silicone oil
with a combination of two terms with different scalings. If RV20, Re⫽106兲. Experimental measurements 共䊊兲 and theoretical predic-
the t ⫺1/2 fading effect for small times was shown to be as- tions taking into account F g 共---兲, F g ⫹F d 共 兲, F g ⫹F d ⫹F am 共—•—兲,
ymptotically correct, the t ⫺2 decay at long times appears to F g ⫹F d ⫹F am ⫹F h 共—兲.
be an artifact of the interpolation procedure.32 The analysis
of Lawrence and Mei32 and of Lovalenti and Brady33 have
shown that the asymptotic behavior of the kernel at long
times may be t ⫺2 or t ⫺1 or even exponential, depending on trajectory. The case of a steel sphere is displayed in Fig. 9 for
the type of motion 共sudden stop, sudden increase, reverse approximately the same incident Reynolds number (Re
motion, . . . 兲. To show this, they take into account the modi- ⬇102 ) in a gas 共a兲 and in a liquid 共b兲. Together with the
fication of the wake of the particle due to the modification of experimental results 共䊊兲 are shown the trajectories calcu-
the motion. In the particular case of a reverse motion, with a lated in the case where only the gravity is taken into account
constant velocity U r ⫽⫺eU i imposed after an initial con- 共¯兲, or with the addition of the drag force 共 兲, of the
stant velocity U i , the ‘‘old’’ wake will be upstream of the added-mass effect 共—•—兲, and finally of the history term
particle, and will be swept back towards the body, leading 共—兲. The initial rebound velocity for the calculations is the
thus to a lower decrease of the history force. As a matter of experimental one and thus not a fitting parameter. In the case
fact, the flow velocity near the body is increased, owing to where the ambient fluid is a gas 关Fig. 9共a兲兴, all the forces
the flux in the old wake, by an amount which scales with 1/t except the gravity are negligible and, as expected, the re-
at long times. By this kind of analysis, Lawrence and Mei32 bound is parabolic. In the case where the ambient fluid is a
obtained the following expression for the history force at liquid 关Fig. 9共b兲兴 this is no longer true, and taking only the
long times: Fh (t)⫽⫺6 ␲ ␮ RUr ␾ h (t), where ␾ h (t)⬃ 23 ( ␾ r gravity into account leads to a large overestimate of the re-
⫹ReDr ␾ r⬘ )/(1⫹e) ␾ i t ⫺1 ( ␾ i,r stands for ␾ (ReDi,r ) and ␾ ⬘ bound. The dissipating role of the drag force is important to
is the derivative of ␾ with respect to ReD ). We have chosen explain the smaller rebound but not sufficient, and the added-
to take this history form in our calculations for rebound tra- mass effect turns out to be non-negligible even for a density
jectories, with a numerical prefactor ␣ as a fitting parameter. ratio of about 8. However, the addition of these terms is not
In the following, we have focused on the first rebound sufficient to reproduce the experimental curve, which clearly

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650 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Gondret, Lance, and Petit

FIG. 11. Rebound trajectories for spheres of different densities in liquids at

nearly the same Reynolds numbers Re⬇102 : 共a兲 ␳ s / ␳ f ⫽15.7 共5 mm tung-
FIG. 10. Rebound trajectories for steel spheres in liquids ( ␳ s / ␳ f ⬇8) at sten carbide sphere in silicone oil RV20, Re⫽108兲; 共b兲 ␳ s / ␳ f ⫽8.2 共6 mm
different Reynolds numbers: 共a兲 Re⫽394 共5 mm in silicon oil RV5兲; 共b兲 steel sphere in silicon oil RV20, Re⫽106兲; 共c兲 ␳ s / ␳ f ⫽2.7 共6 mm glass
Re⫽106 共6 mm sphere in silicon oil RV20兲; 共c兲 Re⫽55 共4 mm sphere in sphere in silicone oil RV10, Re⫽119兲; 共d兲 ␳ s / ␳ f ⫽1.5 共5 mm Delrin sphere
silicon oil RV20兲; 共d兲 Re⫽15 共6 mm sphere in silicone oil RV100兲. Experi- in silicon oil RV5, Re⫽91兲. Experimental measurements 共䊊兲 and theoretical
mental measurements 共䊊兲 and theoretical predictions taking into account F g predictions taking into account F g 共---兲, F g ⫹F d 共 兲, F g ⫹F d ⫹F am
共---兲, F g ⫹F d 共 兲, F g ⫹F d ⫹F am 共—•—兲, F g ⫹F d ⫹F am ⫹F h 共—兲. 共—•—兲, F g ⫹F d ⫹F am ⫹F h 共—兲.

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2002 Bouncing motion of spherical particles in fluids 651

shows that the history force is necessary to predict correctly that history forces cannot be neglected for the bouncing tra-
the rebound trajectory of a sphere in a liquid. jectories after the collisions for Reynolds numbers up to
In Fig. 10, we have shown rebound trajectories for dif- about 103 .
ferent Reynolds numbers from 15 to 400 keeping the density
ratio constant around 8 共steel spheres in different liquids兲. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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